The Life Aquatic with Susan Langdon


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"Darie, can you help with this covering? I want to see her breasts," Laurie asked.

"Mmmm-mmm." Darie's fingers brushed the neck strap, Laurie took care of the lower ones.

"Blarc! Blargle! Blarg!" gurgled Susan. She gurgled further, outraged to see her eighty dollar top float away. The impossibility of these creatures' existence, Mermaids! These aren't costumes! Real fucking mermaids! wasn't enough to quell her anger at losing an expensive, custom-built top.

The drylander's breasts impressed the mermaids; neither too big nor small. At least about as big as most other mermaids, albeit the five took pride in their own. They looked firm with a slight tear shape, and the flesh lighter in color from the rest of her skin. The difference matched the shape of her upper covering. Round dark pink tits, the size of the gold doubloons the mermaids sometimes found on their travels, tipped the two-legs' breasts.

"Oooo!" Laurie admired. "She has such well-formed breasts," she grabbed and squeezed, "and they're firm too."

Sue might be flattered had she understood Laurie's language (her narcissism would have taken over though). She took great pride in the un-siliconed and un-plastic natural authenticity of her melons (not that she didn't entertain the possibility in the future, at the merest hint of sag). Language issues or not, the unsolicited melon massage caused another outraged gurgle, along with shock-widened eyes.

"Her tit looks so succulent sisters," Laurie giggled, and planted her mouth on the two-leg's boob. Her mouth and tongue licked and sucked. Sue's eyes popped. "MMMM!" she gurgled. Her frenzied struggled, in part, masked her mortification. The mermaid's tongue on her tit created an effect in her pussy.

Lissa, intrigued by the drylander's coverings, observed Sereleena sucking on the two-leg's quivering belly. "Serie, can you move aside for a second?"

Serie paused, "What do you want Lissa?"

Lissa swam closer and grasped the drylander's gyrating hips. "This covering she wears. What is it?"

She drew it down the drylander's hips and legs, ignoring her frantic kicking. "Blargle! Blarg! 'Op 'At!"

Lissa examined the covering. "Oooo! Look how stretchy it is sisters!"

Laurie rolled her eyes again. Lissa was so childlike. The others ignored her. Lissa tended to overreact at each object from above.

The stripping of Susan's bikini bottoms (also expensive, the losing of which angered Susan more than her top) afforded Serie a view of the two-leg's slit.

"Oh sisters! The drylander is definitely female. You should see her cleft. It looks like the inside of a pink conch. So delicious!"

Serie wrapped her arms around the two-leg's squirming hips, placed her hands on her firm buttocks, and plunged into her anemone.

Susan's eyes saucered, outraged bubbles exploded, even Darie couldn't keep up. "Blaaargh! Blargle! 'Et 'Op 'Eee!" Few, male or female, were allowed to go where this mermaid went. Susan's clit was only for a select elite. Her frantic struggles were of little use, and only inspired Serie to delve deeper.

The mermaid's long tongue swirled around her wet tunnel, and tickled her button. Susan bubbled, "Mmmm! Burgle! Blarb! 'Op! 'Oh!"

A ripple and shudder quaked through the drylander's body. "Blaaahhh!" Warm, salty, delicious cum flooded Serie's mouth. The mermaid moaned and drank ecstatically. She raised her head from the two-leg's quim. "Oh sisters! You should taste this. She's so yummy!"

"Don't take it all, Serie. We want our turn," Murie said.

Laurie, who'd left off the two-leg's tit, suggested, "So let's switch already."

The mermaids switched positions in a whirlpool of water and bubbles. It was a carefully choreographed aquatic ballet, honed by years of practice on unfortunate swimmers.

Susan experienced it as a confusing swirl of tails and breasts. A different pair of lips planted on hers, different pairs of hands fondled her breasts, new mouths sucked on her tits, fingers plumbed her bunghole, and tongues plunged into her openings.

Young Lissa, left out and still holding the drylander's bottoms, pouted. She'd never sported before and didn't want her sisters to exhaust or drown the two-leg before she had her turn.

Susan's struggles, on the other hand, shifted from escape attempts to involuntary movements. Her eyes rolled back and her body shuddered and swayed with rolling orgasms.

Outside of a few college experiments and some playacting for a few clients and boyfriends, Susan's same sex experience was limited. She concentrated on cock; seducing men offered the monetary and political rewards. Women were good for a little fun, and tease for the men. So going from a few coped feels and kisses to a full on gangbang, by creatures known only to exist in myth and Disney films, was a thing Susan did not quite know how to handle.

