The New Job

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She fucks her boss and gets a raise.
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The new Job.

This will not score well but hey, who gives a shit eh.

The Job was going well, actually it was going much, much better than I had expected. Two months in and Mr. St John had asked me into his office for a chat.

William St John is the CEO of Masters Engineering, we have government and big international contracts. I have been told we have a turnover of 1/2 billion per annum by my immediate boss Carl.

"Aha Miss Jenkins, I like to have a one to one with all my new staff when I get the chance and I have heard good things about you, very good things. How are you settling in?"

"Good thank you sir, but it is Mrs. not miss and I love the job."

"Good, good." He said as he shuffled the paperwork on his desk.

"Carl says you are already taking on work that others in your department usually take at least six months training to do."

"Yes sir, so he tells me."

"William, He said. "Please, call me William in here, sir or Mr. St John the other side of the door."

"Yes sir, William."

He smiled and added "Not Sir William yet, but I live in hope."

His joke put me a little more at ease.

"Tea, coffee?"

"I'd love a cup of tea please sir, sorry, William.

"Better, I see you are a quick learner like Carl says." He said smiling. He had a very infectious smile, the lines around his eyes said he did it a lot. He had green/grey eyes that twinkled and came bursting to life when he did. He was a very handsome man with a slight tan, and i guessed in his early forties I would think. He dressed expensively and immaculately, his wife was a very lucky woman.

"So, Susan, May I call you Susan?"

Before I could answer he carried on,

"Susan, I like to give my employees who excel, incentives. Like I said, Carl says you are already ahead in his department. He has shown me some of your work and I must say I am impressed."

He pointed to the paper on his desk as he spoke.

"These are our projections for the next six months, I would like you to drop whatever you are on. Don't worry Carl knows." He said with that amazing smile.

"I will give you the office next to mine, you have the full resources of the company. For the coming week young Jenny outside will get you anything you require. I have big plans for my company over the next two years and if you are as good as Carl thinks you are, you will let me know if we are overstretching ourselves and why."

He handed me the teacup on a saucer, "Sugar?"

"Sir, thank you for the chance but surely you have others ahead of me?" I asked questioningly.

"Are you telling me you do not want it, are you afraid of making a mistake, do you think I am making a mistake by asking you above others?"

"No, no sir. I can do it, I just......"

He interrupted me with a raise of his finger, "Then do it." he spoke with such authority that I accepted that he knew best.

"I have authorised £2500.00p to be added to you salary this week, get some more appropriate clothing over the weekend if you need to. After all, you are working on the management floor now."

My jaw hit the floor, if I spent £50.00p on a pair of shoes at home there would be an inquest with Colin. Here I have 2.5k to spend, I sat back in my chair shellshocked.

He hit the intercom and leant into it, "Jenny, will you give Susan the low-down on what attire we expect from higher management on her way out please."

He sat back behind his large desk slowly and deliberately drumming his nails on it, I had the feeling he was trying to gauge what type of woman I was.

"Well Susan," he said sitting back, "the ball is in your court now. You have until 1pm Friday and I warn you, I will need a thorough report. You have the whole week and who knows, the sky is the limit here."

He leant into the intercom on his desk again, "Jenny, Susan will be leaving now. Anything she needs, you make she gets it ok?"

With that I stood, said my thank-you's and left.


"Colin!" I exclaimed into the phone. "It's the chance of a lifetime, I just don't get the problem you have with it!"

"Sue, we talked about this. Cant it wait till we get home later, I don't really want to do this over the phone."

"This, what is THIS!" I shouted back.

The phone went silent, he had stopped the call at his end. Frustratingly I rang back about to give him some of my mind but it went straight to answerphone. Fuck him, I thought to myself.

I had been given the afternoon off and with Jenny's advice I stopped in town looking through the more classy boutiques for some ideas. The clothes were amazing but so expensive, everything here was out of my normal price range. It felt good to finger and caress garments like these thinking I might be wearing such things soon.

I picked up a Chinese on the way back because it was getting late and I had lost track of time, when I got home Colin's car was in the drive. His mood changed a bit when he smelled the food, he had thought I had got a cobb-on because of our words this afternoon and refused to cook.

