The Kiss

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Handcuffs and determination make for a fun time.
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Note: This is my first try at this genre, and only my third try at writing a short story, so any helpful feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


I walked toward his office, determination in my eyes and a pair of handcuffs in my hands. I knew that I was taking a chance doing this at his job, but I didn't care. It was his own fault, if he'd only kissed me last night when we were on our date, none of this would be necessary. Now, I had only a few hours before I had to be at the airport, and I was determined to get my kiss. We had been on five dates already, and he still hadn't kissed me. My friends' reaction to this fell into two camps, half thinking he was gay and the other half trying to break the news gently that maybe he just wasn't interested. I wasn't convinced that either one of those was true. When we were going out, there were always the tell tale signs of a date. The flirtatious talk, the intimate settings, his paying for dinner each time, holding open doors, and just the general feel between us all read like a date to me. Although, since my man-dar is only slightly worse than my gay-dar, maybe he did just want to be friends and I was the one misreading the signs, not him. However, I refused to give up until he came out and told me so himself, or until he came out.

As for the gay theory, well I must admit that it was the theory that was slowly winning me over. I tried to test it out several times by wearing particularly skimpy clothing and seeing how he would react. The clothes clung to all the curves on my body magnificently, making every man I encountered drool, but I barely got a reaction out of him. Even as I tried to understand what had gone wrong, I kept looking back for just a hint of something to show me he was interested. There was one occasion in particular where I picked my outfit very carefully, and was ready to knock him over like a ton of bricks.

He worked in one of the administrative offices in my school, and I had gotten an email that they had some papers for me to sign. Being the diligent student that I am, I hurried to get all my paperwork cleared up with the school. I decided to wear a low cut, egg shell colored shirt, which showed off my ample cleavage nicely, while also highlighting my slim waist. I knew that I had gained a few pounds since starting school, but luckily for me, most of it had gone to my chest and my butt, adding even more to my curvaceous figure. And my butt did look good as I wore a skin tight light blue denim skirt, which ran down almost to my knee, but had a slit in the front that couldn't go any higher without it being called indecent. The skirt was already tight, but the added pounds I had put on in the last year of school, only made it all the more tight on my perky round ass, and my toned, long legs. On my legs I also put a pair of calf skin, thigh high stiletto boots. I topped off the outfit with little girl pigtails, which added a hint of innocence to my somewhat scandalous attire. I was something bordering on little school girl, but with more denim.

On my way to school that day, I was stopped by every guy I knew, and most of the ones I didn't know. Eyes followed me, drawn first to the sound of my stilettos ringing against the sidewalk, and slowly making their way up my body, taking note of how all the best features seemed to come in twos, my legs, my breasts, my lips, my eyes, my pigtails. Even a male classmate, who I knew had a particular dislike of me, drew me into a prolonged conversation. I highly doubted that he really found my conversation skills all that mentally stimulating, although I wouldn't have been surprised to find that something else had been stimulated.

When I finally made it to the school, I couldn't wait to go sign those papers! I approached his office, waving a quick hello, pretending that I was there for anything but to see him. The woman I needed to see had stepped away for a minute, and I went into a nearby room to wait for her. He came in, and he seemed to take note of my form. I think the pigtails in particular caught his eye. But then, all I got were a few words, just some casual conversation. Not even a single compliment about my outfit, or me for that matter, passed through his lips. The woman I was waiting for soon returned, and I signed the paperwork and left feeling very dejected.

Today was the day that was all going to change. This time, there were no fancy outfits, it was just me. As I approached his office, I wore little more than some mascara, a track suit, which did highlight my ass nicely, and a devious smile. It was the last day of finals exam, and the few student who were left on campus were busy taking their exams. It was lunch time, and most of the office personnel were gone, but as I approached, I spotted him instantly, in his corner office. For a second I wanted to turn back, thinking how risky this was, and deftly afraid of rejection, but I forced myself to go forward. I had come this far, and there was no going back. The words to the song, "Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets," played out in my mind, as Lola was determined to get her kiss. I was leaving school for the summer. That's three whole months I would be gone, and there was no way I was going to go without leaving him something to remember me by; and taking something with me.

"Hi." My voice was calm as I entered his doorway.

"Hi." He looked up at me, with that look he has that I find impossible to read. "Shouldn't you be on a plane by now?"

