The Huntress


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"Right. How about you go down to him. I'll head the way we were going, the path should be up the hill," Bea suggested.

"No, no, we both need to get out of here," Sandrah turned to Bea.

"I'll be fine. You get down there and say hello. Who knows he could be your soulmate, someone to marry, things like that happen."

"Bea, you're sweet, but - "

"Go on, it'll be fine."

"Paper, rock, scissors? I want you to have a chance. Not that they'd count this as a win, but you never know," Sandrah said.

"They might."

Sandrah held out her fist, offering a fair chance for Bea to recover from this disaster too.

"Ugh, fine," Bea said. "Count of three."

"One, two, three," Sandrah threw paper, Bea scissors.

"Best two-out-three?" Bea asked. They threw again. Sandrah was rock, Bea was scissors. On the final round Bea was paper, Sandrah was rock.

"Congrats," Sandrah smiled weakly. "You won. I guess. Go to him. I'll head up the hill and find a path."

Bea nodded, watching Sandrah turn to leave. She thought fast, quickly reaching for Sandrah's bikini bottoms, ripping them clean off.

"Go get him, huntress!" Bea shoved a nearly nude Sandrah off the waterfall, watching her splash below. She waved and blew Sandrah a kiss when she surfaced.

Sandrah shook her head, thankful there weren't any rocks she could've landed on. She smiled back to Bea then watched her head into the jungle.

"Might as well," Sandrah thought. She removed her bikini top, now only wearing her shoes and socks and bloody tank top tied to her arm.

"Maybe, just maybe, she's right," Sandrah swam toward the beach. "Maybe this guy could be the love of my life. Maybe my destiny. Maybe we'd fall in love from our ordeal out here, having found one another and survived it."

Sandrah rose from the water, eyes on her prize, slowly walking toward him. "Maybe I will win something far better after all," she thought, her shadow covering some of the man. He didn't hear her foot falls in the sand over the sound of the water. Sandrah stood over him, slowly squatting her naked body on top him.

When she straddled him, he tensed up, frozen, but knowing someone found him. "Hi there. I found you," Sandrah said.

She removed the tarp covering his face. Her heart stopped.

She saw a young man, olive-colored skin like her, dark hair and eyes like her, a bewildered and embarrassed look on his face. Sandrah jumped off him, covering her breasts with a forearm, her crotch with a hand. She couldn't speak if she tried, she wanted to run away, but didn't want him to see her naked anymore than he already did.

The younger guy rose to his elbows, mouth hanging open. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"Hey mom."


Sandrah's son, Luis, draped his tarp over his mother's nude body. Sandrah sat on the beach, crying, unable to look at her son. Luis sat next to her, sympathetically patting her back, rubbing he shoulder.

"Your arm. You ok?" he asked.

Sandrah nodded "yes" through her tears.

"A helicopter should be here soon, I would think. They can spot us easily here," Luis said.

Sandrah wiped her tears, anger and shame preventing her from speaking or looking at Luis.

"Mom, I'm - "

She held out her hand to silence him. She wanted to hug him, slap him, talk to him, and scold him for going on this show. But at the same time she wanted to run away, hide, and forget this entire experience ever happened.

They sat in silence for half an hour before they heard a low rumble coming over the tree line. It got louder and louder - one of the remaining helicopters was arriving.

"Here they are. Come on, let's go, Mom," Luis stood, his hand extended.

"Shhh," she shushed him. "Don't call me that. This is too embarrassing," Sandrah said, looking down at her covered body. Thoughts of climbing on top of the man she hunted down, naked, laughing about the experience and one thing leading to another left her thoughts. Shame and anger at herself and Luis replaced them. These people, the show's crew, couldn't know she and her son were on this show.

Sitting in the helicopter, riding back to the resort, Sandrah didn't know how extensive the background checks were. Luis put his arm around his mother, comforting her. Sandrah glanced at the pilot and an EMT tech riding along. "Might as well play along," she thought, leaning her head against Luis' shoulder.

She last saw her son, several months earlier for Thanksgiving. She missed him greatly. When or if they got alone time, she would ask him why he's there, then scold him for being out in the storm - like she was.

"Mom," Luis spoke in her ear, the noise from the helicopter drowning out their words from the others nearby.

"What?" She asked, irritated at everything.

"Sorry," Luis said, looking away.

His mother couldn't stay angry forever. Her relief he was alright overrode her anger toward him for coming on the show. "We'll talk later," Sandrah said, smiling, leaning back against him. The female EMT sitting across from them smiled.

