The Last Wallace


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"I want to take a bath," Daria told me apropos of nothing.

"And you're telling me this because?" I asked, knowing exactly why she told me.

"Because I want you to share it with me."

"I'm in the middle of this show, honey."

She pouted. "Please? TV is boring." Her hand grasped mine and gave a little tug.

"And a bath is exciting?"

"If we're both in it, yes." She picked up the remote and turned off the television.

"You're so bossy," I pretended to complain.

She grinned and pulled harder on my hand. I stood to follow her into the bathroom. There were cut flowers in a vase, three flickering candles, and romantic music softly playing.

"Nice. You prepared for this," I observed.

"It's part of my plan to pamper my big sister endlessly," she teased.

She let the water run until hot, then plugged the drain of our big, white freestanding tub. To it she added bath salts and several drops of scented essential oils.

She had me sink into the water first, then snuggled in with me. Steam wafted in the heat of the bathroom. The hot water turned our skin rosy pink. Every ounce of tension melted out of my muscles.

We languidly kissed and caressed each other. Our fit, young, supple bodies twined together but we weren't trying to get off. Being together was enough.

"You have the best ideas," I murmured between kisses.

"Always listen to your little sister," she stated with a smile.

I brushed wet hair away from her eyes. "I love you," I confessed, "with all my heart."

Daria's smile broadened. "I love you too, Ellie. I've never felt so connected to anyone."

"I wonder how much being sisters has to do with the way we feel?"

"Probably a lot," she opined. "Is it a problem?"

"Honestly, the kinkiness turns me on," I confessed.

"Me too," she agreed. She pushed two fingers in my pussy and whispered in my ear, "I love making my big sister cum."

I spread my legs wider. "My little sister knows exactly what I like," I moaned appreciatively. She did too. The minx was learning to play my body like a violin.



Daria looked wistfully at me as I dressed to go to the office. "You have nice clothes," she sighed.

"I bought all my nice stuff after I moved here," I informed her. "You should go shopping. Get yourself something really good."

"I don't like spending your money."

"Our money," I reminded her yet again. "Go shopping."

"Maybe," she said.

I could tell she wouldn't go. "The shops need our support, Daria," I reasoned with her. "I'll give you a challenge. Spend at least $300 on clothes for yourself at Walkville shops and I'll take you out for a romantic dinner tonight. Okay?"

That got her to smile and ask, "Can we go to Lune des Recoltes?" It was a fancy French restaurant.

"Only if you spend at least $300."

That day I went to see Overhill College, a tiny college located on the southern edge of Walkville.

"You didn't have to take the time to personally give me a tour, President Dudley," I told the head of the college.

He smiled. "The Wallace Trust owns our campus and every building on it, Ms Wallace. That makes you our landlord, so I think this is a very productive use of my time."

I returned his smile. "My mother is an Overhill grad, so I'm going to support the college regardless."

"Excellent," he replied. "The Wallace family has always been the major benefactor of our little college. They built all of our buildings, charge us zero rent and pay for the maintenance of the buildings and grounds. We deeply appreciate your benevolence."

He showed me around the idyllic little campus. It had Gothic architecture and many big mature trees. Students bustled this way and that. "This is exam week, so the students are more harried than usual," he explained.

Learning about the college was actually quite relaxing and for once I didn't feel weighed down by my duties. Before leaving campus, I bought Overhill t-shirts and sweatshirts for me and Daria.

When I got home that afternoon, Daria stepped out of our bedroom wearing an elegant long white dress. Its simple sophistication reeked of expensive luxury. "You went shopping," I observed with a smile.

"Yes, I did. Do you like it?" She turned a circle.

"I love it. You have great taste. How much did it cost?"

"$325," she answered proudly. "And I bought a couple more dresses too. $690 total."

"Good for you!" I praised and gave her a hug and kiss. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes," she chirped. "But the prices are kind of shocking sometimes."

"We can afford anything so don't even look at the prices," I advised. "Are you wearing that to dinner?"

My sister nodded eagerly.

I frowned. "I don't have anything that nice to wear."

Daria smirked and teased, "You should go shopping. If you spend at least $300 I'll take you out to dinner."

I stuck my tongue out at her and she giggled.

I decided to wear my little black dress. We made an arresting pair, her in a long white dress and me in a short black one.

