The Millers Ch. 01

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Matt and Doreen have marital discord at a ritzy party.
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Hi, my name is Doreen. There are so many places I could start, but the beginning seems to be as good a place as any. As soon as I graduated from college I relocated to a large mid-southern city to start my new career. It was a hectic time but once I got settled in my job I started dated and since I was a bit of a party girl, I got fucked a lot. After a couple of years, maybe three, I met Matt through a friend. Apparently both of us were ready for something more serious because we had quite the whirl wind courtship and we got married almost a year to the day from our first date.

Matt's story is pretty much like mine. He moved here right after college to start his career with a Fortune 500 company in their engineering department. He's a really hunky, good looking guy and from I gathered he was a very popular with the ladies and he got his share of pussy during those early years. The days before we met were a hell of a lot of fun for both of us and we've always been very open with each about those years.

Like most newlyweds the early years were good times. I mean, what did we really know? We took pride in learning about each other, had a shit load of really great sex, and focused on advancing our careers. Back in those days it seemed like we were always doing things at light speed and thought we were bullet proof. Somehow, somewhere we lost our way and our marriage began to have trouble. Thankfully though, due to my husband's stubbornness and healthy dose of luck, our marriage and more importantly our relationship was saved. We just celebrated our nineteenth anniversary and let me tell you, our last fifteen years have been quite an incredibly exciting journey.

I think we should back up a bit though. A couple of years into our marriage we found ourselves squabbling about everything and life became awful. Maybe we paid too much attention to our careers or maybe we just didn't pay attention to each other, it really doesn't matter but we lost track of what was going on between us. Whatever the reason, there was lots of stress and tension in our lives which ended up in constant bickering and petty jealousies. Neither of us was really happy anymore and we'd lost the edge we had originally.

One weekend our troubled marriage reached a boiling point. We were at a party that we'd really looked forward to. It was a really, really big deal. You know, catered with an open bar and was being held at one of the swankiest mansions in town. Some big time entrepreneur had struck it big and was thanking everyone who had helped him.

We'd been lucky enough to get an invite through some friends and the word on the street that this event was going to be the place to see and be seen. There would be plenty of beautiful people in attendance and we both looked forward to the evening. When we got there everything was really upscale just like we expected and it looked like everyone had their party vibe going. As we walked around getting the lay of the land you could feel the thumping base of hard rock coming from somewhere. Special lighting had been installed which was perfect; muted and in crazy colors and shapes. The atmosphere was perfect for letting your hair down and having a good time.

As we walked around everything was incredibly impressive, including how everyone was dressed for the event. The party was definitely living up to the "see and been seen" billing it had been given and there was eye candy everywhere you looked. The ladies of the evening could have graced the pages of pretty much any man's magazine. Skin was the order of the evening and long legs and deep cleavage were everywhere you looked. The only place I'd ever seen this much provocative clothing was shopping online. It was amazing.

The guys didn't disappoint either. They were handsomely decked out in slacks and jackets; no jeans or sneakers anywhere. It was a target rich environment and I started to get a horny little buzz going. As a couple we fit in perfectly. Matt looked awesome in a pair of linen trousers with a dark blazer and a white button down shirt. I loved the way he looked; very athletically handsome and extremely hot. I had pleaded with him to wear one of his pouch thongs and flashed back to how much I enjoyed watching him tuck himself into a sheer white one. I love the way it holds his balls and pushes his endowment forward. Even in the dim lighting I could just see a hint of his generous manhood poking against the front of his pants. Matt was definitely quite a dish! I was proud to be with him.

Like I said this party was billed as the place to see and be seen so I wore the most risqué dress I owned. Matt had given it to me as an anniversary present and calls it my slut dress. He loves the way I look in it and he asks me to wear it all the time but the dress is not just for anywhere but tonight it fit in perfectly at this party. Seeing how hot and sexy most of the ladies were dressed I was so glad that I did. Matt's loves for me to show my body off and he never gets jealous when I get second looks or a guy hits on me. I love him for that and wish I was more that way and less jealous.

