The Mentor Ch. 03


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That evening and the next day went by in a blur. I couldn't focus on the awards banquet that evening, the speeches any of the recipients made, or any of the sessions I attended the next day. All I could think about was having to deal with Susan again. In the back of my mind I was hoping that I'd go to her room, return her panties, and she'd just laugh the whole thing off. But I suspected it was not going to be that easy.

In the morning I had called and left a message in Marnie's room, apologizing for having to cancel our dinner plans. I simply told her that something had come up, and we would get caught up with one another at the MLA convention.

Late in the afternoon I went back to the pool for a swim, then returned to my room and showered and changed. It was about 5:30, so I figured I would go through my e-mail before I headed off to Susan's room. I started scanning my e-mail, which contained the usual combination of spam (offers of Canadian drugs, erection-producing pharmaceuticals, low-cost mortgages, and Nigerian lottery proceeds), questions from students, and administrative crap from my university that I immediately deleted. But then one message caught my eye; I didn't recognize the return address, which was from a Yahoo account, but the subject line said, "For you, pet."

I opened it up, and saw that it had an attachment, and started to hit the delete button, figuring it was just more spam. But then I saw the message:


Thought you would enjoy this little preview.

Professor Bascom"

I double-clicked on the attachment, which was a jpeg file, and a photograph filled my screen. I quickly saw that it was the picture that Susan had had Laura take of me two nights ago, naked and kneeling in front of her, with my hands tied behind my back. Thankfully, Susan had blanked out my face and hers, so you could not tell who it was in the picture, but I knew exactly who it was. I groaned, and immediately deleted the mail message. What did she mean by "preview," I thought, but I was afraid that it was not a good sign.

I looked at the clock next to the bed and saw that it was a few minutes before 6:00, so I grabbed Susan's panties out of my pack, and walked down the hall to her room. I knocked lightly on the door of room 517, and after a few seconds, it swung open. Much to my surprise, it wasn't Susan standing there, but Laura. "Oh crap," I thought, "I have to deal with both Susan and her." I muttered a "hello" to her and entered the room, as she closed the door behind me without saying a word.

As I walked into the room, I saw it was not just a regular hotel room, but was in fact a suite. I was a bit envious that Susan's university would pay for her to have a suite, when most of us struggled to convince our employers to reimburse us for the full cost of a regular room at one of these conference hotels.

I was standing in a large living area. It had a full size sofa, small round dining table with four chairs around it, a television, and a couple of other plush chairs to sit in. I saw too that she had a balcony with a chaise lounge and a nice view of the city. Over on the other side of the room was a small galley kitchen, and another room that looked like it must have been a bathroom off the living area. One more closed door must have led to the bedroom.

I looked at Laura, who was standing there silently looking back at me. Finally, when it became apparent that she wasn't going to say anything, I asked, "Where is Susan?"

"Professor Bascom will be out in a moment," she replied. "Would you like something to drink while you wait?"

I thought about it for a second and then figured, "What the fuck." Might as well have something to help me get through whatever Susan had planned. Laura's offering of a drink, in contrast to my interaction with her a couple of nights ago, gave me some slight hope that maybe this was going to be just a chance for the three of us to laugh about what had happened, and then it would be all over.

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks, if you have it," I told Susan's grad student as I sat down on the sofa. She turned and walked into the kitchen, opening a cabinet to retrieve a glass. She then opened another cabinet which I saw was well-stocked with four or five types of liquor, mixers, and assorted bar equipment. Now I was very envious of the accommodations Susan was enjoying. Clearly, her accomplishments had provided her with very nice treatment by her university.

Laura returned and handed me my drink, sitting down after in one of the chairs. I sipped it a bit as she sat there looking at me. Finally, after a few moments, I said somewhat exasperated and sarcastically, "Do you know when Susan will be making her appearance?"

Just as I got it out of my mouth, the door of the bedroom area opened and Susan came into the room, closing the door behind her. She was dressed much more casually now, in what looked like some kind of silk dressing robe with a sash around her waist, and no shoes on.

"Well hello again Bob, thank you for joining us," she said with a smile, stopping a few feet in front of me and extending her hand. I stood up and shook her hand. "I apologize for my appearance, but I was running a little late and was just getting ready to jump into the shower when I realized what time it was. I had such a busy day today, running around here and there, going to sessions, getting caught up with people. You know how that is, don't you?"

