The Immigrant Pt. 01

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Fantasy to Reality
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Author's Note

This is a first for me, writing this entry in collaboration.

Thank you Ratimom for your help and the genesis of this story!

As always, all persons engaged in sexual activity are over the age of 18.

Enjoy Part 1!

Part 1

Man plans, fate intervenes, life continues.

That's basically the mantra I've had to put to myself to for the last year. The changes that've happened to me and around me have sent me into a spiral and are currently sending me somewhere I'd never thought I'd go.

Let me start at the beginning.

My name is Lachlan O'Connell, but everyone has always called me Lucky. I grew up in a normal house, in a normal suburb, living a completely normal life. But everything started getting weird around my 18th birthday.

My folks took me out to a steak house they knew I liked with a few of my friends. I say few because I really didn't have many friends, always being a bit of an outsider. The waitstaff had just brought the cake to the table and my parents got up to help light the candles when it happened.

I don't know why, and I don't know for what reason, but I looked down my mother's top.

Now I should probably describe my 45-year-old mother, Sandra. To say that she's beautiful isn't truly fair. It seems like a cop out. I won't say she looked like she was in her 20's, but few would guess she was in her 40's, and certainly not with an 18-year-old son. Her brown hair, cascaded down past her shoulders and she was always quick to have a smile ready for any occasion.

I'd always known she was a pretty, more than a few people at my school called her a MILF, but it never connected to my brain that she was a sexual being. Not until she bent over to light the candles on my cake anyway.

I don't know why I looked; I don't know why this time was any different than any of the other times my mom had bent down in front of me. She didn't look any different or dress any different then she normally did. But for some reason, my eyes were right down her shirt, seeing her bra covered tits.

I snapped out of it when everyone started singing "Happy Birthday" and I blew out my candles. Of course, my wish changed from a new car to something else entirely.

After that day, my mother became one of my obsessions. I began to devour all the mother-son porn I could find on the internet, always imagining it was my mother and me. While normally I was heavily into pregnant porn for some reason, I now was obsessed with MILF porn, spending hours in my room sometimes.

But it wasn't enough. My mother was filling my thoughts almost every waking moment of the day. I'd even taken to stealing her underwear to masturbate to, confirming that my mother was a 40C cup. I was becoming obsessed with her, and it was starting to show.

It was little things as first. Telling my mother how nice she looked, giving her more hugs, things like that. At first, either my mother didn't notice or she just thought her loving son was being more affectionate. My father, Adrian, seemed happy about it, proud of me for being a loving son.

A bit about my father real quick. Unlike my mother, my father easily looked his 50 years. He was tall, slightly balding with a bit of a gut, but still in fairly good shape. He owned a popular bar/restaurant in our town, named "Lucky's" which caused me no end of grief in school as I was growing up. He was a hard worker and a good dad.

All that being said, I didn't feel the least bit guilty about my feelings toward his wife, at least not then. Lust clouded all of my thoughts, and I didn't give a damn about anything or anyone except my mother and how to get my dick in her.

The more I complemented her, the better I felt about myself, going for what I really wanted in a way that I wouldn't normally. Since Mom didn't seemed turned off or seemed annoyed by my attentions, I decided to up my game a bit.

Again, just like before, it was subtle at first. Holding her hand a bit more, tighter hugs, kiss on the back neck hugging her in the kitchen; things like that.

Then I got a bit bolder.

When Mom gave me a hug before she went to bed one night, I let my hands go down to her ass. As soon as I did that, she broke off the hug and went to bed, not saying anything.

I tried it again the next morning after Dad left for the restaurant and before I left for school. This time, she got mad.

"Lucky!" she said reproachfully, shoving me away. "Just what do you think you're doing?!"


CRAP! I had nothing. All that bravado and confidence I'd had vanished in a heartbeat.

"Go to school, NOW!" she said, pointing me to the door.

"Yes, Mom! Sorry!" I said as I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door.

All that day, I was sweating bullets, worried that my mother was gonna rat me out to Dad about what happened. I lingered after school, not really wanting to go home, but knew that I would have to eventually. My heart was pounding like a drum when I walked in the front door.

"Hey, Luck!" Dad said, sitting on the sofa watching a sports show. "How was school?"

