The Itty Bitty Titty Committee

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Genetic breast modification is possible. So now what?
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Chapter 1

Melody fidgeted anxiously in her seat. She looked back and forth between the comlink processor in her lap, the podium, and the other reporters seated around her. She smiled at the guy sitting to her right. "I've never been part of a Presidential press conference before. I'm Melody. Just graduated from school last year and I'm already here covering the President. Can you believe it? What's your name? What's the President like? How long have you been doing this?"

With a laugh of uncertainty over when he'd have the chance to answer, Stephan patted Melody on her hand. "Call me Steve. President Stanford is a good person, very down to earth. I've been doing this for about five years now. Since President Carrolton was in office. You've got nothing to be nervous about."

"How much longer do you think it'll be before she gets here?"

Stephan glanced at his own comlink. "Probably another two or three minutes. Not long."

They both tapped the screens of their processors to activate the built-in holographic cameras. A message appeared on the bottom of Melody's screen to confirm that the camera was functioning properly.

A disembodied voice echoed throughout the conference room. "Ladies and Gentlemen, The 68th President of the United States, Eileen Stanford." Everyone in the room stood up and aimed their comlinks at the door through which President Stanford strode confidently.

As she took her place behind the podium, she smiled. "Please be seated."

There was a low rumble as the entire press corps returned to their seats.

"Thank you all for coming today. In the year 2000, scientists completed the first successful mapping of the human genome. This research has led to some of the most astounding advances in both our understanding of the workings of the human body and fighting disease in the past 150 years.

"With the groundwork laid out from the original Human Genome project, we have seen the eradication of scores of diseases. Some of them were fatal, such as Tay Sachs or Sickle Cell Disease. Others simply slowed us down, such as arthritis and migraine headaches. We even have means of combatting Down's Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy, even if they have not yet been eliminated.

"In the past fifty years, genetic research has started to make inroads into improving the quality of our lives and not just fight disease. Genetic modification to improve eyesight or hearing are now commonplace. I was reading some archived newspapers from as recently as seventy five years ago where then-current research said that obesity was one of the biggest health issues facing our nation. Genetic Metabolic Treatment has made us all thinner, stronger, and less hungry.

"A disturbing trend has arisen within the past decade, when a team of researchers discovered a simple, cost-effective genetic treatment that augments the size of women's breasts. It is estimated that, in the past five years alone, one out of every four women in our country between the ages of eighteen and fifty, has had genetic breast augmentation."

The President paused as a low murmur filled the room. Melody glanced down at her own breasts, thinking about her appointment the following day to begin the two-week long genetic treatment to increase her own bust size.

"The concept of breast augmentation is certainly not new. About 200 years ago, this was accomplished with a type of surgery. This was both costly and dangerous. On more than one occasion, an implantation device was taken off the market for health and safety reasons.

"The new genetic augmentation appears to be safe. In addition, women who undergo the treatment pass on a larger bustline to their daughters as well. Some advocates of this procedure argue that it improves their overall confidence level, and, by extension, the quality of their lives. Opponents argue that it turns women into nothing more than sex objects, and that, within a few generations, the average woman's breast size will be so large, that it will affect their health in other, unforeseen manners.

"Although ethical debates over genetic medicine have been taking place for as long as genetic medicine has existed, this debate has generated more controversy and more vocal opposition than any previous type of genetic treatment. As a result of this, I am pleased to announce the formation a governmental committee, which will research the benefits and demerits of genetic breast augmentation.

"While I don't want the government to engage in a stifling of the medical community in any capacity, I would also like the committee, based upon their findings, to assist with a government sponsored advertising campaign to reduce the frequency of this type of treatment."

A man sitting in the back of the room blurted out, "So this is the Itty Bitty Titty Committee." His comments were met with laughter throughout the room.

President Stanford smiled. "We prefer the name Non-Augmented Mammaries Committee. But, Bradley, now that you've said it, I'm afraid that title will find its way into the national vernacular and there will be little I can do to prevent it." She sighed and continued, "Are there any questions? Yes, Steve?"

