The Homestead


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All too soon their ride was over and they walked back to the car and drove home. Once they were back inside the house, it was time again for hot chocolate. David preferred a more adult libation and chuckled when Holly insisted on having hot chocolate with the kids. "With plenty of marshmallows," she added. "Besides, the stuff you like to drink tastes like bad medicine."

"I can't help it if I've developed a taste for bourbon and vermouth, dear girl," David answered. "Although this is a festive night and the vermouth is replaced with Cointreau."

While Holly and the kids happily fixed their hot cocoa, David got busy in the family room building a fire and getting it started. By the time they had finished in the kitchen and joined him, the fire was beginning to blaze brightly.

"So you guys want to watch a movie or something?" David asked.

"I wanna watch Shrek," Drew chipped in.

"You always want to watch that, Drew," Jenna said. "Let's watch something Christmasy."

"Let's see, we've got It's a Wonderful Life," David suggested.

"What about one of the Santa Clause movies?" Jenna said.

"We just got Elf too," Drew suggested. "I just love the part where he drinks that whole big bottle of pop and burps really long!"

"There are some other good parts too, aren't there?" David commented as he located the DVD case among those sent over by their mother and pulled it out. After popping it in, David got the popcorn going and they soon settled into watching the movie. There was room for all of them to fit on the plush leather couch; David on the end, Holly fitted into the crook of his arm, and Drew and Jenna close by. They passed the popcorn back and forth and enjoyed the movie. Both Holly and David chuckled at Jenna's commentary. She did have the uncanny knack of knowing what to expect at the movies.

"Check it out, the love interest," she said at the appropriate moment. Then later she simply sighed deeply. "Oh, poor Buddy," Jenna remarked. "He's just sooo cute."

They all laughed and cried as they snuggled together on the couch and watched the movie. Soon after, it was time for Drew to head off to bed but David had to work at getting him into bed.

"We've got a long day tomorrow, Boo-boo," David told him. "We've got to decorate the tree, make Christmas cookies, maybe finish up some last minute shopping."

Reluctantly, Drew crawled into his new bed in his new room and David tucked the covers around him. While giving him a big hug, he whispered near his ear, "Goodnight, Boo-boo. I love you, Drew boy." David rose up from the bed and turned off the overhead light, leaving on just the small dim lamp on the nightstand.

"Oh and Dad," Drew called out.

"What Boo-boo?"

"You didn't say goodnight to Spike," Drew said pulling his stuffed buffalo from under the covers and holding him up.

"Goodnight, Spike, goodnight, Drew, goodnight all the rest of you guys!"

Drew had to say goodnight for all the rest of his stuffed animals, in cute little squeaky voices. He may be ten years old, but he's still a little kid, David thought. And that isn't a bad thing. When David walked down the hall, he overheard Jenna talking with Holly.

"But you'll never be my Mom," Jenna said firmly.

"I don't want to be your mother, honey," Holly said plainly. "I don't know whatever it was that happened between her and your Dad and besides it isn't my place to say. But no one can ever replace her in your life. I'm certainly not going to try."

"But you and my Dad are living together, so you must want to marry him or something," Jenna went on. David held up in the hallway for a moment while they talked. "That's what most of his other girlfriends have wanted."

"I really don't think we're at that point yet, Jenna," Holly replied. "Honey, look, I love your Dad ... I really love him a lot ... more than I can put into words. And I'm going to stay with him as long as he'll have me. And if he asks me to marry him some day, I probably will. But even if I do, it will never take your relationship with your mother away from you. You'll always have that. I can't touch that."

"But you're so much younger than him. I have a hard time with that."

"Maybe because you're so young, I don't know. All I know is what I feel about your Dad. He's a great guy and I don't want to lose him, ever."

"Well, okay, I guess. But you and I can be friends, right?" Jenna asked.

"I hope that we can be the best of friends, Jenna," Holly answered.

"That would be so cool," Jenna laughed. "I could have the coolest mom in school!"

"But you just said ..." Holly remarked as if confused.

"Hey, just playing with ya," Jenna said seriously, then added teasingly, "Mom!"

They both laughed and David made a sound as if he were just approaching. He paused by the doorway to Jenna's room. The girls had apparently been sitting together on the bed, Holly was getting up and Jenna was slipping between the covers.