When we were seated at the fancy French restaurant that Daria chose, she whispered, "Everyone is looking at your legs."

"They're looking at you in your gorgeous dress," I countered.

"I don't think the men care a bit about my dress," she joked.

"Some of them probably recognize me," I said with a frown.

"Does that bother you?"

"Yes. I'm here for a romantic dinner with my girlfriend, not to put on a show for curious townspeople."

Daria reached across the table to take my hand, and urged, "Ignore them. Focus on me."

I smiled. "That won't be hard."

We had a wonderful time. The restaurant's ambiance was refined, the music classical, the service attentive, and the food delicious. I ordered wine and the waiter was smart enough to not card Daria. I left a $200 tip, which made Daria's eyes bug out. "I'm the rich girl in town," I explained. "If I don't give huge tips, people will call me stingy."

After dinner we strolled through a small park that had a Christmas light show. Every tree was strung with thousands of tiny lights. There was a Santa for kids to meet. Daria and I got a photo of us hugging him.



I woke and luxuriated in the warmth of my sister's skin against mine. I was spooning her from behind. My arm was around her waist, and hers was on top of mine, possessively holding it in place. Her hair had a faint strawberry smell, which I inhaled deeply.

My fingers lightly traced circles on her mound, an inch from her clit.

Daria's eyes fluttered open and she sighed. Her body turned to face me. "Good morning," she whispered and we kissed. She rubbed her pussy on my right thigh.

"I have to get up. I have a meeting with Warner at nine o'clock," I regretfully informed her.

"Noooo," she whined. "Stay in bed with me." She rode my thigh harder.

I forced myself to pull away from my horny lover and got out of bed. "Sorry."

"Poop," she amusingly complained and pouted.

"Shower with me," I suggested. "We'll play while I get ready."

Messing around in the shower only worked my girlfriend to a fever pitch. She was naked and frustrated when I kissed her goodbye at the door.

I rode the elevator to the ground floor, stepped out and looked up, thinking about Daria.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the office. "Crystal, reschedule my nine o'clock meeting with Jack for this afternoon please. Something has come up."

"No problem, Ellie," she replied. "See you later."

When I reentered the apartment, Daria heard the door and came out of the bedroom to investigate. She was still naked. "Forget something?" she asked.

I unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. "I moved the meeting to this afternoon."

Her face lit up and she raced to me for a hug. "You spoil me," she observed merrily.

"Business can wait. Loving you is more important."

We ran to the bedroom and jumped back into bed.

When I got to the office at one o'clock in the afternoon, Jack Warner took me on site visits to two ongoing construction projects. The architects and construction managers were eager for me to learn what they were doing. I understood some of it, but more went over my head.

As Jack and I walked away from the second construction site, he commented, "You're doing well, Ms Wallace."

"Am I?" I asked. "It doesn't feel like it."

"That's because we're throwing so much at you very quickly," he said. "You don't need to understand the technical details. That's the job of architects, engineers and construction crews. The Trust's other managers and I organize the work and make sure the it's done right. Your role is to set general policies and direction. That's why we're giving you the overview of everything that's going on."

"Crystal tries to tell me the same thing," I replied. "It hasn't quite sunk in yet."

"Crystal Abbott is a wise woman and will be a valuable assistant for you."

Frazzled by the barrage of information, I wasn't able to escape the office until six o'clock and went home.

I was relaxing in the living room when Daria stomped into our apartment and threw her coat on a chair before flopping on the sofa next to me. Her long red hair cascaded over the shoulders of her black sweater. Her expression was sulky and annoyed.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I hate cold weather," she grumbled, "and I can't find anything to get you for Christmas."

It was a cold and cloudy day, and Daria's coat wasn't very warm. "I know what I'm going to get you," I told her. A warm coat would be perfect. And a hat and gloves.

"You do? What?"

"I can't tell you," I chuckled.

She frowned. "What do you want for Christmas? I need hints."

I held up the book I was reading. "I like books. The ladies at the bookshop already know me so I'm sure they can suggest something good."

My sister/girlfriend nodded. "Okay. What else?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Come on. One more suggestion."

I considered before answering, "You could get me something sexy to wear for you."

Daria's eyes lit up and she chirped, "I can do that!" She kissed me and grabbed my iPad.

