The New Naked Lifestyle for Dan

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The new daily routine for Dan as his cousin's naked slave.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 12/06/2023
Created 10/04/2018
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Author's note: This story was supposed to the fourth part in the Dan series right after the story 'Dan's future'. However, it was rejected and the subsequent story was published which created some grave, unwanted confusion. Partly my fault and the admins did a good job in pointing out exactly where the problem was.


Dan was awoken by Julie the next day to find himself on the floor of her bed.

Naked and blindfolded.

Last night's activities meant that he had dozed off almost instantly and had slept deeply. Since Julie knew she was responsible for him, she had kept herself awake long enough to set the alarm. Once it rang, she covered herself with a blanket and woke him up. Dan got up, did his business and went to start his first chore as the naked slave around the house while Julie went back to sleep. Doing the dishes.

Last night's dishes were soaked by his mother as Dan entered the kitchen. He had to remember to do it himself from here on. Dan started on his first dish and realized. He had never done this before. He could ask the moms, but he did not know if this would count as a failure on his part and as such, was still undecided against it when his mother walked in.

Dan made coffee and gave it to her. He then went on all fours and kissed both her feet.

"Good morning, mom."

"Good morning, slave. You have no idea how to do the dishes, do you?"

"No, mom. Sorry, mom."

Ann showed him how to do a couple and Dan continued. Ann walked back to the living room and saw Jane walk in. "Dan, Jane is up."

Dan immediately stopped the dishes. He then made coffee for Aunt Jane and carried it to the living room. Aunt Jane was seated on the sofa. Dan gave her the coffee and kissed her feet.

"You know what. We have time now. So, kiss my feet while saying you are my servant forever. You will then do the same to Ann."

"I " - kissed left foot - "am " - kissed right foot - "your" - kissed left foot -"servant," - kissed right foot -"forever" - kissed left foot -"Aunt," - kissed right foot -"Jane".

"I " - kissed left foot - "am " - kissed right foot - "your" - kissed left foot -"servant," - kissed right foot -"forever" - kissed left foot -"mom."

Right at that moment, Julie walked in too. Dan scurried to make her coffee. He then brought it to her.

"I " - kissed left foot - "am " - kissed right foot - "your" - kissed left foot -"slave," - kissed right foot -"forever" - kissed left foot -"ma'am."

The three women continued having their coffees while their naked male slave went back to the dishes. He was done around 15 minutes later. The ladies went to inspect. Julie picked up a fly swatter along the way, knowing she would need it.

"These three utensils still have a little stain on them. And this one is not wiped properly and has the foam on it still. So, I guess that is €2 from your allowance, Julie." Ann said after she was done inspecting.

Thwack! "Ow". Thwack! "Ow".

The fly swatter was doing it's job. Hurting Dan's ass. Dan kissed his cousin's feet saying sorry but Julie was mad. She placed her leg on his head and pinned him to the ground.

Watching her son's torment unaffected, Ann said to Dan. "From here on, you will account every penny you spend to me. Julie is not supposed to take money from you and you cannot give it to her either. So, here is your 20 and Julie, here is your 18."

Julie took the money and released Dan. Dan stood up and collected his money and turned to look guiltily at Julie. Julie stormed out.

While the ladies took turns bathing, Dan picked up the broom and started sweeping the floor. Dan collected all the trash and put it in the dustbin. It was full. Dan now had to take the trash out. Mom and Aunt Jane had told him he could wear underwear when taking it out but Julie had not cleared it. Dan now had to go and ask Julie what to do and it terrified him. Julie's stony eyes did not help either. He explained the situation to her.

The smell of his fear did not do anything to soothe Julie. She was pissed. She considered sending him out like that, but she knew Aunt Ann would not like it. She allowed him to take his underwear and gave him two more smacks while he was putting it on. Dan took out the trash, came back and immediately stripped off. After all three women were done taking a bath, Dan finally went and showered himself. After he was done, he had the best feeling in the world putting his clothes back. It was such a relief to be wearing something. Once he was out, he washed the clothes on the machine and hung them out.

