The Man Next Door & Daddy

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Angel is seduced by the man next door & her daddy.
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Today she had to go to work for the man next door. He's alone now that his and and daughter were kill by a drunk driver last year. Her dad got the job for her. It seems he's ready to clean out his house. She dress in shorts and halter top.

"Honey you can't go to work in that?" her Mother said.

"Mr. Gold told me to wear shorts, because he's having the air worked on." she told her. She left her house to go next door. Knocking on the door.

"Come in." he yelled.

Walking into the house she close the door.

"It's just me Mr. Gold." she called out.

"Come into the kitchen, I'm in here." he said. She walk to the back of the house where the kitchen was.

"Hi, Have breakfast with me, then we can get started." he said. She sat down and ate with him.

"Mr. Gold Why have you waited this long to clear out of their stuff? If you don't mine me asking?" she ask.

"I just couldn't face it before now. I love my baby very much." he told her. Together they wash up the dishes, then he took her up stairs. "I want you to box up all of my wife's things and it will go to the church, the baby's stuff box up and I'll take it to my sisters she's having a baby in three months." he told her.

Over the next three weeks, Angel boxed up the baby's stuff and loaded it onto his truck.

"Thank you Angel, Would you do me a favor, Could you fix something for us to eat for lunch?, no better yet, what would you like to eat, I'll pick it up and we can eat when I get back." he said. She told him she kill for a cheeseburger from Burger King.

"I'll get started on your wife's stuff while your gone." she told him.

Up in the room, she open the closets, and took out all her clothes. The ones with tags still on she put on the bed and boxed the others. When she heard the truck pull back in. She had five boxes pack, and sitting by the door. She just finished putting the underwear in the last box, and closing it.

"Hey, Come down and eat." he said. Going down she told him that they needed more boxes, they could get them at the store on the corner by the church, when they drop off the other boxes, the church had called, and she told them she would drop off some boxes after lunch.

"Good I'll drive you over and we will pick up more boxes on the way back." he said. {the phone rings} He went to answer it while she finish eating.

"That was your parents, They're going to your sister's and wanted to know if you could stay here till they get back. I told them it would be alright." he told her. He loaded up the boxes, and they drove to the church. He told her to stay in the truck he would do the unloading. Back at the house she went up, and he brought up the boxes.

"Mr. Gold, I wasn't sure what to do with these. They still have the price tag on them. And I was wondering what to do with the bras?" she said.

"You can have the bra's if you want them, and show me the dress's please." he ask. They're were five of them, and she show him them one at a time. Four of them he said his sister would love them. The last one was a beautiful long sheer night grown with a matching robe in a golden color.

"You can have that one I think it will go with your skin color very well." he said.

"Oh thank you Mr. Gold, I love it, I'll need to put in a bag before I go home. My mother would kill me if she knew I had something like this." she said.

"Angel how old are you?" he ask.

"I'm 18, almost 19." she said.

Looking around the room, while he took the other boxes down to the truck, she saw that there were two boxes still in the back of the closet.

"Angel I'm taking these boxes to the church." he called up.

" Okay I'll finish here." she said. Pulling the boxes out of the closet, dragging them over to the foot of the bed. Sitting down, she open them. "Oh my." she gasp. Pulling out sex toys, and bottles of stuff, she knew what they were use for, but she had never saw them before now. Putting them back in the box she pick up the other one and put it on top of the other box.

Opening it she found tapes in these boxes, putting one in the VCR, she saw that it was a home made porn. And she saw Mr. and Mrs. Gold having sex, in a lot of different positions, some she had never heard of before. Putting that one back in the box she took out another one, putting it in, she saw it was only Mr. Gold, showing off to the camera. When he turn to face the camera, Angel saw his cock. She was shock, She never saw a man that huge. She saw him walk closer to the camera, and was shock again.

"It's monstrous." she said to the empty room. She heard him pulling back in, she took the tape out and put it back in the box.

When he came into the room he saw the look on her face, mistaking the look for horror.

"What's wrong?" he ask. She look up at him. ' I think you better look in these boxes, they can't go to the church." she said giggling.