"Don't tell me you're going to bed already, honey?" David asked.

"Yeah, it's getting late and I'm kind of tired with everything going on." Jenna sighed and curled up under the covers.

"Then good night, sweetie. Glad to have you home."

"Thanks, Daddy. Goodnight."

He pulled the door to her room closed and joined up with Holly.

"So, have you two made your peace?" David whispered.

"Yes, I think so," Holly answered in an exaggerated whisper. "She's a great kid. You're really lucky."

"Thanks," David said easing his arm around her waist. "I'm lucky cause I have both of you ... actually, all three of you," he added, nodding toward Drew's room.

Hand in hand, they returned downstairs to the great room. The fire had settled and David poked at the smoldering oak logs and lay in a couple more. He sat on the hearth while the flames caught and the fire erupted again. Holly had been flipping through the television channels but turned it off when there was nothing interesting. David took the opportunity to cue up some seasonal music, soft instrumental versions of some favorite holiday tunes. Holly made room for him on the couch and he settled into the corner, holding her as she leaned back against him.

"This is so nice," she purred, folding her arms over his and holding them against her. "I feel so warm and safe here with you."

"I want you to feel happy about this," he replied. "I want you to feel as though there is no other place you'd rather be, and no one else you'd rather be with."

"But what about my family?" she asked. "You know how attached I am to my folks and brothers and sister."

"I do and they are all welcome here," David replied. He couldn't tell exactly if she was joking or not, but he certainly wasn't joking in his answer. "I could never come between you and your friends and family. But I would hope that they would never come between us."

"They won't," she reassured him. "They'll love you, I just know it."

"Even if I'm older than your father?"

Holly was silent for a moment. There were those kinds of things to consider if they were to become a permanent couple. Being in love and enjoying great sex wasn't enough. There would be challenges ahead with both families, even with the two of them.

"Even if ..." Holly answered finally. "They'll see how much we're in love and how well you take care of me ... how happy I am."

"Are you?" David asked. "Are you happy ... here with me?"

"I am ... very," Holly replied.

Their voices became softer as the meaning of their words deepened. David felt Holly relax and she rested her head against his chest, nestled near his shoulder. His nostrils were filled with the scent of her hair and her perfume. For the longest while they sat together, just holding each other close. David leaned down to kiss her hair; Holly ran her hand over his chest. Then she lifted her head up and faced him.

"I always want to feel this way about you, honey ... always," she said in a soft voice barely audible above the sweet strains of the Christmas music.

"Good, because this is too good a feeling to let go," David replied. He placed his hand under her chin and guided her lips toward his. It was a soft sweet kiss that they shared, their soft warm lips pressing together and parting over and over again. Each time their lips met, they were warmer and wetter and the kiss lasted longer. Holly raised her hand from his chest to his face, her long fingers stroking his cheek. There was a special look in each of their eyes, a look not of lust and longing, as so many of their glances had been in the time since they had been together, this was a look of loving and belonging.

They sank back onto the sofa remaining close together, listening to the soft holiday music play and feeling the warmth of the blazing fire. With the lights turned low, there was a golden glow in the room that seemed to heighten all of their senses, particularly touch and smell.

"I love the way you feel," David remarked softly as he eased his hand over her firm belly.

"And I love the way you feel me," Holly replied. "I love to be touched."

"I know," he whispered as his hands glided up over her arms. He felt her snuggle close to him. When his hand slipped down to caress her breast through the soft plush wool of her sweater, Holly purred softly arching her back gently into the sweep of his touch. David traced his fingertips along the edge of her bra, circling slowly around her firm but pliant flesh. Finally his fingertips grazed over her nipples; he could feel the puckered texture, and the erect tip through her clothes, and heard the sound of her sigh.

Holly shifted enough to face him and their lips met in another warm loving kiss. Their tongues began to play, little dancing flicks at first, but soon growing to deep plunges into each other's mouth, their heated exchange bringing murmurs of pleasure to both of their throats. As their deep long kiss continued, Holly turned and climbed onto his lap, straddling his hips and facing him fully, her hands cradling his face. She leaned down and kissed his face, not just his lips, but the corners that were curled up from his smile, his cheeks, his chin, his nose, his forehead, his closed eyelids. They were soft gentle loving kisses, but each one sent a new and different tingle coursing through his body. And when her kisses returned to his lips, they were stronger and wetter and deeper and accompanied by the sweetest little whimpers of desire.