I was stunned. Dad sounded as warm and friendly as ever. I looked for Mom but didn't see her.

"Uh, fine, Dad," I replied, putting my bag down next to the door. I was gonna be very cautious until I knew what was what.

"Good!" he said to me in a satisfied tone. "Game's gonna be on soon, wanna watch with me?"

"Sure," I said, taking a seat on the recliner, out of Dad's reach in case he got angry later.

"Hi, boys!" Mom said entering the door behind me with a pizza box. "Give me a few minutes and I'll have the pizza ready for us."

Again, there was no hint of the anger that Mom had earlier in the day. It was almost like the morning was a dream, something outside reality.

"Thanks, babe," Dad said, affectionately. "I think Lucky and me will eat out here so we can watch the game."

"Ok, I'll join you in a sec," she said as she went into the kitchen. I was pondering if she was gonna spill the beans to Dad with me there, so Dad could leap out of his couch and strangle me. Not that my father had ever been physical or violent with me. Far from it. But grabbing his wife's ass might just be enough to send him over the edge.

Mom returned with three plates of slices in her hands a few minutes later. She gave Dad one of them and placed one on the coffee table, by him. She then came over and handed me mine.

"Here you go, honey," Mom said in as friendly a tone as I'd ever heard from her. "I already put the extra parmesan on it, just like you like it." She then smiled and kissed the top of my forehead, giving me yet another look down her shirt before she sat down next to Dad.

My mind was reeling. What was happening?! That morning, my mother seemed ready to snap my nuts off with her bare hands, and now she was fawning over me? After the game, I went straight to bed, my mother stopping me and giving me a big hug.

The next few days, I stayed clear of Mom, not sure what game she was playing. Every time I saw her, she was warm and friendly. Not only that, but she was also much more tactile and affectionate then she'd been before. Always asking for hugs, more kisses, more everything. She was always coming up to my room, whether I was doing homework or playing video games, seeing if there was anything I wanted or needed.

The other big difference I noticed is that my parents spent a lot more in the bedroom. And they were LOUD! There was no possible way that they didn't know their son could hear. They just simply didn't care!

Even with all that, I kept my distance as much as possible. I needed to figure this out. Figure out what my mother was doing and why. Was she trying to trick me? Was she trying to confuse me and lull me into a false sense of security before she lowered the boom on me? Was she trying to get me caught by Dad?

I didn't know, so I stayed away.

Then something completely unexpected happened. About a week after the incident, I was getting ready for school and about to leave the house. My mother came out of the kitchen and gave me a big hug, wishing me a great day at school.

Then it happened.

Mom grabbed MY ass!

It was only for a second or two, but she definitely did it. After that, she kissed my cheek and sent me off. My mind was swirling all day after that. Mom had been so angry before, and now it seemed like she was actually trying to seduce me!

I kept up the avoidance routine. I stayed late at school, went to the restaurant to help out, anything I could think of to avoid being home with Mom and certainly home alone with her. I kept it up for about a week before Dad came and talked to me.

"Son, can you do me a favor?" Dad asked as I was busing a table at the restaurant.

"Yeah," I said, finishing up the table and turning to him.

"Luck, as much as I appreciate you helping out around here more lately," he told me, "I'd like you to spend more time at home for a while."

"Ok," I told him, somewhat shakily, "you think I need to focus more on homework?" I wondered aloud, thinking that my grades were still good.

"Well, that's always important," Dad told me, "but no. I mean I need you to spend more time with your mother."

My heart started racing and it's a wonder I didn't start sweating.

"Uh, sure..." I said with uncertainty, "is something wrong?"

"No, nothing wrong," Dad said, making me relieved for a moment, "but I need to spend more time here since Peter left," his general manager. "Also, don't forget, you'll be off to school sooner rather than later and your mom's gonna have some "empty-nest" feelings. It'll be good for her."

I could feel my palms sweating. My father wanted me to be around my mother more??!! This had disaster written all over it. I'd been keeping my temptations at bay, barely. It was like offering an alcoholic the world's best Scotch.

"Uh, sure, Dad," was all I croak out as he patted my shoulder and left me reeling. I went home soon after that, my father all but pushing me out the door. I made my way home where Mom was seemingly prepared for my arrival, an assortment of snacks on the kitchen table.

