The Neighbor's Wife Ch. 03

Story Info
Tyrone ventures back to Diane's neighborhood.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 08/28/2006
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Tyrone sat in his corner office and stared blankly at the trees in the park just across Rosemark Avenue. He hardly even noticed their many colors, brought on by the cool fall weather. As often happened these days, his mind was drifting. And as usual, it was drifting back to Diane and the wonderful night of lust they had shared. Although two full months had passed since that night, and their time together was brief and very little had been said between them, he was convinced there was more there than just the incredible passion. And incredible it was. It had been unbelievably passionate, in fact. Although he was 100 percent sure that it had happened just as he remembered, it still seemed dreamlike to him at times.

He thought more and more these days of ways to somehow see her again. He wished so badly that she were unattached so that he could just go and knock on her door. But this wishful thinking was just wasted time, he realized finally. And so he spent hours these days working through different scenarios that might bring the two of them together again. But it was a tough assignment, after all. He knew nothing about this woman except her first name; she was married to an asshole, and the fact that she lived next door to two of his best friends, Tom and Sue Blanchard. It was in their upstairs bathroom during a party that he had his first encounter with Diane. And then later that same night in her own backyard, with her drunken husband snoring in their bed just paces away.

And so, not knowing her last name, how could he get her phone number? It would have to be a chance meeting of some sort. But where and how? He knew nothing of her daily movements. He did know, however, that she didn't work outside the home. That meant the meeting would have to take place in her neighborhood, at least initially. And that in a nutshell was the problem. How in the world was he going to make that happen without drawing unwanted attention from the neighbors or his good friends? He didn't want to cause trouble for her, or any awkward or embarrassing questions. How could he be sure that her husband wouldn't be home if he somehow got the nerve to knock on her door? And that is why he had been reduced to getting in his car a week ago and blindly driving to the edge of her neighborhood without any real plan. Once there, his nerves and better judgement had won out and he turned his car around and drove back to the office. But now, here he sat once again planning to return in hopes of somehow making contact. He knew it was foolish and careless, but he also realized he could not go on thinking of her almost non-stop without trying something.

That's why, as Tyrone left for lunch that day he told his boss that he had some personal things to take care of and probably wouldn't return that afternoon. He had it good that way at work, and even felt fine turning off his cell phone so as not to be bothered. He walked out of the office that afternoon and drove his car straight to Diane's neighborhood, dismissing any thought of lunch. She was what he hungered for.

He felt his heart rate increase as he approached her street. He had decided that he was going to make one pass by her house to get her address in hopes of using that to find her phone number somehow. Maybe their last name would be on the mailbox. "One pass and then I'm out of there," he told himself.

Turning down her street, he was pleased to see that none of her neighbors were outside. But he was disappointed that she wasn't. He had hoped beyond hope that he might be lucky enough to catch her outside. As he approached her house he began to feel his luck turning for the worse. He felt the engine begin to shake badly, and then there was nothing, as he coasted helplessly. The car came to rest just two houses down from hers on the other side of the street.

"DAMN! You have to be kidding me. This is just fucking perfect." Tyrone sat behind the wheel frozen. "What in the hell am I suppose to do now?" he wondered.

"Alright, calm down. Just calm down," he told himself as he tried over and over to crank the engine. Eventually, he popped the hood latch and got out to see if the problem was anything obvious. It was times like this that he wished he were more mechanically inclined. Looking around at the surrounding houses, he raised the hood. Everything seemed to be in place. No smoke or steam. There were no unusual smells. He decided to call Triple A and get someone out on the scene as quickly as possible. He needed to get this car rolling fast and out of this neighborhood before something bad happened.

He stood looking at the engine as he dialed the number. "Yes, this is Tyrone Williams. My card number is 42679214. I need some roadside assistance right away please." He was waiting for a response on the other end when he caught the first unmistakable whiff of a woman's perfume.

