The Minimum Number for an Orgy

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A wedding party meets for the first time.
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As soon as I entered the door to my apartment after finishing off the work week, I was greeted by my beautiful fiancé, Melissa, who hugged me tightly and started planting kisses all over my face. "Not that I'm complaining, but what's the occasion?" I asked. I hadn't seen her this excited since I proposed, about six months ago after two years of dating.

Melissa smiled, the smile I fell in love with, and exclaimed, "Rachel is coming to town for our joint party next weekend! I thought there was no way, but we talked on the phone today, and she's going to make it!" She was extremely giddy. Her breasts bounced up and down as she continued to show me affection.

"She's coming all the way here for our bachelor/bachelorette weekend?" I asked in slight amazement. We lived in Northern Virginia, about 15 miles from Washington D.C., and Rachel's been living in Los Angeles for the last three years. It meant Melissa hardly ever saw her best friend and college roommate.

"Yes! Isn't it wonderful?"

I responded only with a deep French kiss. Our tongues slid together, as my hands grabbed either side of her face, pushing her dirty blond hair off to the sides. Melissa was tall, about 5'10'' and a few inches taller than me, but she had a way of shrinking down to me when we kissed, making me feel like I was the taller one.

Our height difference, which may have been an issue for some people, men and women alike, never was an issue for us. I looked a little bigger than I was. I was only 5'7'', but my wingspan was around 6'2''. Meanwhile, Melissa had small little ears and tiny teeth, which made her look a little smaller than you might expect.

Her breasts, which she never complained about but refused to use the adjective big, were big in my opinion. They were about the size of baseballs (not the sexiest comparison, but I don't know cup sizes), and they were in good proportion to the rest of her body. She was a little bit curvy, with a tiny gut, but kept in decent shape.

We met at the gym in a cycling class. After a class, I wiped down my bike and was almost out of the gym, when I realized I couldn't find my wallet or keys. Before I made it back to the cycling room, Melissa found me and told me she thought I had lost this. I thanked her, and we had a brief conversation.

In some ways, I am a little old-fashioned, so at next week's cycling class, I brought her a hand-written thank you note with a $15 gift card to Panera. Inside I wrote,

I truly appreciate your retrieval of my wallet, and I want to gift you this token of my appreciation (because you could have stolen more than that from me!)

Thank you,

Rob Murray

Each week after that, we both seemed to arrive earlier to class so we could talk, and eventually, I asked her out, we started a relationship, and we are now happily engaged.

That night, in bed, we discussed how our plans would change for next week now that Rachel was coming into town. We planned this shortly after we were engaged because we wanted my best man, John, to meet the maid of honor, Rachel, before the wedding. Since they both have important roles in the wedding, we thought it would be nice for them to meet before the big day.

We had invited Rachel's then boyfriend, Tommy, and John's wife, Alexa, to come along too, so that no one would have to ditch their significant other just for us. Of course, it would have been easier for John to ditch Alexa since they lived only about 15 minutes away. I only met Tommy once, about a year ago, when we traveled out to see them in California. Tommy and I didn't have a whole lot in common, but he seemed like a nice enough guy. Also, it was tough to get too much of a conversation in because Melissa and Rachel were gabbing non-stop!

When Tommy and Rachel broke up so unexpectedly last month, we didn't know what Rachel planned to do. We figured she wouldn't be able to make it in, as she was looking for a new job (Tommy and Rachel worked for the same company, and Rachel wanted a change of scenery for obvious reasons).

Melissa called Rachel as soon as she found out but doesn't know the full details, as Rachel preferred to give them in person rather than over the phone.

We initially planned to have John and Alexa over and Skype with Rachel so everyone could meet. Now that Rachel was coming into town, we decided it would be more fun to head into Washington DC, walk around the National Mall, maybe visit a museum or two, grab some lunch, and go back to our apartment for some drinks afterwards.

Melissa was very forthcoming in bed that night. She blew me to completion and even swallowed, which she only likes doing when she's feeling really good.

The next week went by quickly. On Monday, we confirmed with John and Alexa that the change of plans was okay, and they agreed the new plan was an improvement!

