The Neighbor's Wife Ch. 02

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Tyrone meets Diane in her backyard after midnight.
5.6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 08/28/2006
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Tyrone stood there looking at himself in the mirror, with his pants still around his ankles and his softening penis still wet with her saliva. A little shaken at what just happened, he closed his eyes and tried to gather himself. Although the encounter with Diane had taken just a few minutes, and hadn't involved intercourse, it was still the most intense sexual experience of his life. Glimpses of her beauty and passion still ran through his head, and he could feel and smell her, as if she were still there with him. He remembered every sound she made just moments ago, while performing fellatio on him right there in the upstairs bathroom, with party guests just a floor below. "What an incredible woman," he thought, as he leaned back and rested his head against the wall. "Whatever the hell happens, I'll be there to meet her at midnight."

* * *

Diane paused, as she closed the bathroom door behind her. With Tyrone just on the other side, it took every bit of self-control she could muster not to return to him, and to do that for which they both hungered. The attraction she felt to this incredibly handsome, black stranger was as strong as anything she had ever felt. His rugged looks. The gentle power of his arms and hands. His wonderfully masculine smells. "And yes, that gorgeous cock of his," she murmured to herself, closing her eyes and imagining it in her mouth, once more. She knew though, her absence from the party downstairs would become suspect if she were away much longer. So for now, she would need to return as if nothing had happened.

As she descended the stairs, her eyes moved about the room, taking note of those aware of her return. She was lucky. Her husband Larry was still drinking heavily, and spinning his tales for anyone that would still listen. Nobody else seemed to be paying undue attention to her. "Not bad. Not bad at all," she said to herself, a little smugly.

Just then, as she took the final step down the staircase, she noticed the all to knowing glare of Tricia Hawkins, one of her neighbors.

"Shit! What the hell is that look all about?" she asked herself.

But she knew all to well. It was a look that said, "I know where you've been, and I've got a pretty damn good idea what you've been doing."

"That snotty shit. Why didn't I just break her nose when I had the chance?" she wondered, thinking back to their recent game of racquetball. Diane had never much cared for Tricia, pegging her as one of those women just out to get whatever she could gather, for herself. Her husband Frank seemed nice enough, but she was not one to be trusted. Plus, she just had a big mouth. Always blabbing out anything and everything that came across her limited brain. "And now, she's on to me. GREAT!!"

Then she noticed the bitch looking back up the stairs, and then straight back at her. Tricia smiled devilishly, then turned, and walked away. Just then, Diane caught the figure at the top of stairs, out the corner of her eye. She couldn't keep herself from turning to look at him. He was coming down slowly, looking the room over for her, and then allowing just the slightest hint of a smile, once their eyes met. Although his gaze was brief, she could see a strange mix of innocence, and unshielded desire in his eyes. He then straightened himself, and resumed the masquerade.

"My God, what a darling," she sighed under her breath, as her eyes continued to follow him, not really caring if anyone noticed. "That's the bottom line. I don't care what she thinks she knows, that bitch! Or anyone else, for that matter. Just as soon as that moron husband of mine drifts off to sleep, I'll be with him. And to hell with the rest of them."

* * *

As the night wore on, Tyrone kept an eye on three things; Diane, or course. Her drunken husband. And his watch. He had also become increasingly aware of frequent looks coming his way, from one of the female party guests. Strange, unfamiliar looks, that seemed to imply, "I know something that you don't." He took note that she was a pretty woman, but found her loud nature and overly generous laughter somewhat of a turn-off.

But the looks continued, and so he decided to investigate, as he worked his way toward her through the thinning crowd. Taking advantage of a rare moment when she was standing alone, he stepped up and offered, "Hi, I'm Tyrone. Who might you be?"

"Well Tyrone, I might be Tricia," smiling the same smile he had been noticing.

"Good to meet you, Tricia," he said remaining polite, even though that smile was starting to irritate him. "You a neighbor?"

"Oh yeah, I'm just one of the gang," she giggled, in a much too familiar way for having just met him.

He wondered again what was going on with this woman, and as was his style, he decided to just ask, "I'm sorry, but you seem to want to tell me something. I don't know. I can't quite put my finger on it. Tell me, am I imagining things?"