"Yes, Susan, I do," I replied, not quite knowing how to gauge her tone and where she was going with the conversation.

"Excuse me, Bob, can you say that again, please?"

I stared, standing there a couple of feet in front of her, totally bewildered. I saw that without her heels on we were now about the same height. I thought what I had said was quite clear. But then I looked at her eyes, which were staring straight at mine, and I realized what she wanted.

"Yes, Professor Bascom, I do know how that is," I said.

A smile crossed her face as she released my hand. "Ah, much better, my pet, I'm glad you remember the proper way to address me."

I resisted the temptation to look over at Laura to see how she was reacting to this act, and simply sat down again. Susan grabbed one of the stuffed chairs next to Laura, facing me, and demurely sat down, crossing her legs and covering them as best as she could with the robe.

"Did you bring my panties back, Bob?"

"Yes, Professor Bascom, I have them," I replied, standing up and taking them out of my pocket.

"Bring them to me, please, pet."

I walked over to her and handed them to her, standing over her. From that angle I had a nice view of her ample cleavage down her robe. I thought I could see her nipples poking into the robe, but it was hard to tell among the soft folds of the silk.

She reached for the panties and looked at them, then lifted them to her nose and sniffed them for a second. With a look of disgust she threw them down on the floor about five feet away and shouted at me, "DID YOU THINK I WANTED THEM RETURNED TO ME DIRTY, YOU IDIOT?"

I almost jumped and hit the ceiling, shocked as I was to be yelled at by her. I didn't know what to say, so I mumbled a "I'm sorry," and went to sit down again.

"Get back here, I didn't tell you to sit down," Susan said sternly. I stopped, turned around, and walked back to her. As I did, I could see Laura's face, which had a look of intense concentration, staring at Susan.

As I stood in front of her again, she said in a more calm voice, "Get down on your knees." Now wanting to endure her wrath again, I did as she told.

"I'll forgive you this time, Bob, but you need to clean them for me now," she said, now looking down at me.

"What!?!?," I almost shouted up at her.

"You heard me," she said, still in a calm voice. "Take them into the bathroom there and wash them for me," and she pointed toward the bathroom off the living area.

I couldn't believe she was making me do this. The humiliation of this act was compounded by Laura witnessing it. Usually, I was the one with the power over the grad students, and the idea that this young woman was watching Susan debase me was mortifying. "Oh, come on Su --, I mean Professor Bascom," I said. "Give me a break, this is ridiculous."

"Bob," she said, still with a calm in her voice. "Did you get my e-mail a little while ago?"

"Yes," I replied.

"And you realize, of course, that I have a copy of that photo without your face blurred out."

"Yes, Professor Bascom," I replied solemnly, "I realize that."

"Good. Then being the smart man that you are, I'm sure you also realize that as easily as I e-mailed that picture to you, I could send the other version of it to anybody I so choose. Such as your department chair, your colleagues, and even Sarah."

The thought of any of these possibilities was nauseating, but I was particularly concerned about the idea of my wife, Sarah, seeing the pictures and finding out what had happened. I looked up at Susan, and after hesitating a few seconds, I said defeatedly, "Yes, Professor Bascom, I know that."

"Okay, then what do you need to do?" she asked.

I went to pick up the panties on the floor next to me, but before I could reach for them she said, "I asked you a question, Bob."

I stopped, and turned back to her. "I need to wash them."

She just stared at me, again with that intent gaze, waiting for me to correct myself.

I sighed, and said, "I need to wash your panties for you, Professor Bascom."

She gave me a small smile and replied, "Much better, pet. Now get to your task. Be sure to wash them thoroughly, and you'll find a hair dryer in there you can use to dry them."

I reached for the panties one more time, but she stopped me once again. "No, pet, don't use your hands, that would be too easy for you. Crawl over there and pick them up with your mouth, then crawl to the bathroom."

I hesitated again, not believing she was doing this to me. When I first came to her room, I really had hoped that I would return the panties, we'd laugh, and it would be over with. She would have had her kinky little fun and games the other night, and that would be the end of it. But I realized now there was going to be more of her dominance to which I was going to have to submit.

