The Mulford Academy Ch. 01

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Unique school for girls - getting there.
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Notes: This is purely my work. Some of it may be true. Some of it may not be true. For purposes of this "story" all characters that are required to be 18+ years old are that old at the point in the "story" that they are required to be by there actions or situation. This "story" is quite long. It is a wham-bam tail and starts out slow but will grow as time goes on. They must be read in order to make since. Enjoy.


"Miss Bucknard this is the 3rd time you have appeared before me in the last six months for theft. Since you are now 18 it is within my power to have you charged as an adult. I see that your foster parents have declined to have you placed back in there custody for the remainder of the school year. You academic report says that you are maintaining decent grades when you bother to show up."

"While some of my colleagues would just dump you in the penal system to be rid of you I think you just lack self discipline and are not challenged enough. I am in a position that some other Judges are not. I can offer you one last chance to change your ways. My last granddaughter has recently graduated from the Mulford Academy for Girls and I am now eligible to sponsor another student. Miss Bucknard I see potential in you. I offer this opportunity to you instead of going to jail. But be warned. If you appear back before this court or any others or leave the academy for any reason before you have completed the full four year program of study you will be sent immediately to jail for not less than five years. Do you understand?"

I was not thrilled about going to jail. Yes I was board and I was glad to be rid of James and Kim. They were always on my case about how I dressed and how I should act. If they had just let me buy those earrings I wouldn't have had to steal them. School was lame. All the girls there had their cliques and I wasn't in any of them. Not that I cared much. In a couple of months I would never see any of them again anyway. All they wanted to do was hang out with their football playing boyfriends. I would be glad to go someplace else. When the judge was done with her rant I looked at my layer. He looked a little confused but nodded to me. So I said to the judge "Ok Judge Crist. I will checkout your school. I suppose I could give it a try if it means I get to skip five years in jail. I mean, what I have to lose. Right?"

The Judge looked sternly at me "I warn you Miss Bucknard that I will get monthly reports on your progress. If you are expelled, flunk out, or leave for any reason before you are though with the program you will be going to jail. I am putting a note in your file that if you are picked up for any reason in the next five years that you will be brought back before me if possible. Now I will be temporarily releasing you back to your foster parents for not more than one week. You will have an ankle monitor on in case you are thinking of running away. You will be putting your affairs in order and saying your goodbyes because at the end of that week or before if you say that you are ready, Miss Emerald will be taking you to the campus. I will be contacting her later today and have your transportation along with a room for the upcoming academic year arranged. Your transcripts will be forwarded so when you get to campus you will be given a list of courses to choose from. All room, board, and tuition will be paid for so there will be no need for you to leave campus during the program to find a job. You are allowed one suit case for your personal belongings but you will not need much. School uniforms will be provided to you when you arrive. This is a much respected academy and students are only admitted via sponsors and only one student per sponsor at a time. Since all of my granddaughters have finally graduated I am now in a position to offer this opportunity to you. I myself am a graduate along with both of my daughters and all my granddaughters. I see something in you that you may not see in yourself at this time. I assure you that you will learn some self control and if you take the right courses will not be board now or for the rest of your life. Now if there is nothing else this court is adjourned."

James and Kim were not happy to have me back if only for a week. They took me back to there place that had been my home for almost the past two years. I packed a few of my meager belongings and a few pieces of clothing that I liked. I could easily fit everything in the one suit case I was allowed. I didn't have much though. That is what happens when you don't stay anywhere for more than a couple of years. I had no one I wanted to say goodbye to so I was ready to go inside of two hours. I had been given a number to call if I was ready to leave before the week was up so I called it. They seem a little confused at first but when I told them my name they found the information and said someone would be by to pick me up at 7 a.m. the next morning. I wasn't thrilled about spending another night here as there was almost no privacy. I had to share a bedroom with Emily. She was 12 and always a suck up to Kim and trying to get me in trouble. I would be glad to be rid of her. I stayed in my room the rest of the night and reread one of the few books I had. I wasn't taking it with me as I didn't like it very much but it beat having to talk to anyone else in the house.

7 a.m. couldn't come soon enough for me. I had my bag by the door and had been sitting in the kitchen waiting since six. I ate a bowl of cereal and tried to ignore everyone else. Kim and James had four foster kids including me at that time and two of their own kids. I was the oldest foster kid there. And as much as they said they didn't really want me to go I knew they were happy to see me leave. The judge had let that cat out of the bag on that when she said they had declined to take me back. That is what finally tipped the scale for me to take the judges offer.

At 6:59 there was a knock at the door. I jumped up and ran for it. When I opened it there was this good looking lady in a well fitted suit. She looked to be in her late 30s. Later I was to find out she was actually 51. She introduced herself as Miss Emila Emerald headmaster of the Mulford Academy for girls. Kim and James each shook her hand as I had picked up my bag and was out the door. I heard Kim call "We will miss you Jill." I didn't believe a word of it.

There was a large black Lincoln Towncar parked at the curb with a driver standing by it. Now this is more like it. As I approached him he offered to take my bag. I handed it to him as he opened the rear door for me. I jumped in and slid across the leather seats. He placed my bag in the trunk and return to wait by the door. I was past ready to leave so I started looking around and touching everything hoping one of them would get us moving.

