The Maltese Kitty


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"A lot of thieves just rush right in," he murmured, his nose rubbing against my ear. "But that's just going to get someone hurt. Professionals take the time to make a safe route for everyone."

"This isn't safe," I told him. "Someone will come."

"I don't think so," he said. "You wouldn't want someone to see you like this."

"I called the security inspector," I replied. "She'll come!"

"She's a half-hour away at best," he smiled. "We have plenty of time."

He kept touching me, his fingers relentlessly seeking out the places and the motions that made me gasp and whimper. I could feel his cock against my leg, eager and hard, and its presence only spurred my body on. I tried to tell my pussy not to keep getting wet, but it was listening to him more than to me.

Before long, I felt my wetness reach my lips. His fingers started to make indecorous noises, and I moaned for a moment before I caught myself.

"You see," he said. "If you're patient, eventually someone will open the door for you."

"No," I objected, but I couldn't keep the gasp of pleasure out of my tone.

He didn't stop there, either. His fingers explored further, sliding inside my wet cleft, tracing my lips, teasing my button. No matter how I tried to stay quiet, he could tell, his fingers circling back to the places that drove me higher. I wanted to squirm away, but I was afraid I'd merely enhance the pleasure, so I stayed still, my eyes shut, trying not to feel it washing over me.

"Then when no one is looking, you can walk right in," he said.

I suddenly felt his manhood pressing against my lips, my wetness easing his entry, my lips eager to part for him. I squealed and tried to move. He placed his hand, still wet from my lips, on my hip to keep me from escaping. No matter how I struggled, he kept me pinned.

As he held me there, he began to press inside. I almost wish that it had hurt, because then I would have had to fight only him. But he was as careful and gentle as if I was his lover, and with every inch I spent as much of my attention battling my pussy's enthusiasm as I did his invasion of it.

I gasped as I felt his hips touch mine, his manhood buried inside me. I could hear his breath in my ear, and smell his earthy scent. The sensation was overwhelming, and for a moment I couldn't even react.

"Oh yes," he murmured. He began to settle into a rhythm, thrusting gently as he explored my body. I tried to squirm out from beneath him, although it seemed to have little impact apart from exciting him further.

"Please," I gasped.

"Please what?" he replied. He took his hand away from my hip and reached around to find my button and circle it with deft fingers. It took an effort not to cry out in pleasure, and a further effort to answer his question.

"Stop," I managed.

"When we're done," he replied.

His rhythm was unhurried, led by curiosity and pleasure. He adjusted his speed, his angle, the motion of his fingers, all to draw a reaction from me. Whenever I gasped and renewed my attempts to free myself, he took it as a sign that he was moving in the right direction.

"You see, good thieves steal things that people have kept locked up," he said, with only a hint of his own pleasure creeping into his tone. "Treasures that are hidden away."

"I'm not your treasure," I moaned.

"Oh no," he replied, pulling close and rubbing his nose against my ear. "You belong to yourself. But you've been denying yourself."

He moved his finger in a tight ellipse as he thrust his cock into me. I tried to deny it, if only to myself, but I couldn't.

"You've wanted this so bad. You've wanted to have a man inside you, to get wet for him and wrap yourself around his cock. But you've kept that part of yourself secret."

"Because I can't," I gasped. I could feel my skin growing flushed, feel my body reacting with growing excitement. "You're a stranger."

"We're getting to know each other better, though, aren't we?"

"No," I moaned.

"Let's see," he whispered.

Deep down, I knew it was futile. My body wanted him desperately, even if I didn't. I couldn't stop my pussy from getting wet and easing his passage, and now that he was buried within me I couldn't stop my pussy from squeezing him more and more intently. But I was going to try, all the same.

I struggled desperately against his grasp. He kept a tight grip on my wrists as he thrust into me, filling me up and driving me ever higher. I could feel my pulse racing, my temperature rising, my body rising inexorably toward its climax.

"No," I gasped.

"You can't keep it locked up forever," he groaned in response.

I tried. Whatever you think about me, I want you to know that much. I strained to pull my wrists free, I scrabbled for some purchase on the ground, I struggled to keep my rising tide of pleasure from overwhelming me. But wherever I went, he went with me. His hips tracked mine, his fingers relentlessly drove me onward, his manhood filled me. I could hear his breathing in my ear, growing quicker and more urgent, and somehow the knowledge that he was taking such pleasure from me pushed me over the edge.