On Friday after work, Melissa and I headed straight to Dulles Airport to pick Rachel up. She was set to come in around 7:30, but her flight was delayed, and we didn't see her until after 9.

A break-up affects everyone differently, especially when it comes after so many years of dating. They'd been dating for a year when I first met Melissa.

At first glance, I could not tell anything different by looks or personality. No change in hairstyle or new tattoos were present. As far as personality, Rachel and Melissa spotted each other from about 30 feet away, ran at full speed, and shrieked with delight as they hugged each other. That always happened, no matter how many people were around!

Rachel was attractive. She was shorter than Melissa, but most women are. I would say she's about 5'4'' and 115 pounds, fit, tan and blonde. Even though she's wasn't born there, she would remind you of a typical "California girl".

She was born in upstate New York and met my fiancé as freshmen roommates at the University of Maryland. The relationship between roommates is often a crap shoot; they can become your best friend, your worst enemy, or somewhere in between. Obviously, Rachel and Melissa worked out as roommates and were still great friends over 10 years later.

After ending their embrace, Rachel came over to me, and we shared a quick hug. "How was your flight, other than the delay, of course?"

She smiled back. "Thank God for in-flight movies and wine," and we all laughed.

I drove us back to our apartment, where we already had an air mattress set up for her. Melissa and Rachel chatted a bit on the way home but didn't bring up the break-up.

When we arrived, we gave Rachel the quick tour of the apartment, which, considering it was an apartment, did not take very long. We told her to feel free to have anything she wanted to eat, showed her where our bathroom is, and let her know where we kept extra blankets. With that, we all made our way to our respective beds to rest up for tomorrow.

The next day, I was happy to see that I had slept in to about 9:30. On most Saturdays, I woke up at 7:00, which is only 15 minutes of "sleeping in" compared to a normal work day. I noticed Melissa was already out of bed, and I heard conversation coming from the living room, but I couldn't quite make out what was being said. Not wanting to intrude, I completed my normal routine of using the bathroom, shaving, and brushing my teeth. I almost never had facial hair on me, besides a little 5:00 shadow every now and again. If I didn't shave every day, I would have a massive beard within weeks, based on the other members of my family.

When I entered the living room, Melissa and Rachel were seated together on the sofa, both with a mug of coffee in their hands. We have a Keurig but hardly ever use it since I don't drink coffee, and Melissa normally doesn't either. It's more of a treat for her than a part of her daily routine.

"Hi honey," my wonderful fiancé said. "What time are John and Alexa supposed to be here?"

"10:30. Do you think that's still a good time?"

"Yes, I think we've all had our beauty sleep," She replied.

Rachel inquired, "How do you guys know John again? I've heard his name a lot, but I don't think I've ever met him."

"You wouldn't have," I answered. We met in college through the Club Tennis team. Besides tennis, we also ended up in the same major, so we ran into each other a lot.

It wasn't until many years later that we realized we had something else in common though."

"What was it?" Rachel asked curiously.

I eyed Melissa as if to ask if she wanted to tell or if I should. Melissa nodded that she would. "I kind of had a summer fling with John the summer after my senior year of high school."

Rachel gasped, "No way!"

"Yeah, we met through a mutual friend and hit it off. Neither of us wanted to start college in a relationship, so we mutually parted before our first semester. I was flabbergasted when I saw him again!"

"That's understandable!" Rachel looked towards me now. "So, was it ever weird between you and John knowing you both dated the same woman?"

I shrugged. "Not really, I guess. I mean, I knew they had sex, but by the time I met her, this was seven years in the past. A lot can change in that amount of time!"

Melissa chipped in, "Agreed. If anything, it was a lot more awkward when I met his wife, Alexa, for the first time. She is really cool, though, probably my best friend on the East Coast."

"You two hang out a lot?" Rachel asked.

"Probably once or twice a week. A little more now because she's helping me with some wedding planning."

"That's great! Can't wait to meet her!" Rachel said sincerely.

About twenty minutes later, John and Alexa showed up, and we introduced them to Rachel. They exchanged handshakes and smiles. Then we all piled into my SUV with the three females in the back seat and John riding shotgun, as we headed to the metro station.

