The Minister's Wife

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A minister's wife finds true love elsewhere.
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Nettie my girl friend was a lovely girl with nice blonde hair, a slim figure and a lovely almost wicked sense of humour. Both Nettie and I were brought up very strictly in the Methodist Church by our parents. She was the Ministers daughter, and somehow fate always ensured that we always seemed to gravitate together, whether it be with chapel outings, sitting next together in Sunday School or on organised evenings out. Naturally we grew very close in many ways and somehow it always seemed to both of us, without ever saying it that someday we would marry.

When I was eighteen I went away to University and we kept in close contact by letter and by telephone, and of course on vacations we were again almost inseparable. I must admit that I was no saint in my teens, and had a couple of brief affairs, and got into a few scrapes whilst away at University. Although I gave my body willingly in these little affairs, my heart was always at home with Nettie. Then suddenly she stopped writing and telephoning, I did not hear from her for a month, and when I did telephone, her father told me that Nettie did not want to speak to me. I could not imagine what I had done wrong, but my mother told me on the telephone later that she had become engaged to the new young Methodist Minister.

At the time it seemed to me that my whole world had fallen apart. The thought of Nettie in the arms of another man drove me crazy, and for a time I lost all faith in women. Over the next six months I deliberately embarked on a number of sordid affairs with fellow female students and one or two married women. I did not really care whether I was a marriage buster, or whether I was making them pregnant, or what happened to them afterwards. In hindsight it was almost as though I was getting my revenge on the whole female race.

All this time strangely I never rally lost my faith, and I continued to go to the local Methodist Chapel near the University every Sunday. It was one Sunday night after the evening service that I met our local Ministers wife as I walked along the tow path by the canal. It was a lovely summers evening after a warm summers day the sun was just setting, and there were a few couples strolling along the tow path with their arms locked round one another enjoying each other and the balmy summer weather. Then I met Tina the Ministers wife walking towards me with their cocker spaniel.

I had always had a soft spot for Tina ,or as I had nick named her in my own mind "Tiny Tina" She was as far removed from a Ministers wife that I could have ever imagined. She was only perhaps an inch or so over 5 feet tall, with a lovely vivacious personality. She seemed to dress with a flair that was a little surprising in her position as a Ministers wife, and never failed to go short on the make-up or hair does. I supposed to sum it up she lived up to fashion, with out going over the top and looking sluttish.

Rumour had it that her husband who was a few years older than her, was not in the slightest bit enamored with his wife's dress sense, which apparently caused a few ructions at the manse from time to time, and of course she made good gossip material for the local busybodies, who always found something about her to feed their insatiable appetite for gossip. But Tina was her own woman and she continued to dress with flair and carry out her role as the ministers wife for the chapel congregation in a very competent manner.

As we met I thought Tina was looking quite depressed, as usual she looked her usual lovely self but that night her lovely vivacious smile was totally missing, but for me she managed a weak smile when we met. I saw something was seriously the matter and so I said "Hi Tina what is wrong you don't look at all happy."

"Oh nothing Tony its me in one of my moods, and just being silly again. I just can not seem to do anything right for Ralph, or the local chapel gossips it seems."

"Well Tina I know that you do a lot of work for the chapel, and I think that you always seem to put 100 per cent into everything you do, so no-one can ever complain about that. Its hard for me to imagine what then can possibly be the matter?".

She looked at me, then she smiled "Bugger it Tony I will talk to you I need to talk to someone sometimes, and I hope I can trust you to be discreet , can't I?

"Of course you can, but lets walk and have a Lemonade at the Upper Lock pub where we can relax and talk in peace."

"What Tony two Methodists going into a public house on a Sunday that will give the gossips something to talk about." For just a brief moment the old smile was back.

"Not if they are only drinking lemonade." I replied with a laugh.

Once we were settled Tina said "I have been married three years to Ralph, but our marriage has been and still is a total disaster zone. I have always wanted children, but I firmly believe that Ralph does not really know how to do it properly. He seems to think that sex is sinful and should be done quickly and quietly after dark with the lights off, and to enjoy the sex act is in itself sinful. He does not even know how to kiss a woman properly. A chaste kiss on the cheek seems to be as far as he is prepared to go."