When they landed, they were assisted inside the resort. The EMT stitched Sandrah's arm. "Looks like you caught a cutie," she said.

"Huh? Oh, him," Sandrah said, wincing from slight pain, the medication not numbing her arm completely.

"I know you two had a rough time out there, but who knows? Maybe your time wasn't too bad," she smiled at Sandrah, winking at her, reminding her without words that she was barely clothed.

"Heh, yeah, who knows."

Sandrah was brought clothes and told to wait for a briefing. Luis, wearing a new t-shirt arrived a few minutes later.

"Mom," he said, holding his arms out for a hug.

"I said don't call me that!" Sandrah fussed. "If they knew you and I were mother and son, ugh, I can't imagine," Sandrah held her face, Luis hugging her, holding her against him.

"I guess they didn't check to see if contestants were related," Luis offered.

"I guess not. Or pay attention to weather patterns either," Sandrah added.

She ended his hug, swatting at him. "You could've died out there! What were you thinking?"

"Same thing you wanted, to win first prize I guess."

"I can't believe they chose you for this show! You JUST turned 18. Does your father know?"

"No. He thinks I'm with friends during spring break."

"Did you ever think about him seeing you on the show when it airs?"

"He doesn't watch it. I only watched it a few times. I thought it'd be fun."

"Fun? Fun to get hunted down by an older woman. You know that sometimes that leads to more!"

"I know. I was hoping, I mean, I uh - "

"You like older women. Great. You came on here to get laid by an older woman," Sandrah shook her head.

"Yeah, well, YOU came on here to hunt a younger guy and take him to bed!" Luis accused his mother.

"I, uh, I mean, maybe. I don't know!"

"Don't point fingers at me. We're both in this."

"And it turned out horribly. We could've died! And that poor pilot last night. This is too much, too mortifying. I was naked out there, on you," Sandrah fought tears.

"Mom, I'm sorry," Luis calmed down, hugging her while she cried.

"Please don't let them hear you call me that. Let's try to get past this nightmare."

Luis held his mother for a few minutes. Thankful he was safe, she relaxed, her arms unfolding and wrapping around her son's waist. She looked up at him, caressing his face.

"You look good. I mean, looks like soccer has done you well," Sandrah said.

"Thanks. You too. I know you've been exercising a lot, right?"

"Yeah," She hugged him harder once more.

A few crew members, including the executive producer entered the room, walking in on mother and son embracing.

"Ah. See? People find true love all the time on our show. Look at you two, a new couple," he clapped for them.

Sandrah and her son shot one another an embarrassed look, ending their quiet moment.

"Thanks for joining me for this briefing," the executive producer shook Sandrah and Luis' hands. They sat in a small conference room at the resort.

"I'll cut right to it. We will be awarding you two first prize even though the hunt was cancelled. So Sandrah you and him will be able to stay here for an entire week - all expenses paid. We are upping the cash prize as well. You'll both get $100,000."

"Um, ok," Sandrah said, shocked. She glanced at her son, who was just as shocked.

"Great. This is great. You'll both have your own rooms here, you're free to go, free to enjoy your week. I need to go. My assistant will take over and guide you from here," the producer said, taking his leave.

"They better not fucking sue me," he thought to himself leaving Sandrah and her son alone once more.

Mom and son were silent for a couple minutes.

"Well," Sandrah spoke up. "This was interesting."

"Yep," Luis agreed.

"So," Sandrah nodded. "I guess we'll be here a week."

"Yep," he scratched his neck.

"Want to meet up for dinner later?"

"Yeah, that'd be cool."

Mom and son shared another awkward look, Luis stood to leave.

"Luis," his mother said. He turned around seeing her arms extended.

"Mom," he whispered in case someone could hear.

They hugged one another once more, Sandrah kissing his cheeks, then his lips quickly - so thankful he was fine.

"I'm glad you're ok," Sandrah said.

"Yeah, I was scared, but I made it. I found an old fallen tree, made myself a little shelter. I used a flare to burn what I could for a fire. You made it too. You found me," Luis kissed her cheek.

"Let's try to have fun tonight. Let's try to salvage this horrible experience," his mother suggested.

"Sounds good, Mom."

They ended the hug, Sandrah played with his hair, a joyous feeling in her heart. "I'll see you later this evening."


Mom and son caught up over dinner. They talked about school, his plans for college, and briefly touched on his dismal dating life. Sandrah said hers was nothing special as well before changing the subject.

Another sore spot was Luis' father. He was engaged and getting remarried soon. Sandrah downed her glass of wine, ordering another and changed the subject once again.