I can't describe the sounds I made as I came. They forced their way out, pushing past all of my defenses, refusing to be silenced. I closed my eyes as the sensation overwhelmed me. My pussy squeezed frantically at his cock, exultant at the pleasure I'd been denying it. My legs shook, and I'm sure I would have collapsed if he hadn't grabbed my hip to support me. I moaned, my wordless cries of forced ecstasy spilling out. I don't know how I didn't wake the whole house.

"Yes," he groaned. "Oh yes. God, you're beautiful."

I couldn't manage any words in response.

"Of course," he gasped, "the best thieves leave a calling card behind."

It took my pleasure-addled brain a moment to realize what he meant. "No!" I moaned.

"Oh yes," he replied, his pace quickening. "I'm going to give you something to remember me by."

"You can't," I gasped. I looked back to see him staring at my exposed nethers, watching as his manhood plunged into me. I could feel his balls slapping against me with the force of his thrusts. In spite of myself, I imagined the seed within, eager to invade my fertile womb.

"I can," he gasped. "In a few months, everyone will know that a thief snuck in and enjoyed your treasures."

"No," I moaned. Despite my objections, my body was still participating quite cheerfully, and my apprehension was blunted by my continued pleasure.

"Yes," he growled, as his pace reached a crescendo. "Oh, such treasure!"

His grip on my hips tightened as he thrust frantically into me. I could feel my wetness dripping from my lips as my body welcomed him. I made one last desperate struggle, crying out and struggling to move my hips free of his grasp, and the sensation pushed him over the edge.

"Yes!" he cried out. He thrust himself deep inside me as he came, his manhood throbbing as he filled me. His fingers gripped my hips, pulling me close. I moaned helplessly, the sound contrasting with his groans of pleasure. He kept himself quiet enough not to wake anyone, at least.

He leaned against me as his climax waned, gasping as his manhood pulsed with the last of his seed. I could hear the soft, intimate sounds our bodies made as he drove into my dripping pussy. He held me tight, even as his waves of cum ebbed away, keeping me close and keeping his seed trapped within me as long as he could.

I don't know how long he held me there, helpless, my plundered treasures laid out for him. Eventually, though, he pulled himself free with a groan, drawing a pleasured whimper from me. He kissed me on the neck, then let my hands free. Before I could gather my word or decide what to do, he had pulled his clothes back on and vanished.


"You arrived not long after," Cecile concluded.

I nodded slowly. Her story had had two notable effects. For one, it had pointedly reminded me of how long it had been since I'd had any male attention. I was dripping wet and hoping that she couldn't tell how flushed I was. If I hadn't had business to manage, I would've made an excuse and left to do some fiddle practice.

I couldn't, though, because Cecile had confirmed a theory I'd been working on. I needed one other bit of evidence, but I was pretty certain I had my answer.

I took Cecile's hand. "Do you trust me, doll?"

She nodded and squeezed my hand.

"Then head to your room and try to get some sleep. I'll take care of it."

She nodded.


The papers back in my office confirmed my suspicions. I knew I'd be able to find the perpetrator and bring him and his accomplice to justice, but it wouldn't be easy.

I caught a few hours of sleep. Then, before dawn had broken over the city, I pulled on my trenchcoat, turned my collar up, and stepped out into the rain.


The first two locations I checked, at the lake and in the mountains, were unoccupied. The third one, a four-story townhouse near downtown owned by the Sackefellers, had recent tire tracks at the front gate. I made a phone call from a pay phone a block down the street, then invited myself inside.

Scarlet was lounging on a chaise in the study, a cigarette holder in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. A nearby antique wooden desk, of the old sort that was built like a tank, held a plate of cheese and fruit. She started when she saw me approaching.

"Miss Harrison! How did you get in?"

"A good private eye has tricks," I said. I sized her up; she was startled but not fearful. I wouldn't put it past her to have a derringer on one thigh.

"I've solved the case," I said.

"That's good," she said, standing to face me.

"Not sure you'll be saying so in a minute," I replied.

She frowned. "I don't know what you mean."

"Stow it, sweetheart," I said. I hadn't drawn my revolver or my handcuffs, but both were within easy reach. "I know it was you who set your sister up for that unwanted company."

