The Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Ch. 2


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"And is Mary on the night shift, as well?"

"No, Miss Pendrake, Mary still works days." He must have noticed the look in my eyes, as I wondered how they managed to survive while never seeing one another, so he continued, "It really is not an imposition. In this way, at least one of us is with our children at all times. It actually is rather convenient. I must ask, will you be needing Mary again during this visit? Simply so that I can have our schedules arranged properly, you understand."

During our visit in September, Mary had nursed me whilst I recovered from a fall I suffered when James and I were set upon by ruffians. James dispatched the bandits handily, but I managed to fall and hurt my head. After I recovered, I had the hotel assign Mary to my company, and she became both a servant and a friend. "Yes, sir, please, if you would. However, it is the weekend, so do not have her visit me until Monday, please. I shall not let it be my fault that she has to work on the weekend."

"You are sure?"


"Very well. I will let her know you are here, and arrange matters with her supervisor." He tipped his hat to us again and handed us off to a clerk, then cheerily went about his business.

We turned to face the concierge, who smiled rather benevolently at David as he moved across the lobby. "A good man, our Mister Johnson; he was just moved up a few weeks ago."

James glanced back at David, then turned and smiled. "He seems quite capable."

"Oh, very, Mister MacAllister, very. Would you believe that he reviews the reservations and the check-ins when he reports on duty, so that he will know who we are expecting, so that he can greet them properly. A very ambitious young man, I would say."

"Smart, ambitious, and enviable combination. I would prefer to invest in a man like that above all others.", commented James approvingly.

The concierge smiled. "Something like yourself, perhaps, in an earlier time?"

James laughed loudly. "Not precisely, sir. I will grant the smart and ambitious, but nobody has ever accused me of working hard!"

It was late, and we were rather hungry, so James and I moved on to the dining room while our bags were taken to our suite and unpacked. It was rather late when we reached our rooms. We spent the rest of the weekend dining on room service.

Monday was spent in the most deliciously wicked of fashions. To begin with, I awoke James in our usual fashion, that is to say, I woke before him, stripped the covers from his majestic form, and took his manhood into my mouth, to suckle him and cause his release. This most certainly woke him in the most pleasant of fashions, so much so that I insisted on performing this act of love upon him a second time, which also caused his release between my lips. During this second tryst, I maneuvered my form so as to allow him to run his hands across my breasts and quim and arse, and I myself spent several times before he groaned out his passion and flooded my mouth with his hot and tasty seed.

Afterwards, we arose and dined on room service, then James bathed and dressed and went into the city on business. I must point out that whenever we went on these trips, that they were as much business as pleasure. James' interests are so vast as to require his attention at almost all times. While at home he maintains a regular correspondence with his solicitors and agents in Boston and New York by telegraph and telephone; when we are in one of these great cities, he must needs be in contact with them in person. Therefore, he would spend the morning and much of the afternoon so occupied, before returning to our rooms.

After James had left, I retired to our bedchamber and stripped my robe off, then lay back on the sheets. Spreading my legs, I delved my sex, pleasuring myself much as my lover had done earlier, until I spent. This proved so delightful, that I repeated the process, then I went in to the bath and prepared the tub for myself. I had just entered the soapy water when there was a knock on the door. Guessing who it might be, I cried out for Mary to enter, and moments later, my friend and servant, Mary Johnson, came in to the bath. Neither of us had any modesty when in each other's presence; when Mary had tended my needs earlier in the year she had become familiar with me, and I with her.

After greeting each other warmly, I had Mary bring the vanity stool near the tub and had her sit, so that we could talk. "You will never believe what has happened?!", she gushed out to me.


"David and I are expecting another child!", she announced happily.

"Really! How wonderful!", I exclaimed. I glanced at her waist but could see no sign that she was in the family way.

Mary caught my look and laughed. "It has only been a few months, Miss Caroline, since September, in fact, and you are the cause of it, I shall have you know!"

"Mary, I may be younger than you, but even I know that to be impossible!", I laughed.