"Yes Mr. Williams, I see your account here in our system. How can I help you today?" he heard the woman on the other end saying, as he turned his head from one side to the other trying to determine where that smell was coming from. Turning a complete 180 and with the cell phone still to his ear, he saw Tricia Hawkins standing there grinning at him. He remembered Tricia and her damned smile from the party. Without coming right out and saying it that night, she had made it obvious to Tyrone that she knew all about his upstairs rendezvous with Diane. Holding up a finger to her and motioning to give him a minute, he turned away from Tricia and finished his business with Triple A. All the while he was scrambling in the back of his mind for a reason he would be driving by.

"OK, that will be fine. I'll see somebody soon then, right?" he was saying as he hung up the phone and turned back to her.

"Hi there. Don't I know you from Tom and Sue's party?" he asked as he looked Tricia over. She was a beautiful woman, as he remembered. Blonde hair, blue eyes, mid-thirties he guessed. She was dressed that day in a nice exercise outfit and running shoes. She had obviously just finished a walk or run. And it was also obvious from her beautiful shape that she exercised often. She would turn any man's head. But that damned smile! That "I know all" smile of hers irritated him to no end.

"Oh yeah sure you do. I'm Tricia, one of their neighbors. I live right over there," she said, pointing to the house next door.

"Tricia! Yeah that's right, I remember now. And I'm...."

"Tyrone," she interrupted, smiling devilishly. "The upstairs man." Before he could respond she was asking what he was doing in the neighborhood.

"Oh, well. I...uh, I have some clients a few blocks over. When I finished up there I drove over hoping to catch Tom or Sue at home."

"Well surely you know they both work, don't ya?" she prodded.

"Well yeah. Just hoping, ya know."

"Yeah, I know," she said with a laugh. "Car trouble, huh? That's a shame."

"Yeah afraid so, just my luck. But I've talked to Triple A and they're on the way."

"They won't get here any faster with you standing out here in the cool wind. Why don't you come in and let me fix you some coffee, or something?"

Tyrone had to make a decision quickly. Did he want to stay out here on the street where who knows who might come by, or was he going to take Tricia up on her offer? Normally it would be a no-brainer, but he feared she was trouble. She had made a couple of other things clear the night of the party. She was interested in screwing around on her husband, and she had a big mouth and liked to use it. Still, she was the better of the two choices available to him.

"Hey, that sounds great. I really appreciate that," he said, almost regretting it before it was out of his mouth.

"OK....OK, good deal. Come on in sweetie. I don't have an upstairs but I'm sure I can make you comfortable," she said with a wink. He was definitely regretting his decision now.

He followed her up the walk to her front door and couldn't help but notice the sway of her lovely hips. "A little extra sway," he thought to himself.

"Come on in and make yourself at home, babe," she told him as she unlocked the door and headed for the kitchen. "Will it be coffee or do you want something else?"

"You know, maybe just some water. I don't want you to go to any trouble."

"Don't be silly. You can have whatever you like." She came back through the door of the kitchen grinning suggestively and repeated, "Whatever."

Tyrone stood there thinking that this was going downhill very quickly. He thought he would just ignore the innuendo and tell her what he wanted to drink, but she started up again before he had the chance.

"I'll tell you what. I'm going to fix myself a gin & tonic, and then I'm going to hop in a hot shower. Make yourself at home and fix whatever you'd like to drink. Sound OK?"

"Yeah, OK. Sure, that'll be fine." He was watching her and keeping an eye out the window for the service truck. She was back in the kitchen now and the next thing he knew she was heading to the shower and telling him that she'd be right back.

He made his way to the kitchen where he found a very nice assortment of liquors and wines. Deciding he could use a drink to help get through this, he settled on some Crown, with just a little water. He went back to check for Triple A and as he looked out the window he saw the truck making the corner. For a second he thought about finding her bathroom to let her know he might be outside whenever she got out.

"No, better not go there," he decided. "Besides, she'll figure things out."

After about ten minutes the service man had determined the news wasn't good. He couldn't fix the car on the spot and it would need to be towed. Luckily the service truck was also a wrecker. But Tyrone would need to call a cab for a ride home. He paid the service tech and headed back up the walk to Tricia's house. He rapped lightly on the front door before entering. She wasn't back in the front of the house yet, but he could tell she was out of the shower by her movements in the bedroom.