Alexa has a very pleasant personality, one where she makes many friends easily. She is extremely agreeable and pleasant. When I first met her, I believed John could have found his wife. I was also happy when Melissa and Alexa hit it off the first time they met.

Alexa was much smaller than Melissa, but also tinier than Rachel too. She was about 5'1'' and maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. She was a sharp contrast to her husband, John, who was 6'1'' and muscular.

That's another reason I didn't think much of my height difference with Melissa, even though the man is traditionally taller in the relationship.

John and I chatted in the front seat about our plans for the joint bachelor/bachelorette party. He was pretty laid-back and was up for whatever the day brought us. Even though we live so close to the capital, neither of us could remember the last time we were in Washington D.C. "It's funny how that happens," John remarked. "I bet this happens to anyone living just outside a major city. They only go there when they have visitors."

It was a beautiful May day in Washington D.C., warm enough to go without a jacket but not overly humid like it would be in a month. John and I were each wearing polo shirts and cargo shorts, the standard, slightly-dressed up but still casual male look. If we were back in college, it would be day drinking with music blasting, but now that we were young professionals and about to be two married adult men, a nice stroll would suffice. Oh, how the times change!

Melissa was also dressed casually. She wore a plain black t-shirt and light blue jean shorts that barely would pass the "fingertip" rule used at most schools. It wasn't an intentional display of leg, which she had a lot of. Because of her height, it was difficult to find women's clothing that would also come down further on her legs. She was comfortable with her body, so I wasn't complaining! It may get her a few extra looks, which really never bothered me, and I think flatter Melissa. Or, they would flatter her if she wasn't oblivious to these ogling eyes.

Rachel wore a colorful sundress that showed off her California tan. This 75-degree weather was the normal temperature in Los Angeles, so it was as if she never left.

Alexa wore a white halter top with a light blue skirt that landed right above her knees. She wore a tiny windbreaker to cover her shoulders, less for modesty and more because she became cold easily.

As anticipated, everywhere we went in Washington D.C. WAS crowded, so we took our time as we walked from the impressive Lincoln Memorial to the instantly recognizable Washington Monument to the scenic Tidal Basin next to the Jefferson Memorial.

At first, we walked like we had been seated in the car. John and I talked about the baseball season and if we thought the Nationals would disappoint again while the three ladies continued their conversation about who knows what. Whatever they were currently chatting about elicited a lot of giggles.

Rachel, never the shy one, came over to talk to both of us with a grin on her face. "What are you so amused about?" I asked with a bit of suspicion in my voice.

Rachel giggled. We were talking about your upcoming two-month sacrifice leading up to the wedding. I give you kudos for that because that's a lot to ask of a man!"

John lowered his eyebrows. "Sacrifice? What are you talking about?"

I was slightly embarrassed to be talking about this with my best friend and my wife's best friend; although, I guess Rachel already knew. "Well, we felt our wedding night would have more significance if we pretended we had waited to have sex. Since we can't change the past, we agreed to abstain for the 8 weeks leading up to our wedding."

"Eight weeks?!" John said, stunned.

"I told Melissa you're probably going to go off like a fire hose that night!" Rachel was beside herself with glee. Then she turned to John. "I get why you don't understand about abstaining. Alexa said you were like honeymooners in the weeks leading up to the wedding!"

John sighed, "I love my wife, but sometimes, she is a little too forthcoming with details. I'm going to have to have a talk with her!" With that, John ditched our trio to go talk with Melissa and Alexa.

"I hope I didn't embarrass you too badly, Rob. I know men can feel weird talking about sex around other men and others won't shut up about it no matter who's around!"

"That's men for you," I spoke as if I was defending the whole gender. "I was a little surprised, but I should know you better by now!"

Rachel was ready to say something else, but Melissa cut her off. She announced she was hungry and suggested getting something to eat. Everyone was all for it, and we headed downtown to see what was open on a Saturday.

Rachel then said to me, in a quiet voice, "I really wanted to thank you for your letter. It means a lot to me that you wrote it, and the words really helped me."

I touched her upper arm and gave an understanding nod. "I wanted you to know that you're not alone."

