The Massospora Fungus

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Fungus induces nonstop mating in cicadas - What about humans?
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The Massospora Fungus induces nonstop mating in cicadas. Will it work in humans? Can it be contained? Nancy the lab scientist finds out.


Fungus induces nonstop mating in cicadas:

Substances made by a fungus infecting cicadas, Massospora, are causing the insects to mate incessantly, according to findings presented at the ASM Microbe 2019 conference. —Science News, June 25, 2019


Part 1: The Pill

I read the above squib in one of my science news bulletins, and then I read the original research papers directly. I decided to get ahold of some of the Massospora fungus. I worked in a high-tech lab that had a sophisticated gene-splicing machine, and I was a bit of an expert with it. I figured I could modify the fungus to work on humans and develop a treatment for female frigidity in humans.

I knew, all too well, that frigidity could be psychological and, in my case, it was obviously so. I had been frigid ever since I had endured a horrific traumatic event a few years earlier. I desperately wanted to be normal.

Like many scientists I'm a victim of hubris. I worked for two years and using the mechanism that worked on the cicadas I developed a single pill for a woman to take. I first tested it on mice. When I gave it to a female mouse she let every single male mouse fuck her as much as he wanted to. Moreover, the male mice really wanted to fuck her in ways the mice experts I had called into my lab had not before seen.

It seemed strange to me but it seemed clear that the desire of the male mice and their arousal levels seemed to skyrocket too, even though the pill had only been given to the female mice. Maybe it was just from having a totally willing mouse babe on the spot? My mouse babe even acted aggressively towards male mice, trying to entice them. She did the mouse equivalent of spreading her legs and saying 'come to mama.' Wow.

I lowered the dose before I tried it out on monkeys. Nevertheless, the female monkeys became nymphos. The results were much too good. I tweaked things again and tried out the resulting pill with chimpanzees. Once again, the female chimpanzees became sex addicts and it seemed as if they could never get enough. The male chimpanzees also rose to the occasion, so to speak.

I kept lowering the dose and finally found one where the female chimpanzees sure seemed to want sex a lot, and often, but at least they did not become nymphos or sex addicts. The effects of one pill, though, seemed to last for several weeks. I didn't know how to reduce that duration issue.

I managed to get ahold of some orangutans. The zoo had experienced trouble getting them to mate. That's not uncommon with caged apes. My theory was that the orangutan reaction would most closely resemble the drug's effect on humans. It had something to do with similarities between orangutans and humans as regards our limbic systems. I managed to achieve a success! With the correct dose, while the effect was intense and the orangutans copulated nonstop for almost two days, the duration issue at least had been kind of solved.

The zoo secretly used my help to try it on panda bears, too. With pandas it also somehow seemed to stimulate the male panda as well as the female. Both the orangutans and the panda became pregnant to the delight of the zoo staff. It was all I could do to keep the results secret, since the zookeepers wanted to share the good news. The pandas in particular had not been interested in sex while in captivity and this was red hot news.

Had I gone public and kept my drug for primates only, I would have become famous due to its positive effects on zoo animals. Of course, long term effects of the drug and whether it could eventually be harmful in some unanticipated way were unknown. One can't be too careful in that regard. Preliminary indications however were positive across the board. I was elated!

After some more trials and some more tweaking, I was finally ready for human trials. How does one go about that? It's kind of tricky advertising for sexually frigid women who would be willing to take a pill and risk becoming nymphomaniacs. In addition, I didn't know what side effects would occur in women or what drug interactions might be. I didn't have funding to do a trial in some third world country the way big pharma does. In addition, I was trying to do all this in secret.

There were also the ethical issues of human trials. The bureaucracy to undergo human trials of almost anything is forbidding, and it would destroy my need for secrecy.

I knew that many of the greatest scientists throughout history used their own bodies to try out new remedies for various afflictions. They made themselves their very own guinea pigs. Pierre Curie, JBS Haldane, Jonas Salk, August Bier, and of course everyone's favorite Albert Hoffman were some of the more famous ones to do this. I decided to join their august ranks.

