The Importance of Happiness Ch. 01

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Figuring out how to fill a void, despite their spouses.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/23/2018
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Olivia LaFavor hated people who were late.

She especially hated people who were late for appointments they had encouraged her to set.

But more than anything. She hated doing her makeup and hair for no reason. And wasting a cute outfit.

She stood in her bedroom looking at her reflection in her full-length mirror. The girl at Saks had helped her pick out this Milly white sheath dress especially for this dinner, and if no one but her husband got to see how great she looked in it, she would be pissed.

She nervously glanced at her phone on the bed. This girl was already almost an hour late.

This girl, being her friend from high school, Leah Connor.

Leah Connor was actually Olivia's best and only friend in high school. And she genuinely pleased to see that Leah had searched for her, and found her on Facebook. Despite her privacy settings. And the fact that she had gotten married and kept in contact with absolutely no one that they knew mutually.

But she was happy. And she was even happy to sit on Facebook Chat with her for hours talking about the ugly ass guys they used to be in love with, and the ridiculous planning that had gone into their B2K Concert outfits. It definitely helped "housewife time" pass by at lightning speed.

Even when Leah brought up that fact that she and her new husband Alex were moving back to Atlanta from Columbia, South Carolina, Olivia excitedly agreed to show them around, and maybe even have them over for dinner a few times. That's what married people do with other married people, right?

But when she got a text message from Leah asking when she and her husband would be available for dinner... Olivia panicked. She actually wanted to meet up?

Thanks to her husband's status as an ex-NFL star, Olivia's pool of friends and associates had been watered down to the wives of her husband's former teammates, his lawyers and money managers, and the wait staff in their home. And in that world, promises of lunch dates and dinner dates were just things people said, but rarely actually did. And Olivia had grown oddly comfortable with that.

So she struggled, for an unreasonable amount of time, with making the decision whether to schedule this dinner date or not.

But after awkwardly dodging Leah on Facebook and via text for view days, she eventually set a date. Because besides her husband Andre, her only real friend was her favorite salesperson at Neiman Marcus. And that sucked.

But waiting sucked more. And Olivia was just about to change back into sweats when her husband Andre walked into the bedroom.

"Why do you look so stressed?" Her husband took a seat behind her on the bed. "I almost want to say you're nervous--"

"--No. Not nervous." She pressed her hands down the front of her dress. "Okay, maybe a little nervous. But mostly irritated." She turned to face him. "Where the hell are they?"


Alex Conner knew a few things about his wife's former best friend.

He knew that they met as freshman in high school. And he knew that they had only very recently reunited on Facebook.

"So, explain to me again... what made you want to hook back up with this girl again?"

He leaned against the counter in their kitchen watching his wife Leah nervously put together a haphazard dinner party gift with things she found in their pantry. He knew they were almost an hour late, but she seemed stressed, so he didn't remind her.

"Well, she was my best friend in high school, babe. And the only person in Atlanta I felt like reconnecting with." He nodded and watched her tie a sparkly ribbon around a twelve dollar bottle of Trader Joe's wine.

Alex also knew that her husband was Andre LaFavor. Former NFL golden child and current talking head for a sports commentary show on ESPN. And he knew that he had his own Andre LaFavor jersey hanging in his closet and knew most of his career achievements by heart.

"I'm just excited to meet her husband... most receptions in a single game with the Eagles, most receiving touchdowns in a single season with the 49ers... my friends are so jealous I'm about to have dinner with freakin' Andre LaFavor."

Leah made a face at him. "Don't turn into a fanboy at dinner, Alex. I'm sure they get enough of that on a daily basis." Leah sighed and ran her fingers through her blond curls a final time. "Do I look ok?"

He smiled. His wife had spent a majority of the afternoon getting ready. She had gotten her makeup done and styled her normally straight blond hair into bouncy curls. And he was almost certain the dress and shoes she had on cost more than their mortgage payment. "Yes, honey. You look great."

She smiled. "Let's go. I know how Olivia is... she's going to kill me for being late."