We set the table, unwrapped the feast and tucked in.

"Love." He started, "I'm sorry, but we did agree that now the kids are gone that this job was just part time, just to give you some pocket money."

"I know but, William said...."

"Oh, William is it. And who pray tell is William?" he said very sarcastically.

"Don't be a prat Colin, it doesn't suit you." I spat back.

This was going the same way as our earlier call.

"Please, just have an open mind about this. Lets see where it goes, it might go nowhere. I wont ever know unless I try."

He took another mouthful of chicken and spicy rice, then with a big sigh of resignation said, "Ok, just one week. Let's see."

I rushed around to his side and gave him a big kiss. "Thank you."

Saturday finally came, I had arranged with my sister Clare to meet in town at Starbuck's in the precinct. She was to accompany me on our shopping spree.

We walked arm in arm through the mall and out into the classier part of town where the designer shops were.

"So, what are we looking for?" she asked.

"Shoes, skirts, blouses and the like. I mean proper expensive ones." I smirked.

We stopped at Jimmy Choo first, we were like kids in a candy store. The first thing Clare did was turn each shoe to see the price. Her eyes widened at the cost of them and she whispered, "Seriously Sue, have you seen the price?"

It felt good, it felt REALLY good. I saw a pair I loved and asked the assistant if they had my size.

"Sit down madam, let me check your foot."

He sat me on a large padded couch and clicked his fingers. A young girl scurried over to us,

"Could I get you and your friend a coffee or water madam?" she asked with such politeness it startled us.

Clare looked at me startled, "I could get used to this sis." She grinned.

The young man took my calf in his gentle hands and slipped off my shoe, he turned my shoe in his fingers then looked up at me. I felt a little embarrassed the I was wearing such cheap shoes in a classy shop like this.

"You do need an upgrade." He smiled, "I am sure we can assist you madam."

His fingers wrapped around caressing my foot and with a small tape measured it around. Then he placed it in a contraption to get the length and width.

"39, slim." He said. Give me a moment while you take your coffee and I'll be back."

With that he turned on his heel and disappeared through a red curtain. The young girl came back with a tray containing two coffees and a small selection of biscuits.

"Fuck me Susan. I love this, we should do this every week!" She laughed.

The young girl smirked and left.

Derek returned with a box, I knew he was Derek because of the name-tag.

He sat at my feet once again taking my foot in his hand, his hands felt wonderful as they unintentionally stroked my ankle. I assumed it was unintentional but after we left the shop I wasn't quite certain, it was nice either way and was actually making me a little wet.

"Madam, Romy 100 in black as madam requested."

He slid it carefully onto my right foot then did the same with the left.

"Madam they suit you, take them for a comfort walk and look in the mirror."

My god they felt divine, so comfortable for such a sexy shoe.

"Madam looks good in them." He said from behind me.

"Sue, he is right. They look SO classy and sexy. I'm dead jealous."

"I am sure we have your size as well if you require, I can get them?" he said hopeful.

"Ha, ha, no, not in this lifetime mate." She replied.

"I'll take them, thank you Derek."

The day was just beginning and by the time we were done at 3pm I had over a dozen bags from various shops. We stopped for lunch mid-way because all this shopping was hard work and we needed the break.

Silk bouses, underwear, two business suits a few skirts and shoes later, I still had three hundred of the allowance left.

"It's yours sis, what do you want?"

"Seriously!" she screamed and clapped he hands.

I nodded, "It's the least I can do to thank you for today."

It was amazing how helpful the designer shop assistants can be when you walk into their shops with armfuls of full named shopping bags. It was a new and wonderful experience for us, I wanted more of it. We headed back to the first shop and Derek, he recognized us immediately making a beeline for us.

"Ladies, so nice to see you again." he looked at my sister, "Has madam changed her mind?"

"I wish." She said, a little sadly. "Do you have something like the ones we bought, just a little cheaper?"

He nodded knowingly, "I will see what we can do, please madam, take a seat."