"I still have a few hours before my flight." I approached him slowly, my hands held behind my back to hide the surprise I was about to spring on him. "I just thought I'd come to say goodbye before I left." I came closer and closer with each word. My courage wavering with each step I took toward him.

"Oh, that's nice, but didn't we say goodbye yesterday"?

"Yes, but if you remember," I was standing right next to him now. He still sat at his desk, and I was just to his right, "I promised I would get you back for that mean thing you did to me yesterday." I pouted my lips, thinking of the way he had lingered on a simple mistake I had made when we were out the previous day, giving me the excuse I needed to pull this off.

His mouth came up in that smirk of his, which always made me weak at the knees. I wanted to kiss him more than anything then, as my courage returned. "And how is it that you plan to 'get me' back"? He looked so cock sure, so devilishly handsome when he said that. It was probably one of the things I liked most about him.

"Well...I did promise you handcuffs." The last word had barely escaped my mouth before I reached out and snapped the cuff on his right hand. Before he realized what was going on, I snapped the other cuff on my left hand. Now I was the one smiling the cocky smile. Now I was the one in control, although I soon realized, he wasn't about to give up control so easily.

"So what do you plan to do with this," he asked, holding up his right hand, dragging my hand along with it. "You're the one who has to be on a plane soon, right"? There was that smile again. Why is it that I had trouble thinking straight every time I saw that smile?

"Um, well I guess I didn't really think that far ahead." Yeah, that sounded confident. What was going on, I had to take charge of the situation again, I couldn't let him get away with it, not this time. "I promised you that handcuffs would be involved, are the handcuffs." Sure I was a little drunk when I made that promise, but who's keeping track?

"Come on, take these off before someone sees us." Uh ha! Here was my opening.

"Make me." I cocked my left eye brow and gave him my best "come hither" look. I felt like a little girl in way over her head when I tried to play these games, but I still hoped it would work. The look in my eyes was lustful, enticing him with suggestions of how he could force me to take off the cuffs. But I had trouble reading the look in his eyes. Was he thinking it over? Was he going to make me, like I wanted him to?

"Ok, what do I have to do to get you to take these off"? Yes! Thank you Jesus (not that I believe in Jesus)! He was playing along. I was holding a pair of aces, and now it was just up to me to play this hand to completion.

"It's simple really. You want the key, so find it," I said, holding up my free hand, indicating the key was somewhere on my body.

His smirk grew. I could see he was thinking it over. He finally stood up off his chair, his powerful six foot, two inch frame towering over my meager five feet, four inches. I backed away slowly, feeling somewhat intimidated, but our new bracelets kept us close together. The look on his face told me I wasn't about to get what I had asked for.

"I wonder where I should look for it." He leaned over me, as my back found a wall in his small office. "Maybe here"? His free hand reached out to tickle my right side. In response, my right hand flew up to knock his hand out of the way. He had found my weakness, I was ticklish beyond belief. I would never be able to put up with this. Before I knew what was going on, he raised his right hand in the air, forcing my chained left hand to go with it, as he tickled me some more. My pained laughter permeated the hallways. I begged him to stop, I would do anything if he would just stop.

"Anything"? That smirk was back on his face. He knew he had won. I felt like a dejected, silly little girl who had just lost her silly little game. It's a good thing I never tried to be a spy, I would have given my nation away with the wave of a feather against my bare foot. I looked up at him, wishing I could knock that smile off his face, and yet a part of me still wished to reach up and kiss those tender lips. Why couldn't he have just played my little game? All I wanted was my kiss, and then I would have given him the damn key.

"Fine, here," I said, reaching into my pocket and taking out a key. My face couldn't hide the feeling of dejection that I felt.

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it"? He was the one laughing now, a soft laugh at my expense. And then the laugh stopped. "It's not working."

"What"? I looked up, surprised.

"I said it's not working. The key isn't working."

"What do you mean it's not working? It has to be working! I only have a few more hours before I need to be at the airport. Let me try it." I took the key and put it in the lock. It wouldn't give. "This can't be happening. What are we going to do," I looked at him, hoping he would have all the answers, like he always did.

"Something must be wrong. Are you sure it's the right key"?

"Of course I'm sure," I shot back, standing up on my toes so that I could be closer to his eye level, my voice rising. "Oh, wait," I fell back on my heels as a thought came to my mind. "This may be the key from the other cuffs."

"The other cuffs! How many of these do you have"?