I knew my sexual frigidity was a problem at least partially in my mind, but medicine can of course affect the mind as well as the body. I had no idea if my solution to frigidity would work in human women, but I had lots of hope. I had only had sex once since the trauma and it had been a disaster. I couldn't get wet and the intercourse hurt like hell. It's hard to imagine a more non-erotic experience.

The man had enjoyed it, however, and he wanted a repeat, so he took me anally, and that was fine. The man is Mark and I know he cared deeply for me, but he was frustrated when I would never again let him fuck me in my pussy. He got a new job and moved away and I've never heard from him, although I follow his exploits, successes, and his love life via Facebook. His love life of course does not include Nancy, the woman he left behind. That woman is me.

I actually missed having sex. I had tried to be intimate several times with men in addition to Mark, and time after time it was a disaster. I tried therapy with a shrink, I tried medicines for depression, I tried lube like K-Y, I tried hormone therapy, I tried yoga, and I even tried pornography. Nothing worked. My body refused to lubricate my vagina and even with lube it was painful and not erotic.

Now I had my little pills, developed over several years of work and animal experimentation. I knew if I were a mouse and took one of these pills I'd be fucking my brains out. For primates, it was more subdued. Monkeys went bananas on the pills (pun intended) and chimpanzees had a pronounced uptick in promiscuity, orangutans went wild, and all was dosage dependent. Humans were the great unknown.

I didn't know the reaction humans would have or what the proper dosage would be, assuming the pills would have any effects at all. For all I knew, they might even make a girl sick. For Pete's sake, they might even be fatal! What to do? What to do?

I wasn't too worried about sickness or mortality issues. There had been no indications of such problems with mice, nor monkeys, nor chimpanzees, nor orangutans, nor pandas. All my test subjects remained perfectly healthy. Odds were that humans would too, although one never, ever knows in advance, does one?

I decided to take some precautions. I was in New York, a scientist at one of the major universities there, and I grabbed a lab tech (Steve) and took him to a swingers' club downtown, just to familiarize myself with the place. I was too scared to go alone. I had done some research, and we were allowed to go there, just as observers. Steve didn't need much persuasion to go with me, even if we had never even kissed before.

I kind of suspected, hell I guess I knew, that Steve had a bit of a thing for me.

It was tricky. I had to explain to Steve what was going on. Steve and I had nothing going on, but I'm an attractive woman and Steve is a guy and well, what guy would turn down some free sex with an attractive woman? So, I figured he'd be interested, but I made it clear this first trip was as observers only. I figured if I really had to pacify him, I could give him a blowjob or some anal sex, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to.

I wanted to go to a swingers' club because if the drug worked, I might become sex crazed, and in a club, I'd have lots of willing partners whom I'd probably never see again, unless I returned to the club! Steve was a scientist, and he'd never done anything like this, and as he put it, "It sounds interesting, and doubtless certainly educational!" So, we went.

It did not take me long to realize this had been a bad idea. Swinging was most definitely not part of my personality. For me, sex had to be meaningful and with a man I cared for. Maybe experimenting on myself with this drug was a bad idea? In any event I was grossed out by the swingers' club, although Steve looked to be intrigued, if not fascinated.

It was kind of interesting to watch couples fuck right in front of us, and one woman seemed to be enjoying a gangbang, something I had trouble imagining ever happening to me, let alone enjoying! To my eyes, it was disgusting.

As it turned out, I ended up feeling that I did have to give Steve something as a reward for escorting me to the swingers' club. He knew I was frigid, I had explained that to him and also how I was doing research before I tried out my own drug.

Nevertheless, when we got back to my place we made out, and little by little he undressed me and at the same time undressed himself. When I saw how hard and throbbing his cock was, I knew I had to give it some relief, so now that we were both naked, I gave him a hand job. He wanted more, so I went down on him.

I had become pretty good at blowjobs and before long Steve exploded in my mouth. I liked Steve, so I decided to swallow for him. He wanted to go down on me as well, but I would not let him. I knew I'd end up crying if he went down on me and I failed to get wet, which also I knew from experience was sure to happen. Therefore, when he was ready for a round two, I gave him a lubricated rubber.