Stephan put his hand down. "Who will be on this committee?"

"The chair will be bioethicist Cynthia Bloomfield. The committee will consist of gynecologists, philosophers, genetic engineers, and a couple of members of congress."

Melody cautiously raised her hand. She was about to put her hand back down when the President pointed at her. "Yes? I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

"Melody Brigham, your excellenciness. Um, heh heh. I, I'm sorry. This is my first conference and I ..."

"Relax. Take a deep breath. Now. Did you have a question?"

"Yes. What would you say to someone who, you know, is considering getting her breasts enlarged?"

"That's a good question, Melody! Well, I don't hide my opinion that it's unnecessary and that self-confidence should come from here." She pointed at her head. "And not from here." She cupped her breasts. Lowering her hands, she continued, "So... I guess if I knew someone who wanted to undergo breast augmentation treatment, I'd want her to think long and hard about the reasons why she's getting it done. If the only reasons were improved confidence or to be pleasing to their husbands or boyfriends, then I'd advise against it. If they can come up with some other reason, then I guess I'd begrudgingly say they should go for it. Are there any other questions?"

"When will we see the first results from this committee?"

"Good question, Pauline. The first report from the committee will be due on my desk in one month. I'll keep you all apprised of their findings as they become available. Any more questions?"

The room was silent.

"In that case, thank you all for coming. Ivan McShane is available if you should have any additional concerns."

The press secretary, standing near the door, waved to the press corps and followed the President out of the room.

"I think she took a liking to you, Melody." Stephan said with a smile.

"I guess." Melody's voice trailed off as she contemplated whether or not the president would still like her after she gets her breasts enlarged.

Chapter 2

Melody smiled as the doctor stepped into the examination room.

"Hello, Melody. How're you feeling today?"

"I'm ... um ... I'm all right, I guess."

"What do you mean you guess? It looks to me like ... today is the start of a new and improved life for you. And for your daughters, too."

"Yes, and I've so been looking forward to this appointment..."

"I hear a 'but' coming in here. Tell me what's bothering you."

"Well, I ... Did you... Did you see President Stanford's speech yesterday?"

"Well, yeah, I, um ... Hey, wait a minute. You were there, weren't you?"

Melody looked down and didn't say a word.

"Yeah! You asked her what she'd say to someone who wanted to get bigger breasts. She said something about wanting to be sure why you'd want it. So tell me, Melody. Why do you want your breasts enlarged? I'd say you're what? A B-cup?"

"That's right. You know, I've wanted larger boobs for so long, I don't really remember why I have wanted it. It's just that... I remember being jealous of a friend I'd known since Kindergarten, when her tits came in and they were so much bigger than mine, ya know? I just ... you know. I want to be bigger."

"So it's not about confidence? Or to please some guy?"

"Um... no, I don't think so."

"Do you think the sex will be better if you have larger breasts?"

"No. Just more likely to get some."

Dr. Eisenstadt laughed. "Well, that's honest. Let me let you in on a little secret about this treatment."

"What's that?"

"There's an enhanced breast augmentation treatment that actually makes the sexual act more pleasurable. If you want the enhanced treatment, you'll find that your orgasms will occur more frequently and with greater intensity."

"Really?" Melody leaned forward, eyes wide and smiling. She couldn't hide her interest in this news. "Why hadn't I heard that before?"

"Because all too often, the mainstream press and the powers that be don't want women to enjoy sex as much as they can. So, we've been keeping this kind of quiet, but if you're interested, I can do both parts of the therapy."

"Would there be an additional cost?"

"Not unless you count the fact that you must remain silent about this type of treatment."

Melody was silent for a few seconds and finally declared, "Count me in!"

"Very good. I have a few other questions before we begin. Your safety is important to me. Can you please confirm that you are not currently pregnant?"

"I'm definitely not pregnant."

"If you choose to undergo this treatment, do you agree that you will not attempt to get pregnant within the next two months?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"Thank you. Now. Your treatment will consist of a total of six office visits: three this week and three next week, on alternating days. If today is your first treatment, then your final appointment will be in eleven days. When you wake up in the morning twelve days from now, you will have a pair of perfectly rounded, firm, supple D-cup breasts."

