The Lynches: Challenge Accepted

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Father and daughter find new kinks while mom is away.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is an incest story that also includes pee play. If that's not your cup of tea, stop reading down and go on to the next story. You have been warned so I don't expect to receive negative comments about the content. Thank you.


Sarah Lynch kicked off her heels and placed her glass of pinot grigio on the nightstand by her bed. She really loved the house rule that said if you cooked you didn't have to clean, because it gave her guilt-free time to catch up with her best friend Naomi, who was three hours behind her in Seattle.

John, Sarah, and Michelle all got home from work around the same time, so by the time dinner was prepared, served, and consumed it was usually 7:30 or 8:00pm. Sarah didn't mind cooking because dinner usually ended at the perfect time to chat with her old college roommate on Naomi's commute home from work.

Tuesday was usually fish night, so she made baked salmon with a pesto sauce, roasted cauliflower, and brown rice. Sarah was still in her navy blue pencil skirt suit when she left John and Michelle at the table to go upstairs and change. "Don't forget you're on clean-up duty tonight," she reminded them as she left the room.

"Mmm-hmm," John and Michelle responded almost in unison, engrossed in their conversation while they picked from the large bowl of green grapes in the center of the table.

"Two peas in a pod," Sarah yelled from the hallway and smiled to herself about the wonderful relationship that her husband and daughter shared.

John and Michelle really were two peas in a pod, sharing the same sense of humor, love of sports, and competitiveness. Michelle was the son John never had, so he had her enrolled in community sports from a very young age, often volunteering to coach her teams. Always small for her age, Michelle was extremely competitive, a trait that Sarah allowed John to take credit for honing, knowing full well it came from her side of the family. The time that John and Michelle spent together through basketball, softball, volleyball, track, and swimming really helped forge a close and comfortable bond between them.

This left Sarah to be the disciplinarian. She accepted that role and she kept Michelle focused on school work and her future. She knew her daughter had her husband wrapped around her pinky finger and was okay with it. She figured that Michelle's involvement in sports would give her an outlet for her competitiveness, develop a good work ethic and body image, and above all, keep her out of trouble. Ever since Michelle hit puberty, she kept an eye on her husband and made sure he stayed out of trouble too.

Up in her room, Sarah rubbed her feet together and sipped her wine while she waited for her cell phone to ring. When it finally did, she raised it to her ear, and Naomi was on her fourth sentence by the time Sarah said hello.

"Slow down girlfriend," Sarah joked, "I don't want you to get in an accident while driving."

"I'm in the ferry line already," Naomi responded, "and besides, you're not going to believe who you're going to see this weekend."

"Who?" Sarah asked, wondering what the hell Naomi was going on about.

"ME!" Naomi shouted into the phone and then broke up in a fit of laughter.

"Wait...what...what are you talking about?"

Naomi pulled herself together and explained that the director of her program was booked for a weekend conference in New York City but that he couldn't go. Since the room and conference registration fees were non-refundable, her agency arranged to send her instead, rather than forfeit the funds. They even managed to transfer the plane tickets for a nominal fee.

"So all you have to do is get that lovely ass of yours to New York on Friday," Naomi continued with a shriek of excitement in her voice, "and we can have three days to hang out in the Big Apple together!"

Sarah ran through her schedule in her head. "I'm sure I can move a few things and take Friday off." Tingles of excitement were starting run through her body as the mental logistic were falling into place. "I think we have enough points with Amtrak for a free round trip ticket too."

"I can't believe we're going to see each other in three days!" Naomi shrieked.

"Let me check with John to make sure I'm not forgetting anything and I'll call you back." Sarah squeezed her thighs together and could feel the dampness that collected in her crotch at the thought of seeing her best friend. After Naomi said good-bye, she immediately brought up her work calendar on her phone and looked at what needed to be moved.

"Four!" exclaimed John, followed by laughter.

"Five!" yelled Michelle, followed by more laughter.

The sounds numbers and laughter grew louder as Sarah got closer to the kitchen, but with her nose buried in her phone, she hardly noticed. "John, what's our password to" she asked as she entered the kitchen and nearly stepped on a seedless grape.