"I'm sorry, but it's funny. I was thinking about one of the church lady's looking at the stuff." she added. He walk over to the bed and sat down next to her, opening the box he saw the sex toys, opening the other he saw the tapes. Picking up the one on top, looking at it, he threw it across the room.

"That Bitch." he yelled. When he reach for another one. She saw it was the one with just him on it . He was going to throw it.

"NO, not that one please." she said not releizing she had said it. He put the tape in the VCR and watch himself on it.

He saw that it was the one he had done just after he had married.

"She told me she had burn them, that it was wrong of us to tape ourself's. Our marriage wasn't working out. she told me. The night she was killed she had left me, taking my baby. She had her lover with her, and he was killed too." he told Angel. He took the tape out and gave it to her.

"You can have this, but these are going to the trash." he said.

"Before you threw them out you might want to pull the tape out, and cut them in piece." she said. {the phone rings}

"Would you get that for me please Angel." he said. She did.

Downstairs he puts the boxes in the Study and close the door. He saw Angel coming down. He wondered if she ever had a lover before.

"Who was on the phone?" he ask.

"My dad, they are going to stay the weekend, they left a number he wants you to call him back." she told him.

"Why don't you run home and get some clothes and your bathing suit and go swimming, I'll join you after I call your dad." he told her. She ran home, putting the tape in her private box she kept locked. She had her suit and some clean clothes, and was heading out when the phone rang.

"Hello, Oh Hi, Okay I will." she said and hung up. Going over to her dresser she got out enough clothes for the weekend. She was staying next door.

Putting the bag down she went back out to the pool. He was already in the water. He watch her walking to the pool. She was wearing the tiniest bikini, her tits were coming out, but she look great in it. Feeling very wicked.

"I should tell you that I swim nude, you can take off your suit or keep it on." he said, wanting her to take it off. But he didn't think she would. He was surprise when she did. For the first time in over a year he wanted a woman, but not just any one. He wanted her. He watch as she took off her top, out spill her full, ripe, luscious tits, with big, dark, round nipples harden by the cool air. When she took off her bottoms, he saw that she didn't shave, he love a hairy pussy.

They swam and talk for a while when the phone rings. She watches him getting out of the water, water running off his body. She saw his cock was hard and standing out from his body. As he talk on the phone he stroke his cock, knowing she was watching. He took his hand away when he hung up the phone, coming back into the water he came over to her.

"I want to teach you how to float." he said. He took her hands, and told her to relax her body.

"I have problems doing that." she said.

"Think about being on a private beach, alone, relaxing in the warm sun, after coming out of the cool water. Now take it from there. Tell me who's with you or are going to stay there alone." he said.

"No I'm not alone there is someone coming up out of the water, he's naked, his eyes are looking into my eyes. He stands there holding something, oh its his cock." she said.

"Keep your eyes close, your floating, How are you feeling right now?" he ask.

"Mmmm, cool air blowing across my head, up and over my titties down my tummy,legs, and toes. It kind of felt like a man's hand caressing me." she said in a whispery voice.

"Like this." he said. She felt his hand caress her as she described. Only it was a lot better.

"Open your legs." he said.

"Oh." she gasps. He was slipping his finger up and down her pussy lips. Standing between her legs he hold her ankles, pulling her down against his body.

"Relax baby, just feel my body rubbing yours." he said in a quiet voice. Standing against him with her hands on his shoulders. He held her against him with his hands squeezing her ass cheeks.

"Open your eyes and kiss me." he said.

Opening her eyes she saw his eyes. She saw the hot look he gave her. She kiss him passionately, with a desire to please him anyway she could. The kiss was gentle at first, then turn to a hot, and a need to get inside each other. He pulled back, letting her go.

" That was some kiss, Honey." he said. Getting out of the pool, he headed inside the house. Stopping to get her her clothes and bag, she followed him. Once inside he had his robe on and his back to her, holding the sink.

"I'm sorry if I frighten you, Angel. It's been so long sense I've been with a woman. No one sense they died.' he said.

" You didn't do that at all Mr. Gold. If truth be known I wanted you to keep going." she told him.

"Call for pizza, I'll be out in a few." he said. She ask him what he wanted on it. He told her and left the room.

He stood in his room having an auguring debate with himself. He wanted her in his bed won hands down.