My slut dress is a bright red, clingy thing that hits well above my knee and leaves a lot of skin on display. The cowl neckline drapes just passed my navel and hangs nicely over what Matt likes to call my "big ole round titties." The dress hugs my body like a second skin and the way the top is cut you can see a lot of my tits from the side which is one of Matt's favorite features. The dress can definitely dangerous and if I lean too much one way or the other the silky material lets my tits pop right out. I love wearing my slut dress. I always felt uninhibited and naughty and tonight wasn't any different. I felt great about how I looked and I'd already gotten some second looks so things were looking good.

We moved through the house following the music as it got louder and louder. When we finally found the dance floor it was definitely the place to be. There were two huge bars set up and the dance floor was packed with partiers getting their groove on. Matt and I moved to the bar, got a fresh drink and were making the rounds chatting with the people we knew. At first it felt kind of strange running into female acquaintances who were dressed as scantily as I was, but quickly the uneasiness faded and it seemed perfectly natural. The first thing I thought was wow; we need to dress like this more often, we all look fucking awesome, It was one hell of a turn on and I was loving every second of attention.

As we moved from group to group Matt and I made sure neither of missed any of the really hot outfits. For a "house" party I was really surprised at how much skin was on display. We hadn't gone far when we ran into three couples dressed totally in leather who were getting a lot of attention from the party goers. They were definitely into kink and really had it going on. When we got closer you couldn't help but stare. The ladies had bright pink hair and heavy Goth makeup and huge fake tits that their tiny triangle tops didn't begin to cover. They had the get up: garter belts and net stockings and CFMs that had to be six inches high and their matching leather skirts didn't get close to covering their asses or their bare pussies. They were the complete package and the guys were just as interesting.

From the back, their chaps left their asses bare. As we moved around, I saw that they were hunky with hard muscular bodies and beards like George Michaels. They had on open leather vests that really showed off their hairless chests nicely, their chaps and boots; that's all. Matt was checking out the ladies' tits and I was checking out the guys. Damn they had great bodies and the only thing covering their junk was a sheer black thong. Their cocks were just as thick and hunky as they were. Damn, talk about hot! One of the guys was sporting a very large erection because the ladies couldn't keep their hands off him. Damn, this party was getting good. The crowd around them was getting bigger so we decided to see what else was going on.

We'd been at the party for a couple of hours and we kept moving from group to group because it was so much fun to see what we'd find. I had already seen plenty of wardrobe malfunctions and at this point bare titties were everywhere and nobody seemed to care one bit. The alcohol and the music and the party atmosphere were obviously having an effect on people and their libido. Matt was trying to get me to show my big ole titties and kept fiddling with my dress so that I was showing more, but I preferred the teasing slut look for the time being.

As we walked and chatted with people and played the voyeur, I'd always kept my eye on dance floor. As the night progressed, more and more skin was on display and it looked like there was a hell of a lot more going on out there than just dancing. Things were getting very, very interesting. We kept meandering and we'd gotten closer and closer to the dance floor and ran into some people that I use to party with right out of college.

After the usual pleasantries, we joined them to chat and watch. The ladies all looked gorgeous in their slut wear and a couple of them were on the verge of their own personal wardrobe malfunction. I mean they both had huge tits and were all but falling out of the skimpy tops. The group dynamics were very interesting because there was lots of touchy feely and random kissing going on. All of them were wearing wedding rings but I couldn't tell who was with whom because they seemed to switch partners randomly. There was a lot going on among them and watching the action was making me horny as hell.

We decided to hang with the group just so we could watch what was going on. There was so much happening it was hard to decide where to look. A couple of the girls were heavily involved kissing while a number of the guys rubbed their tits and asses through their clothes. There was other random kissing and groping going and it was clear this group was very friendly with each other. On top of that the ladies with their tits about to fall out were getting dangerously close. Matt and I just chatted and took it all in. It was difficult not to stare.