"I still can't believe they let you on the show," Sandrah said, sipping her wine.

"Yeah well, I am of age I guess."

"A high school senior, wanting some older woman chasing after him," his mother said.

"I did," Luis shrugged; they smiled and held hands across the table.

As dinner progressed Sandrah was feeling much better about things, forgetting the horrible experience on the show and simply enjoying herself. She even ordered wine for Luis, not caring at this point if he was too young to drink, ordering him not to tell his father.

Both mom and son were laughing, giggling, stumbling their way back to her room.

"Ooh, you want to come to my room huh?" Sandrah joked.

"Well, yeah, I was hunted down by a woman on the show," Luis slurred.

"You are so very bad," Sandrah said, struggling to slide her card and unlock the door.

"Here," Luis snatched it from her, sliding it through the first time.

"Thanks," Sandrah giggled, taking her card.

They entered her room, her arm around his waist. Sandrah led him to bed, pushing him on it. She climbed next to him, lying in his arms.

"Mmm, gonna manhandle me, huntress?" Luis asked.

"You wouldn't be able to handle me, boy," his mother joked.

"Yeah well, maybe."

"I knew that's why you came on the show," Sandrah sat up, her hand on his chest. "You wanted some older woman to hunt you down and take you to bed!"

"Uh huh. Looks like that's what happened."

"Oh yeah?" Sandrah threw her leg over Luis and sat up, straddling him. She unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt, rubbing her hands over his chest.

"Manhandle you," She chuckled.

"Yes. Go for it," Luis said, eyes heavy from the alcohol.

"Ha. I think I'd need more wine for that," Sandrah said climbing off her son. She looked in small, fully-stocked fridge, seeing champagne instead. "Besides, after what we've been through, I need more to help me forget it."

"This will do," She grabbed a bottle, looking for an opener.

She was startled a few seconds later after feeling a hard slap on her ass, causing her to nearly spill her drink.

"Face it, that's why you came on this show too. You wanted to find a young guy for yourself," Luis said, standing behind her, sliding his arms around her, holding her against him.

"Yes! Yes I did," Sandrah said, taking a couple large gulps of her champagne. "I wanted to find something special here."

"Well I'm the best catch on the island. So I'd say you did," Luis said, his hand gliding up and down his mother's flat tummy.

Sandrah turned around, giving Luis her glass. He took a few gulps handing it back. She messed with his hair, "I might have to agree with you on that."

Mother and son shared a drunken smile. Sandrah purposefully spilled the last few sips of her champagne on Luis's shirt.

"Ah, Mom, careful."

"Oops. Better take that shirt off," Sandrah said, sitting her glass down, quickly turning around, grabbing and ripping her son's shirt off.

"Hey! Careful," Luis said.

"You want to be manhandled, right?" Sandrah guiding Luis back to the bed. "Careful is the last thing I'm going to be with you."

Sandrah pushed Luis on the bed, climbing on him once more.

"Ooh, you gonna wear me out?" he slapped her ass again.

"I might."

"You got a nice butt, by-the-way," Luis said, rubbing his hands all over it. "Working out has done it well."

Sandrah was inches from his face, "Thank you."

Luis smiled, his hand playfully resting on her ass. He slowly pulled her dress up next, exposing her bare behind.

"Oops," Luis smiled.

"You're being naughty."

"So?" Luis grabbed her butt, squeezing it. "No underwear? You're naughty too. You must've really wanted to get some action with the young man you caught."

"Yes. Or maybe when I saw how handsome the guy I caught is, I decided no panties for him."


"Sure," Sandrah answered, quickly kissing Luis on the lips.

"Aww, that was nice," he said, still massaging her ass. Sandrah did it again, leaving her lips on his a little longer.

"So is this," Luis said, referring to her ass.

"You've already told me," Sandrah said, climbing off her son. She found her glass, pouring more champagne.

Luis whistled at her, watching her sip her drink, her dress still pulled up, her ass still exposed. Sandrah drunkenly spanked herself, downing her drink.

"Might as well make the most of our time here," she stumbled back to him.

Luis smiled watching her approach him once more. Sandrah climbed on him, grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Luis sat up, kissing back, holding her ass.

"We're drunk," Luis said through her kisses.

"Mmhmm," his mother closed her eyes, her tongue getting involved.

"Really drunk," Luis said, his mother's tongue sliding into his mouth.

They broke the kiss, out-of-breath, "You wanna?" Sandra asked.

"Uh huh," Luis nodded, his hands helping his mother slide off her dress.