I gave her a moment, then asked, "Are you on the Victoria's Secret website?"


I smirked. "I like Fleur Du Mal." It's a lingerie shop with gorgeous things.

She googled it, found the website and a minute later exclaimed, "Oh, wow." Her eyes darted back and forth between me and the iPad screen.

"Getting ideas?" I inquired.

"Uh huh," she happily replied.

"Maybe I'll get something like that for you too," I tossed out there.

Daria froze and stared at me. Apparently she hadn't considered sexy, lacy things for herself. "I've never had fancy lingerie," she said.

"Well then, I'll definitely add it to my Christmas shopping list."



After a workout in our building's fitness center, I was relaxing on the sofa with a book.

Daria lifted my feet, sat at that end of the sofa, and lowered my feet onto her lap. I watched as she lifted my right foot again and took the big toe between her lips. She sucked and her tongue twirled around it.

"That tickles," I told her.

"I'm going to make love to every inch of you, including your toes," she announced.

"My whole body right now?"

"No. Your toes now. I'll get to the rest of you over time."

"Okay. Do you think you can turn me on by sucking my toes?"

"We're going to find out." She sucked and licked my big toe for a minute, then moved on to my second toe.

"It feels pretty good," I admitted. "Toes are surprisingly sensitive."

She intently sucked more toes in turn, using her tongue to toy with each. It felt alright.

"I can't help feeling that all of this effort is misdirected," I observed. I took off my sweater and bra, then my fingers rubbed and lightly pinched my pink nipples. They stiffened quickly. "I have other spots that would benefit more."

With a toe still in her mouth, Daria watched with obvious longing as my fingers played with my nipples. "I wanted to try something different," she said and frowned.

"You did, and it feels nice, but my toes just aren't a big erogenous zone for me. We'll keep trying new things, I promise. But let's not forget the proven winners." I held out my arms in invitation.

Her frown turned to a smile. She crawled up my body and her hands cupped my boobs. Her thumbs swished back and forth across my increasingly excited nipples. She placed little kisses all over my boob flesh. "Mmmm," I purred appreciatively.

"I love your breasts," she quietly praised. "I wish mine were bigger." Her lips captured my right nipple and began to suck.

"Your boobs are perfect the way they are," I moaned.

She sucked and twirled her tongue around one nipple while her fingers pinched and pulled the other. The exquisite torment went on for several minutes until I was squirming and sweating.

I shoved my hand between my legs. Barely had I touched my clit before I convulsed in orgasmic delight. Electricity surged up my spine and spread to the top of my head and the tips of my fingers and toes. My arms and legs wrapped tight around Daria and hung on for dear life.

"That was wonderful, darling," I murmured when I'd calmed. "Now it's your turn." I began to unwrap my arms from around her.

"No, don't move," she urged. "Hold me. I love it."

"Okay," I agreed with a smile, and my arms and legs coiled around her again. She was laying on top of me, but was light enough that it wasn't uncomfortable. Her head nestled against my breasts. One of my hands moved so I could run my fingers through her long hair.

I silently held her for a few minutes and realized she was asleep. It was an intimate moment. I wanted to hold and protect her forever.

She woke before long. "I fell asleep," she muttered.

"Uh huh."

"You make a good bed."

I chuckled. "You can sleep on me anytime you like."



I went to the office to approve expenditures and learn stuff about the town's operations. Our landscaping manager was excited to show me how his crews prepared garden beds for winter. It was a struggle to pretend to be interested. I mean, I appreciated the work they did and the landscapes all around town were Disney World quality, but why did I have to learn how they did it?

I went to the office more than I wanted, and it made me grumpy.

When I got home from the office I found Daria practically bouncing with energy. "I'm volunteering at the senior center!" she announced.

"Good for you," I praised and hugged her.

"The people are really nice and I get to help with all kinds of activities for the seniors!"

"Sounds like it will be perfect for you," I said.

"I'm volunteering for eight hours a week. It's not a lot, but at least it's something to do other than shopping and working out," she said. "How was your day?"

"Boring and frustrating," I honestly let off steam. "They expect me to be interested in stuff like landscaping and construction, but I'm just not."

Daria hugged me. "Keeping the town going is important work, Ellie," she reasoned.