"Nine!" John shouted.

Sarah looked up from her phone and watched the green grape as it arced from the far side of the table where John was seated, over the chandelier, toward Michelle, who was standing at the sink rinsing dishes. Her daughter craned her neck while she held onto the countertop, contorted her torso and caught the projectile on her outstretched tongue.

"TEN!" John and Michelle shouted together and ran toward each other and exchanged a high five.

"Will you two ever grow up?" Sarah joked and joined them in their celebration.

Ever since she was a young girl, John taught Michelle how to make a game out of everything. Whether it was grocery shopping, loading the dishwasher, or shoveling the driveway, they would make it into a competition which always made the task more fun. And god-forbid one ever dared the other. At least they're not throwing my good china around Sarah thought to herself and tried to remember why she came into the kitchen in the first place.

"Do we have anything planned this weekend?" Sarah asked the newly crowned fruit catching champs.

"No, why?" responded John.

"Naomi will be in The City at a conference this weekend and she wants me to come down and stay with her."

John looked at Sarah and raised an eyebrow. He was well aware of the special relationship she had with Naomi from before he and Sarah ever met, and he was okay with it. He then caught the way Michelle was looking at him, and given the situation growing in his pants, he was happy to be seated at the table.

"She doesn't want me to come down too?" John replied with a playful tone. He often teased his wife in private moments about trying to arrange a threesome with Naomi.

"You'd be bored, it's just going to be a lot of shopping, and girl talk, and whatnot," Sarah said with a wink then added, "you and Michelle will have three days to try and break your grape catching record, or whatever you two will get up to."

"You go and have fun, mom, and I'll make sure daddy doesn't get bored," Michelle innocently replied while kissing her mother on the cheek. "Oh, and give this one to Aunt Naomi for me when you see her," she added and kissed her mother on the other cheek.

The rest of the week flew by. Friday morning, John pulled into the Amtrak station at 4:30am to drop his wife off for the 5:10am train.

"Remember our rules," Sarah said to John, and then leaned over and placed a long, wet kiss on his lips.

"Of course I do," replied John. He reached down to adjust his hardening cock. "No limits, No lies," John repeated the oft utter phrase before Sarah's weekend visits with Naomi.

The deal was that both he and his wife were free to do whatever they wanted while apart, as long as they told each other every detail when they were reconnected. Most often, it was Sarah that came home with vivid stories about her time with Naomi. But with his newfound relationship with his daughter, John was looking forward to having some epic tales to share with his wife Sunday night.

Sarah reached into his lap and squeezed his thick erection through his pants. "Don't forget to save some of this for me," she joked and turned to open the car door.

"Don't forget to tell Naomi that I'm available for a threesome at her convenience," John replied hopefully. Sarah leaned into the car and blew him a kiss and then turned to enter the train station. John was hypnotized by the sway of her sculpted ass in her form-fitting jeans as she pulled her roller bag behind her. The sound of the horn from the cab behind him shook John out of his daydream, and he pulled away from the station, eagerly looking forward to the weekend ahead.

The workday ground by at a snail's pace. He was in the office a full hour early after dropping his wife off at the train station, and no matter how many times he checked his watch, it seemed like five o'clock would never get there.


Naomi was waiting for her at 7:45am by the Dunkin Donuts in Penn Station as they had planned. As soon as Sarah emerged from the 5 West doorways, Naomi started jumping up and down, her ample breasts synchronized with the bounce in her ringlet curls. She grabbed her friend and gave her a huge hug, which Sarah returned lovingly. Their eyes met during the hug, and Naomi held the back of Sarah's head as they pressed their lips together. Naomi pushed her tongue into her friend's mouth. Sarah's eyes darted around nervously, but the rush hour commuter crowd took little notice of the two middle-aged women making out like school girls.

"My first session isn't until 11:30." Naomi's eyes twinkled as she broke the kiss but still held her friend tightly to her chest. "Do you want to get breakfast or just go back to my room and get reacquainted?"

"I'm really hungry for something to eat," replied Sarah with a smirk. She watched the twinkle in her friend's eyes fade into a slight hint of disappointment and pushed the front of Naomi's skirt into her crotch, "like THIS!"