Dan then went back inside to see the women waiting for him. Breakfast was done, and Dan went about setting up the table. Although there were four chairs, the look on Julie's face made him sit on the floor. Half an hour later, they were ready to leave for college. By now, Julie was talking to him normally although she did say that she would punish him later.

As soon as they came home that evening, Dan retrieved the dried clothes. Julie told Dan, "Strip and kneel." Dan obliged. Julie bolted the door.

"You cost me today. So, that means, two kneel walks around the house. And, I mean around the house. Hugging the corners. So, basically, no games today for you." She turned. "Aunt Ann, I will need your phone." Ann's phone had video camera.

"Dan, open your mouth." She turned the camera ON and stuffed the phone in his mouth. "You kneel-walk with this on. After each round, you will give the phone to your mother and she will check it. Remember, Aunt Ann, he has to do a full lap around the entire house."

And so, Dan started his lap. Julie had cuffed his hands behind his back as well and it was extremely uncomfortable. The floor was hard and he was already sweating after his first lap.

His mother took the phone from him and checked the video. It was fine. She put it back in his mouth. Dan finished the second lap with even greater difficulty and was horribly short of breath this time. His mother once again checked the video and gave him the thumbs up. She also gave him a bottle of water which she had filled up in advance. She then picked up the broom and mop from outside and brought it in. "Whenever you are ready, naked boy."

Dan gladly drank the water from the bottle and set about mopping the floor 10 minutes later. Since he was naked, his mom had to take the broom and mop back after he was done. Dan was exhausted by now and had no energy to go out. He was naked and could not put on clothes until Julie would come back and okay it and he knew she was not going to okay it anyway. Dan lied down on the hall.

Julie came back more than an hour later and Dan immediately kissed her feet.

"Did you kneel-walk twice?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am" he replied.

"Aunt Ann. Did you check?"

"He walked all right, but was he not supposed to kiss my feet between laps?" Ann asked.

Dan stared at her. Why? Just why?

"Of course, he had to." Said Julie. "You mean you didn't."

"No, ma'am. I did not know I was supposed to."

"Same punishment tomorrow, then."

"Also, I had to get his mop and broom for him and take it out as well since he was naked. You should have waited until he had done these jobs before stripping him. So, that will be 1 more from you." Ann stretched out her hand.

"Aunt Ann, please." Julie pleaded.

"You know the arrangement. He keeps his end up and-" Ann started laughing. Julie laughed too and even Dan gave a short smile.

"He keeps his end up and you keep yours." Grudgingly, Julie gave up an Euro.

Pretty soon, Dan made coffees for both of them. Julie wanted biscuits.

"You cost me another Euro. So, Flamingo it is."

Dan visibly sagged as he remembered what it was. Julie used the rope to Flamingo him and said. "I want four biscuits. You will get them one by one and don't you dare turn around. You will be facing me the whole time and hop backwards and forwards."

Hop. Boing! Boing!. Hop. Boing! Boing!

It was a treat to both of them. Dan boinged and boinged as he got Julie her four biscuits. Ann was not going to be left behind either and ordered him to get 3 more for her. Dan's face became redder and redder as both of them openly laughed at his bouncing dick. Once he was done getting her biscuits, Dan drank his coffee with great difficulty as he was still Flamingoed.

Served him right! €3! He cost me €3. I had to be careful from here on. Her friends were planning a movie this weekend and she needed every penny for it. Tomorrow, I will be right behind his sorry ass while he did the dishes and by God, he would do it right tomorrow.

Aunt Jane came around an hour later and instantly ordered Dan to make coffee. She then made him lie on all fours and put her leg on his back. There was a perfect coffee table which she ignored and used him as a real-life version. Very soon, it was time for dinner which Dan served and then sat down on the floor to eat.

