The Neighbor Lady


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He brushed his fingertips lightly along her bicep, raising gooseflesh. The moonlight illuminated each sprout of hair, standing erect like a miniature penis. God, how he wanted to roll her over and mount her again. Though loving everything they did, she cherished being beneath him the most, front to front, missionary style, making a baby the way God had intended, had designed them for. She lived for the moment he went rigid and thrust his member into her like a railroad spike; she came immediately, crying out, arching upward and inhaling in a whooping gasp, eyes bulging, lips drawn back in a snarl, fingernails raking his back, practically dislocating her hips in order to butterfly herself for maximum penetration. Her orgasm amplified his orgasm until he erupted within her like a volcano, exploded, like a detonating bomb, flooding her like a fire hose. Her orgasm went on and on and on, like a runaway freight train. He had to douse her sometimes; otherwise she hyperventilated and passed out. She'd done that before, passed out. She's almost done it tonight.

"Don't you ever get tired of fucking me?" she mumbled.

Todd laughed. Tonight, he'd done her with a strap-on, ravishing her tight little ass (only it wasn't so tight anymore, was it?) with a dildo so big it packed her entire rectum with rubber, stretching it the way his erection never could. It had hurt, he knew that, but that didn't stop her pillowing her cheek on her hands and smiling dreamily through the whole thing. It was the first time he'd mounted her with a dildo.

"You know what I feel like, don't you?" When he didn't answer, she said: "Like an abandoned well. You know, one of those stone-lined things you see in westerns?" She began to laugh when he did. "You think it's funny don't you?"

He wasn't sure about funny, but he liked that she ached inside and would have difficulty sitting tomorrow, or even walking. He was man enough to admit that.

"I'm nothing but your sexual plaything, your Barbie doll with a hole."

Still laughing, he kissed her still-goose-fleshed arm and then rolled her onto her back. He swept the sheets down her length to her knees, exposing her nakedness. In the moonlight, her map of Hell seemed almost beautiful. It bothered her, he knew, that he could appreciate the grotesque tracery of scars, often tracing them with his fingertips and followed their roadways with kisses. He would spoon with her after sex, circling her right breast, following the encircling beltway with his middle fingertip. They both knew he loved her, both knew that she loved him. Of course, she loved her husband too.

"Open you legs," he said softly. Dutifully, she spread her thighs and drew her knees up, butterflying herself for him. She also kept her arms dutifully at her sides, where they belonged. She watched him expectantly, a little apprehensively, he thought. Sometimes it was no clearer to her what he wanted, than to him. He slipped his finger inside her and sought out her G-spot. She immediately stiffened and arched her back and gasped. Her head went rigid atop her stiff neck; chin thrust upward, eyes alarmed. Todd had a talent for terrorizing her G-spot. Whether it existed or not.

"Like this?" he asked.

"Yes," she hissed through clenched teeth.

He inserted another finger. The better to feel you with, my dear.

"How about this?" he asked.

She nodded stiffly.

"And this?"

She gasped and Todd climbed atop her and buried his mouth in her sweetness. Between his thighs, a hungry mouth sought out and enveloped his cock-head with eager warmth and suction. He moaned as the mouth traveled up his shaft and buried itself in his pubic hair. Claire was hairless, smooth and silky as a newborn. Even her asshole was bare, like that of a porno model. Todd marveled at it again and again, how she presented herself to him as though coming from an extreme bikini wax.

He kissed her delicate pink lips and tickled the end of her clitoris with his tongue. As always, this elicited a guttural moan. He looked down to confirm her fists were clenched at her sides, muscles in her forearms standing out like cords. She would keep herself like this, submissive to him, until given permission to move. It just drove him wild. Very often she would find herself with a mouthful of cum.

"I love you, Claire."

Her lips descended his pole. "I love you too, Todd," she whispered huskily, and then went back to her sucking while Todd returned to his devouring. He forced her legs farther apart, pinioned them to the mattress. She groaned, but continued her blowjob and kept her hands clenched obediently at her side. What struck Todd so hilarious, was that Claire followed her own directive on this, not his. He'd never instructed her to submit, lay still, and surrender herself. She did it of her own accord, and though it was never discussed, Todd knew she required this compulsory behavior. He certainly enjoyed it. He imagined that Carl did as well, though that was a subject he'd never broach.