The shriek of excitement that came from Naomi's mouth actually made a few of the commuter's heads turn. She grabbed Sarah by the hand and practically dragged her down the hall toward the 7th Avenue Exit. They were surprised that the cab stand was not very crowded, so the two women got in line, still holding hands.

The driver met them at the trunk of the car to help with the luggage. "Marriott Marquis, Times Square," said Naomi, and piled into the back seat with Sarah. By the time the driver shut the trunk and returned to the car, the two women were again locked in a passionate embrace, as if they were already back at the room. The driver started the meter and adjusted the rearview mirror to get a better view of the back seat action, then pulled into rush hour traffic.

"Ahem...Marriott Marquis...Times Square," said the driver in a thick Pakistani accent, which caused the women to break their embrace for the first time since entering the cab.

Naomi pushed a $20 bill through the little hole in the Plexiglas partition for an $8.50 fare and said "keep it," as she pulled her blushing friend from the cab toward the hotel. They were almost in the revolving door when the voice from behind them caught their attention.

"Ummm...ladies?" called the driver, as he stood behind his cab with Sarah's roller back by his side.

"Oh my god, thank you," said Sarah, while she walked quickly to retrieve her bag, and hoped that her face was not blushing as red as it felt.

The driver stuffed the twenty in his shirt pocket, adjusted himself, and winked as he replied, "no, no, thank YOU." Sarah was sure her face was the color of the Big Apple and made a beeline back to her friend who was waiting by the door.

They rushed through the lobby and called for the elevator. When the doors opened, Naomi swiped her room card, punched 12 and pushed Sarah to back of the glass elevator car. She pressed her full wet lips to Sarah's and continued their kiss as they ascended. Always the exhibitionist, Naomi enjoyed public displays of affection, but she loved how uncomfortable they made her more buttoned-down friend even more.


The automated voice announced their arrival on the 12th floor, and Naomi guided Sarah down the short hall to her room. Once inside, Sarah grabbed Naomi at arm's length and said, "'s been almost a year...let me get a good look at you."

The two women were almost the same height but had very different body styles. Naomi's auburn ringlets flowed down almost to the crest of her ass. She had much larger breasts and was around twenty pounds heavier than Sarah, but she carried the extra weight as soft curves.

"Still as beautiful as the day we met at freshman orientation," Sarah said, still holding her at arm's length and drinking in her entire form.

"Back before you knew you were a lesbian," Naomi kidded.

"I certainly had no idea what you were going to teach me, but I'm not a lesbian," Sarah replied, "let's not forget about John."

"Is he still angling for a threesome?"

Sarah just gave her friend a knowing look that said what do you think, and the two women broke up in laughter and fell back on the King-sized bed. She reached over and tucked a hair behind Naomi's ear. "You know, for accommodating as he's been over the years, you might want to consider it."

When John and Sarah met, and it looked like their relationship would become serious, she came clean with him about her relationship with Naomi, and how important it was to her. John was open-minded, and also incredibly smitten with his future bride, so he agreed to allow their relationship to continue.

That's when they came up with the No Limits, No Lies policy. They didn't have an open relationship, per se, but when Sarah and Naomi would plan a girl's weekend, John was given a hall-pass for that weekend too. The deal was that they both would be discreet about where and with whom, and if the other asked questions after the weekend, they would provide full details of their experiences.

Living in a small upstate New York community, the requirement for discretion really limited John's options and opportunities. Sure, there was the hostess at Chili's, and Michelle's 5th-grade teacher, but it was usually Sarah who provided all the juicy details of her weekends with Naomi, most often while slowly humping herself on her husband's cock. The truth of the matter was that John really loved Sarah, and had no desire for a one-night stand, just because his wife was off with her college roommate. However, with the newly initiated relationship with his daughter, these desires were about to change.

Michelle's phone buzzed and distracted her from the spreadsheet she had been reviewing for the past 45 minutes. She picked up to see a new text from Dad.

"How about I pick up Chinese on the way home?"

She texted back the thumbs up emoji and noticed it was 4:30pm. Her phone almost immediately buzzed with a new message.

"I'm leaving here at 5 on the dot, don't be late."