David let his hands explore her waist and hips, gliding over the soft snug fabric of her slacks, feeling the firm curves of her ass as she straddled him, his fingers finding the edging of her string panties. He gripped her ass and pulled her body close to him, feeling the mound of her sex press against the firmness of his growing erection. As he slipped his hands up from her ass, he brought them around to the front and eased them up underneath her sweater. The soft bare flesh of her tummy was warm as his fingers felt their way up toward her breasts. He cupped them tenderly, feeling their full swell fill his hands, the stiff erect nipples pressing through the silken fabric of her bra and into his palms.

"Yes, David ... touch me ... touch me all over," Holly sighed as his hands squeezed her breasts. But suddenly, she let go of his face and sat upright on his lap. "What about your kids?"

"What do you mean, Baby?" David replied still fondling the lush swell of her breasts.

"Won't they hear us or wake up or something?"

"They're probably sound asleep upstairs on the other side of the house. The doors are closed. I don't think we have anything to worry about."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Baby," David answered and added a warm wet kiss. "I'm sure."

Holly leaned back for a moment and looked around the room filled with the glow of the blazing fire. Crossing her arms over her chest, Holly reached down and grasped the hem of her sweater. In one long slow motion, she pulled the plush dark red material up and off over her head. She shook her head side to side to shake out her chestnut red tresses. As she did so, David left his hands on her body, but now pulled them away to gaze at her. Holly looked so sweet and sexy in the flimsy little silken bra, a deep purple with delicate black lace trim. The material was so sheer that her stiff nipples were easily seen as her firm curves surged up from the purple silk.

David then ran his hands over her body, from her waist to her shoulders and back again. He traced the cups of her bra where they ran over the jiggling upper curves of her breasts. His hands followed around to the back, dancing along the edge of the silk and lace, teasing her soft supple skin. He could feel her hips begin to rock gently as he touched her body. When his fingers found the clasp of her bra, Holly rested her hands on his shoulders and arched her back giving him easy access. The bra snapped apart with ease and David slowly peeled it away from her breasts.

"Mmm, Baby! You are so beautiful," David said in a low husky voice. The sight of her perfectly round breasts topped by the gorgeously erect rosy pink nipples made him growl. He cupped her bare breasts, letting his fingertips graze over her taut nipples, watching them grown stiff and puckered. And when he had teased them into sheer perfection, he leaned forward and kissed them, one then the other and back again and again until they were warm and damp from his kisses. David suckled them and nibbled them relentlessly not stopping even when Holly began to pull away. He reached behind her back and kept her body close to him.

"Oh, honey! You're gonna make me cum just by kissing me there," she hummed as she surrendered to the wonders of David's oral onslaught.

David grinned and kissed his way back up to her mouth, his hands gliding back around to her breasts, to pinch and pull and tease her nipples so damp from his kisses. Holly began to tug at his sweater eventually getting him to raise his arms so she could pull it off him. His t-shirt quickly followed and was tossed aside. She leaned down and kissed his chest and nibbled on his tight little man nipples, delighting in the way his body twitched with each nip.

"Is somebody getting turned on?" Holly asked with a little swivel of her hips on his, feeling the length of his erection rub against her sex. She reached down between her legs and ran her fingers over his growing member. "Hmm, I think so."

"Um, guilty as charged," David replied. "Not that you aren't."

"Oh, honey, I'm way more than turned on, you know me that well," Holly replied, trying to open up his slacks and decided to slip down off his lap to finish the job. Settling down onto the floor between his legs, Holly opened up his slacks and giggled when she saw the black silk boxers imprinted with red lip prints and the words, Merry Christmas! "Oh, these are too cute!" she exclaimed and quickly pulled his slacks down to get a better view.

"Like these, eh?" David asked as he kicked off his shoes and let her pull his pants down and off.