I looked at Steve. He was actually a wonderful guy. He was even somewhat good looking. He didn't have a hard body, or much chest hair, and he was not muscular or anything, nor was his cock anything special, but he had a brilliant mind and he had kind eyes and a good, pure soul. If I were honest with myself I would realize that I cared for him, and obviously he cared for me. Best of all he truly lusted for me.

I was no stranger to sex. Before the traumatic event I was a standard, sexually active, college coed. Maybe I was more sexually active than much of my peer group; yeah, I guess I was, but the upshot was that I knew my way around a man. I was no babe in the woods.

I got on my hands and knees, had him apply some K-Y, and I offered him my ass. His cock was thin, so it really wasn't too bad, and truth be told I actually enjoyed the emotion of having a man who cared for me fucking me up the ass. I liked to be fucked and my vagina just wasn't an option.

Steve was thrilled, as I was the first woman who had ever swallowed his spunk or let him fuck her ass. I think he might have been falling for me! Oh, my goodness. I had not planned for this!

Suddenly I realized I could be falling for Steve, too. When all the sex was over, Steve had cum twice (once in my mouth and once in my ass), and I of course had not cum at all. I put on panties, sat him down and we had a long talk.

Steve agreed to take care of me and to protect me and if necessary to take me to the emergency room if bad things happened when I tried out my drug. I had once tried Viagra in a moment of desperation and all it did was give me muscle aches and acid reflux, but I still had four Viagra pills.

"In case you need them," I told Steve as I handed the pills to him. I wish I had taken a picture of his face when I did that!

We agreed we'd do the test on Saturday. I was beyond nervous! Steve came over around 9AM on Saturday and I quite ceremoniously swallowed the pill, washing it down with a glass of water. With the primates the effect wasn't immediate, but it had been pretty quick, becoming active in around an hour or so. Steve and I watched some softcore pornography while we waited to see what effect, if any, the pill would have.

It was not subtle. I rose from my chair and without speaking I began to kiss Steve. He kissed me back and we rapidly undressed each other. I lay on my back and felt my pussy with my finger. I almost fainted, I was so wet!

I looked at Steve's cock and it looked to be bigger and harder than when he fucked me in the ass! Why would the pill affect Steve? Oh, silly girl, it must be the sight of me, naked on my back, my legs spread, and my pussy wet and welcoming, my eyes imploring him to fuck me silly!

Steve looked at me questioningly. "Please!" I said, and I squirmed on the bed. Steve was slow and gentle. He made beautiful love to me and I instantly knew four things: I was no longer frigid, Steve was a good fuck, my pill was working beautifully, and I was definitely capable of falling in love with Steve.

Okay, okay, maybe I wasn't really in love with Steve. I know that sometimes one thinks like that during sex, and since this was my first fuck literally in years, I overreacted a bit. It happens, okay?

After Steve unloaded inside me in only minutes he was ready to go again. That surprised me. The second time he took me rear entry. It too was wonderful, maybe even better! Only a few minutes later he was ready to go a third time! This was not normal, but I was not going to complain!

This time I fucked him on top, my boobs gently brushing against his chest making my nipples as hard as little rocks, and he unloaded a third time, although the amount of cum of his third donation was of course reduced. I climaxed during the third fuck. To climax when fucking after years of being frigid is a thrill that's impossible to describe. I became a puddle of emotions.

My pussy was beginning to feel a little bit sore, since I was quite far from being accustomed to so much fucking, but Steve remarkably was ready to go for a fourth round. After the fourth round he still had desire, but biology finally took its toll on his ability to get it up. I, on the other hand, would have welcomed a fifth, sixth, seventh and lord knows how many more rounds! I could have been gangbanged had other men been available. It was frightening.

We tried to remain calm and to discuss what had happened. We had, after all, behaved like animals in some sort of sex crazed frenzy! I knew why I was this way, but Steve was puzzled as to what had come over him! He had desire for me, and he had contained that desire for over a year. Now however he had been incapable of restraining himself. In addition, he had never before been able to get it up more than twice in an evening. Once, when he was eighteen, he fucked a girl three times, but there had been long recovery times between the fucks. Was it possible that the pill, which only I had taken, had also affected Steve?