I could see the tension on her face, although she was keeping it under control. "You're being ridiculous, miss Harrison," she said. "I love my sister."

I nodded."And I'll bet that once you got your father's full inheritance, you'd make sure she was well cared for. But that's the catch. Your ailing father's will excludes anyone who's found to have had any premarital sex. Even if they didn't want it."

Scarlet narrowed her eyes, and her expression hardened almost imperceptibly. "I'm quite certain she wanted it, Miss Harrison, even if she couldn't say so."

"So why even hire me in the first place?" I demanded.

She shrugged. "If my sister doesn't get pregnant, I still need proof, if I'm going to get the inheritance. But I needed to be able to claim ignorance, of course."

She set her wine down and took a drag from her cigarette. "I expected you to find evidence, but I didn't expect you to discover everything. How did you figure it out?"

"Your accomplice told the maid that I wouldn't be there for half an hour," I said. "Only way he could know that is if you told him."

"Clever," she smiled. "Well, since your first gig has flopped, I suppose I'll have to up your fee considerably to keep this under wraps."

"You can up your fee where the sun don't shine," I replied, drawing my revolver. "I just wanted to get the straight dough for once."

She sighed. "The carrot isn't working."

I heard a man's voice, close to my ear. "Let's try the stick."

I whirled around as he collided with me, sending us both crashing to the plush rig in the room's center. My gun went flying, skittering along the wooden floor and out into the hallway. My handcuffs landed nearer, under the desk but still out of reach.

I twisted around as we struggled. The man was a bit taller than me, and had the edge in weight as well, but you don't become a private eye unless you're ready for a rumpus. He straddled me and grabbed both of my hands, but as soon as he slipped up I'd deck him one, and he knew it.

Scarlet stepped to our side. She took a sip from her wine, then knelt.

"What do you think you're gonna do now?" I asked, twisting in an attempt to break free. "You'll never get away with plugging me."

Scarlet smiled. "Whether or not we plug you is entirely up to you, Miss Harrison. But if we do plug you, I think you'll like it."

She knelt down just above me, pinning first one arm and then the other beneath her ankles. If I strained my hands, I could just manage to scratch her backside, but that was about it.

I could see the man up close, now. He was blond, and stronger than he looked. With my hands pinned, he opened my trenchcoat and stared admiringly at my chest.

"Let's keep the trenchcoat," he said. "She looks cute in it."

Scarlet looked down at me. "Would you reconsider my offer, miss Harrison?"

I glared. "You're not fool enough to think this would help you."

She smiled. "What, ravishing you? It will help me, doll, in more ways than one."

The man pulled my shirt open, snapping the buttons apart and baring my midriff. He ran a hand up and down my belly, each time drawing closer to my nethers or my bosom, as if he was trying to decide which direction to take. After a moment of indecision, he unclasped my bra and began caressing my girls.

"First off, it'll get you agitated. If I call the police and tell them a disturbed woman has broken into my family's property, they'll haul you off. It'll probably be a day before they even question you."

The man circled my nipples with his fingers, and despite my best efforts they responded by growing firm. He leaned down and took my right nipple into his mouth, and I made a sound that was only mostly outraged.

"Second, if you go to my father, he'll have heard about you," Scarlet went on. "You won't be a private eye to him; you'll just be some pregnant floozy."

"No!" I gasped. The man's tongue circled my nipple as his hands caressed me, and I could feel my body responding eagerly. If I didn't want to become the hussy she described, I'd have to fight my own body as well as the two criminals.

"And finally," Scarlet said, leaning in close, "watching him take you will get me off so well."

The man reached down and unbuttoned my trousers. I squealed, trying desperately to kick him off, but he grabbed them and pulled them down along with my underthings. He turned around and unhurriedly discarded my shoes, and then my socks, and then everything else.

He threw off his bathrobe and turned back. He was straddling my legs, his weight keeping me down. His manhood stood erect, mere inches from my pussy. He stared down at me, trying to take in every bit of my exposed flesh as I struggled. I was desperately trying to will my pussy not to get wet for him, but the warmth of his skin and the firmness of his touch were more persuasive.

"I came so hard when I saw him ravish my sister, it was all I could do to stay quiet," Scarlet said.