"I know, but I don't want to do it," I sulked.

She silently held me for a minute. "Are you still considering selling?"

I was, but I snapped, "I don't want to talk about it, Daria."


I sighed and apologized, "No, I'm sorry, honey. I am thinking about selling but nobody wants me to so it's a touchy subject."

My sister kissed my cheek and asked, "What can I do to take your mind off of work?"

I thought about it for a second and answered, "Make dinner naked."

She tittered. "You have a one track mind."

"It's a fun track, little sister." She loved when I called her little sister.

She stripped and I got an idea. I put an apron on her head and tied it in back. "I thought you wanted me naked," she said.

"Wearing just the apron is even sexier than being naked."

Daria rolled her eyes and turned a circle to let me see it all. "You're the horniest girl I've ever met," she joked. "Even hornier than boys!"

"I'll take that as a compliment. You look fucking hot." I pulled her to me and stroked her bare back.

"Are you going to let me make dinner, or do you have other things in mind?"

"Fuck dinner," I responded. Lusty gravel was in my voice.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "That's what I thought. You're a horny goat."



Daria invited her friend Ava to our apartment so I could meet her. "We've been best friends since kindergarten," Daria explained.

"Are you nervous about telling her?"

She bit her lower lip. "Kind of."

I hugged my girlfriend. "It will be fine," I assured her. "She'll be happy for us."

"I hope so."

"She's not going to be jealous, is she?" I asked.

"No. We're friends, not girlfriends. She's engaged to a guy named Steve and they're that couple that's so over-the-top hot for each other that they make you want to slap them."

"Like us?"

"We're not like that," Daria objected.

I just gave her a look.

"Okay, you're like that. You're a sex maniac," she kidded.

"I wasn't until I met you. You make me crazy."

"I think you'll like Ava," my sister said, getting the conversation back on track. "You need more friends than just me."

When Ava walked into our apartment, she had the same reaction that everyone has. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "It's huge! And you have a river view. This place is insane!"

"Aw shucks, it's nothing," I joked.

"Ava, this is Ellie," Daria introduced us.

We hugged and exchanged the usual "Pleased to meet you" pleasantries.

"Ava," Daria began, "one reason I invited you here was to let you know that I moved in with Ellie. We're a couple."

Ava's jaw dropped, but she quickly hugged her friend and yelped, "I'm so happy for you!"

Then she switched to hugging me. "And for you Ellie. You're lucky to have Daria. Isn't she great?"

"She is," I agreed.

Daria was surprised by Ava's quick acceptance. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how freaked out are you that I'm lesbian?" she asked her friend.

"Um, 2," Ava replied.

"That's all?"

"Yeah. Why would I freak out?"

"Because it's supposed to be a stunning surprise."

Ava shrugged. "You never really clicked with the guys you went out with. And it's super cool that your girlfriend is filthy rich."

"Ava!" Daria scolded.

"What? Beauty fades but wealth is forever. You aim high girl."

I laughed. "I like you Ava," I told her.

The three of us teamed up to prepare dinner in our apartment's big posh kitchen. Ava watched us and observed, "Y'all are so natural together, like you've known each other for years."

Daria leaned her shoulder against me. "We were made for each other."

I smiled at the kinky hidden meaning behind my sister's words.

"Two peas in a pod," Ava agreed.



Jack Warner asked me to stop by the office when I had a minute. When I arrived, he and Crystal joined me in my office. "What's up?" I asked.

"There's a Christmas tradition we haven't discussed yet," Crystal began. "On Christmas Day, the eldest member of the Wallace family gives a Christmas Message on the radio. The idea is to give an update on the town and wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year."

"And now I'm the eldest member of the family," I stated the obvious. "Does anyone listen to this thing?"

"The townspeople actually look forward to it," Crystal surprised me by saying. "It's a tradition they grew up with, and it helps cement the bonds of the Walkville community."

"Ms Wallace, people are anxious to hear this year's speech," Jack Warner informed me. "Because you've made no public appearances, they want to hear what you have to say. I'll have someone draft a short speech for you, if you'd like."

I shrugged. "Okay. I'm used to being on stage in the band, so talking on the radio is no big deal."

There was nothing else for me to do at the office, so I went to our mail center to pick up a package from Mom. She shipped my acoustic guitar, bless her.