The Invitation Ch. 03


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I took a few minutes to finish getting changed out of my church clothes while working up the courage to talk to my dad. I grabbed my keys and wallet, determined to head to the mall as soon as I was done telling my dad. I found him out by the barbeque cleaning up something that had spilt on the pool deck.

"Hey dad, do you have a second?" I gave my father my best serious face.

My dad looked at me. "Sure, what's up?"

I looked down at my feet and then held my head up. I'd thought about how to tell him a dozen different ways.

"I heard back from both schools in Arizona. I didn't get a scholarship and I didn't get accepted into the schools."

"David, I'm sorry you didn't get in. The schools don't know what they are missing. You are a great athlete and student and I'm certain there will be plenty of schools that will jump at the chance to have you go there."

My dad's not the hugging type so he patted me on the back.

"Have you heard from any of your second-choice schools."

"Yes, I heard from UH and they accepted me as a student."

"They will be lucky to have you. What about Becky, does she know?"

There is the inevitable question that I knew would come up. I told my dad that I was going to tell her today when we met up. My dad and I chatted a little while longer about the schools I'm still waiting to hear from. At the end of the conversation my father wished me luck as I was heading off to tell my girlfriend that I won't be joining her in Arizona.

The drive to the mall was a good distraction. While I may have practiced telling my dad a dozen times, I must have gone over the scenario a hundred times when it came to telling Becky. I convinced myself that we would spend the whole summer together and that I'd drive out to see her on long weekends. That's what I told myself until I discovered that more than 1,100 miles separated Phoenix and Houston.

I arrived at the mall early, since the Christmas shopping season was in full swing, and I wanted to find a place to park. I pulled out my phone to look at the list of what I was going to buy for my family. My mother is a stickler for Christmas lists before Thanksgiving, so I had some ideas about what I was getting my sisters. I had an hour until I was supposed to meet Becky and some of her teammates, so I wandered around the mall shopping.

I was at a store buying something for Jamie when I saw this stunning blonde pushing a baby carriage. She looked to be about as old as my mom with a great body. At that moment, I thanked the Lord above for yoga pants. I was shocked to see a younger version of the same women come out of a dressing room. She was slightly thicker in the hips, but I could tell that she has a sexy body under her long skirt. I heard their conversation and determined the baby belonged to the younger woman. I felt a little bit of embarrassed when I thought about fucking both at the same time.

I was surprised how quickly I found gifts for my sister and father. The gift for my mom was a little more challenging. I was going to buy her a pair of earrings that she wanted and then my sister Ella mentioned that she'd already bought them. Looking at my watch, I decided that I'd find something after I hung out with Becky and her friends.

It was one in the afternoon, so I headed over to the food court where I said I'd meet Becky, Kerryn and Sam. I found a table to sit at and texted Becky the location in the food court. I was scrolling through social media when I felt a warm pair of lips on the side of my face.

"Hey babe."

Becky gave me a quick peck on the lips. I said hello and looked at all the bags the women were lugging around. When I asked, Kerryn said that the three of them had been shopping most of the morning. My girlfriend and her friends started telling me all the good Christmas sales they got.

"David, you should see the dress that Becky bought for the party after Christmas."

"Party?" I hadn't heard about a party.

"Yeah, we are going to have it at Kerryn's house since her parents are going out of town the weekend after Christmas. It's that Saturday and a lot of the soccer team will be there."

Becky asked me if I would come, and I told her that I would. Spending time with Becky's soccer teammates isn't my first choice on what to do on a Saturday. I decided that after I dropped the news about not getting into Arizona, it might be good if I was supportive of Becky and her team.

"Show him the pictures of the dress."

This time it was Sam. Becky pulled out her phone and opened her pictures and started scrolling through them, stopping at a picture of her in a blue dress. The dress was short, with the bottom falling halfway down her thighs. I thought to myself how hot it would be if my girlfriend didn't wear underwear with it.

"You should post that picture online."

Again, it was Sam that spoke to Becky. I watched as Becky started playing with her phone, obviously trying to put it on social media. Just then a loud voice called out her name as well as Kerryn's. They had ordered food and it was ready to be picked up.