How would that be possible? I could think of only one method: smell. Was I giving off a smell that Steve found relentlessly arousing? I didn't mention this hypothesis, since due to scientific inquiry I was already thinking about how to test it. Besides, even after four rounds with Steve, I felt compelled to have more sex! These pills were dangerous!

We talked some more, Steve and I, and eventually he headed home, but not before making a date with me for the very next night. As soon as the door closed and he was gone I was already looking forward to the next time I'd see Steve. In the meantime, I had some research to do.

I got out my notebook and wrote a detailed account of what had just happened. Doing that is in the best scientific tradition. I included in my account my speculations about a special smell that not only got men interested, it made them ridiculously virile, too!

I really needed more sex. I could feel it in my loins. I could feel it all over my body. The need was rapidly becoming compelling, even irresistible. This was insane!

I went to a coffee shop at the other end of town, taking a good book with me. I was dressed normally and not at all provocatively. I had done things like this before and no man had ever hit on me. Now, however, I had the chemistry of that pill I had taken bubbling up within me.

It was already 9PM and the coffee house was mostly empty. It stayed open until midnight and besides espresso coffee it served tea, herbal tea, lemonade, hot chocolate, and various pastries so it had some mild traffic. I just sat there and read. A man entered, ordered, and walked right by me to his table. He stopped in mid-stride, startled.

"May I join you?" he asked even though there were plenty of empty tables. "I'm Stew."

"Nancy, pleased to meet you," I said, as my pussy began to get soaking wet just by Stew's presence.

"Excuse me, Nancy, this has never happened to me that I can recall, but I am drawn to you like I've never before felt," he said.

"Is it like an irresistible attraction? Do I have some magical pull on you?" I asked. Stew was about twenty years older than me, with a serious beer belly, and a large bald spot complete with a comb over. He even had a wart on his face, and his crowning achievement was body odor. He had a five o'clock shadow, he had bags under his eyes, hair growing out of his ears, his arms were flabby, and in fact flab was the overall image he projected. I wanted him desperately.

"Yes, in fact, it is indeed just like that. Does this happen often to you?" he asked.

"Does what happen?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Strange men approach you and say that they're irresistibly attracted to you?" he asked.

"No, you're the first such man," I said, and I giggled. "Tell me Stew, what are you feeling right now?"

"I'm feeling a strange compulsion to make love with you. Oh! Excuse me for being so blunt and rude! I don't know what's happening to me. I assure you, I'm not like this normally!" Stew said, and he was blushing!

"To make love, or just to fuck me, for example in this café's bathroom?" I asked. My cunt was craving something inside it, anything! I really needed to get a dildo.

"The bathroom would be fine," he said.

"Let's go," I replied, and I got up grabbing my purse, and I led him by the hand to the café's unisex toilet which had a door that locked. He followed me like a puppy dog. Well, like a puppy dog following a bitch in heat. Strike the puppy part, too; this dog was sexually mature.

Once we were safely locked in the café's women's room Stew revealed his true nature. He was not at all the sweet, considerate lover that Steve was. He was an animal. He almost ripped my clothes off my body, and in fact he actually did rip my blouse a little, and now naked he bent me over the sink. Without any foreplay he stuck his big, fat cock right inside me. Luckily, my pills had seen to it that I was already wet and welcoming.

Stew pumped away furiously, not giving a damn about me or how I was experiencing it, but probably due to my pills it didn't matter because I was loving it! I came twice during his first fuck. I had never before cum twice in one single fuck. Only minutes after he ejaculated inside me he was ready to go again, and he took me a second time, in exactly the same way.

He should have been sated after the second time. After all, the man had to be over 45 years old! Nevertheless, it was but minutes later as I was still recovering from my third climax in the café's ladies' room when he was ready to go again.

This time he sat on the toilet, his hard cock sticking straight up, and he plopped me down right onto his cock. He proceeded to ravish me and I could no longer stay silent and I began to moan. I was bouncing furiously on his cock.

He wanted a fourth round and quite quickly got hard again, but I said no. Someone was knocking on the door to the restroom. He got angry and left, opening the door while I was only half dressed. He threw $200 at me. The man had thought I was a whore!