He looked at his watch. "Almost four o'clock." He reached for his Crown and water.

"What did they say about your car?" she called out.

"Not good. It's being towed as we speak. I was just about to call a cab." He heard her scurry down the hall.

"Nonsense, I can drive you home," she was saying as she entered the room while still pulling the front of her white silk robe together. He got a pretty good glimpse of her body before she had covered up, and it was a sight to see. She was really quite something standing there with her robe clinging in certain places to her still moist body.

"Insist on a cab, man. Insist on a cab," he told himself. But the words just wouldn't come out while he stood there looking at her body. He knew better but all he could manage was, "Well, if you don't think it would be too much trouble."

"Not at all, you sweet thing. Not at all. I'm sure my husband will be working late again so I would be glad to," she said grinning from ear to ear. "Fix yourself another drink and come in here and talk to me while I do my girl thing," she giggled as she headed back down the hall.

"Oh shit," he thought. "Don't do it man. Whatever you do, don't go in her bedroom!"

He looked at his drink and decided it could use freshening up. He made this one stronger, and before putting the bottle down he turned it up and took a good size shot straight from the bottle. He picked up his drink and although his mind was saying go back to the living room, his legs were heading down the hall.

"Tricia?.....Tricia?" he was saying just above a whisper.

"I'm in here silly. Just follow my voice."

As he moved down the hall towards her room he became aware that his cock was starting to stiffen. Her taunting, her beauty, and the Crown were all having an effect. When he made it to the bedroom door he stopped dead in his tracks.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Tricia was completely naked in the middle of the bed. She was on her hands and knees with her beautiful white ass facing the door. As soon as she saw him she lowered her head and shoulders to the bed and arched her back, forcing her ass even higher. With one hand she began making circles around her clitoris. At the same time she started sucking seductively on the fingers of the other.

She pulled them from her mouth long enough to ask him, "See anything you like, you bad boy?"

Tyrone couldn't respond. He just stood there frozen, lusting openly over her. She was fucking gorgeous he thought, and quite capable of being just as nasty and vulgar as she was beautiful. This woman was a whore and she was daring him to fuck her.

"What's the matter big fella, cat got your tongue?" she teased him. "Lucky cat! Come on sweetie, come over here and give it to me, the same way I know you gave it to Diane."

That did it. He was going to give her what she had coming. He strode swiftly across the room, shedding his clothes as he went. He was fully erect now and moved aggressively behind her and all in one motion began shoving his black cock inside of her forcefully. She didn't run from it at all. Instead she pushed back against him with equal force. He didn't want to kiss her, or say anything. He just wanted to fuck her, and fuck her hard. And that was fine with her. Within seconds he had his full ten-inch length inside of her sopping wet pussy, and he began driving long, fast strokes into her again and again. She pushed back hard against him and didn't say anything except for a couple of almost inaudible demands to keep fucking her, as her breathing became labored and uneven.

Soon she reached back with her right hand and began pushing her index finger inside of her ass. Slowly at first and then more in rhythm with their fucking. Then a second finger, then a third.

"What an unbelievable whore," he thought. "I bet she wants me to fuck her there."

Just then she pulled her fingers from her ass and looked pleadingly back over her shoulder at him. "Yep, there it is," he thought. "That's what she wants." Well she was going to have to ask for it, he decided. No, she was going to have to beg for it. It was his turn to be in control, and to taunt her.

"What you want whore? Cat got your tongue?"

Her eyes pleaded with him, as she reached and pulled her ass wider for him.

"No, no. It ain't that easy babe. Tell big boy what the little whore wants. Tell me what your shriveled dick husband won't do for you, whore," he demanded, and at the same time he drove his cock into her even harder.

She moaned and closed her eyes. She moved her fingers back to her asshole wanting to push them in deep, but he slapped them away.

"Oh no, there won't be any of that you black cock whore." Tyrone didn't know where this stuff was coming from. It wasn't like him. But she had asked for it, over and over again. "Now tell me where you want me to put my black cock. Come on, you can do it."

"In my ass," she groaned, finally. "I want it deep in my ass. As deep as you can get it."