He concentrated on her clitoris, knowing this button controlled everything she did, everything she was during sex. It was hardwired to her libido; was, in fact, her libido. While he controlled this button, he controlled Claire. That kind of control he liked. Surprisingly, he ceded control.

"Are you okay?" Panting, she looked at him, puzzled. Todd never surrendered her clitoris this soon, leaving her in a sound state of mind. He reversed direction on the bed and knelt over her.

"I apologize for what I did to you earlier."

"What you did to me earlier? You drove me insane with pleasure, is what you did to me, Todd."

Todd sighed. "Somehow, it's escaped your attention that I put my cock in ever hole in your body. Sometimes, from hole to hole without regard to hygiene or common decency, Claire."

"Todd..." she complained, embarrassed.

Todd laughed mirthlessly. Then he bent down and kissed her incredible mouth. Then he gently attacked her neck and both shoulders and the hollows beneath her ears, both the good one and the bad. Then he lowered himself and slid into her waiting, sopping wet vagina. Her legs closed around him, followed by her arms, encircling his neck.

"I love this," she whispered.

Todd moved his erection in and out of her, slowly, rhythmically, and methodically. The tempo of her respiration quickened, her face reddening, breathing between her open lips. She moved her slim hips in matching, cadence, buried her face in the nook between his neck and shoulder. She began to moan rhythmically also.

"I love this a lot," she whispered raspingly. "But this is just you, pleasuring me again." She eased her grip on him.

"What do you mean?"

She watched him with her emerald eyes.

"As hackneyed as this sounds, I live to pleasure you, Claire."

She nodded. "And I take that pleasure and do little to give it back."

He shook his head in negation. "That's just bullshit. Don't you dare feel guilty about this." Somehow, this was all turned around. He was guilty of invading her bed, of stealing the wife of his neighbor...of plundering her. He might as well be a pillaging Viking.

"Let me do something for you, Todd."

He shook his head in disbelief. "What more can you do for me than what you do now? Except leave your husband and marry me," he joked.

That earned a poignant smile. "I know what you want."

Todd looked down at her, mystified.

"Remember, I'm empathic. Each time you penetrate me, especially anally, I feel this surge of curiosity in you. It's not the word for it...desire, maybe, longing? I don't want to embarrass you, Todd. I realize this is iffy."

Todd felt more than embarrassment, try horrified. He'd never divulged this desire for anal sex to anyone, not even his ex-wife. Not even to his twin brother, Dale, who was obstinately gay. It was the one aspect of his relationship with Claire that he feared. Angst roiled his belly.

She reached up and touched his cheek. "Todd, sweetheart. Not three hours ago, I knelt on this mattress waggling my tail in complete happiness as you fucked it with a 9" long dildo. I didn't feel embarrassed by this? Or the dozens of times you've taken me anally with your wonderful erection, filling me with something other than happiness? Do you really suppose so much of a difference exists between you and I? You're male and I'm female: so what? We both feel pleasure. We both need to pleasure the other." She rose up and kissed him hard. "I know you want me too. For the first time, I have the opportunity to do it. Please let me?"

This was insane. What did she intend, to put him on his knees and drill him with the strap on? That's what she was talking about, Todd thought. Strapping on the six-guns and broncing him, like he'd bronced to her.

Booolsheeeet, Charley! No way!

"I won't hurt you," she promised. 'Let me do this for you?"

He laughed, bitterly. "I feel guilty for saying no? Explain me that, Claire."

She rose up and kissed him again. "Let me?"

A minute later, Todd lowered his face and pillowed it atop his folded hands, as Claire had done. Panic gripped his insides, not simply a fear of undergoing pain, but of submitting to a homosexual act. Agreeing to it, in fact, welcoming it. And let's not mince words. A 9" dildo was every bit a cock up your ass as flesh cock attached to a body. Once he did this, he couldn't turn back, undo it, couldn't be Todd the Straight Guy again. Of course, it wasn't just anyone he was doing it with either. Glancing back, he watched Claire remove the dildo from the harness, drop the harness to the coverlet, and turn it thoughtfully in her hands. Undoubtedly she considered this a more caring way to begin, something he'd failed miserably to do with her. Discovering him watching, she smiled crookedly, the only way she could, and for a moment Todd imagined her an instant after the accident, stunned, dazed, and as yet unaware of her injuries, soon to be horribly traumatized. Her severed breast had ended up where, he wondered? On the floor? Trapped in her shredded clothing? In her lap alongside her ruined womb? He imagined himself traveling back in time, returning her to flawless beauty, finding the son of a bitch in the Oldsmobile and running his ass off the road.