"When the picture finishes loading, can you please hit post."

Becky handed me the phone and got up from the table. The post finished loading before she'd gotten up and I hit the button. I wondered what other dresses Becky might have tried on, so I started scrolling through her photos. Dress, Dress, Skirt and then several more dresses. Tits. There was a picture of Kerryn topless.

I scrolled to another picture, and I felt myself stop breathing. It was a picture of Kerryn looking up at Becky's pussy with her tongue extended. I could tell it was Becky's pussy because she has a small hourglass shaped birthmark on her left hip, and it was plainly visible in the picture. I scrolled one more and Kerryn had her tongue buried in Becky and Sam was in the background of the picture smiling.

I was speechless and my hands trembled. Sam's loud voice broke me out of my stupor, and I quickly closed the photo application and Becky's social media app and put the phone down. I didn't know what to say when Becky offered me a cheeseburger and a soda, saying that she'd ordered for me.

I looked at my girlfriend and her friends. All I could think of was that Becky had sex with another woman. Of all the women I know besides the preacher's wife and my sisters, Becky would be one of the last women I'd imagine being bisexual. It's not that she's a prude by any stretch of the imagination. It's that she's never gave any indication of being attracted to women. That and I know she doesn't like having her pussy eaten.

"Hey, are you listening."

I was in my own mind and oblivious to the world since Becky mentioned that this was the third time, she'd asked me how my burger was. I was still stuck on the mental image of my girlfriend and her friends naked. I wondered if the picture was from the previous evening. Becky had mentioned that some of the girls from the team were getting together at Kerryn's house.

It was easy to withdraw from the conversation as the three women talked about shopping and the holiday. I felt numb as I recalled the image of my girlfriend having sex with other women.

"Are you feeling alright?"

Becky looked at me and said that I'd not really said anything for the half hour. I looked at the table, discovering that the two of us were sitting alone. My girlfriend responded when I asked where her friends went, saying that Kerryn and Sam had just left.

"What's going on David."

Becky smiled at me and it freaked me out.

"I didn't get accepted to Arizona or Arizona State."

I blurted it out. The speech I'd prepared was tossed aside as I recalled how resistant Becky was the other evening to my request to eat her pussy. Becky looked at me for a moment and said something I don't recall. She grabbed my hand and held it.

"I also got accepted to A&M" so I could stay in Texas.

"No. You've dreamed about going to Arizona."

This started a spirited discussion about where Becky had dreamed about going to play soccer. I reminded her that for two years it's all she ever talked about when she thought about going to college. I also reminded her that she has a full scholarship.

I must have been frustrated and I'm not certain why I said what I said. I asked what happened at Kerryn's house the night before. Becky looked at me confused. She said that some of the girls from the soccer team got together and watched movies.

"Why are you asking. I told you yesterday what we were doing."

"Really, because the pictures of Kerryn eating your pussy don't look like it had anything to do with watching a movie unless you were watching porn."

"David, I don't know what you are talking about." The ever-changing color on her face gave away that she was embarrassed.

"Don't lie to me. I saw the pictures on your phone. I wanted to see if you had any other pictures of your party dress and I find a picture of you on top of Kerryn and she is eating your pussy."

I might have been a little louder than I wanted to be. Becky's face was now a much darker shade of red. She tried to explain that it was a game of truth or dare. She mentioned that Sam had to kiss and lick whip cream off the goalie's tits. She said it was a game, just that.

Becky's left eye twitched. I'd seen it twitch a few times before, mainly when she was lying to her parents about why she was late or that she wasn't going out drinking. I got up and started walking to the exit.

"David, don't go." Becky gave me a sad look.

I bent over and kissed her on the side of the face and mumbled something to the effect of 'Luv yah' and I grabbed my packages and headed to the door. I almost made it to my truck before Becky called me. She pleaded with me to come back and that she'd explain everything. I told her that I needed to get home.

I drove home. I don't remember the drive, I was out of my mind with shock and anger. I was coherent enough to not hit a truck that decided to merge into my lane going under the speed limit.

