The Lesser Evil Ch. 03


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She became even more confused as the hypnotist addressed Tom, who was grinning from ear to ear like a drunken fool. "So, Tom, can you help me out and show the folks that this isn't just a parlor trick?" Again the crowd roared, and Tom nodded his head enthusiastically. "Just say the first words."

The first words? What the hell were they talking about? As Kyra turned to Tom for an explanation, his mouth formed two words, which slipped in, through and out of her mind as quickly as a thought. Her head filled with a loud buzzing, and the observant part of her could see and feel that her whole body had gone preternaturally still, as she waited with a pounding heart for Tom's order.

The hypnotist's voice stole into her head like a ghost. She had to listen to that voice too, though she wasn't sure why. Perhaps because it was the only thing she could hear outside of the buzzing in her head. "So, Tom, would you say that your wife is a little shy about showing her body? And wouldn't that make a great test? It'll be our little secret. You, me and the audience here. She'll forget all about it, never know that it happened. I think everyone wants to see what she's hiding under that dress, huh? Let's ask the audience what they think."

The observer in her could feel the answer as the roar caused the stage to reverberate. That part of her looked on in shock as Tom pantomimed slipping her dress down over her shoulders. She obediently slipped the straps down over her arms, then let her dress fall to the ground, leaving her body bare, save for her tiny, lacy black panties. She obediently twirled around, bent over and wiggled in response to Tom's orders, while a fairly intense heat built up between her legs.

"Tom, thank you for helping to prove my skill. But, I fear there are still members of the audience who think this is all just a set-up. After all, we are in Vegas, and there are plenty of showgirls who are willing to take off their tops. How do you feel about trying something a little more daring? How about it, audience, are you up for it?!?"

Kyra stood still as a statue as two assistants bustled around her nearly nude body. One set up a tall, three-sided screen of gauzy material around her, and the other positioned a strong light so that it was pointing at her from the open side. The overhead lights dimmed, so that the effect was to project her shadow onto the fabric, giving the audience a sharp view of her silhouette, but not any details.

Tom entered the enclosure with her, while the hypnotist addressed the crowd, "Tom, it's time to separate the men from the boys. Time to show that this cannot possibly be a trick. Time to show, in the only way we can, within the Las Vegas city limits, how you're going to be treated for the rest of your life. Time to say those two words that we all love to say."

Kyra watched Tom's mouth as they formed two words, and felt a compulsion fill her inside and out, even as the buzzing in her head doubled in intensity. Desperately, she dropped to her knees and unzipped his pants. Reaching inside, she pulled his cock out into the open and frantically began sucking it. As soon as his member touched her lips, she felt a fiery explosion of wetness between her legs, which only served to incite her to double her efforts. She heard none of the roaring of the crowd, was not aware of how the hypnotist had entered the enclosure to reposition them for maximum effect, could barely feel Tom's hands as they pulled and prodded at her quivering breasts. All of her attention was focused on pulling his hot, heavenly sweet cum out of his stiff, strong cock. How good it would taste. How it would feel sliding around in her mouth. How delicious it would be rolling down her throat. And how wonderful it would be to do it all again.

She bobbed her head up and down on his cock, more passionate and enthusiastic than she'd ever been in their brief marriage, or even during the whole time they'd been married. She pressed her head so violently against him that she was soon deepthroating him, his cockhead slamming into the back of her throat. He grasped her by the hair and began fucking her face, his cock slamming past her lips with the same urgency that he sometimes fucked her other lips.

In moments she was rewarded with a big, syrupy cumshot, splashing inside her mouth and surprising her so much that some of it leaked out, dripping over her chin and onto her tits. The compulsion to slurp it up was so sharp, however, that she immediately wiped it up with her fingers and transferred it back into her mouth. She looked up at Tom, her face slick with cum, and waited anxiously for his next order. The hypnotist leaned in and whispered something in Tom's ear, and that was when she noticed the large tent in the front of his pants. She briefly wondered if she would be allowed to capture the cum from that cock too. The compulsion was already recharging to full force. Instead, Tom said something to her. She couldn't hear it, couldn't grasp it, but felt the full fury of it.

There, kneeling in front of a room full of people, she experienced a mind-numbing orgasm. So powerful were the waves flowing through her, she literally collapsed on the floor. Her panties were immediately soaked by the juices squeezed from her cunt, and the perfume of her sex quickly wafted through the air. She panted, moaned and screamed as unseen forces stimulated her sensitive nipples, ass and clit. She could think of nothing else but the electric jolts coursing through her body. She didn't even notice the stage lights extinguishing and the roar of applause for the hypnotist who had put her into such an embarrassing situation.

At Tom's orders she dressed again, cum slickened tits and all. Suddenly, she was...

