The Lessons Ch. 18

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Gordon takes lessons in risk assessment.
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Part 18 of the 22 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 08/19/2005
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This is chapter 18 of a series. If you like this story, I encourage you to read earlier chapters as they can help understand characters and context. In any case, please do provide feedback. I would be happy to hear your suggestions for how to improve this story or others you would like to be developed.

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Ever since the episode in Mr. Peters' office (see Chapter 7), Tina Andrews had been thinking of Gordon. She originally had hopes of being Mr. Peters' special student (see Chapter 3) but she grew to recognize that this was unrealistic. He was so very much older than her. They could never acknowledge their relationship in real life, at least to others. Gordon, his assistant, on the other hand, was a different story.

Gordon Richards was a graduate student. He was still appreciably older than Tina but they could at least acknowledge their relationship off campus, unlike with Mr. Peters. She had heard of undergraduates getting involved with older graduate students, although she didn't actually know of any personally. It was against the Templeton College Code for any such relationships, as graduate students served as lecturers and graders. But, many undergraduates did flirt with them. They were like forbidden fruit on campus, or perhaps it was the undergraduates who were the forbidden fruit of the graduate students. Well, they both liked to pick from the tree.

Gordon was also quite good looking. She liked his wavy red hair. He reminded her of Robert Redford with red hair. That was though an exaggeration that reflected Tina's attraction. Gordon was also much less confident and engaging than Redford. He was in fact rather shy, uncertain, studious and business-like. He always wore a sports jacket and tie. Many students found him to be overly bookish and dull. She found his behavior and appearance though to be signs of maturity, and she wanted an older, mature man. Graduate students were the future professors. They were just one step short of being a professor. She decided that Gordon would become her boyfriend. The problem, though, was that he wasn't reciprocating her interest.

She began with mild flirtations. She would be sure to bump into him, sometimes literally, when he was leaving his office or going to some class. She would smile at him, try to engage him in conversation, but he didn't seem to get the hint. If anything, he would beat a quick escape.

Tina did not understand. She decided that she would have to try harder.

Her next opportunity came Tuesday at an after hours math tutoring. These sessions were staffed by graduate students, usually two or three, and were attended by any students who wished to come, to receive extra help. There was a good chance that Gordon would be there. He often staffed the Tuesday sessions. Tina arrived early to get a seat at the back of the room, where they might have some privacy.

Her hopes appeared to be dashed though when he did not arrive for the first forty-five minutes. She had to spend the whole time working on her homework. However, she perked up when she finally saw him enter the room. She waved, giving him her best smile. But, he only just nodded in acknowledgment and went over to Mary Alford, one of the other graduate students. Tina was very disappointed. Maybe he was interested in Mary? That could be true. Mary was very pretty herself, and certainly a more appropriate age for Gordon, and probably much smarter. They did seem to be talking for quite some time.

Tina was sorely disappointed, even discouraged. She thought, 'How could Gordon act this way when I was so nice to him in Mr. Peters' office? Boys could be so mean sometimes.' She returned to her math, feeling sorry for herself. When she looked up, Gordon was gone.

Early the next morning she visited the graduate student office to speak to him. The graduate student "office" was actually a large room divided into cubicles. Each student had his own cubicle, but they were quite small and with little privacy. You could look into another cubicle if you stood up on a chair, none had a door that could be closed, and they were divided by thin fabricated panels.

Gordon was studiously working on his thesis when Tina arrived. She knocked on the panel and walked in. "Hi Gordon," she asked cheerfully. "Are you busy?"

Gordon's desk was against the panel that separated his cubicle from the hall. It gave him a little privacy, as nobody could see him at his desk without stepping into the cubicle. He didn't know it was Tina until she was already by his desk. "Oh, hi Tina, yea, actually I am kind of busy."

"Too busy for me?" she asked coquettishly.

"Well, actually, you know, my office hours aren't until the afternoon and my advisor wanted these analyses before then."

Tina was standing to the side of him, hardly much taller even though he was sitting down. She stood beside him for a bit. She asked, "Do you want some gum?" She blew a big bubble, hoping for a playful reaction.

"No, that's fine, I don't chew gum." Her bubble popped, along with some of her hopes. "I've got a lot more. I'm even doing three at once myself." She did have a lot of gum in her mouth, making a bit of noise with her chewing.