"How did your conversation with Becky go?" It was my father sitting at the dining room table reading the newspaper when I walked into the house.


I wasn't in the mood to talk, and the tone of my voice let my parents know that. I threw my purchases on the floor in the corner of my room, pulled on my headphones and started playing a video game. My sister Ella would come into the room a few hours later to say that dinner was ready. I said that I wasn't hungry and to tell Mom and Dad I'd be down later.

I never did go down to speak with my parents. I finally responded to Becky's text, after she'd sent about fifty bajillion messages to me. It may have been just after seven, but I decided that I wanted to sleep. As I closed my eyes, all I could think about was Becky and Kerryn naked.

I got about 10 hours of sleep each night the following four days. I briefly exchanged messages with my girlfriend each day. She said 'sorry' about three dozen times before I finally said that I forgave her.

The morning of Christmas Eve Becky came over to our house. My mother half knocked, and half barged into my room.

"David, I don't know what is going on with you and Becky, but she is here, and she has a present. I certainly hope that you have one for her."

I assured my mom that I had a present for Becky, and I pointed to it on the top of my dresser. I grabbed it and followed my mom down the stairs. The hug from Becky was powerful and the kiss passionate. I was more than a little embarrassed with my mom and one of my sisters in the room. It took mom a moment, but she was able to disengage my sister from the television to give me and Becky some privacy.

"I'm sorry about the pictures and not telling you about the party. Kerryn's parents weren't home, so we got drunk, and one thing led to another. I'm really sorry.

"Do you forgive me?"

Becky gave me a kiss on the lips. I kissed her back.


I'd gotten over the whole thing earlier in the morning. That doesn't mean it didn't feel good to let her grovel for a moment or two.

The conversation turned to exchanging gifts. I bought her a necklace and matching earrings. She bought me a new video game. We chatted about Christmas and plans. Becky asked if I was still willing to go to the party next Friday? When she said that Kerryn's parents wouldn't be there and that she would wear the short dress with no undies, I smiled.

"There's my boyfriend."

It was inevitable that the conversation would turn to college and me not getting into Arizona. I told her that we will find a way to make it work and that I'd apply as a transfer student for our sophomore year. I wouldn't say we argued, but we did have an animated discussion on Becky taking the scholarship and going to school in Arizona. After about an hour I wished her a Merry Christmas and she headed back to her house and me back to my room.

The knock on my door was gentle, so I figured it was my mother.

"Everything all right? You've been distant the last several days. I take it the conversation with Becky about college didn't go well."

"No, that went okay. It was the pictures of her and her friends."

I don't know why I said it. I wished that I could take it back the moment the words escaped from my lips. My mother asked me what pictures I was talking about. I looked at the ground for a minute and my mother asked me again. I explained that I accidently found pictures of Becky and her girlfriends having sex with each other.

My mother looked at me with a serious face. The belly laugh that happened next shocked me. The bigger shock came from her walking over to me and grabbing my cock as she whispered in my ear.

"Sweetheart, you fuck your own mother. You stick your dick through a hole in a wall and let the PTA president and two more of my friends suck you off. On top of that, you ate the pussy of the girl working the front counter at an adult bookstore.

"Does that add a little perspective on the photos you found of Becky and her friends."

She stood there for a minute and let me ponder her statement. I don't know how my mother manages it, but she always gives me a swift kick of reality to clear my teenage brain.

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Good, now we are leaving for church in an hour so be ready to go."

I love the holidays and I'm also glad to see them go. Becky and I saw each other a few times after Christmas. It was a little unnerving seeing Kerryn when Becky and I met up to return some gifts. All I could think of were the pictures of her licking Becky's pussy.

"So, David, what's it like having your birthday three weeks after Christmas." Kerryn took a drink of her coffee and smiled at me.

"It's okay. I usually just ask for stuff off my Christmas list that I didn't get."

The three of us made our way through the mall. It was a little after three when we parted ways. Becky reminded me that I was supposed to be at her house at eight in the evening.

"Kerryn, are your folks not going to be there?" I looked at Becky's best friend.