Somehow as they moved around changing partners I ended up directly in front of one of the ladies whose tits were in danger of falling out. I was watching her casually play with guy's cock standing next to her as two beautifully manicured hands slid around her from behind and slowly pulled her top down and began squeezing the big tits. The lady's eyes fluttered and then closed completely but she kept her hand on the cock next to her. As I watched, my pussy started throbbing and I was getting very, very wet. I was having some very nasty thoughts about this group of people. I glance around to see where Matt was and he was standing by two women who were kneeling in front of one of the guys sucking his cock. Matt looked at me and was smiling as if to say "what the fuck is going on?"

It was a lot to take in that was for sure and I was mesmerized watching the hands play with the tits in front of me. The impulse to join them was intense and I was ready to fuck them both but Matt and I had never discussed this kind of situation. I had just decided it was better just to watch one of my favorite songs begin to play. The timing couldn't have been better of the music more perfect. It was an old sexy bluesy tune that was soft and brought back lots of naughty memories. I did a lot of fucking while this song playing.

I watched and started swaying my hips as I thought about all the dirty naughty things I did to this song. My eyes were half closed and I was in my own little world, dancing in place enjoying the vibe watching the live sex in front of me when I felt my drink being taken from my hand. At first I thought it was Matt who was pushing me toward the dance floor but when I got my bearings and looked back and saw it was Josh my heart skipped a beat.

Damn, we hadn't seen each other since we broke up. We'd had a hot and heavy six month relationship right after college. Josh was a great guy and I liked him a lot and we were great in bed, but that was about all we had going for us. We just didn't have the chemistry for the long term and we both knew it. We tried to be fuck buddies for a while, but in the end we parted good friends. I flashed back to all the times we'd gone clubbing to dance and get naughty. I'd always dress like a slut and we'd get ourselves all steamed up and then go somewhere and fuck our brains out for hours and hours. God I did love fucking Josh. He really, really knows how to use his cock. Matt knows about my relationship with Josh but I never really let Matt know how much the thought of fucking Josh could still get my motor running like it was now.

We moved to an opening and Josh pulled my body against his. He had that familiar impish smile on his face but he didn't say a word and neither did I. I did my best to cover my excitement by smiling playful, but my poor heart was doing flip flops at warp speed. He mashed my big soft tits into his chest and I let my body mold against his very familiar, muscled frame. It was just like old times and I had to admit, I liked the feeling of his body being pressed against mine. He moved us deeper into the darkness and I felt his hand slide down to my ass as he pulled my hips tightly to his.

I feigned shock at his forwardness and tilted my head back just a bit and he gave me another naughty, knowing smile. I knew that smile and I knew what was on his mind. He had me hooked. The buzz in my pussy felt like a vibrator had been pushed inside me but I tried to be cool. I moved with him and smiled back as I licked my lips seductively. I knew we'd already passed into the danger zone and there was no going back. I was being a bad girl and I shifted so that my left tittie could fall out of my dress. I felt wonderful and dangerous and my "fuck meter" was spinning out of control. I knew better and I should have cooled things off, but it was dark on the dance floor and I was into what we were doing way too much. Besides, I really didn't have to worry. Matt never got mad when we were out and I flirted a little bit.

Being back in Josh's arms had my pussy throbbing intensely and in seconds I felt his cock nudge my thigh. Oh fuck what a lovely surprise. He moved slightly and it was thrilling feeling it get bigger and harder. I felt like a teenager knowing I could still have that kind of effect on him. I leaned back slightly so that he could see my tit and smiled at him. He looked down and smiled back. My pussy was pressing against his erection. Josh moved slightly so his cock was perfectly aligned and pulled me tightly to him. My eyes widened as I felt his hardness press against me and he smiled back knowingly. As we slowly danced he ground his cock sensuously into me. God, if girls have one, my little head was getting me in all kind trouble because I eagerly pressed back against his hardness.