I wrote her a letter a few weeks ago after hearing about the breakup. Initially, I hesitated as to whether I should mail it out, as I hadn't told Melissa about it. I pretty much wrote out what I believed, that Rachel was a great girl and deserving of love and affection. Of course, I didn't have the details of the break-up, except that she was the one broken up with, but I thought some positive words could be reassuring. I wanted to show my support.

I didn't tell Melissa because I didn't want to make a big deal of it; although, I don't think she would have minded. It's just one of those old-fashioned things I do.

Lunch was nice. We didn't mind that the service was a little slow because it gave us a change to get off our feet and talk with everyone in on the conversation. By the early afternoon, we were back in the comforts of our apartment, knowing better than to shuffle through a crowded museum, especially, a crowded free museum.

We turned on some early 2000s music and sat around our living room. "I'm so glad everyone was able to get together and finally meet!" Melissa said, and everyone agreed.

"John, I know why Rob picked you as best man, and it's nice to know my friends have such great friends here!" Rachel then turned to John, "I have to apologize in advance, though, because my toast is going to blow yours out of the water!"

Melissa and Alexa both laughed, as John responded, "We'll see about that! I am pretty comfortable in front of a crowd and have no problem with publicly embarrassing my friend here!" With that, he gave me a playful punch on the arm.

Rachel turned to Alexa, "You found a good one!"

"Well, you know what they say. All the good men are either gay or taken!" Alexa, John, and I had a quick laugh, but it looked like Rachel had just been punched in the stomach. Her smile faded.

Alexa noticed this and said, "I'm sorry. It was just a bad joke."

Melissa started to explain, "It's just a little bad timing for that joke. See, she just got out of .."

Rachel cut her off, "It's okay, really. There was no way for her to know. I just got out of a long-term relationship about a month ago."

"I'm so sorry," Alexa said. "I never meant to hurt you."

Again, Rachel reassured her. "Really, I take no offense. I didn't even tell Melissa the full story until this morning. As part of my healing process, I want to tell you all."

We all sat quietly, as Rachel told us about her relationship with Tommy. They both were aspiring to make a name for themselves in Hollywood. Tommy wanted to act, and Rachel wanted to be a part of an editing crew for large films. They worked for the same talent agency and quickly found a friend in the other. They were ambitious but not vindictive in their desire to succeed.

"We could speak for hours about anything: politics, film industry, social standards, and I felt really comfortable with him. He was really sweet and kind of shy, so I didn't mind that things seemed to take longer physically. I feel I have good intuition about people, and I felt he was worth waiting for.

In retrospect, some of his behavior should have drawn up red flags. He never really became comfortable with the physical aspect of our relationship. He would hold hands with me in public but rarely, if ever, kiss me. If I complained about a lack of physical affection, he would do something super sweet, like buy me roses and give me a full-body massage. I admit, he would sometimes spoil me"

She paused, as if pondering whether to say more. "But, sometimes you don't want to just be spoiled. You want to be used, to be really adored and worshipped."

Melissa chipped in, "You mean to be fucked senseless!" We all laughed.

"Yes, exactly," and Rachel laughed loudly. "I can count on my hands how many times we had sex in 3 years. After hearing Alexa talk, it seems like John does that in a week! I see the glint in Melissa's eyes when she talks about Rob too."

John chipped in, "I appreciate all the good news that has been reported about me," as he gave a quick glance to his wife, who had a sheepish grin on her face. "I am a little confused. How did he end up breaking up with you?"

"We'd had a brief argument about my desire to have more sex. He said he was stressed about some upcoming auditions, which I could understand to an extent. So, he invited me over for dinner and cooked something wonderful, steak with potatoes and seasoned asparagus, plus a really nice bottle of champagne. Again, I was taken in my all these wonderful gestures. I even had the feeling he might propose!" She stuck out her left hand to emphasize her point. "I would have said yes in a heartbeat, despite our physical problems," she added.

"Instead, I was completely blindsided. He told me he'd been living a lie and had to be honest to himself and me. He loved me platonically and thought I was a wonderful person. He told me he was gay, believed he always had been, and needed to live life as his true self.

Obviously, I was devastated. I broke down in tears, crying all over what I thought was the best meal of my life."