Melody let out a squeal.

"I take it this means you'd like to proceed."


"Very well."

Dr. Eisenstadt unlocked a cabinet in the corner of the examination room and removed a small vial that contained a greenish-gray liquid. He placed what looked like a sponge over one end of the vial and tipped it upside down. In relatively short time, the sponge was saturated.

He then laid the sponge on the table and sprayed it with a sweet-smelling fragrance. "Reminds me of my mom's perfume," thought Melody.

The doctor didn't say a word in response. He walked out of her sight and dimmed the lights.

She turned her head to try and see where the doctor was. "Dr. Eisenstadt? What's..."

"Shhhhh.... I need you to relax, Melody. I need you to confirm one final time that you want this done. Once we start the treatment, there will be no turning back, do you understand?"

Melody inhaled deeply and whispered, "Yes."

"Are you ready to begin?"


"Very well." The doctor moved closer to Melody and held the sponge underneath Melody's nose. She closed her eyes and tipped her head back, breathing in the sweet smell. She let out a shudder as the doctor ran the sponge over her forehead, down her cheeks, and over her neck.

"Now Melody, can you hear me?"


"Very good, Melody. I need you to open your blouse now, Melody."

Her hands moved smoothly and swiftly. There was an ease to her movements that Melody hadn't expected. Dr. Eisenstadt started running the sponge over the exposed flesh of her breasts.

"How do you feel right now, Melody?"

"I feel calm."

"Can you feel the sponge that I am running over your body?"


"Very good, Melody. The sponge is soaked with a series of chemicals, some of which will make your breasts larger, some of which will improve your libido and your ability to orgasm. And some of these chemicals will open your mind. By the end of this treatment, the only will that will remain your own, is that which I allow you to keep. Beyond that, your mind, body, and soul will be mine and you will do as I say. How does that make you feel, Melody?"

"Ssssoooo gooooood..."

"Very good, Melody. Let's see how the chemicals are working right now, shall we, Melody? I want you to stand up.... Very good. Now, Melody. I'm going to ask you some personal questions and I want you to be honest with me, okay?"


"Good. How long has it been since the last time you had sex?"

"About two months now."

"Is there someone out there you'd like to have sex with?"


"Is it a man or a woman?"

"A man."

"Does he know it?"


"If I told you that you'll be able to have him or any other man you might want by the time your breast augmentation is complete, what would you say?"

"I would be very happy."

"I know you would be. Please lift one hand above your head and hold it there."

Seeing how quickly and easily she responded to his questions and suggestions, Dr. Eisenstadt smiled. "She's quite malleable. She very well might prove useful," he spoke into his voice recorder. "Deepening will continue in two days."

"Thank you, Melody. You may put your hand down now. I want you to drift into a deep, restful, relaxing sleep. When you wake up, your first session will be over and you will come back in two days."

Her head slipped down over her shoulder. He smiled as he gazed down at the expression of peace and calm in her face. He just needed to make sure he didn't move too quickly, too soon.

Chapter 3

Cynthia Bloomfield gazed around the table in the conference room at the team that she had partially been responsible for assembling.

"The President has tasked us with researching the current sociological phenomenon of genetic breast enhancement. Although the President is notably and observably against the idea, I think it would be best if we entered into this assignment with a neutral outlook.

"In order to begin our research, I think we should begin by focussing on three specific topics. I see no reason why we couldn't cover all three of these topics simultaneously, although if anyone has a particular interest in any of these topics, then you should speak up and ask to be assigned to that research project.

"The first topic would be the history of breast augmentation. How long have women been seeking out methods of enhancing their bodies? We know that surgical procedures were started in the late 1900's, but the desire to give breasts a larger appearance goes back much further than that. The brassiere was invented in the 1800's and it, too, has been used to provide the illusion of larger and/or firmer breasts.