"What?" he asked.

"I said, would you like to hold yourself apart? It'll make putting it in easier." She smiled crookedly again.

Todd laughed. "I'm comfortable like this. And if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me too."

This was obfuscation, of course; Claire had clutched her buttocks and held herself open the first five minutes of her impaling, grunting, acclimating herself, moving her rear end in anything but pleasure. The pleasure came only once her rectum and anus had adjusted to the onslaught, and beneath Claire's gentle hand, he would feel none of that.

"I like this, knowing that we'll have shared equally." she said.

He grinned as she applied KY to the dildo's entire length. The shaft portion was 7" long, the remaining 2" comprised of the imitation scrotum and balls. It stood upright by itself, in case you wanted to sit on it. Todd had imagined sitting on it, just as he'd imagined being on his knees, just as he was now. He wasn't sure about the real thing though, not sure if he'd want some guy sticking a cock up his ass and fucking him with it (large, medium or small, regardless), accepting the outcome of such an act (certainly not like Claire, without protection of a condom, trusting him implicitly), carrying that knowledge around with him the rest of his life\. Observing Claire, beautiful in the moonlight despite her rugged roadwork, he thought, Maybe being a girl wasn't so bad. Maybe it was he—and all guys for that matter—that were missing out. Maybe he should have paid more attention to that dreamy look she got every time he planted himself in her behind. And she was right; his mouth and rectum were not significantly different than hers. His rectum, at least, could share the pleasure.

"You're smiling," she said. "That's encouraging." She held the dildo aloft. "Am I right? I don't always get it right, Todd. It's not my desire to shame you into something you wouldn't think to do." She smiled sweetly. "Maybe it's just my enthusiasm, deciding that anything I enjoy so much would naturally be enjoyed by my partner." She let the dildo droop, symbolically.

"You weren't wrong," Todd said. "Not about the dildo. I've imagined myself with one for years now. Probably—almost certainly—the only reason I've not, is that my brother is gay and I was ashamed by the fact."

She smiled wryly, nodding. "Fruit from the poisoned tree? Enjoying yourself doesn't mean your gay, Todd. If I were a man, maybe, that would be different—then you would be gay," she said, laughing lightly, stroking the back of his calf with her free hand. "The truth is, I have a very unexpected vibration, imagining—anticipating—taking you with the strap-on. I guess I've always wondered what holstering the gun would be like."

Her embarrassed laugh had two effects on Todd, one welcome, one, not so much, and quite embarrassing. Claire noted the second effect with some embarrassment of her own.

"Did I do that?" Hesitantly, almost nibbling her lower lip, she extended her fingers and encircled Todd's still lengthening erection. "Oh, my," she said, grinning. Todd knew, though he couldn't see it in the thin wash of moonlight, that her face was becoming red. He enjoyed her embarrassment, almost as much as her slender hand wrapped around his penis. Would he remain erect all the way through, he wondered? That concept embarrassed him even more.

To his surprise, Claire leaned forward and kissed the backside of his scrotum. It immediately sucked up tight, wrinkling like a prune against the base of his cock. Kissing and licking each bump with her tongue, she coaxed them back out of hiding again. Todd noted his increased respiration and the sudden interest of his heart. Nothing like a little surge of testosterone, he thought. She began to stroke him lightly as each testicle received a bath within her warm mouth. Then she bent over and twisted her head upward and sucked him into her mouth and began to fellate him. It had to be the most interesting position he'd ever been in, Todd thought, receiving a blowjob. Then Claire released him and laughing giddily, sat up, wiping her mouth.

"That was interesting."

Todd watched her rotate her head, working out a kink. "Don't injure yourself," he warned. "That'll take all the fun out of it."

She laughed, admitting sheepishly: "There are better positions to attempt head-giving from, I guess. Did you like it?"

"You have to ask?"

She laughed again, and then she surprised him by leaning forward and kissing his behind.


"I have to work up to this," she said, her expression anxious.

"You don't have to do this," he objected.

"You do it to me."

"That's different. You're a girl and I'm a guy."

Claire rolled her eyes. She'd long ago given up correcting his "girl" idiom. She was his "girl" like it or not, and never mind that she was four years his senior.