"What's this girl like anyway?" Alex grabbed the wine and followed his wife out of their condo. He had heard bits and pieces about Olivia LaFavor for the last few weeks. But besides them being friends in high school, her husband being his NFL hero, and that they lived in the newer, nicer building a few blocks down the street from them... he didn't know much.

"I mean... she's nice, really cool. Or at least she seems to be. It has been almost 10 years."

"What does she look like?"

Leah turned and looked at him as they waited for the elevator. She sighed and kind of glanced up in thought. "Um... I mean... I dunno, babe. She's black, long hair, kind of skinny... fake boobs?" Leah laughed. "I mean... she bagged a football player."

Alex had nodded at his wife's description but was not at all prepared for meeting Olivia LaFavor in person.

If Olivia hadn't entered the room a few minutes after her husband, Alex probably would have been star struck.

Andre Lafavor had been one of his favorite players in college. And throughout the day and in the car in the way over, he had already made up a list of questions to ask him about his show, the NFL, and everything in between.

But when Olivia stepped from behind Andre's giant six foot five frame to greet them, his mind went blank. And suddenly, the NFL, ESPN, Andre LaFavor and even his first name were all eclipsed by something much more appealing.

Yes, she was short and thin, just like his wife had described. He definitely took notice of the fake boobs... and her hair was most definitely long, dark and wavy.

But, the parts that Leah forgot to mention were what had him stuck. Olivia was gorgeous, with deep mocha colored skin, bright brown eyes, pouty full lips... and in the white dress and obviously expensive shoes she was wearing, her sexy coffee-colored legs were in full view.

"You're Alex, right?" She smiled and moved past his hand for a hug. "Don't shake my hand like we're strangers... you're practically family."

He let himself be hugged and took in the fresh, vibrant scent of that she wore.

"Yeah... you guys are practically next door too... if it wasn't a million degrees out, we could have walked." Alex himself was still too awe-struck to speak but listened to his wife giggle at her own comment. Leah handed Andre a bottle of wine. "We figured everyone could use an extra bottle." Olivia smiled brightly. "Leah, you must have told you how much I love wine." She walked over to put it away, "You guys can come sit in here. The food is almost ready."

Alex still stood agape as he stared at her retreating frame.

"Alex." He looked towards his wife as she gestured him to follow her. She was visibly annoyed but easily slipped her fake grin back on as she walked into the dining room.


After dinner, and his third glass of wine, Alex Connor had a lot on his mind.

Even now, he was only half listening to one of the many stories about the NFL that Andre was telling. He was definitely more focused on the two women sitting across from them.

He could definitely see how his wife Leah and her best friend Olivia got along.

They were both short, thin, and had long hair. Both were gorgeous. Both had the same strange valley girl way of talking, despite the fact that they grew up in Georgia. Even the way that they dressed; they both without knowing had worn the same nude Louboutin peep-toe pumps, with tiny cocktail dresses.

But the obvious difference is what had Alex so focused right now. His wife was bleached blond, freckled, and spray tanned... and Olivia was brown-skinned, with long dark hair, and... glowing.

All throughout his life, Alex had acknowledged that he had a type. Every girl that he had dated seriously had been tiny and blond. Occasionally he would date a redhead, and he even smashed a brunette once or twice. But no matter what the hair color, they all shared the traits of being pale in winter, and turning pink in the sun.

It's not that he didn't find black girls attractive. He had definitely only seen several of Rosario Dawson, Gabrielle Union, Zoe Saldana's movies just to see them. But for some reason, though definitely not intentionally, he had never found one in his bed, or on his arm.

Yet here he was, in his living room, completely taken by Olivia LaFavor.

Despite the fact that right next to him, sat one of his practical NFL idols, Andre Lafavor; answering questions about the NFL, and telling crazy stories about being on the road, and his new show on ESPN.

But all Alex could think about is how he could get Olivia to pay as much attention to him as she was paying her iPhone right now.

"Babe, isn't that crazy?"

He looked towards his wife, who was speaking to him. "What?"

Leah frowned. "The crazy story Andre just told. Were you even listening?"

"I guess I just zoned out for a second. I apologize." He looked towards Andre. "It's been a pretty long day."