The young lady came back out with refreshments for us while Derek sized up Clare. By the look on her face she liked his caresses too. He did seem a bit over-familiar with her calf muscles. After we left the shop she told me he had slid his fingers from her toes to her arches to her calves like a musician playing her like a violin. She would have jumped his bones right there in the shop if he had carried on much more. I nearly pissed my panties laughing.

Derek came back from his red curtain with the same box, a pair of Romy100s

"Madam, as we have sold you one pair today I am sure I can get a discount on a second if you wish. Would madam wish?"

"Derek, you are an angel." She said and kissed his cheek.


When I got home I was so excited to try on my new clothing, Colin was at golf so Clare helped me with an impromptu fashion show. We are both the same size so it helped that she tried on some of my new outfits so I could judge them from others perspectives too. God, some of these were so sexy and I wondered if they were ok for the office.

"Don't be such a prude Susan. These will blow their minds Monday." She said, as she fingered a pair of the silk stockings in her hand, ha,ha."

I hid near most of it away before Colin came home, for some reason I felt it better he didn't know just how much I had got.

"Had a good day dear?"

Yes, great." He replied, "Did you enjoy your girlie day with Clare, did you get what you wanted?"

"Yes, it was lovely." I said as nonchalantly as I could. I felt a bit bad keeping what I had done from him today but I figured it would only make it worse if he knew.

Over the rest of the weekend we had sex far more than normally we would, I hoped it might ease my guilty conscience so I gave him two blowjobs too. One on Saturday night, and a really good slow one on Sunday morning.

We had a nice pub lunch and watched soppy old romantic movies in the afternoon, having the kids away at Uni had its advantages and we made love on the sofa before bedtime. It was my best ever weekend that I could remember.

I heard Colin's alarm go at 5.40am and stayed in bed while he dressed and left for work,

"Good luck today dear." He said as he left.

I shot out of bed and ran the shower for a few minutes warming it up. I spent a long leisurely thirty minutes in there shaving my legs and arms. "Hmmm, why not." I thought and gave my pussy a quick trim up as well.

Laying my work outfit onto the bed covers I was having second thoughts, was this just a bit too sexy for work? Too late now babe I said in my head.

I sat on the bed and let the new stockings run through my fingers, they felt so soft, so incredibly sensuous. Running one up into a roll between my hands I slipped a foot into he toe of the first one. I slowly slid it up my leg, oh god did that feel sexy. Doing the same with the other I attached both to the belt around my waist, I had not worn stockings in such a long time and at that moment wondered why. Admiring the effect in my full length mirror I pulled the thong into place.

"You still got it girl."

Even though I was just the right side of fifty, I still had the figure of my youth because my parents genes were good ones. I slipped my feet into the new shoes before trying anything else on and looked back at the mirror,

"I'd even fuck you myself." I whispered.

Slipping the shoes back off I wriggled into the skirt, it was tight, but it was supposed to be. The matching bra/thong set was expensive for underwear, but it was so worth it when I saw the effect it had on my boobs, "God, you are a fucking diva." I whispered to myself.

The blouse and jacket along with the shoes finished my look, the mirror showed what I could look like when I tried. It had been so, so long since I looked this good.

The skirt finished just above my thighs, the matching jacket showed just enough cleavage through the purple blouse when I did the buttons up. The heels finished the ensemble perfectly, the outfit needed those sexy four inch heels.

Ponytail or bun, I couldn't decide so in the end I went with free-flowing. I have long strawberry blond hair and to be honest, when it laid on my shoulders on that black jacket it looked fucking awesome. I felt better than I had since my wedding day twenty three years ago, I was ready to meet the world. Was it ready for me?


I pulled into the parking lot at 8.15am, a full 45 minutes before my start time. I wanted to create a good impression so didn't want to be late. Jenny was already at her desk on the ninth floor,

"Damn Sue, you scrub up well. You look amazing, that suit and heels look so sexy on you. You were born for this."

I felt embarrassed and sexy and flattered all in one if that was possible.

"How do you take your coffee, or is it tea Susan?"

"No need to wait on me Jenny, I can get that."

"No, it is part of my job to look after all the executives in my department. So is it tea or coffee?" She asked again.