The mermaids kept a constant switch up, planting lips and hands on all parts of her body. Different mermaids would force kisses, breathing for her, while driving their tongues down her throat.

Hands held her arms while mouths sucked on her fingers. Hands stroked her back; fingers danced down her spine and slid between her bubbles. Hands mashed her melons, mouths nursed her nipples. Tongues and mouths licked and sucked on her quivering belly. Tongues dove into her flower, licked her swollen clit, and drew a steady stream of cum from her body.

Susan's eyes rolled to the whites; moans and grunts bubbled from her mouth. Laurie, who'd taken her turn at the drylander's pussy, withdrew her tongue and spoke to her blood sister. "Here Lissa. I'm sorry I forgot about you. Have a taste."

"Oh thank you, sister!" Lissa's eyes brightened. "My first two-leg!"

"Don't be too eager Lissa. Two-legs clefts can be fragile."

Lissa's lick was tentative, at first; her first time and all, but she plumbed the warm, salty tunnel moments later. The two-leg bubbled and bucked. Salty syrup flooded Lissa's mouth and she swallowed, showing the enthusiasm of a first time youth. When she finished, Lissa licked her lips and beamed at Laurie with wide blue eyes. Laurie beamed back, proud to have inducted her blood sister into this ancient tradition.

"She tastes so good, Laurie. Are all drylanders like this?"

"Their tastes vary, Lissa. Male two-legs taste different."

"I heard they have flesh rods between their legs, like the men in mating season."

"Yes they do."

"I'd like to sport with one someday."

"You'll get your chance, Lissa."

The swirling, fucking, bucking, and orgasms continued until late. Murie, who'd tired of the sport, left off a tit and spoke, "It's getting late sisters. What do you want to do with the drylander?"

"We could drown her," suggested Darie.

"That seems cruel."

"We've drowned others before Lissa."

"But Laurie, not all of them. You told me. You let some go, and they're not really believed by their fellow drylanders."

"They're still two-legs. Only good for sport," Murie said, "We should drown her and get on with it."

Serie, who'd taken the position as the two-leg's breather, bubbled agreement.

"I know sisters," Lissa gushed, "Let's give her to Old Musk! He might like her. If we drown her then, he can eat her."

"Old Musk isn't fully awake, Lissa," Laurie said.

"Well, she might wake him fully, and he might sport with us as well."

Laurie looked around at Murie and Darie. "It might work," she said. Serie bubbled agreement.

Susan, who understood not a single word of merfolk, and too blissed out on orgasms to resist, was carried to the deeper ocean. Even if she'd managed to escape, she was too far from shore for it to matter.

The mermaids carried her along. Serie left Susan's mouth, to be replaced by Lissa. They floated through a swaying emerald forest of seaweed, across a flat plain of sugar white sand, over a maze of obsidian black boulders, and up a hill of multicolored coral, pink anemones popping in and out of its holes like mischievous moles.

If Susan weren't distracted, she might have noticed the grid-like pattern of the boulders, the stair-like configuration of the coral, and at the top, a giant cave, from which a sea-green glow emitted, with the ruins of giant doors to its side. The remnants of a civilization so old, only its faintest traces were found in myths the world over. And at the entrance, sat the largest, most horrifying octopus Susan, glancing past the mermaid's head, had ever seen.

Her terror blasted away her bliss, and expressed itself in the form of bubbles blowing between herself and the kissing mermaid. Blaaah! They're going to feed me to that monster!

The creature's huge corpse-yellow eyes, with their demonic black slits in the middle, seemed to leer like the customers at the Purple Pussycat Bar that put her through college.

The mermaids and their captive swam close. Susan squirmed like an eel. "Blurgle! 'Et! 'E! 'Oh!"

The mermaids swirled again. New lips, new hands placed themselves on her body. Only Lissa remained at her mouth. The mermaid's face obscured the octopus but didn't diminish the terror. The difference came from the mermaids' positions.

Two mermaids grasped Susan's legs and spread them. Another wrapped her arms around Susan's thighs, and spread her pussy. A fourth breathed for Susan, while a fifth grasped her hands, and held them in an iron grip.

The octopus watched the group drift closer. He noticed the mermaids' captive; another two-leg from above. Obviously, they were sporting with it. Old Musk would be bemused were he capable of human emotion. Obliging the sea maidens might help him fully wake, he decided.

Susan, still struggling, thought a mermaid was licking her pussy again, initially. The "tongue" slid deep inside. What the fuck are these things doing now?