"Who me? What could I know? No, don't know a thing," she said tauntingly. "I've just been standing here enjoying the party. Wonderful place, don't ya think? I hear the upstairs is as nice as the down. In fact, from what I understand, there was one hell of a party going on up there a while ago."

"Really?" he inquired stone-faced, not giving her anything. "First hand knowledge, or is this just hearsay?"

"Well, I wasn't a participant, regretfully. But my sources are about as solid as they come," she assured him. "Really sorry I wasn't there though, because one of the guys I saw heading that way, was a real dream. If he decides to have another go at it, I kind of hope he would invite some new guests, if you know what I mean?"

She searched his face for any sign her suggestion had registered. But he was up to the task, and answered her purposely vague. "Well, you just never know how these things will work out, now do you?" trying his best to duplicate her smile.

Just then, he noticed that the party was beginning to break up, as people were making their way to the door. Diane, and her drunken husband were among them. He was still telling some of the same stale jokes, everyone had heard earlier. Tyrone's only interest in him was his remarkable wife. And his desire to make eye contact with her, once more. As he did, he noticed just a hint of concern in her eye. And then, she was out the door. Turning back to Tricia, and her damn hyena smile, he knew precisely the source of her concern.

* * *

Diane had been nudging Larry towards the front door for what seemed like an eternity, but he wouldn't stop telling his drunken jokes. How much longer can this go on, she wondered. It was so hard for her to act interested in him, or anyone else that was part of the conversation. Her thoughts continued to be consumed by Tyrone. The longing she had felt for years, had blossomed this night, into a full-blown, lustful need. But there was more than that. There was something about this dark stranger's nature that put her totally at ease and awoke every fiber of her being, all at the same time.

Suddenly, she noticed Tyrone in the corner, talking to that bitch, Tricia. "Well, I can just imagine what she is saying, and the game she is playing with him. But I bet my Mr. Smooth is an able match for her shit," she laughed, and assured herself. She watched the two of them closely, for any clue as to what was being said.

Finally, they were at the door, and Diane was trying to catch his eye one last time, without being too obvious. "There! There it is!" she beamed, as Tyrone turned his attention from Tricia, to her. And just in time. Once again, she saw the hunger in his eyes, for her. She could literally feel it. While walking out of her neighbor's house, and while she continued to say her goodbyes, she thought only of the two of them together, naked.

* * *

At this point, Tyrone had all of Tricia that he wanted. "Screw this woman, and her fucking innuendo. There is a real woman, an unbelievable woman, waiting for me," he reminded himself. It was time for his get-away.

"Well Tricia, it's been nice. But if you'll excuse me, it's getting late."

"Yeah, sure," she started. "Now you call me, if you hear of any good parties going on. Sometimes the good ones don't even crank up till around midnight, ya know."

"OK, yeah. Sure," he answered, wondering to himself where she was going with this.

"Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if some of these people were leaving this party, and going straight to another," she told him with that knowing smile. And then she added, "Those are the parties where things get wild, and you never know who ends up with whom. Great fun, but makes for some nasty rumors."

"Guess I've missed out on those up till now," he told her. "But who knows, maybe I'll get lucky before too long." He smiled at her while turning away, but wondered, "What is it exactly that this bitch wants? Sex? Trouble? Scandal?" Maybe all three, he feared.

* * *

"Well, wouldn't you just know it? This drunken-ass clown is feeling frisky tonight!" Diane cursed to herself, after Larry felt up her bottom as she was helping him through their back door. "God please don't let him touch me again. I can't be responsible for what happens next, if he does."

She directed him through the kitchen and down the hall, towards the bedroom. When he noticed where they were headed, he just couldn't help himself. "Taking me to bed in order to take advantage of me, diaries?" he teased her, laughing that same stupid laugh she had been hearing all night.

"Jesus, I think I'm going to throw up the next time he says something like that," she said, once again to herself. "Get him in bed, and rub his neck and shoulders. That'll do the trick. He won't last long, once I start that." And sure enough, within five minutes the drunken fool was snoring, totally oblivious to the world, and to what his beautiful, redheaded wife was about to do.