After dinner, Dan went into his room for the first time since they returned, to study. Julie told him to come to her room once he was done studying and that he was to be naked for the rest of the night. Dan went into his room. Dan studied for about an hour before he closed his books and went into Julie's room. Julie bolted the door, sat on a chair and told him to stand to her right. She was playing with her mom's phone.

Suddenly Julie reached out and grabbed his balls and squeezed. She squeezed harder and harder.

"€3! I lost €3 because of you today."

"I am sorry, ma'am. Ow! Ow! Forgive me, please."

"Forgive? How do I go to the movies this weekend? I cannot take your money."

Tears started into Dan as Julie continued his ball torture. She eventually hurled him forward still by his balls. Dan was now openly crying in pain. Julie snapped her fingers and Dan crawled backwards and got within reach of her in the same position. Julie played the game for quite some time, while kicking Dan regularly at the rear during the entire time. She came back and tossed a blindfold at Dan. Dan knew what he had to do. Julie once again sat on the bed and spread her legs. Dan once again started licking and eating her to orgasm. Only today, Julie was still foul and used her toes to grind his balls the whole time. Between the pussy-eating and his balls getting ground with her legs, and her earlier kicks, Dan was in severe pain. Julie kept this going for more than 20 minutes.

"I am going to sleep. If you need to cry, you can go to your room. Do not remove the blindfold until you are outside and the door is closed behind you. Also, you will wake me up and we go to the kitchen together tomorrow. I will monitor your sorry ass and ensure you do all tasks properly this time."

Dan stood up and Julie guided him outside. Julie then closed the door with full force and ensured it hit Dan. Dan fell forward face first and waited until he heard Julie's door bolted before removing his blindfold. Dan went into his room visibly staggering. His balls had never been in this much pain. And his ass too was sore with all the smacking. He resolved to do better from tomorrow.


The next morning, Dan woke up with a bad ache in his balls and his butt. He went to do his business and the pain worsened. He managed and went to wake his cousin up as instructed. When he reached her door, however, he hesitated. Yes, she had told him to wake her up. But, what if she still got angry. What if she started attacking him. Dan started sweating. He did not want more punishment, but at the same time, she might punish him even more if he did not wake her up anyway. Dan stood with horrifying hesitation when the door opened. Dan instantly kneeled. By now, it was as though he had been programmed.

Julie looked down at her naked, kneeling male slave. She saw the fear in his eyes and also smelt it on him. She smiled. Dan was her plaything now, to do as she pleased. She pointed to her legs.

"I " - kissed left foot - "am " - kissed right foot - "your" - kissed left foot -"slave," - kissed right foot -"forever" - kissed left foot -"ma'am."

"Good morning, worm. How are your balls?"

"They are still slightly sore, ma'am."

"Well, let's hope it does not get worse today." She replied sweetly. Dan stood up and went to do the dishes.

Dan was extra careful today but still clumsy. Julie smacked him at least three times with the fly swatter but eventually, the dishes were spotless just as his mother and Aunt Jane came in. They inspected the dishes and gave them a thumbs up. Dan made coffee for all three of them and went about his feet-kissing routine. He then went to fetch the broom and start sweeping.

Watching their naked male servant, the moms were feeling liberated after a long time. With their morning duties reduced only to cooking, they were feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Of course, it was a pity that Dan was reduced to this, but neither of them, not even Ann regretted the arrangement. Her husband - may God rest his soul - had never lent a hand around the house and she had grown to resent him a lot for that. Dan would make a great husband someday to a lovely wife.

Tuesday and Wednesday were relatively uneventful affairs at the house. Dan had to kneel-walk naked twice on Tuesday and this time, he was careful enough to kiss his mom's foot properly between laps. Dan was also careful enough with his work and managed without any mistakes. On Thursday, however, he forgot to pick up a chocolate wrapper. This resulted in Julie losing an additional €2. That, in turn, resulted in two more naked kneel walks and another scheduled pussy-eating session that night.