Andre grinned. "It's OK, buddy-- I understand... they have us down at the studio at 5 AM every morning... I know long days."

Alex nodded but noticed Olivia sigh and roll her eyes. "It's crazy... I feel like I never even see my own husband."

Alex somewhat happily noted her discontent. He stood, sensing the awkward moment. "Anyone want more wine?"

"No thanks, man. I need to stop now, or I'll never wake up in the morning." Andre laughed. "I usually don't even drink... its horrible for my diet."

His wife Leah giggled back. "Oh, I know! My trainer would kill me!" He watched the two of them start a conversation about the gym, and exercise-- and Alex took that as his cue to head to the kitchen.

The trip to the kitchen had a duel-purpose: He needed a refill, but more importantly, he felt like he needed some air.

Alex, like all men, could admit that after marrying Leah, he had clearly seen other beautiful women out in the world. And even with attractive coworkers, he had had conversations that were less than HR-appropriate.

But never had he been so caught-up by a woman other than his wife that he actually found himself speechless. He shook his head thinking about his awkward inability to communicate after her hug.

He was still thinking, leaning against the counter drinking a beer when Olivia wandered into the kitchen. She smiled when she saw him.

"Thank God we have beer. I actually hate wine." He watched her walk past him and open the fridge. "In high school, your wife and I could put away a whole 24 pack on a Friday night... but I guess bringing a six-pack would have been a little uncouth." She smirked.

Olivia grabbed a bottle of HighLife and took the spot next to him against the counter. "Are you as tired of Andre's stories as I am?"

He laughed. "I'm sure you've heard them a million times."

She shook her head. "You have no idea." He watched her take a sip of her beer, and a set it down on the counter. "So, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

She smiled. "Seriously." Alex grinned and nodded. "What are you all about?"

"What do you mean?" Alex panicked slightly. The question caught him off guard.

"I mean, we've just spent literal hours hearing about me and Andre. And I've been talking to Leah for weeks, so I know all about her," she leaned forward and poke him in the chest. "But tell me about you."

Alex smiled. Both at her flirty gesture and the fact that she was interested enough to ask about him.

"I'm pretty boring, honestly." Alex shifted and seriously thought about the most interesting aspects of himself. "I'm a day trader. I'm pretty good at it, but it's no NFL career."

Olivia smiled softly. "I'm learning that there is a definite charm to 'boring'... sometimes I miss boring."

It could have been the alcohol and he didn't want to be presumptuous, but Alex felt that the look they shared at that moment was loaded with something-- though he wasn't quite sure what yet.

******************************************************************** Olivia LaFavor was by no stretch of the imagination an ungrateful wife.

She was happy with her life.

Why wouldn't she be? She was married to an ex-NFL star. She didn't work, or clean. Her best friend was her personal shopper at Neiman's. Her birthday present had been a white Maserati GranTurismo.

She was very grateful for the life and last name that Andre Lafavor had provided her.

All she had to do... was pretend that it was OK when her husband answered his calls in the other room. And that she was fine with the fact he ordered room service for two whenever he was out of town on business.

And Olivia was really good at pretending. So good, that everyone she knew was convinced that their marriage was perfect. She had worked very hard to make sure that scandal was something that was never a part of the Lafavor's world.

But secretly, for the past few months, a small part of her had grown to yearn for something.

At first, it had been a few fleeting glances here and there. Looks that she had previously ignored from fellow male shoppers, waitstaff and retail associates that she encountered in her day-to-day life... she began to return.

Being the doting and faithful wife was great and all, but it felt better than she expected to get the slightest bit of male attention, even it was just a smile or wink from a stranger.

She would never dare be so bold to talk to anyone or give out her number. You never knew who would talk. And with such a high-profile husband, even small interactions were a risk.

It wasn't until recently, when and an overly friendly associate had gone as far as to ask her out for a drink that her fleeting glances that begun to escalate to thoughts. He was handsome-- and unfamiliar with Andre, so he easily flirted and was openly suggestive of his intended plans if she decided to use his number to call him.

Olivia quickly threw the number away... but laying in bed alone that night, she couldn't help but think about his face and the things he had said as she slipped her fingers between her thighs.