As she spoke the tears started to run down her cheeks . "You see Tony I have never really loved him like I should do, and I was only persuaded to marry him by my parents, at the time I did not really know what true love was, and I must admit he seemed a nice kind man at the time so I gave in."

"Yes, Tina I can imagine the pressure you had, as my own girl friend of many years has gone down the same path, but I don't know whether her marriage has made her happy or not ."

"After we have partaken in what he deems is sex he will sit reading the bible for several hours, as though he has to atone for his sins. Sex for us is very automatic. He will take off his clothes, get into bed and just lay on top of me, no kissing, and no foreplay, he will just shove his cock into my dry pussy - then he will wiggle up and down until he comes, and then he will get off me.. He will then either turn over and go to sleep, or sit and read the bible for a couple of hours. This happens about twice a month and never on a Sunday or any other Holy day. He has never even kissed me properly on the lips except briefly during the wedding service."

I felt so sorry for Tina as I watched the tears of frustration stream down her pretty face, smudging her make-up, that I automatically had to put my arms round her shoulders to console her. She rested her head on my shoulder and just let the tears flow. Then after about ten minutes and taking me a bit by surprise she reached up and took my face in her hands and kissed me in a long passionate kiss on the lips.

Eventually we pulled apart and Tina looked up at me and said.

"I am so sorry for that Tony."

I took her hand and looked down at her tear rimmed eyes and said." I am not sorry Tina you can kiss me like that any time you like - please."

Her face broke into a lovely smile and she gave a little giggly laugh.

"I hope that is a serious offer, and I may just take you up on that sometime when I get a bit low again."

We walked slowly back to the Manse, in the growing twilight neither of us speaking very much, as I suppose we were both considering the possible implications of our long passionate kiss.

We got to the front door and Tina said "Would you like a cup of Coffee Tony?"

"What about your husband?" I asked.

"He is not back yet, as he is preaching in your home town, and anyway I want another quick kiss."

She opened the door and let the dog loose and then Tine turned and threw her arms round my neck . Her lips fastened on to mine and she whispered.

"You are tempting me Tony if we go on like this I shall be wanting very much more than a kiss .

"I already do." I whispered.

The kiss was quite prolonged and very passionate.

It was the following Saturday morning, that I next saw Tina, it was a real wet Saturday and it was pouring with rain, so I decided to stop in bed. It was almost 10.00 am when I heard the front door bell ring. Getting up out of bed I threw on my dressing gown and opened the door to see a dripping Tina standing on the step with a small suit case.

"What are you doing today Tony?" she asked as she stepped inside.

"Well nothing in particular." I said.

"You are now Tony dear. I have made a bold momentous decision I want you to make a baby in me." As she spoke she was stripping of her wet clothes outdoor clothes. Then without warning she threw herself in my arms against my naked body for another long passionate kiss.

When I came out of the shower Tina was lying there naked on my bed. I couldn't help remembering the kisses on the tow path the previous week, and her total misery that evening, I decided then that if Tina was serious and really wanted to break her marriage vows. I would give her the best lovemaking time that I was capable of. I decided to attempt to give Tina everything that she had been missing in her marriage. But before we made love I asked her again.

"Tina are you really really one hundred per cent sure that you really want to do this?"

"Yes Tony I have thought about nothing else all week, why don't you fancy me?

"Yes Tina I fancy you very much, I have dreamt about you, but I wanted to make really sure that you knew what you were doing, and have no lingering doubts and no regrets afterwards."

"I have no doubts Tony. I wanted you to make love to me last Sunday evening. I cannot go on being married for another thirty years or so with things as they are now. I don't think that Ralph can ever change."

Now that I was sure that she knew what she wanted I knelt between her legs and pushed them apart. Tina pulled my head eagerly towards her crotch as I leaned forward.

"Oh yes, Tony. Kiss my pussy. Please I have read and dreamed of having a man do that for me for such a long time."

My face met her pussy as I began to lap gently at her juices. Letting my tongue penetrate and explore her pussy. Tina was soon bucking her hips up against my face as I orally pleasured her. I could tell that Tina was cumming as she began to moan and thrust her hips upwards and her juices flowed copiously over my face and down on to the bed clothes.