"KK" was her reply, and she returned to her spreadsheet.

John had hoped for more than two letters and a picture from his daughter, to see if she was as excited about having the house to their selves as he was. He was pretty sure she was, but also didn't want to be presumptuous. The thoughts of what his wife and her friend were doing in New York City, and of what he was planning for his daughter's tight pussy had his cock fully erect in his suit pants. He brought FaceBook up on his workstation to kill the last half hour of the day and hoped his boner would dissipate by then and allow him to walk out of the office without a limp.

John placed his order before leaving the office and it was ready as soon as he walked into the take-out place. He pulled into the driveway at home and was excited to see Michelle's Prius already there. He grabbed his laptop bag and the Chinese food and headed into the house.

"Hey, daddy!" Michelle greeted her father with a kiss on the cheek and returned to putting food and fresh water down for Chico.

John watched the sway of his daughter's hips in her tight jeans and audibly gasped when she bent at the waist to place the dog bowls on the floor. He was admiring what a fine young lady she had grown up to be. Petite and athletic, Michelle's body was perfectly proportioned, from the swells of her smallish breasts to her killer ass. Her wavy brown hair hung to mid-back and her deep brown eyes twinkled with the hint of the devil in them.

"You gonna keep that good stuff to yourself or share some with me?"

Michelle's words snapped John out of his lecherous daydream and he subconsciously adjusted himself. They talked casually about their work days as they set the table. The two really enjoyed each other's company and their banter and conversation continued through dinner.

John looked into her eyes as they ate and talked and he felt like she could see directly into his soul. The swirl of emotions that ran through his body triggered a battle of conflicting thoughts within his brain. He felt like the luckiest man in the world, yet at the same time, he felt like he was stealing his daughter's youth and potentially negatively impacting the rest of her life.

"You know, you should really start dating."

Michelle nearly choked on her steamed dumpling and gave her father a look that said what the fuck?

John was asking himself that same rhetorical question and had no idea how those words came out of his mouth. It was the last thing he wanted especially with the clock ticking on his 72-hour hall pass. It was like the Dad portion of his being was whispering in one ear, and the 57-year old male with a shot at a hot 23-year old was yelling in the other.

"Funny how that didn't come up when you had your cock in my ass last week."

Sarcasm and smart-assery were hallmarks of Michelle's communication style and her frank response caused her father to literally choke on his mouthful of chicken and broccoli. John coughed and his eyes watered and Michelle jumped over to his side of the table in case he needed the Heimlich. He finally caught his breath and took a long drink of his ginger ale. Michelle stood next to his chair and he hugged her small body to him and whispered, "I'm so sorry," concerned that his lack of self-control had scarred her for the rest of her life.

Michelle held her father's head to her tummy and ran her fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair. "Daddy, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about."

"I love you baby girl and I never want to do anything to hurt you." John hugged her tighter to him and resisted looking up into her eyes for fear of her seeing into his soul.

"I love you too daddy, and it's something that I've wanted for many years now. My only concern is that I don't want to hurt mom."

John looked up into those deep pools of brown and saw them burning with the same need and desire that he felt boiling in his groin. "She knows baby-girl, and she's okay with it."

"Shut Up!" Michelle looked down at her father skeptically.

"No, you shut up," John joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. "She's known how we've felt about each other all along. You weren't exactly stealth in your efforts to gain my attention before you went away to college. And I'm not sure you realize that I've wanted you for just as long, if not longer."

Michelle stood staring at her father. She heard his words but was trying to get her brain to process them.

"Your mother and I have a sometimes very complex...yet very understanding relationship." John chose his words carefully. He didn't want to dump too much on his daughter at one time. He also figured that her mother's relationship with Naomi was his wife's story to tell. "I've told her about the baseball game...and last Friday...and she expects me to have another juicy story for her when she returns Sunday night."

Michelle's hands had stopped rubbing his head. Her body sent every drop of energy to her brain in order to process the information her father was sharing with her. The only regret she had about realizing this life-long fantasy with her father was the concern over hurting her mother. Now that she knew that was nothing she needed to worry about, Michelle felt the weight of the world lift from her shoulders.