It had been almost a year since she had real physical contact with her husband... and if she was honest, she had not missed it. But she was definitely in want of something to satisfy her.

And the moment she met eyes with Alex Conner, she knew exactly what that would be.

He was definitely different than her husband. Really, different than anyone she had ever dated. Tall and tan, with a halo of blond curls that reminded Olivia of one of those Roman statues. He was every bit of the beautiful southern jock that her friend Leah had always dated.

She had gladly hugged him. It had been awhile since she used it to her advantage, but Olivia knew what the look on his face meant-- she smiled inwardly at his sudden silence upon seeing her for the first time.

She watched him as his eyes would wander over to her every so often as her husband droned on and on. They would dart over his phone, in an attempt to be covert, and he would stare-- like he had never seen someone like her before.

It was flattering and Olivia soaked up the attention. What was supposed to be a fun night catching up with her friend, had, like most things, evolved into a practical verbal highlight reel of her husband's career. She was happy to have Alex's interest break up what was a very monotonous evening.

"Anyone want more wine?"

Olivia had been intentionally focusing all of her attention on her phone but perked up when Alex spoke. She smiled as everyone declined and Alex retreated towards the kitchen.

"Actually," She stood, and shook an empty wine glass towards Leah and Andre. "I think a refill is a good idea." She smiled quickly at the two, watching them nod and fall back into their conversation, and made her way towards the kitchen.

Alex stood sipping a beer when she entered. Olivia breathed a small sigh of relief. Wine was never really her thing, and she was happy to see it didn't seem to be Alex's either.

She felt a familiar giddiness when she slid past him to pull a beer from the fridge. Like walking past a mutual crush in high school. She could feel his eyes on her and it thrilled her to know that their attraction, though unspoken, was mutual.

Olivia took the opportunity to get a better look at him. Here in the kitchen, away from her husband, she could openly glare and take in the beauty of his perfect tan, dimples, and gorgeous grin.

It was funny how a life that he described as boring, sounded ideal to her. At a certain point in her life, being a WAG had been an aspiration. Be she felt definite envy thinking of her friend Leah having a husband who worked a normal job and lived in quiet anonymity.

"How can you miss boring?" Alex had broken an intense look that they shared with a question. "I'm sure it's pretty cool for your guy to be like... internationally famous."

"Cool is a strong word." She shrugged, sipping slowly. "You have to think, it's not just millions of guys that are idolizing him. Competition isn't really a healthy component of marriage."

Olivia watched as realization slowly spread across his face. Alex shifted somewhat uncomfortably, obviously unsure what to say.

She laughed. "It's ok. I know what I signed up for. But like I said, sometimes 'boring' is underrated."


Alex didn't know how to follow up her statement. He had not really been prepared for her impromptu moment of honesty about her marriage. And again, he wanted to blame the alcohol, but it felt intentional.

She was flirting, right? He felt stupid; like he was going down a check-list of some men's magazine article on how to know if a girl was into you. But he was way out of practice when it came to this kind of thing.

Alex took her in as she spoke more on her life, detailing her day-to-day. She hadn't stopped smiling since she walked into the kitchen, and would touch his forearm when she spoke or laughed.

"Do you and Leah typically get to spend a lot of time together? Or is work super demanding?"

Alex shrugged. "I actually work from home most of the week. Only go into the office once or twice."

"That must be great." There was definite snark when Olivia said this. Which was confirmed with a follow-up eye-roll. "Sometimes I would kill to just be able to hang out... just cuddle up and watch Netflix or something with Andre... but, it is what it is." She ended with a weird sudden smile. "But maybe I can just come bother you guys when I'm bored and home alone from now on."

Alex couldn't help but smile at the thought of having a reason to see Olivia again. He definitely had figured tonight, like most of his wife's side projects, was a one-and-done.

Before he could open his mouth to respond, Andre and Leah strolled into the room in a boom of loud and slightly inebriated laughter.

"Goodness, we were waiting for you guys to come back-- but we didn't know you moved the party in here." Leah giggled and moved towards her husband, swaying into him. "You missed Andre talking about the Super Bowl, babe."