The Midnight Train

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She meet a man of epic proportions.
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A few years ago, I lived out on the east coast while in graduate school in New Haven, CT. One Thursday in the spring, I got a call from a guy I know from home. He told me that he and a bunch of friends were getting together down in Philly for a ball game. He wondered if I wanted to join them.

Well of course, that sounded great, I was feeling a just a bit lonely, Bob was out of town for a week or so. A weekend of hanging out with old friends was just what I needed. I decided to take the train down to Philly. It looked to be a pretty straight shot.

I took an early train on Saturday and was there by around 11 am. They were waiting at the train station with liquid refreshments and hugs all around. Life was good, very good indeed.

Well, as you might imagine, we had an awesome time, Philly is a great city. I had no idea how cool it was. For some unknown reason and I know it's totally unfair, but I thought it was just a gray dirty place and nothing could be further from the truth. We went to the ball game and then back to the hotel to shower up and get ready to go out to dinner. Of course we continued to drink and party the whole time we were getting ready through dinner. After we ate, we ended up dancing the night away in some clubs.

The next day, we all went to the zoo. That was a good way to get the day going again; I hadn't been to a zoo in years. Even better, after we left the zoo, we found an outdoor café with some live music and started to drink and party again. I was supposed to head back to New Haven on a late Sunday afternoon train, but I was having so much fun partying with my friends that I decided to put off the return to later and then later again. It got to be a joke as I kept partying and missing trains. Finally after blowing off train after train, I was down to one of the last trains out of town. I didn't really have any choice as I had to be back in New Haven for classes on Monday morning. I had a great buzz going by the time I got on the train. I figured I'd just read and maybe sleep a bit. I had a good seat in the business class car which is usually half empty anyway.

That didn't turn out to be the case on this night though. There were no empty seats. Everybody seemed to be crashed out, each of them taking a couple of seats for a bed. So I ended up sitting near the front of the car next to this big, kind of brawny guy.

Once the train got going, he turned out to be really friendly and we started chatting. I was still pretty much awake and so chatted away with him for awhile. I don't know if he had any idea how lit I was, I later suspected that he must've. After an hour or so when we got to a lull in the conversation, I pulled my book out of my bag and began to read. He settled in to sleep.

Sometime later, he shifted around to get more comfortable and I happened to look over. I couldn't believe what I saw. This guy must've been having a dream or something, but he was aroused and I mean to say, he was huge. The thing was lying sideways in his pants. It wasn't like he was exposing himself or anything. But, my god, the size of his dick was just so obvious.

I don't know if it was because I was still high or what. I tried to read my book, but kept peeking over to check it out. I wondered if it was really as big as it looked inside his pants. It's not even like I'd been this big fan of large dicks, I'm so petite that even an average dick feels big to me. I think it was more the uniqueness of the thing. I'd never seen one that big before.

Well, I lost track of time for awhile, I must've been daydreaming while I was staring at it. I don't remember what I was thinking at the time. I came out of my fog and sensed something was different. I looked up and the guy was watching me. I blushed and then laughed nervously. I had been well and truly busted. Now I knew how guys felt. I looked back at him again and still laughing at myself, I apologized.

He put his hand on my arm and told me not to worry about it. It happens all the time.

"I can see why" I blurted out... "That thing is huge..." and I covered my face laughing.

When I got myself back into control, I told him I was sorry again. I explained that I had been partying with friends for all day was still pretty loaded and just wasn't myself. I didn't mean to embarrass him.

"You didn't embarrass me." He said. "In fact I'm impressed, most women ignore me and act as if I did something wrong when I catch them looking. You're really upfront about it, but then you're probably are used to catching guys check you out too."

I thanked him for the compliment and admitted that yeah, I kinda do get my share of looks and that I did admire guys who where straight up about it, then laughed again at my pun. He laughed too.

"Let me buy you a drink to make up", I said. I really think I need one right about now."

"Sure... I'll take a beer if they're open." he said.

I walked back to the café car. I bought a couple Sam Adams and brought them to our seats. He thanked me and took the beer I offered. We clinked bottles and each took a long pull on our beers.