The cold, throbbing thing slithered further into her cave, stretching her mons. Holy fuck! It's a tentacle!

The realization elicited a frenzied struggle and bubbled blargs. A gang bang by mermaids was surreal enough. A following octopus rape broke the last barrier of sanity.

The most mortifying part for Susan was the hooks and suction cups felt no different from her sex toys.

"Bleeeb! Blaaargh! Mmmm!" It's rubbing my clit. I'm gonna cum!

Susan's orgasm was mirrored by the mermaid. "She mimicking me?" She didn't know the other mermaids were experiencing climaxes of their own. All of them enjoyed Old Musk's tentacles in their pussies. All of them were in different states of ecstasy.

"See sisters . . .? Oh! Oh! My! I told you . . . oooo, mmmm . . . she would wake him up!" Lissa's expression was beatific and self-satisfied. Old Musk already gave her two orgasms. The other four twitched and arched their spines.

"You better . . . ooohhh, unnngh . . . get back to . . . mmmm, aaahhh. . . breathing for the . . . oh Great Poseidon . . . two-leg Lissa. We don't want her drowning just yet!" Laurie moaned.

"Oh!" Lissa had forgotten her role as the breather. The drylander was not looking too well. Lissa quickly placed her mouth on the two-leg's, and received a cough up of water and mucus (Susan, who'd heard of drowning fetish but never participated, wasn't keen on it after this experience).

The balletic ceremony of rippling, moaning, orgasmic bodies continued. The area around Old Musk's lair became dotted with floating beads of "mermaids pearls", not all of it from the mermaids.

Susan, eyes rolled back 'til they shone like pearls themselves, piped a steady stream of moans into Lissa's mouth. Lissa struggled to divide her attention between the two-leg and her own orgasms. She wondered if the time was close to drown the drylander. The sport was fun and all but Old Musk was fully awake. The drylander had reached the end of her usefulness.

"Hey sisters! What's Old Musk up to?" Murie pointed at the giant octopus.

"Mmmm?" Lissa fed some extra air into the drylander and turned to look.

Old Musk had reached into his lair and brought out an object; a round, glowing orb, flashing colors of moon white and sea green.

"Oh! A Pearl! Old Musk brought out a Pearl!" Lissa gasped, wide-eyed with awe.

"But . . . but Old Musk hasn't come out with one in ages," Murie stuttered, "Not since the elders' time."

"Why is Old Musk doing this?" Laurie asked.

"Who knows?" Serie answered, "Old Musk's reasons are a mystery, even to us."

"Sisters," Darie said with solemnity, "we need to prepare the drylander. Lissa, give her some more air. She's drowning again."

Susan, who'd run out of air and suffered black spots at the edge of her vision, received another life-saving kiss from the red-haired mermaid. Her thoughts were a'swirl with the roller coaster ride she'd just endured; impossible mermaids, giant octopuses, and cycles of sex and drowning. Oh God! How did I get into this?

Her mind refused to shut down. Every time it tried, an orgasm, mermaid or octopus caused, forced it back into the real. She wondered if her mind had snapped.

I've gone insane, haven't I? Gang banged by mermaids, raped by an octopus? Yeah, that's it. The only explanation. Nobody will believe me if I ever get out of this. John would have me committed and seize my assets. Wait! Yeah, he did this! Made those beaners put something in my food! LSD? PCP? I'll kill him! Divorce him and take the fucker for everything he's got! I'll . . . what the fuck they doing now?

The mermaids tilted Susan's body back. The young red-haired mermaid withdrew her lips, while the octopus pulled out its tentacle.

Oh fuck! Susan held her breath, not knowing if, this time, they would drown or fuck her. The mermaids held her arms, legs, and vulva spread. Her position allowed a view of the octopus. It held a glowing object in its tentacle. "What is that thing?"

Susan watched the octopus bring the orb to her flower. It rested against her vulva, warm and tingling. Susan's clit responded; her mons blossomed with heat.

Susan fought to hold in a gasp. Already her air-depleted lungs burned. Oxygen bubbled out and no kisses replaced it. The octopus pushed in the globe. Her open pussy formed into a round hole and devoured the morsel. A bulge rose in her mons and inched upward, growing smaller as it approached her womb. The closer the globe came, the warmer it grew. When it reached her cervix, Susan finally gasped.

The air left; the water flooded in. Susan began to drown. She struggled, barely noticing the pain as the Pearl pushed through her cervix, into her womb.