"Oh, I like ... very Christmasy, honey," Holly chuckled as she ran her hands up over his legs and then teasingly over the bulge growing in his lap through the silken boxers. "But I think I like this even more." Her fingers coiled around his thickening cock, surrounding it with the plush silk of his shorts and stroking it gently. "Mmm, you are always so responsive."

With one hand Holly stroked his cock until it was rock hard and cradled his balls with the other. She teased him unmercifully, stroking him, even leaning down to nibble on his erection through the silk of his shorts. Then she slipped a hand up the leg of his shorts grasping his long hot hard-on and bringing a deep groan to his lips.

"Oh, god, Holly! Fuck!" he swore, unable to control his words or the rocking of his hips.

Holly found the opening of his shorts and popped his cock out. "Oh, my," she giggled as his long thick pink cock rose up from the hole in the black silk Christmas shorts. "I guess you are happy to see me." She held his cock upright at the base with her hand still buried in his boxers and leaned forward to lap at the tip with her tongue. Holly ran her tongue up and down the length of his shaft until it was fully hard and glistening. Then she swirled her tongue around the head until David groaned with pleasure.

Holly grinned and parted her lips just a bit, then kissed the head, and swiveled her mouth back and forth around the cap, humming as she went. David tried to thrust his hips up but she resisted, keeping his surging cock resting at her lips, the entrance to her mouth. As her lips parted further, he could feel her twirl her tongue around the head of his cock, sucking the first drops of precum into her mouth.

"Is this what you want, honey?" she asked with an impish grin.

David struggled to keep his eyes on her as Holly began to stroke him with both hands. He nodded. "Yes, but more."

"More, honey?" she asked, the devilish grin growing. She rose up on her knees and brought her breasts toward his cock. Guiding his upright shaft between them, Holly pushed her breasts together surrounding his cock. "Like this?"

"Oh, yeah, that's good," David moaned. "But I want more."

"More? You are a greedy boy, aren't you?" she laughed. As she rocked up and down, sliding his cock between her breasts, Holly leaned down and lapped at the head of his cock each time it came near her mouth. "Is this what you want?"

"Mmm, yes ... but something ... something more," David murmured.

"I wonder what that could be?" Holly said with a phony little perplexed look on her face. Then her face lit up. "Oh, I think I know what you want."

Holly settled back down between his legs and leaned forward bringing her mouth close to his cock. With her eyes trained on his, she opened her mouth and took his cock inside. All he could feel was the warmth and wetness of her tongue and lips and she sank his cock deep inside her mouth. Sucking him hard, Holly drew him to the back of her throat. Then she slowly began to bob her head up and down, sucking him deep inside then backing away. She knew she was driving him crazy because his hips rocked uncontrollably and he kept calling out her name in little sharp curses.

"Oh fuck Holly! Jesus! Oh, shit!" he growled as she sucked him deeply into her mouth. Holly slowly eased her mouth off him, grazing her teeth over the head as his cock popped out of her mouth.

"You better keep the noise down," Holly admonished him. "You'll wake up the kids."

"No ... don't ... stop," David growled. "Please."

"Oh, I just love it when you beg," Holly giggled. Then she dove back down and sucked him deeper and harder than before.

David reached his hands down to fondle her breasts swaying just within his grasp. There was a raw passion to her manner but it felt so complete and loving. He stroked her hair with one hand, helping her keep it from interfering with her luscious oral lovemaking. Perhaps on some level this might be seen as what it appeared on the surface, but to David this act held much more meaning and he longed to share the feeling. He lifted her head from his throbbing sex and kissed her fully on the lips, a deep loving kiss that drew her up from her knees and into his arms. From there, he maneuvered her up onto the couch, stretching her out on her back while his hands sought the snap and zip for her snug black pants. His fingers must have been a little cold for Holly began to giggle.

"You're tickling me," she laughed as she arched her back so that David could reach the zipper and snap. Once he had finished that, Holly reclined back down onto the couch and let David tug her pants down her long, long legs.

David couldn't resist running his hands up over the smooth sleek skin of her long shapely legs. Although she tried to keep her knees together it didn't take long for David to pry them apart with the right combination of caresses and kisses. Everywhere he touched her he kissed her; everywhere he kissed her, he caressed her. Finally he reached the top of her legs and the silky triangle of purple fabric that covered her sex.