"Oh, not like that.", she said while waving her hands at me. "No, it happened that time you were with us last. Do you remember that night shift you gave me, the rather extreme one?"

I remembered it well. It had been most sheer and very short and low cut. I had intended to wear it once I had enticed James into my bed, but following my encounter with the barbarian thieves, had found myself wearing it somewhat too early for my plans. I had donated it to my benefactress, who had worn it for her husband. She had later informed me that whenever she wore it, it moved him to new heights of passion and loveplay.

I nodded my understanding, and she continued, "Well, he had me wear it until it literally wore off me, and would take me repeatedly while I wore it. I was ripe, and well, another Johnson is on the way!"

I laughed and congratulated her, but confessed my confusion. "Mary, surely that can not be the only time in the last few years that you have enticed your husband to have his way with you. You have been married a number of years, but, as I recall, you only have two children."

"Oh, of course not! In fact, we have our way with each other most every day. It is simply that he became so passionate that he would insist on taking me fully, so that my cunny was literally awash in his seed!" I insisted that she explain further, as my hands drifted below the level of the bubbles and found my nubbin. She explained, "Well, since neither David nor I wish an overly large family, it is necessary for us to find a release which does not cause him to plant his seed when my furrow is productive. Therefore, whenever I am fertile, we pursue our pleasures with our hands and mouths, and often, my arse." I nodded my understanding, as I was quite familiar now with all these alternative methods. "In fact, we first began doing so once we became betrothed. Neither of us wanted the shame of an early child, but we were both so desirous of each other, that we could not wait for the wedding to begin our physical love. We only make love in the most traditional sense shortly before and after my courses, although we cause each other to spend every day."

"Then you planned on your children?", I asked.

"Well, not precisely. It seems as if Nature's clock is not the most precisely regulated, and the girls surprised us. We began using sheaths as well, although neither David nor I enjoy their use. Still, when David saw me in that shift, wearing nothing else but my slippers, he became madly aroused, and took me repeatedly, in every position, without a sheath. Later on that week, after you taught me to shave my cunny, he became even more incensed, and would take me morning, noon, and night! He was insatiable!" She said this with a most pleasant sigh.

"Marvelous!", I replied. "Then are you now continuing your love, or does your condition prevent it?" In this I was unsure.

Mary giggled, and answered, "My condition does not prevent our pleasures. In fact, we often will love each other until only a few days before my final confinement. Only the positions change, as my belly grows too big for David to lay atop me, or I atop him."

I gasped as I spent, my fingers releasing me to the words my friend spoke. Mary's eyes widened as she understood what I had been doing, though she gave me a sly smile. I asked, "So, have you maintained your clean shaven appearance for your husband, and have you replaced the torn shift with a newer one, equally decadent?"

"I should answer that question both yes and no. Yes, I often will depilate myself for his arousal, and mine, but I have found that scandalous night shifts are not at all necessary. David prefers me naked, wearing nothing but the highest slippers, so after our love has finished, I simply doff the slippers and pull on my regular gown, and find a rapid and pleasurable sleep."

"And what has this new schedule of your husband's done for your loveplay? Are you ever together at the same time anymore?", I asked, curious about how they managed with this odd lifestyle. "When do you ever find the time?"

Mary shrugged at this, admitting that it was a problem, at times. Some days, they had a few minutes together between the day and evening shift, and Mary found herself bent over hurriedly, being rogered fiercely by David upon her return home and before he scurried off to work. Other times, he would rouse her from her sleep and they would play late into the night, though this often left her overly tired the next day, and sometimes she would wake early and rouse him, which disrupted his sleep instead. She admitted that she had been unable to use her razor properly for several weeks.

This was a problem which I could solve. "Mary, lock the doors.", I ordered, "Then remove your clothing, and we shall take care of this problem!" Mary gave me a shocked look at first, knowing that she could be sacked for such behavior, but after all, with the doors locked and my acting guard, what danger was she actually in? Several minutes later, while I adjusted the level and temperature of the water, Mary was standing by the side of the tub wearing nothing more than what she had brought into the world.