Two minutes later I saw Emila walking back to the car. She sat in the car and thanked the driver as he shut the door. She noticed me fidgeting and told me to calm down as we would leave shortly. I tried to be calm but wanted to go now. When I pulled my leg up under me to sit I remembered the ankle monitor. I couldn't sit like I normally do and it was starting to bug me. She noticed my irritation and looking straight ahead as the driver got in. Once the car started moving she said that it would be removed in a little while when I was formally turned over into her custody. I was just to sit still and relax.

Relaxing was not one of the things I was good at but if it got me away from Kim and James I was at least going to give it a try. I looked at how she was setting and tried to copy it. Feet on the floor. Back strait. Look ahead and wait. That lasted all of 5 minutes. I spoke first. I asked her how long until we got there. The driver answered at least part of it by saying "Miss Emerald we will have wheels up in 45 minutes." My mouth dropped open. We are going on an airplane? I had always wanted to take a flight just never had an opportunity. Emila told the driver thanks and then turned to me. "Since you can't seem to sit still we might as well get some of this out of the way now. I know what the Judge Crist told you in court. Some of it is true and some of it while being truthful was not completely accurate. I will fill in a lot of the details later but for now you have two choices when we get to the airport.

1. You are calm and stay at my side. The police will remove your ankle monitor. I sign the paperwork that puts you in my custody and we leave.

2. You cause a seen or decide you are not going with me in which case I turn you over to the police and you go to jail.

You see you are not our normal student. Judge Crist is and alumni and on our school board so she has a lot of pull with what we do. I may not agree with all her reasons for taking you but I will do my best to turn you in one of our fine graduates. Know that this will be your last chance to back out. Once I sign the papers you are with us until you complete the program unless I decide you cannot be salvaged."

"Now we need to get your measurements so your school uniforms will be ready when we arrive. You look to be about a 32C correct?" I nodded. "Would you please lift your shirt? It is rather baggy and it is hard to get a waist and hip size." When I didn't move she continued "I am usually a good judge at these things but if you insist we can wait and do it once we arrive. It will just take longer to have your uniforms ready. Now please lift your shirt. You don't have to take it off. I only need to get your waist and hip sizes." I reached the edge of my shirt and pulled it up so it was above my pant line. "Good. Waist looks like 24. It looks to be a 34 across the hips as well." She was good at this. I dropped my shirt and nodded again. "Now for your shoe size. Looks like an 8." I nodded again. She pulled a phone out of her jacket pocket and started pushing buttons. After a minute she put the phone back in her pocket "Fairly standard sizes. There will be three uniforms waiting when we get there."

I was confused by what just happened. When I was able to get cloths before that weren't hand me downs it would involve a trip to a store and trying on seven different things before I was allowed to get one item. Just like that I was going to have three outfits waiting for me. I might like this.

10 minutes later we got to the airport. We did not get out at the terminal like I expected. We went around to a slightly smaller building off to the side. As we pulled up some guy in a suit came out to the car. The driver popped the trunk as he got out of the car. He opened the door from Emila and me to get out. The other guy had grabbed my bag and escorted us into the building. Inside there were two police officers waiting for us so we went over to them. "Miss Emerald if you would sign here she is all yours." She looked at me as if to say this is your last chance to back out. I just shrugged my shoulder. Emila then took the papers and did a quick read though on them and signed. The other officer got down on his knee and unlocked my ankle monitor. They both stood up and left.

Emila then motioned to a side table and we went over to sit. A waitress came over to us and asked if we needed anything to drink as we waited. Emila said she would just have a mineral water. The waitress then looked at me and I asked what they have. She told me that whatever I wanted they probably had it. So I just chose the old standby "I will have a diet Coke." She said she would be right back. She was back in less than a minute with our drinks.

It was then that I noticed my bag was missing. Emila saw me start to look around for it "They took your bag on to load it on the jet. You will get it back later." I calmed some at that.

About five minutes later someone else walked in. She came over to us and handed a large envelope to Emila. "Her temporary visa is in there. Her passport will be sent in a couple of weeks." Emila said thanks and other woman left. I then asked "Passport? What do I need a passport for?" Emila smiled at me as said that she would explain once we took off. This got me nervous again. I had not expected to leave the country. I thought I was just being carted off to a different state at the most.

I didn't have long to wait and think about this. The same guy that escorted us in came up to us and said we could board now. Emila stood and told me to follow her. I wanted to bolt as leaving the country was not part of what I had expected. Emila could the look in my eye "If you are thinking of running now you should forget about it. You would not get out of this building. Look up. You are on three different cameras right now and the cops were instructed by the Judge Crist not to leave the area until the jet had left the ground."

That didn't help my desire to get out of there but I knew when to stop fighting. I followed her and did as I was told. The screening to get to the jet was not what I had heard boarding an airplay was like. Later I found out that since it was a private jet there was no search just paper work. They inspected Emilia's passport and one of the forms she took from the envelope she was given. We were quickly sent on our way.