"There he is!" Mom said after I closed the door behind me. She came over and gave me a hug. She let her hand go down to my ass, but just let it rest there during the hug. "I have some snacks on the table, if you're hungry."

"Thanks, Mom," I said as I went over to the table, putting my backpack down and sitting down. Mom gave me some mozzarella sticks and pretzel bites as she asked me about my day. I noticed Mom sat very close to me, subtly rubbing my leg underneath the table. I couldn't really tell if it was in a motherly way or something else. Whichever it was, my dick was starting to respond to it. She smiled at me the whole time.

"Uh, I really should get started on some homework," I said, subtly trying to find an excuse to leave Mom, without disobeying my father.

"Do it out here!" Mom declared, clearing a space for my laptop to be set up. "The open air will be good for you, rather than your cramped room."

Knowing there was no way out of this without seeming to disobey my father's wishes, I got my computer out of my bag. Do you have any idea how tough it is to concentrate on trigonometry when your busty mom is leaning over seemingly every chance she gets?!

As if that wasn't bad enough, she started rubbing my shoulders while I was working on an essay for history. It seemed almost like she was purposefully leaning her tits into me while she did it, even kissing me on the back of the neck.

After dinner, I went up to my room to think. What was going on? Was my mother egging me on or trying to get me in trouble with Dad? Was she just being nurturing? What?

After a lot of ruminating and contemplation, I decided that the only way to know for sure what was going on was to resume my flirting with Mom. I needed to see how she responded to it and find out where she really stood.

I started the next morning when I came down for breakfast. I noticed that Mom was wearing a robe, that clearly didn't have anything else in-between it and her bare skin. I approached her from behind and she must've heard my foot falls.

"Morning, hon!" she said, while she was pouting out the orange juice.

"Morning," I replied simply, giving her a hug from behind.

"Mmm," she said while I held her in the hug. "It's nice that my boy still likes hugging his mommy."

It was still a complete mind-fuck! This woman who seemed like she'd have my nuts chopped off before was now loving that I was hugging her. I decided to start my plan.

"Who wouldn't?" I replied as I broke from the hug, awaiting her reaction.

"Oh, you..." she replied with a smile. "Go eat your breakfast." She patted me lightly on the butt as she moved me toward the table. I ate my oatmeal as Dad was in and out of the kitchen quickly, needing to get to work. Soon I was done and getting ready to head out to school.

Initially, I wasn't gonna try anything more until I got home that afternoon, but then I heard Mom as I got my backpack.

"Aren't you gonna come give me a hug and kiss before you go?" she asked in a fake sad voice.

"Su...sure, Mom," I said as I went over and gave her a peck on the cheek and a hug. I'm not sure what possessed me to do it, but my hand slid down to her ass and rested on one of the firm cheeks. It stayed there for a few seconds before Mom said anything.

"Oh, you..." Mom said, giving me another kiss and breaking the hug, "off to school." I grabbed my bag and bolted out the door.

I couldn't believe it! I clearly copped a feel of her ass, and she'd said nothing! It stayed with me all throughout school, distracting me far more then it should've. The captain of the cheerleader squad could've invited me to a gangbang, and I don't think I'd have responded. All throughout the day, I formulated a plan of action, knowing that Dad was staying late at the restaurant tonight. Call it boredom or whatever, but I spent all day virtually coming up with a plan of "attack".

It started as soon as I got home, as I put my bookbag down near the table, planning to get a jump start on my homework. Mom came from her bedroom and looked like amazing. She clearly had makeup on and was wearing a tight top that showed her cleavage heavily. On the bottom, it looked more like a pencil skirt, tightly fitting around her hips.

"Hi, baby," Mom said cheerfully at my arrival. She immediately came over to the table and hugged me as I sat down. "How was your day?"

"Pretty typical," I told her, not letting on that she was the primary focus I'd had that day, "you heading out somewhere?"

"Why do ask?" Mom said with a slight grin, seeming to be fishing for a complement. I gave her one.

"Cause you look hot!" I blurted out, making Mom chuckle a bit.

"Well, thank you honey," Mom said in a sweet, maternal tone. "No, I'm not going out. Can't I just look good?"