She pulled my face so hard against her crotch that for a time I couldn't breath. I continued to lick her pussy for a while after she climaxed until she finally pushed me away. I knelt up and was going to start fucking her missionary style, but before I could, Tina turned over onto her belly and got up on all fours. She reached between her legs for my cock and positioned it at the entrance to her pussy. I automatically thrust forward and pushed my cock into her waiting hot wet cunt. I began to make love to her slowly and gently at first, and then with increased force. Tina moaned and thrust back against me as we made love. She seemed to be having a series of small orgasms if the sounds she was making was anything to go by.

"Oh god Tina - your pussy is so good!" I cried.

" Don't come yet!" Tina insisted. Please not yet.

I had to slow my strokes down to keep from cumming. We made love in this position for a while and then Tina slid forward on the bed and my cock popped out of her now soaking wet vagina. She turned over onto her back and placed a pillow under her hips and then spread her legs. She pulled me towards her and again I sunk my cock deep inside her. "Fuck me hard!" she cried. "I want to feel you cum inside me now." I began stroking in and out of her faster and faster. The feel of her hot tight pussy gripping my cock soon had me ready to come.

"I'm going to come now, Tina," I moaned.

Tina wrapped her legs tightly around my hips and squeezed me. My cock was forced deep inside her vagina as I began to cum. Tina's hips battered against mine as we both experienced fantastic orgasms. Her legs squeezed my hips tightly against hers as I felt her pussy contracting around my cock. Tina's hand was wrapped around my balls and she squeezed them gently, as if she was trying to milk every last drop of sperm out of them. Even as my cock wilted, Tina held me firmly against her with her strong leg muscles. I could still feel her vagina muscles milking my cock for moments after we came.

Finally Tina released me and I fell breathless onto the bed next to her. Tina lay there immobile as she willed my sperm to find their way towards her egg to fertilize it. She didn't want to move less it disturb the journey of my wiggly little sperm moving inside her womb. Tina looked at me and pulled my head towards her and gently - almost motherly - kissed me on the forehead and whispered "Tony, thank you for making love to me. I really want to have your baby."

Unexpectedly Tina stopped until the evening on the Sunday, and neither of us got dressed the whole time. I was amazed and asked her how she had arranged it. I told Ralph that I was going to stay with my sister for the weekend, as she has not been well. I primed my sister on the telephone, and we have agreed to both give the same story if we are questioned.

The next evening as she stood at the door waiting to leave Tina looked up at me and said "Thank you so much Tony for everything I don't know how I can ever repay you. If there is anything I can ever do for you please let me know."

A sudden thought came into my head, and I started to speak it, then out of shyness I stopped. Tina sensed my indecision and said "What were you going to say?

I looked at her and I said quietly." It may sound ridiculous and I hope you will not take offence." Then I lost my nerve and stopped. I looked down at her lovely blue eyes looking up at me expectantly. I realised just how much I had come to love her in this short time, then getting my nerve up at last I said there is just one thing Tina. Will you marry me?"

Tina dropped her case on the floor and threw her arms round my neck.

"Tony dear, its going to stir up a lot of shit, but the answer is Yes Yes Yes and Yes please, again. Lets go back to bed."

Tina only went home to pack her case the next day and our son was born six months before her divorce came through. Later we got married from my own home in my home town after I had graduated. I saw my ex girlfriend Nettie again for the first time at our wedding. Strangely Tina and Nettie got on very well, and were quite civilized about the whole affair. They talked together for a long time, afterwards Tina said to me. "Tony darling I think that your Nettie does not have the same problems I had, and is very happy with her marriage, and with a wicked grin, unless of course she was crafty like me, and she has found herself a good lover."

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The previous anonymous poster is, obviously, limited in knowledge and quite naive. Many minister's wives know all the "words." They know when to use them and when not to use them. When they are in the bedroom, many of them (at least, a few I have known) are quite vocal and expressive so far as their sexual desires are concerned. And, some have husbands who never touch them intimately after a few years. That's why they look elsewhere.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

So I'm reading along and the minister's wife says her husband never even plays with her pussy... Oh, I see, she must be an ex-whore who uses 'fuck' and 'pussy' as easily as she talks about the weather, only she's the wife of a minister.

don87654don87654about 15 years ago

Very erotic. I cannot help but wonder what the Pastor thought of his ex-wife after she had been married for only 6 months when she had your rug crawler?

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