I should describe Mary. She is in her late twenties (when we first met, I suspected her to be a few years older, but I had since discovered that it was simply the lateness of the hour for her that made her look so tired), slim, brunette, and taller than I (though almost everyone is!) Further, she has very long legs, shaped most becomingly, a slim waist, and an average sized bosom, which on her slim figure seems larger than it actually is. She has very large and dark nipples, much larger than my own, and they stood out almost an inch from her boobies! Her eyes are brown and her face is oval. She wears her hair in a tight bun, though in this instance, she undid it and it tumbled to the middle of her back, most luxuriously. I considered her an extremely attractive woman.

"Well, since you haven't shaved in a bit, why not just climb in here and soak for a bit." The bathtub was generously sized and could easily fit two people; in fact, the last time we were here, James and I had a long and languorous soak together, followed up by a most vigorous bath fuck afterwards! I moved my legs aside, and Mary stepped into the tub, although not without some trepidation. While she and I had been naked together before, never had it been at such close quarters as I was offering. She sank into the tub, and I was perforce required to adjust the drain so as to keep the water level from slopping over the top. The bathwater was pleasantly hot, and Mary began to relax. At my suggestion, she extended her legs so that they came up along mine, and we serenely reclined against opposing ends of the tub.

It was Mary who took things to the next level of intimacy, although it was entirely by accident. As we lay half-dozing in the waters, her hand slipped and rested on my left calf under the water. I remember smiling, eyes closed, and brought both my hands under the water, to begin massaging both her legs. She started at this, and I opened my eyes to see her staring at me curiously, but as I continued to rub her limbs, moving my fingers to her knees and above, she gave a small shiver and lay back in contentment, to begin doing the same to me. Her hands felt wonderful on my sensitive thighs, and we began to slowly work our hands up each others legs, and began to imperceptibly move closer to each other. By the time our fingers began to touch each other, we were sitting in the center of the tub, with Mary's legs wrapped around my waist loosely, and our breasts were on the verge of touching.

I moved my fingers further, so that I was lightly stroking my friend's quim, and Mary shuddered with delight. Moving closer, she reached out and began to cup and fondle my full breasts which were floating gently in the now tepid water, and it was my turn to begin squirming and gasping. I concentrated on pleasuring Mary's cunny, and Mary began shaking with her release. Moaning softly, she leaned in, and with one hand on my boobies and the other probing my slickly clean cunny, kissed me softly. I darted my tongue forward, to probe her sweet and gentle lips, and shivered with my own release. We repeated this pleasant interlude, then with our skin shriveling and a chill setting in, we finished our intended pursuit. I had Mary sit upon the edge of the tub, and I brought out my razor, to clean her cunny and arse of the trim hair which had grown in since she had last performed this task herself.

Afterwards, we dried off and wrapped towels and robes around our naked forms, then retired to my bedroom. I ordered down for lunch, and we dined au naturel upon my bed, frankly gazing at each other in a way we had not in the past. I had to know the truth. "Mary, was that the first time you have been with another woman?"

Mary blushed, from her head to her toes, and her breasts reddened pleasantly, as did her quim. I could see her nipples stiffen and some juice began seeping from her love canal, and knew the question excited her even as it embarrassed her. She shook her head silently, and I pressed her, so she said quietly, "No."


"Oh, Lord, it was so long ago!", she allowed. "It was years before I met David, when I was your age, really, or maybe a year or so after that. She was my cousin." I motioned for her to continue, and she did. "I was raised on a small farm outside the city, in Oyster Bay, and my parents were beginning to think I was to become an old spinster, since I had shown no interest in any of the local farmboys. Anyway, my cousin Anne came to visit us for the summer, and it was she who actually was my first lover. She, too, had not found a young man to settle down with and marry, but unbeknownst to her family or mine, this was a conscious act on her part. She preferred the company of women!"