"Nope, my parents went to San Diego the day after Christmas. They will be back on the morning of New Year's Eve. They always host a big party at our house to ring in the new year."

Kerryn said that they needed to leave as she still has to pick up chips and salsa for the party. I kissed Becky goodbye and then focused my attention on her ass as she walked away. I headed back to the house after texting my mom the final items for my birthday wish list. I hid in my room, opting to play a video game until it was time to leave.

I ate dinner with my family and listened to everyone's plans for New Years Eve the following night. My parents were going to a party and my sisters were each hanging out with their friends. I mentioned that I didn't have any plans when my dad asked what I was doing. I said that Becky had to babysit her young cousins and that's why we were going out tonight.

It was a little after eight in the evening when I drove over to Becky's house. Kerryn and Becky live several houses apart on the same street, so I'd seen her house a bunch of times but had never been in it before. By the time I parked my truck down the street and walked to Kerryn's house, more than twenty people were already at the party.

I found my girlfriend after a few minutes of saying hello to our mutual friends. A guy from the basketball team handed me a red plastic cup and mentioned that someone grabbed a keg from their parent's beer fridge. I seemed to be like most of the guys, were wearing jeans and a collared shirt that was untucked. It may not have been my Sunday best, but I thought I looked pretty good dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. The women on the other hand all had on some type of party dress or skirt.

Before I realized what was happening, I was being spun around and a pair of warm lips locked onto mine. The feel of the female body, breast and hips were familiar, and it was evident that my girlfriend was trying to win a tongue wrestling match.

Lips parted and I could smell the alcohol on Becky's breath. "Hey lover."

She kissed me again. We eventually parted lips and she asked me what took me so long to get to the party. I explained that my parents wanted to talk with me. The talk was a much more detailed discussion about the evils of alcohol and how the police will be setting up roadblocks looking for impaired drivers.

Becky giggled. The way she giggled was an obvious clue that she'd been drinking for a while. Her red cup wasn't filled with beer but looked instead to be dark colored soda. My girlfriends favorite drink is rum and coke, so she's had a few already.

We started to mingle among our friends. Occasionally, Kerryn would appear to whisper in Becky's ear and refill her glass. When I asked about it, Kerryn mentioned she is hiding her parents liquor from the rest of the guests which is why she is mixing Becky's drink.

After about an hour, I watched as Becky walked over to me and grabbed my hand and placed it on her ass. Fingers clenched as I kneaded her firm ass. "What do you think of my dress?" Becky looked up at me.

Another squeeze and I told her that it felt 'fine.' She reached up with a hand and pulled my ear close to her mouth.

"I'm not wearing any underwear. So how does my ass really feel?"

I told her that her ass felt great. My brain is telling me that it's 'fucking fabulous' and that it would be better with the bottom of the dress pulled up over her hips and my cock buried deep inside her.

The sound of the smack on my ass was enough to make people standing around us look.

"That's right bitches, I've got a fine ass."

Becky raised her hands over her head and started laughing, which made everyone else laugh. I laughed too and then returned to thoughts of fucking my girlfriend.

I ended up getting cornered by Amanda, a cheerleader who I had a crush on her the first few weeks of freshman year. We chatted about school and going to college. She asked where I was hoping to go to college. I told her that I'd hoped to go to Arizona but that I didn't get accepted. She mentioned that she was planning to go to the local university and wondered if I'd applied there. I told her that I had just received my early acceptance letter that that was where I'd be going.

chatted with Amanda for another ten minutes and then excused myself saying that I needed to find my girlfriend. I eventually found Becky chatting with a few women from the soccer team. As she saw me approach, she gave me a devilish smile and then walked over towards me. As she kissed me, I could feel her hand rubbing my crotch.

"Do you have a condom with you? Kerryn said we can sneak away to the guest room."

Becky gave me the look. It was the look that I always got when she needed to be pounded hard. I cursed to myself a thousand times in the few seconds it took me to tell Becky that I'd left them in my truck and that I'll get one. A kiss on the lips and Becky told me that she'd meet me in the guest bedroom and to hurry back.