"Not good enough, babe. What's the magic word? And tell me why you want it."

"PLEASE....PLEASE! Come on babe, I need it in my ass real bad."

"And why is that? Tell me why you want my black dick up your ass."

"Because I'm a dirty whore! Now PLEASE, I can't wait any longer!"

"That's a good whore. I knew you could do it," he laughed, while pulling his dick out of her pussy and forcing its huge head past her anal ring all in one fluid motion. That brought a huge moan from deep inside her. He began to work inch after inch up inside of her tiny pink asshole. She became much more vocal and unbelievably vulgar during this. Soon he had forced her down flat on the bed and was on his knees, straddling her ass. He was making long, powerful strokes in and out of her butt. He would pull his cock all the way out until the base of the head was showing. Then he would grind his hips into her fleshy buttocks, forcing his black length back in, all the way back in. She came at least three times while Tyrone continued his assault.

When he couldn't hold back any longer, he pulled his shiny black cock from her asshole and laid it along the crack of her ass. He watched rope after rope of hot gooey cum splatter across the flawless white skin of her back, and trickle down her sides onto the sheets. He had cum with such force that the first couple of spurts shot all the way across her shoulder blades and into her hair. Something made him reach and rub the sticky mess of cum and hair between his thumb and fingers, still feeling the need to treat her just like the whore she was. She lay there under him with the side of her face pressed into the pillow. Her chest was heaving and gasping for air, her body still quivering from the strength of her orgasms. She was still moaning about how good it felt when he rubbed his nasty hand across her face and forced his cum-covered fingers into her mouth. She turned and licked them greedily, as if hungry for the taste. That's when they heard the slam of a car door.

"What? What was that? Oh my God it must be my husband!" she gasped, a strand of cum dangling from her chin.

Tyrone felt the terrified strength of this small woman force him off of her, but couldn't believe it was possible, as he tumbled off the bed and hit his head hard against the wall.

"Quick, get up baby! Get up, hurry!! In my closet fast, I can't let him catch me again. He'll kill us both!"

That last bit of information caught his attention, as Tyrone hurried through the closet door she had flung open for him. And suddenly he was in total darkness. He heard the backdoor open and her husband yelling out for her. He could hear her scrambling in the bathroom to make herself and the surroundings presentable. He felt his heart pounding in his chest as the footsteps came down the hall. His near hopeless situation was hitting home as he envisioned an enraged husband losing all control.

"I'm in here, babe," he heard Tricia call out.

"What you doing back here?" Tyrone could tell the other voice was in the room. "What's going on here?" his tone becoming more demanding.

"Nothing sweetie. I took a shower after my run, that's all."

"Don't sweetie me! Why's the bed all fucked up?"

"Oh Mommy's just been a little lazy today. I never got to it, OK babe?" she continued to lie, while reaching and pulling the covers over their telltale wet spots.

"No it's not OK, goddamnit! Have you had somebody up in here again?" he demanded.

"NO.....NO! I promise. I told you that would never happen again. Come on baby, let's don't go there again, please."

Standing there in the dark of the closet, just feet away from this husband and his cheating wife, Tyrone's head was spinning. How in the hell had he let this get so out of control? What was he doing here? Suddenly he thought of Diane and felt strangely guilty. What was that about? He was mad at himself for letting Tricia seduce him in her own bedroom, and just across the street from Diane. But even so, when he let himself think back to the heat between the two of them, minutes ago just on the other side of this closet door, he felt his cock start to stiffen. That's when he remembered he was completely naked. He remembered tearing his clothes off once Tricia had worked him into a lustful rage. What was it about her that brought out this pure animal desire? Why had he needed to fuck this woman so badly, and to say and do the things he'd said and done? It was totally different with Diane. With her the sex had been so giving and consensual, with a wonderfully intimate power. This was so much more lustful, even lewd, but every bit as powerful. Maybe even more so, he thought. But just then he was snapped back to the reality of his situation.

"I can't help it, Trish," he heard the man saying, his voice softening. "I close my eyes and I see that damn UPS van. I open the door and I hear those sounds......damn."