"No really, I don't use gum." He turned his attention back to the equations on his desk.

Tina ran a finger down the side of his arm and asked quietly, "Why are you being so mean to me, Gordon?"

"I'm not being mean to you, Tina. What you do mean?" he said, equally quietly.

"You keep avoiding me, like I have the plague or something. Did I do something wrong, or something?"

"Of course not, Tina," speaking even more quietly. "I'm not avoiding you."

Tina scowled at him. "Yes you are, Mr. Richards, don't you lie to me," raising her voice.

"Tina, not so loud," he pleaded. She was right and he knew it. He had been avoiding her. The fact was, he was intensely attracted to her. She was very cute. Her nickname at school was "Gidget," as she looked like a young Sally Field, when Ms. Field starred in the TV show. Her breasts were probably smaller than Gidget's, but the facial similarity was striking.

But, her attractiveness was the problem. He knew that she was involved with Mr. Peters, and that spelled trouble, although at least, for the moment, only for Mr. Peters. A relationship with Tina would be a dual relationship, along with the appearance of exploiting a girl younger than himself. Her youthful appearance made it seem even worse. In addition, for all he knew, Tina was a vamp, using him for some childish fantasy. When things turned sour, and the vast majority of relationships do fail, she would have him by the balls. Finally, who knows how Mr. Peters would feel about it? He might become vindictive if Gordon took his young lover away. However you spelled it, she was trouble.

But, man, she was cute. She seemed especially attractive today. He couldn't tell why at first, and then it struck him. She was wearing perfume. Perfume was verboten at Templeton.

"Tina, are you wearing perfume?" he asked incredulously.

Tina whispered in response, "Now who is speaking too loudly," she admonished.

"But you could get into serious trouble, you must know that. Why are you taking such a chance?"

"Well, I had to do something to get your attention." She looked down at the floor, feeling self-conscious. She blew and popped another bubble. She said very quietly, "Wasn't I nice to you in Mr. Peters' office?"

"Yes, of course you were, Tina." He wished she would just go away.

"I thought you wanted to practice with me?"

Gordon's face flushed. He remembered how enticing she had been, suggesting that he practice spanking with her.

"I even got some special clothes for you." She turned around, bent over, and pulled up her skirt. Her little derriere was just inches away, and written across the back of her yellow panties was, "Spank me." Tina looked back and giggled when she saw his eyes widen.

"Tina!" Gordon exclaimed, "My goodness, cover up," although he couldn't deny the swelling in his slacks. He recalled her sweet smile she gave him over her shoulder when she was sitting on Mr. Peters' lap, and the sight of that cute little bare bottom. He would love to see it again, perhaps even to touch it. But, she was high risk. Some girls were high maintenance. Tina seemed to be high risk.

Tina stood up and turned around to face him. She whispered, "C'mon Gordie, don't you want to practice your spanking?" She picked up his hand and brought it to her derriere.

Gordon let her take it so far as to have him touch her fanny. Her bottom was so small. He wrapped his hand around her soft cakes. She had such cute cheeks. He felt his balls swell. But, he drew his hand back. My goodness, anyone walking by his cubicle would have seen his hand on a student's butt if they just poked their head in.

"Tina, you aren't even wearing regulation panties."

"Duh, you noticed, Gordon? Gosh, I didn't think you were paying any attention to me." She played with the hem of her skirt, swinging her hips back and forth. "If I am such a bad girl, maybe you should spank me, then if anyone caught us, you could say that you were just trying to teach me a lesson."

Gordon thought that might in fact be a good plan. His dick twitched in his pants. But, no way would he be spanking her in his cubicle, and that plan wouldn't help with the possibility of Mr. Peters' jealousy and, frankly, he knew it wouldn't end with just spanking, at least he hoped that it wouldn't end just with that.

"Tina," he said quietly, "Do you really think it would end with just that?"

Tina smiled. This was what she wanted to hear. Now she knew he was interested. She looked down at his crotch. She could see that he was getting a little excited. She leaned over him, placing one hand on the desk and the other on his thigh.

He stiffened with her touch, in more ways than one.

"Do you want to do more than just spank me, Gordie?" She touched the bulge in his slacks with the tip of a finger.