We drank our beers and talked small talk for awhile until I finally had to ask, "Ok... so tell me, since I'm already busted... and I can't let things well enough alone... just how big is it anyway? I don't think I've ever seen anything like it."

He laughed, "Wow... you are direct!"

I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled sweetly up at him.

"Well ok, it's a little over 9 inches long and just about 2 inches thick. If I wrap a tape measure around it, it's a little over 6 inches around."

Now it was my turn to be amazed... "You wrapped a tape measure around it!"

"No, he laughed, "a girl I was dating did, I think she wanted to brag to her girlfriends. Funny thing is, she liked to look at it and even play with it sometimes, but wanted nothing to do with sex."

"Really" I said amazed.

"Yeah... a lot of women like to see it, but it mostly scares them when I try to get them into bed. So while a lot of guys think it'd be great to have a big dick, I can tell you that it's not all it's cracked up to be. I mean some girls like it, but I'm attracted to small women and well the two just don't go together really well."

I could certainly understand that, I just couldn't imagine how it could work. I told him that I still thought it was pretty amazing, I'd never seen anything like it.

"So... you want to really see it?" he asked.

"I mean I don't expect you to do anything, but you seem pretty amazed and I think you're really cool, I just thought you might like to see what it looked like in the flesh."

I did want to see it, but I didn't want to seem too forward, besides... we're on the train.

On the other hand, it was pretty dark except for the reading lights and late at night to boot. I looked around and the only people who could see us were passed out in the seats opposite ours and the one in front of that. The guy across from us was sleeping against the window kind of facing us. The one in the more forward seat was stretched out in the two seats with a blanket wrapped around him, he was facing forward. The one across from us was really the only concern.

"I don't know I hedged, I mean I wouldn't want you to get caught or anything."

He looked around and I guess decided it was safe.

"I don't think anyone is awake and I'll hear the conductor if he comes in the car. It's up to you though; I don't want to offend you or anything."

"You won't offend me." I told him. If you want to show it to me, then sure; I'd love to see it.

"You are very cool." He said with a definite admiring tone. "Yes I am!" I agreed laughing.

"In fact, give me a moment; let me see if the café car is still open. I'll get us a couple more beers."

He offered to buy, but I shushed it away and went to the café. It was still open but the guy was getting ready to close, so I bought 4 beers and brought them back to our seats.

I handed them over explaining the deal with the café closing and figuring that more was better than less. He agreed and thanked me for the beers.

He took a big swig of beer. I could tell he was nervous and kind of excited to be showing off like this. He looked around again to make sure everything was cool.

"You ready" he asked.

I turned toward him and shook my head yes and looked on with curious eyes. How's that saying go... curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought her back?

He undid his belt and then unbuttoned his pants. He looked around again to make sure a final time, then, he unzipped his pants and reached in. In the next moment he unleashed the monster and I was amazed, awestruck and speechless.

I mean... I've seen movies with guys who had huge dicks, but never had I ever seen anything in real life like this thing twitching in front of me... and I've seen a lot of dicks in my time too. This thing was immense! I know it doesn't sound that big of a deal when you see the number, but let me tell you... in real life a 9 and one half inch dick is big! Roll up a paper tube and you'll see what I mean... it's big.

The head was purple and huge; it looked like a lemon sitting on top of that big, fat shaft. The veins were sticking out of the sides of the shaft, making it look ready for business. I couldn't see his balls, but could imagine them being big too. He stroked it a few times and it was like he was pumping it up. That big purple head throbbed, and a little sparkle of fluid was oozing from the tip.

He looked over at me smiling, proud of his treasure.

I sat there with my mouth open, just staring at it.

"Wow!!" I said softly ... "it's beautiful!" And I meant it, I love dicks. I've always loved them, I love how they look, I love how they feel, I love how they taste and I especially love the wonderful things they can do to a woman. I do try to be discreet about it of course, if guys knew how much I like them... well you can imagine. I'd have more dick than I could handle. Thank god for my self control, otherwise I'd be in real trouble. I really like dicks... a lot.

"You can touch it if you want too... it's up to you... I'm not pushing or anything."