"Just two." My voice seemed to shrink and I went right along with it, as those words sounded even stranger coming out of my mouth than they did in my head. "Ok, look, don't worry, I know where the other keys are, I think."

"You think? What do you mean, you think? We need to get these off right now!"

"Alright, alright, relax." This certainly wasn't going exactly as planned. "I'm pretty sure I know where the keys are, we just need to get back to my apartment.

"And what do we do about this!" He held up his right hand, pulling my left hand up with it.

"That's easy," I said. It was my turn to smile. I put our hands down straight, put my fingers through his, and pulled down our sleeves. Our sleeves managed to cover most of the cuffs and the chain, the rest was hidden by our joining hands. If this is what I needed to do to get him to hold my hand this way, it was well worth it. "Come on, we need to get out of here."

Now I was pulling him along by his hand. At least leaving his office, the coast seemed to be clear. We might still get back to my place relatively unscathed. As we walked down the hall, we heard the sound of chatter. We both looked at each other as we recognized the voices as belonging to his co-workers. Even if they didn't see the cuffs, it probably wasn't the best idea for them to see us holding hands, me being a student and him a member of the staff. Luckily for both of us, I came up with a new plan quickly. I pulled him forward into one of the few classrooms on the floor. The room was dark, and with classes over, I doubted that anyone would think to go in there. We stood close to the door, listening for the voices to pass. The only light in the room came from the door's small window, as there were no windows in the room.

As I heard the voices outside the door and saw the look of worry on his face, something got into me. My hand was still holding his, and I squeezed tighter and pulled him further away from the door, into the dark room. When we had put a foot between us and the door, I pushed him into the wall, and quickly brought my lips up to his. He was so much taller than me that I had to stand on my toes in order to reach him. I pressed my lips firmly against his, feeling how surprised he was about what I had just done. He gasped slightly and I took the opportunity to push my tongue in his mouth. He tasted wonderfully, his lips so soft against mine, as he quickly showed his own enthusiasm, and his tongue joined mine. The kiss was deep, hard, as we tasted each other, each feeling a need that had long remained dormant. My tongue drew out of his mouth, as his followed quickly into my own, but I pulled back. He opened his eyes in a questioning stare, as his tongue went back into his mouth. My lips quickly found his again. This time I took his bottom lips between my own, tasting, sucking, pulling as far as he would let me. I needed to taste those lips. I had spent all semester, and several dates watching those lips, and now the urge I had to taste them was explosive. The taste was exquisite, but I couldn't take much more, I needed to be closer, to have our tongues joined once again.

It was as if he read my mind. Before I could do anything else, he took over. He pulled his lips away from mine, and turned us both quickly, so that I was now the one with my back against the wall. It was then I realized that his right hand, the hand that was still joined to mine, was now on my ass. He grabbed my ass once more, lifting me into him and pushing me up against the wall as his lips quickly descended on mine. He was in charge again. His tongue was exploring my mouth with a need that I found hard to keep up with. I was lost in the taste of his lips and his tongue. Air was a scarce commodity, but I didn't care. All I cared about was never loosing that taste. Then he stopped, and pulled his lips away. Just before I could protest, his left hand was in my hair, pulling my head back, as his lips found my neck. The protest turned into a moan as he worked his way from around my chin and to my right ear. Now they were on my ear. How did he know this was the spot? How did he know this is where I wanted his beautiful lips to begin their exploration of my body?

"You have a plane to catch."

"Wwwwhat"? I stumbled over the word, not sure what was going on. He just laughed, that beautiful cocky laugh that always drew me closer to him.

"I have a plane to catch, and we still need to get these off." He said, taking his hand off my butt, which now felt cold and awkward without his touch, and lifting his shackled hand.

"Oh, right." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a key.

"We tried that already."

"Not this one," I said, doing my best to mimic the devilish smirk of his I found so enticing. I put the key in the lock and freed my hand from the cuffs. He stood there, looking shocked, as I held the key in front of his eyes.

"But I tried that."

"No, you tried this one," I said taking another key out of a different pocket. "Gotcha." I finally had the kiss I wanted, and I knew I would always think of it as the perfect goodbye kiss. As I walked away, I wondered if he had enjoyed it as much as I had, knowing that I would get my answer in three months, when I taste his welcome back kiss.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Love it

Love the short-ish story! Cool style and great lead up.

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