"Pizza's here." she called out. He went down to eat. He went around the house and lock all doors and windows. Nearing 11 he ask her if she would go put on the grown he'd given her earlyer.

"I'll be up stairs in my room." he said. She went up to the bath room, changing into the grown, she could see her body thru it. Opening his door, she saw that he was laying on his bed stroking his cock. He stop when he saw her.

"Close the door and come to me." he said. He could see her entire body. Standing in front of him, he reach out to run his finger tip on her nipple.

"I want you Angel, I hope you feel the same way." he said askingly.

"Yes Mr. Gold, I do, I do feel that way." she told him.

"I think by now you better call me John. Now come and I'll show you something you've never seen before." he told her. Walking closer she notice, he had an unusual shaped cock, it went down instead of up.

"Why dose it do that?" she ask.

"I can get into more places with my cock than a normal man can." he told her. Pulling her down on top of him, he tells her to put her legs on his sides. He pulls her up to his cock, holding his cock he rubs her pussy, then he slips inside. Grabbing her ass cheeks he pulls her hard onto his cock. She gasps and closes her eyes, as he sucks a nipple into his mouth. Rolling them over, he's now on top moving his cock in and out.

"Oh baby your so tight, feels good being inside you." he said slowly fucking her. They both had their climax's shortly after he slip his finger in her pussy.

John woke to find Angel sucking his cock.

"MMmmm, I see you know just how to wake me up, and get me going in he morning." he said, caressing her face. She pull her mouth off, long enough to kiss his mouth.

"Good morning to you, I'll be back up when I'm done, down here." she said, moving back down to put him back in her mouth. He move his hips up into her mouth getting his cock deeper in her throat. She took his balls and squeezed them, rolling them around in her hand. He watch as her head bobbed up and down fast, he knew he was getting to cum.

"Oh Baby I'm going to cum!!!" he cried out. After his shuddering body subsided. He pull her up to him, and kiss her slipping his tongue in. Her's met his and they kiss for hours, while they're hands explored each others body. A gentle, sweet loving kiss turn into a hot, passionate tongue dance, with him pulling away to caught his breathe.

"John could you tape us making love?" she ask.

"Wow, you know just how to floor a man don't you. Are you sure Angel, I mean I'd love to, but I want you to be comfortable with it, and my brother wold have to do the filming of it. So I can give you all the pleasure you." he told her.

"Is that who did the other's" she ask.

"Yes he's done most of them. Just let me know and I'll call him and set it up for tonight." he said.

"Call him." she said. He reach over and punch numbers on the phone.

"Yes Hello Jack, I would like to come over for about 4-5 hours tonight and film me with my new lover. Yes I will to her. Okay hang on. He wants you to under stand, that she had to suck his cock.

With everything set and ready for tonight, John took her out to eat and shop for some clothing to wear tonight. He pick out matching black silk robes for them to wear, when she visit. Walking around the corner, he saw sheer panties and bra in red , he get them and some condoms. They went to checkout and he paid for all of. As they made it in the house the phone rang and it was his brother , wanting to come over early. John told him to be here in an hour, and they would be ready.

"That was Jack he'll be here in an hour to start, why don't you go up and relax in the tub, and would you wear the panties and bra for me tonight?" he said. She went into the guess room, while he perspired his room. He put black silk sheets on the bed and pull out the box with the toys. Going thru it he found the two bottles he would need tonight, and something he hoped she would let him use. Standing back he look at the room and saw that everything was ready.

She stood in front of the mirror looking at herself, she left her hair down. He had told her he love her long cascading hair,as he call it. She slip on a pair of red spike heels and went down. Stopping on the landing, when she heard voices.

"Well John what does she look like?" a man said.

"Mmmmm, heaven, Jack. She has long, slender legs. Long, silky, brown hair that cascades down to her ass. Her tits are luscious, full, ripe melons, and they taste delicious. And Jack she has the most wonderfully thick, velvet pussy hair. I love being inside her, and she can take my cock into her hot little mouth, in places I've never been before, but have always wanted to be." John told his brother. She heard every word he said discribing her. She knew then that he wanted her, and he would do anything to make her happy. She would keep him happy too. As she continue down the stairs.

Walking into the room the men didn't even heard her come in.