The heat grew, but the agony of her water-filled lungs consumed Susan's attention. The black spots in her vision grew into the final darkness. She writhed, unthinking; not knowing the mermaids no longer held her body.

Her struggles diminished and soon ceased. Her eyes glazed over. The darkness took over . . . just for a second . . . and then, a supernova of white hot light detonated in her brain. The darkness and cold chill of death blasted away. The water in her lungs blew out of her mouth.

The light faded to dark; the different night of blissful sleep. Just before it overtook her mind, Susan imagined she heard a voice, beautiful and serene like the calm sea, "Welcome sister."


Susan Langdon's failure to return was noted at the hotel, but not reported to the authorities until the following morning. She was not the first guest to party overnight in the town. The Federales were not happy and expressed strong suspicions towards Jaime. Subsequently, while the Maritime Search and Rescue searched, Jaime and the staff were questioned intensely.

The local chief arrived and admonished the detectives. He'd worked at the Casa Javier in his youth, and remembered the Escobar and Helmsley visits. Susan's reputation preceded her and he didn't blame the staff for their hesitancy.

John Langdon arrived later that evening. While getting pulled away from an important negotiation annoyed him, he had to play the role of the worried spouse.

Some TV and print reporters from Los Angeles arrived. The disappearance of a blonde socialite in Mexico always made good ratings (besides, if the husband was responsible, as they hoped, the scandal would fuel their viewership for months).

Susan's bikini and flippers were found washed up on a beach down the coast. Speculation achieved fever intensity. Ideas formed, of kidnappings, ransom, rape and murder, discarded bodies, or skinny dipping and rip currents. John scoffed; the incident with the senator's wife aside (and outside her former profession), Susan wasn't one for public nudity. The mansion and private parties were a different matter.

The S&R did their best. It was obvious the mission became recovery rather than rescue. John crossed his fingers for the former.

When the bikini and flippers were brought to him, John made positive identification of them as Susan's, then walked away, shoulders slumped, with a blank expression. "He must have loved her more than we thought," observers noted.

In the hotel lobby, John called Jaime over. "I have some questions." They went to John's private suite. John opened his cabinet and brought out a champagne bottle and two glasses.

He told Jaime he was getting a raise and a promotion, and the hotel staff would receive pay raises. Jaime had no other words than, "Gracias."

The disappearance of Susan Langdon stayed in the news for a month or two, and floated around the net for years after. Sometimes a news special would pop up on some network or cable program, typically with numbers in their titles, or the word mystery at the beginning or end, or she'd pop up on some top ten list on YouTube.

Susan wasn't mourned by many. Some of the Quality came to her memorial for appearances sake. A few others celebrated, quite enthusiastically in some cases, including a certain senator whose wife got entangled with a scandal involving the socialite. Unfortunately, certain of his adversaries circulated conspiracy theories linking him to the disappearance and, like chicken pox virus, or old syphilis, it never quite went away.

John Langdon, after a suitable period of mourning, promptly took control of his wife's assets. He didn't change her business much. Susan, for all her toxicity, was good with money. His fortunes rose considerably afterwards.

Shortly after his wife was declared officially deceased, John met the nice middle-class daughter of immigrants from Sonora. Things clicked; they married. She turned out to be a far better match for him.


'Twas the season of mating and the mermaids were mad. Bad enough Susannan of the Gold Coral hair (or Susie of the Storms, as they snarkily whispered) sported through the males, but now the dolphins were exhausted as well.

The males were up for mating of course, just not now. Unfortunately the mermaids were in heat, and the males weren't forthcoming. "Thanks to Susan," Laurie sniffed. They'd already expended themselves on Old Musk, but mermaids in heat are insatiable in mating season.

The mermen seemed to take great amusement in the sisters' distress.

"Perhaps you shouldn't have introduced us to the new one," Koryn of the Black Sea hair remarked. "She is . . . very energetic, albeit a bit demanding."

"It's Lissa's fault!" Serie sniffed. "She's the one who found her."

"Don't blame me! Old Musk gave her the Pearl."

"Why did Old Musk do that?" Murie asked. "She's unpleasant, demanding, and nothing ever satisfies her. Plus, she insulted the Shadow Skin clan."

"Oh yeah, about that," the merman said. "The Council convened. The Shadow Skins want satisfaction. The Council decided Susannan needs punishment to avoid a war. They want you to give her back to Old Musk."

"Old Musk? Why?" Darie asked.

"I guess they figure Old Musk will eat her or she'll keep him occupied. He gave her a Pearl after all. They figure she's his responsibility. The Shadow Skins did not take her insults well."