"Well, yes, Tina, of course, I mean." She leaned into him, letting her small breasts press against his shoulder. She tried to wrap her fingers around his stiffening cock. It wasn't easy. Her fingers were small and he seemed to be wearing briefs.

"Your penis is big, Gordie," she whispered, her gum chewing momentarily silenced.

Gordon doubted that there was any real truth to that, particularly as he still wasn't entirely erect, but she was nice to say it. He closed his eyes and enjoyed her soft touch, her perfume, and her sweet voice. "Tina, please, we shouldn't be doing this." He got control of himself. "And, certainly not here." He gently took her hand and pulled it away. He looked past her. Now he wished that he could see into the hallway from his desk. Fortunately, it was pretty early in the morning and there weren't many other students around. But, still, this was very risky.

Tina kneeled on the floor next to his chair, placing her hands on his thigh. She looked up at him with her large blue eyes. They were particularly endearing with her spectacles. She could tell that he found her pretty. She smiled at him, her rosy cheeks rounding with her smile, her dimples clearly evident. "I won't tell anybody, Gordie."

He furrowed his brow. "Not even Mr. Peters?"

Tina thought that she now realized what his problem had been. Gordon worked for Mr. Peters and he had seen her with him. He was worried about getting in trouble with Mr. Peters. "I think Mr. Peters is interested in someone else." Tina was being honest about that. She had seen him around Miss Harding, acting in a way that suggested some personal familiarity. Plus there were rumors of other girls, even the cheerleaders. "I'm not seeing him anymore." She rested her chin on his leg, blowing and popping another bubble. She gave him a flirty look. "I want you to punish me from now on, Gordie."

Gordon put his hand on her head and lightly stroked her hair. "I'm older than you, Tina, and, besides, I'm one of your instructors." The contradiction between his words and his caressing of her hair though was clear.

"Mr. Peters was much older than you, and I promise I won't tell anyone." She got higher up onto her knees so that her face was much closer. She whispered, "If I do, you can punish me extra so severely." She smiled and again reached for his cock. He didn't stop her this time. She kept her eyes on his and licked her lips. She got hold of his zipper and slowly pulled it down. She was impressed that she did it so successfully, so easily, this time. She had been rather clumsy with Mr. Peters. She figured she was getting better at this.

"Tina, somebody could walk in here at any time. This is ridiculous." He knew he was going to stop her soon, he had to, but he did want to feel those little hands of hers on his cock, on his bare skin, at least for just a brief moment. He could let her do that. He grinned as he felt her searching around in his slacks, trying to find her way into his briefs. Fortunately for him, although confusing to her, is that he was wearing jockey briefs with the horizontal flap. They were much easier to use at urinals than the vertical flaps but they were confounding for Tina. She was searching for a flap in a location that just wasn't there. Gordon brought a finger to her button nose and affectionately tapped it a few times. "Just a second, Tina." He reached into his fly and pulled out his cock through the flap.

Tina was embarrassed. Not by the appearance of his cock, but by her ineptitude. She wanted to get past being the inexperienced virgin, yet she couldn't even seem to find a guy's dick in his pants.

Gordon could tell she was bothered. He placed his hand under her chin, tilted her head up, leaned down, and kissed her.

Tina was surprised. Mr. Peters hadn't ever initiated a kiss. He hadn't even kissed her after she had given him oral sex. Gordon, however, was giving her such a tender kiss. But, she now felt embarrassed for having gum in her mouth. She didn't know what to do with it. She couldn't french kiss him with gum in her mouth. Maybe she could swallow it, but it was awfully big.

She pulled back. "Wait," she said. She slipped the gum into her left hand, closed her eyes, and leaned into him again for another kiss. At the same time, she reached for his cock with her right hand and wrapped her fingers around the thickening shaft as they held a protracted, lasting kiss. She liked his kiss. Gordon wasn't even trying to french kiss her. She felt it was a kiss of true warmth and affection. She squeezed his cock. He moaned in pleasure through their kiss. She released her lips but held onto his cock. She looked into his eyes, and then turned her attention to his cock in her hand. She put the gum back into her mouth and fell back on her haunches to give her attention to his erection.