"Hello Gentlemen, I understand you want something from me." she said. Jack turn when he heard her voice and was surprise. John had forgotten to tell him she was young, and very beautiful.

"Jack I'd like you to met my lover and friend Angel, Angel I'd like you to met my only brother, he's younger by only two years, Jack." John said.

"It's nice to met you Jack, I understand that you've agree to tape us making love, and I'm to paid you back by sucking your cock." she said askingly. Jack couldn't do anything bit nod his head yes. John walk up to her and pull her into his arms, kissing her, and sucking on her tongue. Wrapping her arms around him she return his kisses. Jack watch them, and he was turn on by them, he rub his cock thru his pants. When his mind started working again he got the video camera and started filming them. He follow them to the floor where John spread Angel's legs and kiss, lick, and suck her pussy. He push a finger up her pussy, the a second and a third. John move back so Jack could get close enough for the camera could see how wet her pussy was and then John help her to her feet. picking her up he carried her upstairs to his room.

Jack film John and Angel sucking each other, John pushing his cock into her ass, and when she was on top of John fucking him.

"We've been at this for over 3 hours, and we're out of film John." Jack said.

"Is there enough left to film me sucking your cock?" she ask Jack.

"Only if you can suck me off in less than 10 minutes. Jack gave the camera to John and he filmed Angel sucking and deep throating Jack's cock. And when Jack scream he was cumming, John got it on tape when Angel sallow every inch of Jack's cock, and Jack's expression when he told her he was cumming. She pulled her mouth off his Jack and John went to answer the phone.

"Angel, No one has ever suck my cock like you just did. Thank you for that." Jack said.

"We've got company coming over, they'll be here in about an hour." John said when he came in. Jack said he had to leave anyway. John went with him to the door. Angel had the room put back together when John came in.

"Who's coming John and will aIl need to change?" she ask.

"No you wont need to change at all." he told her. Placing a kiss on her lips he heard the car pull in.

"Come with me, love I want to get comfortable and watch you suck your Daddy's cock, and maybe I'll give you what your eyes were begging me to do while you were sucking Jacks cock." he said. She was sitting on John's lap, with his fingers in her pussy. A knock on the door.

"Come in Ben." John called out.

"Hello, Daddy, I'm told that you want me and have for a long time now." she said.

" Your right Honey, Your mother and I don't sleep in the same bed anymore. And I'm very happy to see your hair down. I've always wanted to run my hands thru your hair while you are sucking my cock. Lately I've been having that fantasy." her dad said. Angel stood up and her dad almost fell out of the chair he was sitting in.

"Oh my, Angel you look so beautiful." he said, looking thru her grown, and seeing her body. She walk over and stood in front of him. Kneeling down, she reach to unzip his pants and pull out his cock.

"Ooooooooo, Daddy your's is so fat." she said.

"Yes I am, And I can't wait to feel your sexy mouth on me." he told her. She bent over and took him into her mouth, sucking him she took him deep in her throat, as she squeezed his balls he exploded deep in her throat.

John and her Dad went in the kitchen and fix something to eat. Angel told them she was going up to shower and change. Laying on the bed she waited for them to come upstairs.

"She must be up here waiting for us." she heard John speak. Opening the door, they saw her.

"I guess your were right John." her dad said. She got up, and stood there letting her daddy get a good look at her.

"I want your cock in my pussy Daddy, come over on the bed and let me ride you." she told him. He went over and lay back on the bed wit his cock standing up like a fat flag pole. Angel climb up on top of him, and ease down on his cock.

She had him buried in her pussy.

"Oh Baby your pussy's so danm fucking tight." he grunted. She lay on top of him, and he grab her ass cheeks, pulling her to him. John watch as Angel took her Daddy's cock in, John's cock was already hard , but he waited. When Ben pull his daughter ass, John went over and climb up to her ass. He poured something in his hand, and rub it on his cock, on her ass too. John push his cock up her ass, pushing till his was deeply buried in her. He reach around and play with her pussy, then he started moving in and out of her ass.

"Oh god baby your ass is squeezing my cock, feels so good." John told her. Angel was in another place, with two cocks inside her and the pleasure she was feeling. She didn't care if the world was coming to an end. She knew she was ready to get they're cum.