Backstage. How had she gotten here? All the lights were off. Had there been a power failure? Some sort of emergency? Someone handed her a cocktail and pushed her to drink it. Not a very good margarita. Far too salty.

The beautiful assistant appeared out of the darkness. "Andy says to head to his dressing room to remove the cues. Don't want to be walking around with that stuff in your head, do you?" She giggled, looking at Kyra as if she knew something important. Well, Kyra reasoned, they should go visit with the hypnotist and apologize for ruining his show. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't be hypnotized. She'd even tried to tell him on stage.

They headed in the direction indicated, when suddenly Tom stopped, and began coughing violently. He looked around with wild eyes. Kyra knew the look. He'd had too much to drink and was about to get sick. He just couldn't handle his liquor. She spotted a trash barrel at the far end of the room and led him to it. They made it just in time, but she had to spend several minutes listening to him gag into the can, and trying to tamp down on her own bile that was churning in response to the sickening smell. By the time he'd finally finished, and she'd cleaned him up in the nearby men's room, the backstage area was nearly empty. And by the time they found the hypnotist's dressing room door, it was shut and locked for the night.

Kyra led Tom back to the room, then set out in search of some Seven-Up to help calm his stomach. She stepped on the elevator and nodded pleasantly to the three businessmen already inside. She felt as though she'd seen them before...

Then she was back in the mote field, gasping for air and on the verge of tears. What the fuck??? Was it all real, all those encounters with those strange men, and women, and boys, for god's sake? And Tom, letting them do that to her? In front of all those people? She felt humiliated, raped, pillaged, sickened, amazed, frightened, panicky and intensely vulnerable, all at the same time. Had that even been real? She remembered the trip to Vegas. Remembered all the fun they'd had. They never went to a stage show like that, had they? She didn't remember it. Maybe none of this was real. Not a single encounter. Not her defloration on-stage. Not anything that happened after it. Maybe she was just trapped in her mind, her brain creating all kinds of weird experiences in order to stay active and alive. Maybe she was just in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines, comatose and unresponsive, except in her mind. As she imagined what she'd look like, and whether Tom would pull the plug, she felt her reality twist again...

And she was back in the bedroom. The two silhouettes were there, and one was seated next to her, gently caressing her face.

"Have you given any thought to the code words you want to use?" the stranger asked. She knew she recognized that voice. She almost had it.

"Certainly something better than the first time." Tom's voice this time. He was the one seated next to her.

"'Emkus?' 'Emseelp?' 'Emyabo?' 'Emrofmuk?' What kind of commands are those? What language is that?"

The stranger laughed lightly. "You haven't figured it out? An entertainer like that wants something that's easily remembered by him, easily digested by his volunteer, and will provide an entertaining laugh to the audience if they figure it out after the show is over. After all, he just wants to be remembered and build word-of-mouth traffic for his show. He's really more of a stage magician than a real hypnotist. Anyway, his commands are simply backwards pronunciations of what he wants the volunteer to do."

"So, Emkus is suck me? And Emseelp...please me! Emyabo was obey me. And Emrofmuk was, hmmm, cum for me! Clever," Tom said sarcastically.

"Not clever enough, considering what you've told me about how easily the word spread."

"It was that damn internet. I tracked most of the traffic to a boy down the street. He'd gotten word of it through his hacker network. By the time I caught up with him, he'd shared the commands, and her picture, address and everything all over the internet. I tried to make a deal with him, but by then it was too late. Once something's out there, there's no way to put the genie back in the bottle. Hell, I even looked into transferring out of the country, but we weren't in France more than two days before she came back to the room with her pussy full of some guy's cum. Her face and secret is everywhere."

"All the more reason to change the key, eh?"

"I guess. If I can't remove the lock, I can at least change the key."

"Then we'll get started in a minute. Let's set up the key codes now, so we don't get confused. I find it helps to write them down."

"You're sure she can't hear us?" Tom asked.

"There's no telling for sure," the stranger answered. "But she has the most pliable mind I've ever come across, from what I can tell from this examination. This is just the first time I've seen her, you understand. Since she could be imprinted so easily, it was a simple task for me to suggest to her that she was tied to the bed, though clearly there are no ropes. In her mind, she believes there are ropes, and so she can't move her limbs. I told her she cannot see, even though it's daylight. I told her she cannot hear, though we're talking normally. Since it's uncomfortable to be kept under for long periods of time, I told her to occupy herself with memories, to keep her brain busy while we talked. Simply put, she's oblivious to us. And she will remain so until I release her."

Or until I release myself, Kyra thought, twisting her will to return to the mote field. Hypnotized! She'd been hypnotized and left at the hands of strangers to be their cock-sucking whore. Their internet-traded sexual plaything. She was herself, at Tom, at the stranger who thought he could control her so easily. She reached out to touch the final mote. Nothing could shock her anymore.