Diane looked at the clock. Five minutes till midnight. "I should go. He may be there already." She looked out the back window to see if she could see Tyrone. And then back at the clock. "A quick shower," she thought. "I can still smell Larry on me, for Christ's sake. Just a quick shower. Surely he would wait for me."

* * *

Tyrone stepped out into the midnight air. He looked up the street to his left. Then to the right. Now what? He didn't even know which side she lived on.

"DAMN!! Oh yeah....oak tree. There's an oak tree in the back yard," he said, calming himself. He scanned above both of the houses on either side of Tom and Sue's place. "There it is! That has to be it!" as he spotted the huge tree towering above the one on the right.

But that was for later. "Right now, I have to appear to be leaving the neighborhood."

The difficulty of his situation began to sink in. He had been so pre-occupied with Diane and their planned rendezvous; he hadn't stopped to consider how he would go about pulling it off. First, he couldn't hardly go up and knock on the door and ask for her. Second, even if he could, there was the matter of his car, and what to do with it. He couldn't just leave it parked here for anyone to see. And third, assuming he ditches the car somewhere else, which basically leaves him walking back. "A black man, in this neighborhood, after midnight....might not be the best of plans," he chuckled to himself, amused by the Catch 22 nature of his situation.

"Well, it may not be the best idea, but it's the only one I got," he determined. He pulled the car away from the curb, and began looking for an inconspicuous place to park it. He located one, about three blocks over, on a dead-end street where several other cars were parked.

Tyrone looked in his rearview mirror. Nothing. He looked ahead, and then scanned the houses on both sides of the street. Again nothing. Nobody, no movement. He hitched up his courage and opened the door. "It's now, or never," he told himself, as he started the considerable walk back to Diane.

He made it back to the cross street which he had turned off of, but while making the corner, he noticed what appeared to be two police cars, stopped, facing opposite directions. "Well crap! Wouldn't you just frigid know it?" Right then, for just a moment, he considered calling it off and heading back to his car. Then he thought of her. And how she smelled. How she felt to his touch.

He regained his courage, as he noticed the two cars appeared to be at least two blocks on the other side of her street. "Can they see me? Are they even looking this way?" He was also in a dimly lit section of the street, and so decided that his presence had gone unnoticed, at least to this point. He was willing to chance it, anyway. He had slowed his pace upon seeing them, hoping to remain in the shadows a bit longer.

"I'm sure they have stopped to talk. Maybe they will move on soon," he whispered, hopefully.

He continued his slow pace, but was quickly approaching the next street, and which was very well lit. Slowing practically to a crawl, he was desperately trying to decide the right course of action. He thought it best not to walk into the light, and so, came to a complete stop just at the edge of the shadows. Standing there, he looked quickly around at the houses to see if anybody were there. He saw no one, but was very uncomfortable standing there in a predominantly white neighborhood after midnight, with two patrol cars in sight. He still had no idea if they were aware of him, or not.

He started to formulate a plan in his head, just in case the worst were to happen. "If they see me, I'll tell them my car broke down as I was leaving the party, and I'm walking back to my friend's house for help. Yeah, that'll work." He glanced at his watch. "Twelve-fifteen. Shit! I have to get moving. She's waiting, I know."

* * *

Diane toweled herself quickly. She peered through the bathroom curtains, straining her eyes to see if he was there, underneath the big oak. It was just too dark, though. She reached for her watch, and noticed it was about a quarter past midnight.

She knew she needed to hurry, but as she caught a glimpse of her nakedness in the mirror, she started to think about them together, again. As her mind wandered back to the upstairs bathroom, she had to resist an urge to touch herself. Instead, she put on just a hint of perfume, and pulled her favorite babydoll over her head. No panties. She took one more quick look in the mirror, turning to see how much of her ass showed beneath the nightie. She suddenly imagined his hands there, and immediately felt a wetness forming at the lips of her vagina.

"My God, girl," she said, shaking her head, amazed by her own desires. She wrapped her white silk gown around her, and headed for the backdoor.

* * *

Just as Tyrone was about to step into the light from the corner street lamp, he noticed one of the police cars starting to pull away, slowly. And then the other.