We were ushered outside and up into the jet. It had less than 10 seats and we were the only passengers. After we were seated they closed the door. I had never flown before and was starting to feel the walls closing in. Emila notice me starting to panic and asked if I was ok. I shook my head and Emila got up and went into the kitchen area. She returned quickly with a pill and some water. She handed them to me and said to take it. It did it seem to help. When she saw I was starting to calm down she returned to her seat. "I wasn't told you were afraid of flying or is it just the small space?" A little more calm now I answered "I have never been in a plane before. When the door closed it hit me. I think I will be fine now."

I heard the pilot for the first time. She said we were clear to taxi. Emila told me to buckle my lap belt. I found the ends and got it connected just as we started to move. She said we would be free to move around once we were in the air and level. There were no stewardess and we would have to take care of ourselves. I nodded and looked out my window thankful to be moving again.

Two minutes later I was pushed back into my seat as we were up and away. It was awesome. I had forgotten my earlier panic and was now enjoying it. A couple of minutes later I could feel the plane level out. Emila unbuckled her belt and got up to go to the kitchenette. She said that if I wanted anything that I should get it. She pointed out the lavatory and said it was a five hour flight.

Emila had gotten herself a glass of water and sat back down. She then asked me what else I wanted to know about the academy.

I started out "Well given all visa and passport talk I take it we are leaving the States." She said "Yes. The academy is actually on a private island close the Bahamas. We along with our brother academy on a neighboring island are outside of any national jurisdiction. That way we are not regulated by any one country and can provide a broader scope to a woman's education. I reviewed your transcripts on the flight over last night and think you will have no trouble with the normal courses offered. You have achieved enough to receive your diploma for any of several countries. You do however need to take a few of the social courses to catch up to where you should be. They are not offered in States and from what I have seen of you so far some are desperately needed."

"Now do you want me to tell you what we tell the families and especially the fathers and the public about what goes on or do you want to know what will be expected of you? Some of what Judge Crist said in court was for the public and not exactly what will happen." I told her to tell me what really went on. She gave me a smile and continued "Well first off we have special classes that will teach you how to be a lady. You will know how to be prim and proper and calm is almost any environment. You will know how to conduct yourself be it boardroom or bedroom. You will know charm and how to use it to get what you need. And most of all you will learn patients and how to relax yourself to get though almost any adversity. You will be ready to have an in-depth discussion with the CEO one minute and a dock worker the next. Now, all the professors and instructors are female. All have graduated from the academy so they know what it is like to be in your place in class. There are a few males on the grounds and their jobs will be explained later."

"Being close to the Bahamas the weather is temperate and we have courses all year around. You will have classes seven days a week. They usually last from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a break for lunch. Each class is two hours long and cleanup time for any class activities is figured into the class time. Expect to learn something each and every day. You will be provided with five school uniforms eventually. Three will be ready on our arrival. The other two you will get later as you need them and after you have completed your physical. Know that those are your clothes for now. The items you have packed will be returned to you in time and more may be provided as needed."

"Each room has four people in it. We normally put one girl from each level in the room. You however do not fit precisely into one of the distinct grade levels right now. You have completed most but not all of your 1st year level work. But we happen to have a room with only 3 other girls in it. The fourth girl had to leave the academy for family reasons. She was to be the 2nd year in the room this next school year. We have decided to put you in as a 2nd year student even though you have a couple of extra classes you will have to take. You will find out about your rooms hierarchy and responsibilities when you meet your new roommates. Jenny, Kelly, and Kim are all nice people. Most of them were to be informed of your arrival this morning. You will meet a couple of them later today."

"As I mentioned before we are on an island. It is 10 nautical miles to the next island which happens to be our brother school. Twice a year we have a get together with them. Mostly it is to gauge how students have progressed in some of their social skills. Rules on these interactions will be explained later."

"All your needs will be provided by the academy. Everything is paid for by the alumni. If you need anything tell Jenny. As the 4th year in your room if she believes it is reasonable she will make arrangements for you to receive it. If it is something we do not have available on the island it will have to be shipped in. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served in the main dining hall at the same time each day. Your first class begins daily at 8 a.m. The first class you have to go to once we arrive you will be having it with Kim. She will help you get there on time. You will get the rest of you schedule tomorrow from your advisor Miss Carter. If you get lost or don't know where to go just ask someone. They will be more than willing to help."

"I know it is a lot of information at once especially to someone used to the public school system but hopefully you can adjust and keep up. Several of the courses you will be taking give instruction on how to deal with a lot of information that comes at you fast. Now I suggest you get yourself something to drink and think on what I have just explained to you. When you come back to your seat let me know what questions you have so far."

I got up and went to the kitchenette in thought. I found they had a little of almost everything. After hearing all this information I decided on water. Caffeine and sugar were not going to help. I stood there for a few more moments thinking. So far only two things had caused me to have somewhat confused. First was having classes seven days a week. Surely the students got some time off. The second was what she said about knowing how to conduct myself in the boardroom and the bedroom. The rest I thought I could understand so I headed back to my seat.