"Mom, you always look good and you know it," I replied, still working my plan. Mom smiled again.

"Such a flatterer..." Mom said smiling as she set out a plate of cookies.

I took a cookie and went about my homework, trying to not notice my mother, wondering if it was driving her nuts. She kept leaning over while I worked on my science homework, bringing a whole new meaning to studying anatomy as I could clearly see her bra down the low-cut top.

Time to be bold again.

"You know you really make it hard to concentrate when you do that," I said slyly.

"Lucky, what ever do you mean...?" Mom answered with a shit-eating grin on her face. I cocked my eye a bit at her as she giggled and got me a fresh soda.

This went on for about an hour and a half. She seemed determined to make sure that she had some part of my attention at all times. She'd smile, complement me, ask me about my assignments, and lean as much of her body against me as she could, it seemed.

Once all my homework was done, I started putting my books and laptop back in my bag.

"All done already?" she said. "You're so smart."

"Just easy assignments today," I replied non-chalantly. "Though with all the distractions, it was a bit more difficult."

"Distractions...?" Mom said in mock shock. "How could I ever distract you...?"

"Mom, you own a mirror," I retorted with a raised eyebrow. "You know full well how distracting you can be."

"Oh, you..." Mom shot back at me. "You know just what to say to a woman."

Mom then leaned down and hugged me, again pushing her breasts into me. I saw this as proof that Mom was at the very least trying to titillate me. Once she broke the hug, she came over to my side.

"Now, why don't you go get washed up while I get dinner ready for you," Mom said as she walked back to the kitchen, seeming to pop her ass a bit as she walked away.

I went up and took a very cold shower, trying to get my head straight again. On the one hand, it was incredibly erotic that the object of my fantasies was now coming on to me. But the rational part of my brain now knew I had to approach this softly. Too far too quickly, I'd be back where I was and maybe this time, she would tell Dad.

I toweled off, got a fresh t-shirt and shorts, and went downstairs. I could smell roast coming from the kitchen. Mom knew it was my favorite and I swore I could hear the potatoes actually crisping in the oven. She again smiled at me when I arrived at the table.

"There's my smart boy..." Mom said with a loving tone. While my first instinct would've been to roll my eyes normally, I knew that this time, I needed to commit. I knew Dad wouldn't be home for dinner, so I was as safe as I was gonna get.

"There's my sexy mom..." I said with a grin as I passed her.

"Oh you..." Mom replied in a tone that was anything but reproachful. I swore I saw her wink at me. "Come, let's sit down."

We sat at the dinner table, and I noticed that Mom had brought out candles onto the table, something she normally only did for holidays and company.

"Expecting a hot date?" I said slyly. Mom smiled.

"Now who could be a hotter date then my strapping son...?" Mom said as she put the food on the table. I remembered my manners and pulled my mother's chair out for her. She seemed to be thrusting her tight ass toward me as she sat down, like there was really a chance I wasn't gonna see it.

I sat down at my seat near her and prepared to dig in before Mom made me raise a glass in toast.

"To a wonderful evening with my man..." Mom said as she clinked her glass with mine. While I should've been thinking at the time about why she was referring to me as her man, rather than Dad, at the moment, I was just enjoying the attention.

We dug into the meal, and it was amazing. Mom made all this especially for me and she didn't disappoint. All throughout the meal, Mom was acting like she was my date, rather than my mother, laughing at my jokes, touching my arm at random times, just being a flirt, really.

I kept flirting right back, telling her how pretty she looked, how great the meal was, touching her hand right back. She made no moves to remove my hands or tell me to stop the complements. I was emboldened.

Mom suggested we watch a movie together once we cleaned the dishes. I let her pick the movie, more than a little curious about what she'd pick. Initially thinking she'd pick some innocuous kids movie or a rom com, she went with The Devil's Advocate.

"You don't mind something a bit more risqué, do you?" Mom said, flashing me a wicked grin.

"Dealer's choice," I replied as she started the movie.

Mom scooted over to me as the movie started and kept resting up against me, laying her head on my shoulder as the movie started. Once the sex scenes started, she moved her hand to my thigh, causing my dick to twitch.

"I wished I looked that good," Mom said as a naked Charlize Theron was gracing our TV screen. I knew she was fishing, and I took the bait.