Resigned to my fate, I crawled the few feet over to the panties, leaned forward and picked them with my mouth, and then turned to crawl to the bathroom. As I did so, I heard Susan let out a little "Woof, woof – just like a good doggy, huh Laura?"

Laura chuckled a little and said, "Yes, Professor Bascom."

Thoroughly humiliated, I scampered on all fours over to the bathroom as fast as I could. When I got in there, I heard Susan say, "Okay, you can stand up now so you can reach the sink and dryer."

I stood, thankful to get off my knees. I turned on the tap and waited for the hot water to come out, and when it did, I began to soak the panties in the sink.

I heard Susan's voice directly behind me now saying, "Be sure to use some soap, they were pretty dirty, weren't they pet?"

Turning and seeing her standing there watching me, I replied, "Yes, ma'am," and proceeded to unwrap the small hotel bar of soap next to the sink and rub it over the panties.

"Much better, pet."

I soaped them up, then soaked them again in the sink. I emptied the water and filled up the basin with clean water, dabbing the panties up and down. The act of doing this caused the memory of my servicing Susan's pussy in the bathroom a couple of nights ago to flood back into my brain. I was once again ashamed to realize that the sense of humiliation of how I felt between her legs that night was causing me to be aroused, as I felt my cock stirring in my pants.

After rinsing out the panties, I bunched them up in my hands to get out the excess water, and then took the hair dryer off the wall. I put it on a medium setting, and holding the panties in one hand, proceeded to wave the dryer all around them, trying my best to get them dry as soon as possible so I could get this over with.

After about five minutes of this, they were dry. As I put the dryer back, I gazed into the mirror, and saw Susan still standing and leaning against the door frame with a smile on her face.

I turned and handed them to her. She simply stood, staring at me once again, the smile now having left her face.

After a few moments, I realized what she was waiting for. "Here are your panties, Professor Bascom, all cleaned," I said.

She smiled again and reached out and took them from my hand. "Thank you, pet, much better," as she rubbed her fingers over them and then sniffed them. "Now please give me a hand." And with that, she handed them back to me, but I was unsure exactly what she wanted me to do with them now.

She stepped into the bathroom, stood next to me, and placed one hand on my shoulder. She undid the sash on her robe, causing it to fall open. As she did, I got a partial view of her large breasts, though her nipples were still covered by the robe. But her shaved pussy was quite visible to me, which only reinforced the memories of my servitude to her.

I felt her hand pushing down on my shoulder as she said, "Please help me into them, pet."

Understanding what she wanted, I knelt down in the bathroom with the panties as she lifted her right foot off the ground. I put the panties around that foot, and then she shifted to raise the left one. I put the other leg hole around that foot, and as she placed it back on the tile of the bathroom, I lifted them up her legs, and did my best to situate them over her curvy ass and on to her waist. As I kneeled there, I got a good look at her shaved pussy as it was just about at my eye level. More importantly, I got a good whiff of it, and it was quite evident that Susan was being truthful when she said she had not had a chance to shower before I got there, as her pussy was quite ripe from the day's activities. I sensed also just a hint of her arousal that had enveloped me the other night in the bathroom, and I knew that she once again was being turned on by what she was doing to me.

"Very good, pet, thank you," she said with a smile. She turned and walked out of the bathroom. At that point, I realized that I had to pee, so I started to close the door.

I heard Susan say, "What are you doing?"

I opened the door enough so she could see me and replied, "I have to go to the bathroom."

She laughed. "What, all the running water got to you, huh?"

"I guess so."

"Okay, go ahead, then. But leave the door open."

I simply stared at her and uttered, "What?"

"You heard me, leave the door open."

At this I didn't respond, but pushed the door open all the way. I resignedly unzipped my fly, and began to take out my cock, but before I could I heard Susan's voice, this time right behind me again. "No, Bob, I don't want to take a chance on you dirtying up my bathroom. Sit down on the toilet if you have to pee."

More humiliation, I thought, but knowing there was little I could do, I undid my belt and dropped my trousers to my ankles. I then pushed my boxers down over my cock, which was still slightly erect, and before I could turn around, I heard her say, "Nice ass you have there, Bob. At least for a guy." She laughed, and then said, "Come here, Laura, why don't you check him out."