"The second topic would be the procedure itself. Find out what, exactly, is done when a patient chooses to get her breasts enlarged genetically. What are the risks and side effects? How much control does the patient have over the end result? Can the procedure be undone? It's not as frequently discussed, but why do we hear nothing about genetic breast reduction? Surely there are women out there who feel as though their breasts are too large.

"The third topic would be to interview women who have had their breasts enlarged genetically. How did they feel about the actual process and the results? How have their lives changed as a result of the procedure? Would they recommend it to someone else? Was it a bad experience? What were their reasons for having the procedure done in the first place?"

Cynthia handed out the three assignments evenly among her staff, who set off to research the questions involved and interview people whose knowledge and experience would provide preliminary answers.

Chapter 4

Melody arrived somewhat early for her third treatment appointment and she saw Dr. Eisenstadt engaged in a pleasant phone conversation. The receptionist seemed upset that her boss was pacing around her office, but, not withstanding her scowl, she didn't do or say anything.

"I'd love to talk to you, Mr. Barton ... Doctor Barton! Sorry about that. It's just that I have a large number of appointments to tend to as well. I can try to squeeze you in the day after tomorrow, but I can't make any promises to the amount of time you will have available for a real interview. ... No, you'd need to get permission from my patients themselves to talk to them. ... No, I can't provide patient records without a subpoena, you know that, Doctor. ... The best you can hope for is that one of my patients in the lobby will be willing to speak to you. Yes. Very well then, you know where my office is located? Excellent. I look forward to meeting with you."

He hung up the phone and noticed Melody in the waiting room.

"Who wants to interview you?"

"Someone from the Itty Bitty Titty Committee."


"I really don't mind talking to him, it's just that I'm not sure I'll have the time to talk, ya know? Things are kind of busy around about now, especially if people might think they're trying to put me out of business. You know, get the job done before I close."

Melody's reporter's instincts kicked in now. "Are you anxious about what this committee is going to say?"

"I'd be foolish if I weren't. I could really use some current and former patients to talk about what they like about the process and the results with the committee."

"Well, I'm pleased with the process so far. Do you want me to talk to them? I'd love to be able to interview someone from the committee as it is."

"Let's ... talk about that after today's treatment, if you don't mind."

"Of course!"

"It looks like you're right in time for your treatment today."

Melody nodded enthusiastically as she got up in the treatment chair.

"Do you mind if I ask how you feel as though the procedure is going thus far? Today is ... your third of six treatments, correct?"


"Very good. By now, you may have noticed some increased sensitivity in your nipples, and your breasts should be starting to take on a certain level of firmness that you're not used to."

"Yes, I've felt that."

"Do you find it uncomfortable?"

"Well, a little....." Her voice trailed as she said this, not wanting to reveal too much information.

"That's completely normal. Many of my patients find that they are no longer comfortable wearing a bra at this stage."

Melody let out a slight gasp.

The doctor smiled in hopes of easing her fears. "Beginning now, you're probably better off not wearing a bra, at least not until the treatment is over. From here on in, your breasts will start to get larger, and your bra will become increasingly uncomfortable. Your breasts are starting to feel firm enough, and let me assure you: they will not start to droop as you get older." The way he emphasized the word 'not' gave Melody a slight shiver. "In spite of the fact that you will become better endowed, you may decide you don't need to wear bras at all, unless you want to wear them for a date."

Her continued silence made him smile. The suggestions of going bra-less at her previous appointment had apparently sunk in, even if she didn't realize it was on his orders that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"So, shall we proceed with today's genetic therapy?"


"Is everything all right? You sound ... anxious?"


"You know you can talk to me, Melody."

Melody let out a sigh. "I, uh, I guess you were going to find out about it when we started anyway, but, well, you... I decided yesterday to stop wearing a bra and.. well, I was kind of afraid to, um, to tell you."

He took her hand. "That's nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. You're here because you want to make things better. This decision is a kind of a cleansing one. You can certainly start to wear a bra again once you're done with the treatment, if you want. That's entirely up to you. But for now, comfort should come first. It was getting uncomfortable, wasn't it?"