I looked at it.

This was one of those moments that events hinge on. What I mean is that what seems like a simple decision can sometimes have long range ripples. When a woman touches a guy's dick for the first time, there's an implicit agreement made. I could shut the door here and be satisfied that I got to look at it... or I could scratch the itch.

I looked at his dick standing there at attention in the light and thought for a few seconds not saying anything, I was really still pretty buzzed from all the partying during the day and now I was aroused too. I guess even more aroused now looking at this magnificently huge dick in front of me. That's a dangerous combination for me, I was lost from the moment I saw it and just couldn't resist feeling how heavy it'd be in my hand.

I reached ahead and gently wrapped my hand around the thing.

I couldn't get my hand around it.

I ran my fingers lightly over it exploring the feel of it. I could feel it throbbing and could sense the power of it. The blood continued to power the thing, making it harder yet. The head was velvety soft. I was having bad thoughts, I was wondering how it would feel in my mouth.

I absently began stroking it still trying to get a handle on its size, it just seemed unbelievable to me. Dicks just seem to be made for stroking; it's so easy to run one's hand up and down that hard shaft.

He moaned out his pleasure.

I smiled, I was glad that he enjoyed my attentions. I was lost in the moment forgetting where I was, I wrapped my other hand around it too. I was getting really hot. I had never had to use two hands to jerk off a guy before. This was pretty cool.

Eyes closed, he told me that this was a fantasy. He always dreamed of a strange, beautiful woman enjoying his dick like this. He moaned as I slowly continued to stroke his massive dick with both hands. I was just mesmerized by what I could feel in that thing.

He told me how this never happens to him because most women who see him regard him as kind of freakish because of his size. They like to look, but are afraid of touching him, afraid of the consequences.

I told him that I understood I understood about being large.

He opened his eyes and looked at me in disbelief, "How can you, you're so tiny?" He asked.

I ran one hand up his shaft and squeezed the soft, spongy head of his dick.

"Do you think you're the only one with large parts?" I asked.

He lusty eyes showed intense interest, "Show me!"

I hesitated thinking it over.

I sat up and took my hands from his swollen member. I looked around, my turn to find out if it was safe. It seemed to be, so I slowly unbuttoned my blouse. I shrugged out of it and sat in the train car in just my bra and skirt. I looked around again and then reached behind me to undo my bra.

I knew my nipples were hard and swollen and could in fact feel twisting up even tighter. I pulled my arms from the straps and held the cups to my breasts.

"Are you sure?" I asked, teasing.

"You're driving me crazy here woman... show me!"

I lowered the cups and revealed my breasts to this stranger. My nipples erect, excited and begging for attention.

He looked at me for long time, studying my breasts.

He looked up at me and told me how beautiful my tits were, he loved my huge nipples.

I told him some guys don't and he laughed and said they must be idiots.

He understood that I understood!

Topless now, I leaned forward and grasped his dick again. I stroked it. I spent time squeezing the lemon sized head. I tried to imagine him fucking me and couldn't. How could he fit that thing into me?

"Can I touch?" he asked.

"Yes... please!"

He leaned forward and very gently took a nipple into his fingers. He rolled it; he pulled and then twisted it more roughly.

I moaned.

I love it to have my breasts and nipples treated roughly sometimes.

He reached over and took my other nipple and did the same thing, pulling it as he twisted it around and round. They got even harder.

I was breathing heavily as I continued to stroke him, giving him a slow hand job.

I forgot that I was on a train and that others were around. I loved the feel of the big dick in my hand and the fingers playing with my nipples.

Eyes hooded with lust, I leaned forward and kissed the head of the beast.

He answered with a moan and pulled hard on both nipples, pulling me down to his hard dick by my nipples.

I lay across his lap on my side facing him and his dick.

I moved up over it and brushing my hair away from my face, I began to kiss and nip all over the big thing.

I licked the head, making it nice and wet... it was so big and fat.

He was moaning as I licked that nice place under the head of a dick, that special place where all the nerves are. It started to bounce and I stopped. I didn't want him to come... not yet.