I tried to look as shocked as Mary was, but, in truth, this was not the first time I had witnessed such. Indeed, after spending most of my formative years in a boarding school for young ladies, I had had considerable experience in the love of Sappho, and knew that some of my friends and classmates found this to be the preferred method of pleasure. For myself, I considered that relations between a man and a woman were the most to be desired, and that relations with other women, though enjoyable, were not of a quality equal to or superior to that with a man. Regardless, I feigned surprise, and Mary continued on.

"It was she who first taught me such things, one day while we were down at a nearby stream, bathing and swimming. Of course we were naked, not wishing to wet our clothing, and it was the first time I had been naked with another woman of my age. I shall be honest and say that I was most curious to compare our forms, and Anne readily came up to me. It was she who first touched me intimately, and begged me to return the favor. We spent the summer playing with each other, though I knew we must hide our affections, and I enjoyed myself tremendously."

"And what happened when she went home?", I asked.

"Well, I was almost heartbroken! Worse, I began to consider that I was, well, you know, not quite normal, I mean, being interested in women that way. It wasn't until I met David that winter that I knew that I really preferred a man, and that Anne had simply been an interesting summer fling.", she said.

"So, how long did it take you to know that David was the man for you?"

Mary laughed brightly. "Oh, almost immediately! It was love at first sight, for the both of us. He went to my father for permission to marry that following Spring!"

"And did the two of you wait 'til your wedding night to express that love?"

"You mean like you and Mister MacAllister are doing?", she asked. It was my turn to blush now. She laughed again, and said, "We waited right up until our second meeting. David actually asked me for my hand at our first meeting, and I simply laughed him off. But, at our second meeting, at a barn dance the following week, he asked again, and I wanted him so, I agreed. We snuck away from the dance and David took me home, where we climbed into the loft of the barn and spread out some blankets on the straw. He lifted my skirts and I undid his pants, and he took me, over and over, crying out his love for me as I cried out mine for him."

"You are fortunate that you did not find yourself with child!", I exclaimed.

Mary nodded earnestly. "Oh, I agree! It was the last time we were to do so before we married. However, David taught me several other methods of loveplay, much as I am sure that you know, first with our hands, and then with his lips upon my cunny and my lips upon his organ."

I smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, and at the same time, as well?" Mary agreed, and I asked, "And what of your arse? Did he take you in the arse then, as well?"

"Oh, yes, though I must say that the very idea scared me tremendously. David is a very...well... masculine man, and I could not imagine how he could fit inside me that way without hurting me terribly. However, in all fairness to David, he was very tender and caring, and took great care so that I enjoyed myself. We often love in that way now!"

Mary's description of hers and her husband's love for each other had aroused me considerably by this time, and I could smell Mary's arousal as well. We reclined on the bed and renewed Mary's enjoyment of the arts of love as practiced on the Isle of Lesbos for several more hours, until it began to be time for James to return. Mary dressed and cleaned up the rooms quickly, while I slipped into a pair of tall slippers, to await my beloved and continue my pleasures. Before dinner, I managed to arouse James to three bouts, pleasuring him first with my lips, then with my quim, and finally with my arse. I felt like I was glowing by the time we dressed and went out for dinner!

Chapter 7 - Meeting Old Friends Anew

I spent considerable time with Mary over the next several days, though it was not precisely of an intimate nature. The next day, I breakfasted with James in the main dining room of the grand hotel, then returned to our rooms alone while James went about his business. I found that Mary had entered whilst we dined and had cleaned. She had also fallen asleep on the sofa! Knowing how much I hated to be awoken from a nap, I let Mary be and took up some embroidery I had begun, and did needlepoint until my friend awoke.

Mary was mortified to find that she had fallen asleep, but I promised to keep it a secret if she explained it to me. She told me that it was actually my fault, since I had been the one to have shaved her cunny bare. She had retired late, and had barely gotten to sleep when David had come home. He had slipped into bed with her and his roaming fingers soon discovered her new condition. He had been so aroused that he had woken her and taken her, repeatedly, throughout the night. "Yes, he stripped himself and pulled my shift from me, then climbed between my outstretched legs and rogered me most fiercely!", she admitted.