"Alright!!!" he exclaimed. "But wait, what if they've spotted me and are coming this way?" His heart raced, as he watched the first car continue on its present course, and then on out of sight. "That's one. Thank God!" He continued to watch the second squad car, as it pulled away, much slower than the first. He was still in the shadows, not wanting to brave the light until the second one moved on, as well. Finally, it made a turn onto the same street he was on, but in the opposite direction. Then the car made another turn, and was soon out of view.

"OK, let's go. Make it fast, man. This may not be over yet," he told himself, as he began walking briskly along the sidewalk, fighting the urge to run.

Within a minute he was coming up to Diane's street, approaching the corner house. After turning the corner, and reaching the end of the side yard fence, he was walking into more shadows provided by a huge tree in the front yard. Just inside the darkness, he tripped, and almost fell to the ground. Looking back he saw the wagon, turned on its side. He had been looking up the street for anybody that might still be lingering from the party, and had not seen the wagon. Just then, he heard the first bark. And then another, and another, as he also heard the dog approaching from the other side of the fence.

"FUCK!!" he almost shouted, catching himself just in time. "Keep moving, just keep moving."

And he did. He watched the surrounding houses closely for any sign of response from the dog's barking, but saw none. Soon, he had put a few houses in between him and the dog, and finally, the barking stopped.

And then, he was coming up on her house. He slowed his stride just a bit, when he noticed the garage door to Tom's house start down. "Closing up shop for the night," he smiled. "Just in time." He was only a house away from her, and decided to start moving through it's front yard, in order to approach her backyard from that side of the house, which was somewhat shielded from its front porch light.

He was in between the houses now, at her fence. "The gate must be on the other side, of course," he determined. He started working his way over the wooden barrier, and soon hit the ground on the other side, with a thud. "So far, so good." He glanced at his watch in the darkness. "Half past? Yeah, that's what it says. Half past."

* * *

Diane peeked out the back door. She couldn't see anything. She reached for the back door light switch, and turned it off. After letting her eyes adjust, she took another look. Still nothing. She wondered if she should go and make sure that her husband was still sleeping. "No," she thought. "He's out, and he's going to stay out, the drunken fool."

She stood there at the door watching, and contemplating what she was about to do. Without a doubt, she wanted to be with Tyrone again. And she wanted to go all the way, this time. She wanted desperately to feel his manhood inside of her. To feel his hands on her. His kisses. She continued to get extremely wet, thinking about being with him. She wondered though, if this was the right way to go about it, and the right time. Then she thought back to the gentle strength of his hands, and the power of his thrusts in her mouth. She was sure, now. Opening the door, she stepped out into the night air.

The late summer night weather was perfect. Not too warm, and not too cool. Plus, there was an incredible, near-full moon. She felt her nipples stiffen when the night breeze blew her gown open just a bit. It made her think about how good it would surely feel to have his mouth on them. She looked out at the oak tree for Tyrone, as her eyes began to adjust to the night's darkness. Not there.

"Please, don't tell me I missed him," she pleaded, as she started walking through the grass, out to the tree. Then, a thought occurred to her, and she got a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Maybe, he decided not to come at all. Will I ever see him again?" That possibility had never even crossed her mind, up until now. Dealing with this new scenario left her feeling disappointed and sad.

"Wait. What was that?" Her heart rate quickened. She had heard something at the side of the house. "Oh please, let that be him." She squinted and walked toward that corner of the house, just a few steps. She could now see the start of a human-shaped moon shadow.

And then, there he was, emerging from the night shadow of the house.

Both of them had been second-guessing themselves, and the wisdom of meeting like this. Until now, that is. She watched as he crossed the yard to her, thinking that his stride was so confident and effortless. She could feel herself growing wet from simply watching him. At that moment, she was unaware that she was in her own backyard, with her husband asleep just inside the house.

As he neared her, he could see what she was wearing and began to trace the outline of her figure beneath her silken things. He was imagining the softness and beauty of her backside. And even though her smell had never really left him, it was now overtaking his other senses once again, as he closed to within just feet of her. All apprehension had left him now, and he saw only her in front of him, and nothing else.