I was being a slut again just like when we were dating and I knew what we were doing was way over the line, but it was so incredibly exciting. I loved the sensations and I was thinking very dirty thoughts. I felt alive and naughty I didn't want Josh to stop doing anything he was doing. I was lost in the feeling of total bliss but unfortunately all too quickly the song came to an end. Josh pushed his cock hard against me one last time, stepped back and nonchalantly tweaked my nipple before he rearranged my dress so my tit was covered. He smiled and then he gave me a quick kiss me on the lips. I'd been a very naughty girl and pheromones were surging through my body. Right then all I wanted was to flop down on my back, spread my legs and let Josh fill my drenched pussy with his incredibly hard cock. Instead, I was going to have to settle for just one very dirty dance. The thought of fucking Josh sent a shiver up my spine. I lustfully remembered what a work out Josh gave my pussy every time we fucked. Whew!

As soon as Josh began leading me off the dance floor reality hit me like a ton of bricks. What the fuck was I doing? I was at a party with my husband and I acted like a total slut with an ex-boy friend. That sure wasn't the way a faithful wife should act. I shook my head getting my brain back in the present and mentally scolded myself. I tried to convince myself that all we did was dance and after all, there were a lot of people doing a lot more than we did, but I knew that was bullshit. Yeah, we used to do a lot of dancing but we also did one hell of a lot of fucking. Deep down inside I knew I would have fucked Josh in a New York second if I had the chance. I scolded myself for what I was thinking. What the fuck was wrong with me? Josh smiled one last time and thanked me and then strolled away like nothing had happened.

Holy shit, I couldn't believe how fucked up my brain was from that one little dance with Josh. I stood there in a fog and could feel my heart pounding. I had enjoyed being with Josh way too much and my pussy was still buzzing as I looked around for Matt. I didn't see Matt anywhere and pangs of guilty hit me and I began to worry. Dreadful thoughts filled my head. Fuck, maybe he saw Josh and me and he got mad and left. Now why was I thinking that? Matt never got mad at me. I was making myself paranoid by what we'd done. Fuck I needed to get my act together. I kept looking around and I finally saw Matt over near one of the side bars.

Matt had each arm around a very attractive lady that I didn't know. His hands were almost on their barely covered asses and he was being way friendlier than he needed to be as they chatted. Even at a distance I could tell that both ladies had knock out bodies and they were dressed as provocatively as I was. There was lots and lots of touching going on between the three of them. They were playing those little games figuring out where the sexual boundaries were. I began a slow jealous simmer. I knew I was being a bitch but it didn't matter to me that I'd just been grinding my pussy into another man's cock. My total focus was on Matt flirting with those bimbos?

I was getting pissed and headed to the far end of the bar to get another drink. Halfway there I changed my mind and turned and went straight toward Matt. I was a big girl and decided that I should act like one. When I reached them I could see why Matt was with them. Both of them were gorgeous and their big tits were clearly visible through their low cut sheer blouses. As I arrived Matt removed his arms from around the ladies and pointing to each, casually introduced Janice and Erin to me. I smiled and did the obligatory handshakes and watched as their braless tits shook and wobbled invitingly. God they were total fucking sluts!

It didn't matter one wit to me that my dress was just as risqué as what they were wearing. The thought that my husband had been coming on to two women that he'd just met made me furious. I was about to make a scene, but caught myself and decided I was going to try to be nice. I very casually asked Matt to get me a fresh drink. As Matt walked away, Janice and Erin went on and on laughing and giggling about how handsome and charming Matt was, and how lucky I was to be married to him. Their compliments were very nice and I was starting to soften my attitude toward them, but then as they were laughing and giggling, one of them winked to the other and whispered to me, "We think Matt's package looks delicious and we love the way it pokes out." She looked at her friend and back at me as she lowered her voice conspiratorially, "Matt's yummy. If he's as good between the sheets as he is easy on the eyes then we'd both want to take that ride." Her girl friend was nodding furiously and giggling and humping her hips in a fucking motion. I know it was said in fun and in the moment of the party and I should have rolled with it. After all it was meant as a compliment, but all it did was set me off. My simmer became a slow fucking burn but I made nice.