She found herself in an office. A doctor's office, from the looks of the books lining the shelves. In a moment she placed it. The hypnotist's office. The first one, who she'd approached to help lose some weight for the wedding. But it hadn't worked, and she'd returned for another treatment. A free treatment, he'd promised her, to help strengthen the conditioning.

"Sometimes these things just don't take like they should. So you just need another treatment, a minor adjustment," the doctor said from behind his desk.

That voice! Now she recognized that voice! It was the man with Tom, the man back in the bedroom. But...he'd said to Tom that he'd never met her before. A lie! She'd visited him twice for treatment. He knew all about her!

"That's OK, doctor. I know I have a very strong will. Except where some foods are concerned. I just need to lose a few more pounds before the wedding. So have at it, and let's get going," Kyra heard herself say.

She watched the pendulum swing back and forth, lost herself in his voice, and saw her other self fall into a deep trance. His first few instructions were simple. A few mantras to repeat when she had the urge to overeat. Then he did something strange. He pulled out his pendulum and swung it before her again, urging her into a deeper trance.

"Kyra, can you hear me?"

"Yes, doctor."

"You will help me understand you. You will do as I say. You will answer my questions."

"Yes, doctor."

"You will lift your top and show me your tits."

"Yes, doctor." She lifted her top like an automaton, holding it up so he could inspect her.

Her other self looked on in amazement as the doctor played with her breasts, running his hands up and down her skin, while she sat completely vulnerable to his whims. Then he left her with his final instructions.

"You will obey these instructions. When you are put in a trance, you will travel into the deep. And you will be compelled to do whatever is asked of you. Repeat your instructions."

As she heard herself repeating the instructions, she felt herself being pulled back to the other reality. She was about to be hypnotized by a man who had earlier arranged to molest her! And Tom was completely unaware of this! She had to warn him. She placed her whole will against the task of moving her arms and legs, but they remained spread-eagled and motionless. She pushed against the blocks on her voice, but to no avail. She was just about to try again when she heard the voice from her past, and it filled her with dread.

"Kyra, focus on me."

She strained against the pull with every fiber of her being, but she couldn't break the hold. Over the next few minutes he filled her mind with sordid orders and nonsensical key words. Not just the taste of cum on her tongue, or a cock in her cunt, but a wide range of sexual deviations. The desire to be in bondage. The need to be humiliated. The urge to be in pain. The anxious desperation to try something new every time. The compulsion to serve a master totally and completely. All stored inside her brain, waiting to be unlocked by one or the other of them.

"Get her dressed and bring her downstairs. It's important that she not have her version of reality jolted this early in the game. Her brain may be lethargic and unable to compensate as well."

Kyra followed Tom down the stairs, a little dazed and confused. Why was she only wearing a bathrobe in the middle of the day? And why was her old weight-loss doctor, Dr. Stanson, sitting in her living room? Suddenly she was aware of her nudity under her robe, and she turned and started back for the stairs.

"I'll take it from here, Tom," she heard the doctor say, in that low, sonorous voice he'd used with her. "Why don't you step out and do some errands for a couple of hours?"

This left her even more puzzled, until the doctor said a phrase that slipped through her mind like mercury rolling across a floor. Suddenly, her every thought was on her master, as she waited for whatever order he might give her. She felt a buzzing in her brain, but could still hear him murmur is appreciation. His hands reached forward and she almost squealed with delight. He was going to touch her breasts! When his fingers made contact, she leaned into him, thrilled that her nipples and tits might be pleasing to him. As he removed her robe, she could feel her pussy beginning to tingle with anticipation. She would do anything for him. All he had to do was say the word.

No! No, she wouldn't, the other part of her screamed. This wasn't right. She couldn't stop herself as she sank to her knees. Couldn't stop her hands from unfastening his belt. Couldn't stop herself from pulling his pants and underwear to the floor. Couldn't stop her mouth from greedily sucking his cock inside, intent on turning it into a hard rod capable of penetrating every orifice in her body.

Ohhhhh, she thought, he's so big and long and thick. I hope I get to feel it hard inside me.

No, you don't! You don't want that! This isn't right! She shouldn't be aware of this. At least before she wasn't aware. She'd go insane like this. Out of control under someone else's control. Knowing but unable to stop it. She'd go insane. The aware part of her could feel the weight of his cock on her tongue. Could palpably taste the intense desire to suck on his balls. Could clearly see the urge to roll his cum through her mouth. She hated it, but couldn't stop doing it.

"And now I finally get your ass," the doctor said to her. Obediently, she rolled onto her hands and knees. As she felt him enter her tight anus, she screamed aloud. It was the first of many screams she would be unleashing. And its primal fury was wasted on the man inside her. And did nothing to alleviate the fury of the woman inside her, either.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Well that was a depressing ending

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