"You really are big, Gordie." She had no real experience to make this judgment and, frankly, Mr. Peters' was bigger, but Gordon was still plenty big, at least he felt plenty big in her hand. She also liked the fact that he wasn't circumcised. She enjoyed watching the foreskin move over his knob, momentarily hiding it, and then pulling back, exposing it again. "It's like you have your own built-in hood to protect it from the cold."

He smiled at her childish description.

She repeatedly pulled the foreskin off and then pushed it back over, like she was playing hide and seek.

For Gordon, it was a nice handjob. He enjoyed watching her little hand moving up and down his shaft. Her fingers were so soft, so delicate. It made his cock seem even bigger being held by her diminutive fingers. He also never had a girl seem so interested in the sight of his cock, like it was the first one she had ever seen. Even his first girlfriend seemed to be more experienced than Tina (actually, his first girlfriend was in fact much more experienced than Tina). It was a nice feeling, that she seemed to be learning about sex with him. And she was so pretty. Her glasses were so cute. He wondered if she might even kiss him there, on his cock. He now wished that he hadn't been avoiding her. Her jerking was even now making slurping noises, with his precum lubrication sloshing with the covering and uncovering of his foreskin.

She got up higher on her knees. "Am I doing it ok, Gordie?"

"Yes, Tina," he said quietly, not only for their privacy but also because he was losing himself in the pleasure of her efforts. "You're doing it real well."

"I'm glad," she said. "I like playing with it. It's so manly."

Gordon smiled.

Tina brought the large wad of gum out of her mouth. She giggled, her dimples again appearing. She stuck the gum on the head of his cock.

Gordon wasn't expecting that. He stared in surprise at the wad of gum sitting on the tip of his dick. He sure hoped that Tina wouldn't draw his foreskin over that.

Tina laughed. "I think he wants to chew gum too. You think he can blow a bubble?"

Gordon smiled at her innocent play.

"Maybe I should blow him instead?" Now, that remark was more consistent with her age. She leaned over, down to his cock, wrapped her lips around the head, and licked the wad of gum off of it and back into her mouth. She then licked around the head of his cock to be sure that she got it all clean.

Gordon sighed with pleasure, placing his hand on the back of her head, leaning back in his chair, although partly to try to see if everyone was coming down the hall. He couldn't hear anyone, but this was awfully risky. But, just a bit longer. If she kept this up much longer, he would cum.

Footsteps! They both heard them. Tina quickly released his cock from her mouth and got up on her feet. Nobody was yet there but somebody was clearly walking toward them. Gordon reached for his cock to get it back inside his pants but the zipper was stuck. He pulled a couple of times, but nothing. Tina saw his problem. She thought fast, although not well. She turned around and flopped down into his lap to hide his erection with her bottom.

"Hey Gordon, what's up?" It was Freddie Timber, standing in the entrance to Gordon's cubicle. He was another graduate student. His cubicle was right next door. He was a heavy coffee drinker and he had his morning Starbucks in his hand, actually his first of three. He usually stopped by to say hello, although he wouldn't stay long. He was a student of romance literature and rarely had anything in common to discuss with Gordon, other than the fact that their cubicles were side by side.

Freddie though couldn't help thinking that something did seem to be odd. Tina looked like a girl caught with her hand in a cookie jar. She looked very nervous about something. She was looking at him like a scared chipmunk, her eyes opened wide, sitting on Gordon's lap, swinging her legs and blowing a big bubble with her gum. 'What in the heck is she doing on his lap,' Freddie wondered. Not that he minded. Frankly, he wouldn't mind if Tina sat on his lap.

"Morning Freddie. Got your coffee?" Gordon replied, looking around Tina at Freddie. Gordon's heart was pounding. Freddie would not intentionally get him or Tina into trouble. He wouldn't rat on them, but he would certainly gossip about it, particularly if he caught Gordon with his dick out of his pants, and the gossip could in turn lead to big trouble.

"Uh, yeah, can't sneak anything by you, can I." He took a slow sip, studying the two of them. The coffee was nice. It was french. He normally didn't stay long, wanting to get to his own cubicle, enjoy his coffee with the morning newspaper. "What are you guys up to?"

"Nothing," Tina quickly answered, perhaps proclaiming their innocence with too much insistence. "Gordon, I mean, Mr. Richards, was just helping me with my math," Tina explained. She blew a big bubble. This one popped onto her lips. "Oops," she exclaimed.