"I was squeamish my first time too," she said.

"I'm not being squeamish on my part. It's you I'm worried about."

She snorted at that. "My mouth is any different than yours? My lips and tongue? Or do you assume, because you're a macho guy, that my immune systems is any less capable than yours?" She stuck out her tongue defiantly, and then waved it tauntingly. Todd almost came off his knees and put that tongue to another use. But then she grinned, leaned forward and planted a kiss where he always planted one on her. He moaned, despite himself.

"That wasn't so bad," she rationalized. He saw her fight the impulse to lick her lips. From experience, he knew that impulse was automatic and powerful. It wouldn't matter anyway, not if she continued with her insane imitation.

Impulsively, she did it again, and then kissed him a third time. He had to admit, he liked it. Then she withdrew her face and peeked around his hip, smiling hopefully. She didn't really want to continue on with her tongue—Todd was right about that—so he smiled and thanked her for the thoughtfulness and urged her to continue to the next part of the operation. He laughed when she thoughtlessly licked her lips and then grimaced, wondering about the times he'd forcibly kissed her afterward, she accepting it wordlessly, uncomplainingly. Of course, he usually had her wound tight as a yoyo by then. He could introduce a Doberman into the party without complaint.

Then she surprised him yet again by getting on her knees, spreading his buttocks apart and burying her face in his backside. In for a penny, in for a dollar he thought distractedly, She deployed her tongue in exactly the way she remembered it being used on her. And truthfully, Todd really enjoyed it, as much as she probably enjoyed having it done to her. Unfortunately, his arousal never rose beyond the stage of dreamy satisfaction, but of course, he didn't have a corresponding vagina and clitoris within easy reach of her tongue, either. And she wasn't yet adept enough at the process to remember his testicles and erection, as say, maybe a man would. Not that he wanted a man back there, no siree Bob. He wanted Claire.

Finally she came up for air, panting. "Am I doing this right?" She hadn't missed the obvious difference in their reactions. He explained the dissimilarity in their anatomies, pointing out that Claire, as a female, had a vagina and a clitoris, which he attacked with equal vigor. She accepted this, if not at face value, then at least willingly.

"In other words, I'm the slave of my body, while you're the captain of it?" Still panting, grinning, she nodded and said, "I like that idea."

Ten seconds later she was on her knees with Todd's tongue buried in her backside again.

* * *

The next evening, they tried again. Just after midnight, Todd settled his face onto the backside of his hands and wagged his tail expectantly.

"Will this end up like last night ended up?" Claire asked.

Todd laughed. "If you want it to, my dear."

Claire frowned. "My bottom's got quite enough of a workout lately, thank you." She eyed him warily while lubricating the long, flesh colored shaft. He could tell by her movements and sudden little grimaces of pain, and the way she found it so uncomfortable to sit upright, that he'd overdone it big time. He imagined how the dead-end of her rectum felt. Would she get her comeuppance tonight? He couldn't blame her, and he so richly deserved it.

"I'm coming for you," she whispered theatrically. He laughed, which made her giggle in response. She looked apprehensively at his backside. This hadn't gone so well for her last night.

"Honestly, Todd. No matter what I do, not even if I beg you for it, promise me, no more tonight. I feel like a horse got after me." She squirmed miserably, emphasizing the point.

Todd said, "I can't promise anything, dear heart. I am helpless before a determined woman...or an uncontainable one. You know how you get when you want something, dear."

"How I get!" she replied indignantly. "How you make me, you mean!" She slapped his buttock, also indignantly. He laughed and wagged it at her.

"Mount me, Daddy. Please."

She slapped him again and growled threateningly. Her slaps were patently girl-like, just like the rest of her. Todd wondered how she'd weather a good hard spanking. She had a good bottom for spanking, trim and tight, deliciously round, like that of a teenager. Like everything about her, he marveled, perfect. Even her terrible scarring: It defined, rather than marked her. Not for the first time, he wondered how much of his tremendous attachment had to do with that.

Claire's fingertip touched his anus. It was slick with KY and she worked the lube all around the hole and the surrounding area. Todd shivered as a cold finger of anxiety touched his spine. He laughed nervously as her fingertip worked its way inside and lubricated the flesh there also. Then she repeated the actions twice more, lubricating him completely. He cursed himself now for his lack of experimentation. On the other hand, it was Claire, and she deserved his virginity.