They kissed again, Sandrah naked now. A few minutes later, she slowly slid down his body, off the bed, onto her knees on the floor.

"Don't," she hiccupped. "Don't tell your father about this either."

"I won't tell anyone. You gonna give me a blow job?" Luis slurred back.

"I am. Then we're gonna get it on, young man!"

"Ahh yeah," Luis laid back, eyes closed, while his mother unbuttoned his pants, unzipped him and fished out an erection.

"Mmm, very nice. Look like I nabbed a very good one," Sandrah said before quickly devouring his cock in a drunken daze, slobbering and drooling all over it, not caring who it belonged to.

"Care-careful," Luis struggled to say and keep himself from cumming.

"Feel good?"


"Tastes good," Sandrah said, continuing to weave her head to and fro, sucking and loving on Luis' dick.

Another few moments passed and Sandrah stood, wiping the drool off her mouth and chest. "Ok, I want that thing in me."

She poured another glass of champagne and climbed on Luis. With one hand holding the glass, the other guided his cock in her. "Ahh yeah, that's it."

Luis sat up; too dazed to care his mother was sitting on him, his cock balls deep in her. She took a few sips and offered it to him. He sipped from it and wrapped his arms around her.

Sandrah took one final sip and dumped the rest of her drink on his head. Luis didn't care, only staring back, eyes glazed over, at his mother.

Sandrah smiled, tipped his chin to her lips, kissing him tenderly.

"Good. Now fuck me," she ordered.

"Yes ma'am!" Luis said. He rolled over, taking his mother with him. Pinning her down, they kissed frantically, the taste of wine and champagne on their tongues.

"Yes," Luis was humping away, no rhyme or reason, fucking Sandrah.

"That's it. That's it, big boy," his mother urged him on. "We'll make the most out of this ruined show we went on."

"Yes! You feel so good," Luis moaned.

"So, ah!" Sandra moaned. "So do you!"

Her legs wrapped around him, holding him place. "This is insane," Luis said, still thrusting away like a mad man.

"I know! I don't care! This whole reality show experience has been insane," his mother slurred.

"We're both drunk."

"Just fuck me, baby. I don't care!" Sandrah grabbed him, kissing him hard.

"Ahh, Mom!" Luis cried out. "Can't last much longer."

"You're doing fine, baby, just keep going!"

Luis rose to his knees, his mother's legs still wrapped around him. He bounced her up and down on his cock.

"Come on!" he urged her and himself to cum.

"Ah! Fuck me! Yes!" his mother screamed in her room.

Luis grabbed her ass, lifting her off and back down on his cock. "Yeahhhh," he grit his teeth, watching her tits bounce with her.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, Luis kept bouncing her, kept fucking her just like she demanded.

"L-l-Luis!" his mother was climaxing, throwing her arms around him, shaking.

Luis fell forward, taking her onto her back once more, still wildly thrusting in and out of her.

"Ahhh," he couldn't hold it in any longer. His cock erupted, filling her pussy with his seed. "Yesss."

Sandrah held her son tight, coming down off her own orgasm, feeling his semen fill her pussy to the brim.

"Luis," she whispered, catching her breath.

He rolled off his mother, his arm around her, Sandrah lying on his chest. He pulled a blanket over the two of them a few minutes later.

The horrific mistake they just made hadn't yet sunk in.


Sandrah woke the next morning with a splitting headache. She lay there, in her son's arms, naked, not yet remembering what they did the previous night. Then she felt his warm, soft flesh against her own.

Her eyes shot open, she quickly darted out of the bed toward the shower in the bathroom.

Cleaning herself, scrubbing the evidence of the sin she'd committed off her, Sandrah's mind was spinning.

"Therapy, we'll have to get therapy. Some kind of counseling. I'll probably never see him again," She scrubbed her arms, thighs, and ass.

"We're done. We're through. Yep. I've ruined a mother/son relationship," She put on a tiny yellow bikini. "I hope he doesn't tell his father. I'll be thrown in jail if so."

She exited the bathroom; Luis was coming to, groggy and rubbing his eyes. "Mom?"

"Hi," Sandrah grabbed her bag, not looking at him.

"Where are you going?"


"Ok, I'll come too," Luis started to remove the covers.

"No! No, you stay here. We should keep our distance."


"What happened last night was a horrible, horrible drunken mistake - "

"Yeah, but," Luis interrupted.

"No. No buts. We need to forget it ever happened and never let it happen again. Ok? If you need counseling or have to see a shrink, I'll use my prize money to pay for it. All I ask is that you forgive me; let's never do that again," Sandrah explained, quickly leaving her room.