The man nodded. "It's hard to hold yourself back for too long," he agreed. He parted my legs, gently but firmly, and ran a finger along my wet lips. I gasped and struggled uselessly, and he smiled, continuing his transit.

"And then, when he was careless enough to let the maid catch him," Scarlet went on.

"Accidents happen," the man murmured.

Scarlet rolled her eyes. "Yes, well. I'll forgive your sloppiness if only because of how sloppy it made me, as I listened in the hall."

The man moved his hand away from my dripping pussy and set it on my thigh. Adjusting his position, he leaned forward, placing a knee between my legs and beginning to spread them. I squealed and struggled, but I couldn't manage to kick him. He lined himself up, the head of his cock almost touching my lips.

"No!" I gasped. My body wanted him, desperately, but I knew what would happen if he took me. Don't become a baker unless you want to put a bun in the oven, as my mother used to say. And yet, I didn't have the strength to escape.

Scarlet put a hand on my face. "Now that you're in a different negotiating position, are you sure you don't want to accept my offer?"

I hesitated. I could tell her that I'd do it, and wait for my moment to pull one over on her. But, when it came down to it, my mind kept drifting back to the promise I'd made to Cecile. I couldn't even pretend to accept her deal, and she could see it.

"It's your choice, miss Harrison," she said. She smiled and turned to look at the man. "Ravish her silly for me, would you?"

"A pleasure," the man said, and pushed forward.

I cried out as his manhood pressed against my lips. I kicked and flailed, trying to shake him off or wriggle out of Scarlet's hold. None of my struggles could hold him back, though, and he parted my lips and slid inside, slowly and carefully. He needn't have been so cautious - my body had enthusiastically prepared the way for him - but I think he wanted to be certain not to hurt me.

He caught my eye as he was sliding into me, and we each found ourselves unable to look away. I was in shock, staring desperately up at him as I tried to shake him off. He stared back, enjoying my expressions of outraged pleasure as much almost as much as my pussy. With each thrust, I could feel my body growing more excited, and see his lust rising.

"How is she?" Scarlet asked.

"She's wonderful," he managed.

"She looks like it," she replied.

He bottomed out inside me. I could feel his touch everywhere - his thighs keeping mine parted, his curly hair meshing with mine, his manhood parting my lips and filling me up and setting every nerve alight. I struggled, kicking out weakly and trying in vain to break Scarlet's hold, but it was no use. Worse, I could feel my pleasure rising. My body didn't care that I had no rubber, nothing to stop him from giving me a care package, only that it was getting what I hadn't given it.

"Stop," I gasped.

"Don't worry, kitten," Scarlet said. "We're not going to hurt you."

It was true. I knew a killer when I saw one, and she wasn't it.

She smiled at my expression, though, and leaned in a bit closer.

"But maybe that's not what you're worried about."

The man started finding a rhythm, beginning with a slow pace and adjusting his speed, his angles, his depth. He braced his hands on either side of my chest, watching my expression as he moved. I tried to look away, to avoid letting him see what was getting me off, but I've never been good at shying away from a fight. He caught my eye, and I struggled to keep from moaning as he thrust into me.

"Are you worried about a stranger making you climax for him?" Scarlet purred.

The man looked down. He watched as his cock slid in and out of my helpless pussy. I couldn't help but follow his gaze, and stare in shock as his invading member parted my lips and explored my secret depths. The sensation was exquisite, and it took much of my strength to keep from gasping or moaning in response. The man moved one hand back to my lips, rubbing my button as he thrust, and I cried out.

"No!" I gasped, the pleasure overwhelming my resistance. Each thrust drew a new sound of pleasure from me, despite my efforts.

As I reached out, though, I felt the cold metal of my handcuffs. They'd slid beneath the desk, one side just within my reach. Of course, I'd need to get Scarlet or her accomplice closer to them before I could use them, but the possibility strengthened my resolve.

Scarlet adjusted her dress, pulling it up above her waist, then pushed her panties aside. She smiled at me as I glanced up at her lips and bush. Her fingers quickly went to work, dancing along her lips and slipping into her honeypot. Judging by the sounds, she was at least as excited as I was.

"But I don't think cumming is your biggest worry," Scarlet breathed, watching my face. "I think you know you're going to cum."

I couldn't even try to deny it. I moaned as he ravished me, and I heard him gasping with pleasure in response.