The word executive struck me, "damn, that's me." I smiled inwardly trying not to show it too much but I think I failed because Jenny laughed saying not to let it go to my head. I walked past her desk and said, "Coffee, white with two sugars." laughing my head off.

My door had my name printed on a small white sliding plaque. I had never had anything with my name on it like this, it sounds very silly but it brought a tear to my eye. Inside was a desk and a laptop, a comfy chair with a phone, some stationary and a big folder named 'projections'.

As I walked around the desk I heard a slight tap on the door, "Coffee." It was Jenny with my beverage and a plate of biscuits.

"That was quick, did you have it under the desk?" I laughed.

"Service with a smile." She said. "All you need to get you started is on the desk, Mr. St John will be in, in about thirty minutes if you have any questions. Do you want the door open or closed, is there anything else?"

"Jenny, you are a star, thank you so much, open."

She left me and I sat, I needed five minutes silence, alone to contemplate all that had happened in the last week. It was a hell of a lot to consider.

Opening the folder, it had spreadsheet after spreadsheet showing past and future sales to various companies. The government figures were in another folder separate from everything else.

It was a bit confusing at first but I had a background in finance, I had worked for an accountancy firm from school until my babies were born. Having kids were the break I needed after ten years crunching numbers until I realised just how hard motherhood was.

Now it was my time again and I intended to ace it.

'Tap, tap' Mr. St John poked his head in. "All ok? Do you have everything?" he asked.

"Perfect sir, perfect."

"No sir, its William. I have told you once. Don't let me have to tell you off again Susan."

"Ok, ok, sorry.....William." I said with a smile.

It was only after he had gone that I thought to myself was there a double meaning to his threat, because he did have a serious edge to his words. No, don't be silly I said in my head. The morning flew by and before I knew it Jenny had popped her head around the door.

"Lunchtime boss." She said. "Do you want to come down to the third floor restaurant or I can have something sent up?"

"We have a restaurant?"

"Yes, only for the eight and ninth floor though." She added.

"Aha, no wonder I didn't know about it, on the second floor we usually bring in sandwiches."

"Executive privilege." She said, "We get lots of perks up here, ha, ha."

"Well you better show me the ropes young lady, lead the way."

When we got to the canteen all the fears about my dress sense dissipated, near all the women in here were dressed the same as me. I had only been here a day and I wanted more of this, much more. Jenny was right, I was born to this.

I didn't see William for the rest of the day, or the next. He obviously trusted me to get on on my own which spoke volumes to me. I packed my things at 4pm each day so I could get home before Colin, I did not want him to see me in my work uniform because it would just cause problems.

I could also have time to cook for him so it would ease his fears about me working more hours. He was old fashioned that way, he thought it was his job to provide the income, mine to be the housewife. I let him believe that, for now.

By the third day, Wednesday, I was well on course to complete by Friday morning. The only figures I was having problems with were the overseas governmental reports from Sweden. It was buried in another file and I almost missed it.

I could not get them to tally up, try as I might, something was wrong here. The future projections showed an outlay of 19m with an income of 17.5m, no profit at all and a loss of 1.5 million. I spent nearly all day trying every permutation I knew to solve it.

William came in just before 3.30 to ask if everything was going ok, I really didn't want to say I was stuck so I nodded yes and he looked satisfied and left.

I spent a sleepless night tossing and turning over the problem. Do I tell him I could not do it and risk losing the chance of a promotion to the ninth floor, or do I try to hide it back in the Sweden files hoping it would disappear into the ether from whence it came.

"Are you sure you are right Sue?" asked Clare, "Have you run all the numbers two or three times?"

"Yes, they just do not add up, by a long way." I said hopelessly.

"Then tell him, don't hide it. if you are wrong, then maybe you are just not up to the job."

She was right, I knew she was right but it didn't help. I so wanted this, more than anything I could ever remember wanting before. With a deep breath I picked up the offending files and took the short walk to Mr. St John's office.

'tap, tap' "Come in."

I almost bowed or curtsied or something when I saw him look up from his desk I was that flustered. "Sir, sorry sir but we have a problem."

"No Susan, you have a problem." He said sternly, "I told you next time we are alone if you call me sir again without my express permission, I would tell you off. Did I not?"