As I'm doing this, he continues playing with my breasts, teasing my nipples and squeezing the caressing. I loved it... I thought of what it might look like if someone were watching or filming me and it got me even hotter. I wondered what Bob would say when I told him that I had blown a guy on the train; that made me hotter yet. He was always after me to do something like this.

I lifted away from his dick for a moment to get my mark and then I moved over the head of his dick and lowering my head, I started to take it into my mouth. The head was so fat that I felt that I couldn't have stretched my mouth any wider. It kinda popped into my mouth. The shaft wasn't as fat as the head. I started to run my tongue around it and he began to moan even louder.

"Oh my god, that feels so fucking good!"

I was getting hotter every second.

I moved down on his dick to see how much I could take, I could take only about half of him in. I felt like if I took any deeper into my throat, I'd choke. I started to move up and down on it, stroking the rest of the shaft.

He moved his hands to my ass and started to massage my cheeks. One of his hands moved down to my lower thigh and started to caress it. The other kept squeezing my ass. I moved my leg further up, allowing access to my pussy if he wanted it.

He tentatively moved his hand further up my leg and began to rub his way north. When he got to the top of my thigh where it meets my pussy, he rubbed around my thong on both sides without touching me. He did that for an insanely long time, I was so hot, I was panting.

I sucked even harder on his dick. The wet sounds of a blow job clearly audible to anyone sitting around us. I pushed his pants lower and cupped his big balls rolling them in my hand. He groaned his pleasure. I was crazy with lust now; I sucked one of his balls into my mouth while I rolled the other in my hand. His dick was twitching, almost ready to blast its heavy load.

Finally, he rubbed the back of his hand against my covered pussy as if by accident. I moaned and opened my legs further.

He rubbed again, but this time with his fingers and it drove me another notch higher on the turned on scale.

I continued to make love to his dick with my mouth. I loved the size of it, it was a challenge. When ever it would start to twitch, I'd stop sucking and let him get back in control while I licked his balls.

His fingers started rubbing my cloth covered pussy and I moaned as I felt the light touch of fingers. My thong was soaked from my wet pussy.

Finally, they worked their way under my thong and I felt warm fingers across my juicy opening.

He pushed the thong aside and revealed my pussy to the light of the cabin.

I rolled my hips and started sucking harder on his dick. I was lying on my belly but had my knees under me across the seats and on his lap. My ass was in the air facing the aisle. The idea of what we were doing, where we were doing it and the chances of getting caught had me wild.

His curious fingers continued to explore all my folds and finally found my tender little jewel in the middle. He rolled my clit in his fingers and then started stroking it through its hood.

I could feel his fingers as they pulled and pried and investigated my opening, fingers spreading me wide, wild fingers sliding into me and forcing me to want more, fingers pulling my lips, showing me off to whoever might walk by. My thong was pushed off my legs, other than my pushed up skirt I'm nude.

I started to really bob on his dick, he's getting close and I can feel it. He pulls my head away and tells me he's about to come.

I look up at him and breathlessly tell him to come in my mouth... "It's ok... I like it."

He rolls his head back and he moans, "You're a fucking fantasy girl!"

I take his dick back into my mouth.

I start jerking him off as I work on that sensitive spot with my tongue.

He lifts his butt off the seat, he groans, I suck harder... he blows.

I swallow... he keeps pumping his dick into my mouth as blast after blast of his salty seed splash down my throat... I swallow everything. And then I continue to gently milk his dick letting him soften in my mouth.

He continues to play with my pussy. I'm beyond wild and any self control.

I his dick clean and sit up in my seat and lie back. He moves me to face him as I lie on my back.

He pulls me up and places my legs over his shoulders.

I look and can see that my pussy is eye level to him and the reading light has it highlighted. I can see my inflamed, pink folds reflected in the dark window of the train.

I close my eyes; I don't even care now if we're seen.

He goes down on me and I lose my mind... completely.

In less than a minute I come. I look up as he continues to lick me through my orgasm.

As I recover from my orgasm, thought half open eyes, I see over his shoulders in the reflection of the dark window that the guy across the aisle who had been sleeping isn't any longer.