I stood still as I heard Laura walking toward me.

"What do you think, Laura, does he have a nice ass?" Susan asked her.

"Yes, Professor Bascom," was all she said.

"And now the front, Bob. Turn around and give us another view of that penis of yours."

I did as she told, shuffling around with my trousers and boxers at my ankles. As my semi-erect cock bobbed in front of me, I blushed, which Susan immediately picked up on.

"Why, I think he's a little embarrassed, aren't you Bob," she said to Laura.

Ashamed, I said, "Yes, ma'am."

"Well, nothing to be ashamed of, Bob. Laura and I already knew you were a pussy-loving little pet who enjoys being bossed around, didn't we?"

"Yes, we did, Professor Bascom."

Susan laughed and said to me, "Okay, Bob, go ahead."

Between the two of them watching me, and my bobbing cock, I didn't think there was anyway I would be able to pee. But I really had to go, so I sat down, and waited for a few moments as the two of them stood there. Thankfully, my erection finally subsided enough for me to push my cock down and pee into the toilet. After I finished, I stood up, pulled up my boxers and pants, and waited.

Susan turned and walked back into the living area, followed by Laura. Susan had re-tied the sash on her robe, which now hugged her ample ass which swayed as she walked. I followed them into the room as Susan sat on the couch this time, Laura next to her. She motioned for me to sit in one of the chairs facing them.

We sat silently for a minute or so, Susan just staring at me. Finally, she said, "You have been a naughty little boy, haven't you Bob?"

I stared back at her and said, "Actually, I've done everything you've asked me to Sus – uh, Professor Bascom, so can't we bring this whole thing to a close and just forget about it?"

"No, I don't think so, pet. I've been thinking about just what you did the other night, and how embarrassing it is for a senior professor like you to be caught in such a compromising position. I've decided that the punishment you've endured is not enough yet."

"Oh, come on," I replied with anger in my voice, "give me a break. Haven't you had enough of your little game, yet?"

"No, Bob, I haven't had enough yet. I will tell you when I've had enough. Now get over here."

I stood up, and once again I had a fleeting thought of just getting up and walking out of the room. I really thought Susan was bluffing about sending the pictures out or telling anybody what had happened. But I knew I simply couldn't take the chance, so I walked over toward her and Laura.

"Take off your shoes and socks, and drop your trousers and boxers, Bob," Susan said as I stood before her. Dejectedly, I took off the shoes and socks and once again undid my belt and followed her command.

"Now get up here and kneel on the sofa, leaning over the back."

I looked at her alarmedly and said, "Why? What are going to do?"

"Just do as I said, Bob," she replied in a stern voice. "As I told you, you still need to be punished for being a naughty little pet."

Hearing that tone, I did as she said, getting up on the sofa with my ankles with my pants and boxers bunched around them hanging over the edge. I leaned forward with my arms and head on the padded, rounded back of the sofa.

"Laura, take off his pants and underwear."

I felt Laura complying, leaving me totally naked from the waist down. I was wearing a polo shirt that did little to cover up my bare ass. I shivered at the thought of what was going to happen.

I felt Susan's hand rubbing over my ass, which admittedly felt good, as I heard her say, "I think a naughty little boy needs a good spanking, don't you Laura?"

"Yes, ma'am," she replied.

"And I've got just the person to administer it," Susan said, removing her hand from my ass. I felt her rise from the couch, and I had the sickening feeling that she was going to tell Laura to spank me. The thought that this grad student was going to be doing this to me was awful, and I shuddered at the thought.

But I heard Susan walk away from the couch. She came into my view as she headed toward the door to the bedroom of the suite. I looked over at her as she opened it, smiled, and said to somebody inside, "C'mon out, my dear. Time for you to join all the fun we've been having."

As horrified as I had been at what had transpired over the last fifteen minutes, the feeling was compounded ten times as I saw who Susan had invited into the room to administer the punishment.

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Bob_AganoushBob_Aganoush3 months agoAuthor

Thank you, boydlockwood

Bob_AganoushBob_Aganoushover 16 years agoAuthor
To all who have sent me anonymous comments. . .

Please feel free to leave public comments, I find them very useful. And if you do want to send me a message (either positive or negative), if you include a return e-mail I'd be happy to respond.

Bob A.

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