Aunt Jane came in after some time. Dan immediately ran into the kitchen and started coffee for her. Aunt Jane was visibly angry. She made him lie on all fours. Shen then put her leg on his back. Dan was treated like this by his aunt all week, but, on this day, Aunt Jane put her leg with such force that Dan let out a small shriek and trembled. This caused Jane to lose her balance and the coffee spilt. Jane took the fly swatter and smacked Dan three times and the force of her smacks turned his ass red.

"Hey!" Ann shouted. "Knock it off, what the hell?"

Jane immediately placed the coffee down and lifted Dan up.

"Dan, I am so sorry. It was not you. I was angry on something else."

"And, what? You hit me? What the hell?" asked Dan. Ann and Julie stared at him. It was the first time that Dan had properly protested against one of them this week and, it was a new side for them. Dan, however, had no reservations and stared directly at Jane's eyes.

Jane seemed to only now realize what she was doing and started apologizing profusely. Dan did not take it well and started going to his room. Jane caught him and hugged him. Dan slowly softened. She asked all of them to sit. Dan, for the first time that week, was allowed to sit on a chair.

Jane worked as the branch manager at a bank. One of her cashiers, Carol, had just come back after a week. She had had severe Typhoid and she was still hobbling around the office. But, what really had riled Jane was that neither her husband, nor her son had done any favours around the house for her. The daughter tried to do as much as she could, but Carol had limited her because of the exams. Even though her son's exams had been completed, he apparently saw it fit to play football with his mates everyday instead of staying at home and helping her around. Admittedly, this was his only week of proper holiday since he had to go remedial classes after that. But, that was his own fault for being so poor at studies. Listening to all this had made her blood boil. She had always thought her husband was the laziest man she knew. But, she still remembered that whenever she was sick, not only would he pamper her by doing as much as possible but also bought her so many flowers every day.

"But," she concluded, "None of this, Dan, is your fault. You have been so helpful to us and you will continue to be. I am sorry I took this out on you, Dan. I had no right to! I am so sorry."

Dan still had not gotten over his anger. He wanted to, but his burning ass did not allow him. He just stared at her.

"You are still mad at me. Okay, I deserve it. You know what? I will do all the morning chores tomorrow."

Dan nodded.

"Of course," Julie interjected. "She will not be naked. And, in fact, you will still be naked and standing next to her while she does it and help her in any way she wants."

"Yes, ma'am" Dan agreed.

That night, Dan went in to Julie's room with the blindfold.

"Oh!" Julie exclaimed. "I had forgotten about this after today's incident. You know what, mom was wrong to punish you, so we can cancel tonight. But still, her anger was righteous, you know. What is it with you men? Do you come preprogrammed not to do any housework. Even you were like that."

"Hey! That is not fair. I help mom and aunt a lot when they are sick."

"So, we need to be sick for you dicks to lift a finger around here?"

Dan was silent.

"I have a plan. I will discuss with you tomorrow. And, I changed my mind. Put on the blindfold."

Dan put on the blindfold and knelt. Julie started getting undressed. Once she was naked, she snapped her fingers. Dan kneel-walked forward and started licking her again. For the third time in five days. For someone who wanted to limit this as much as possible! Dan still did not get over this task. It was humiliating! Aside from that, it was also smelly and the taste was too bad. Of course, it was too bad. It was a pussy for God's sake! But, what was he going to do? He remembered Tuesday's session as the worst one so far simply because she had been grinding his balls as well while he was servicing her. At least, he had that respite today. The one silver lining, if you could call it that, was that the pussy-eating made Dan fall asleep almost immediately. He always had more trouble sleeping than the others. At least now, he was sleeping quickly and for longer.


The next morning, Dan woke up at six, as usual, and went straight to the kitchen. He was not surprised to see his Aunt there, already. However, he WAS surprised to see her NAKED! Dan had seen his aunt and mom naked many times. But, she did not need to shed her clothes now and this surprised him.

"Watching you do the dishes naked made me realize how efficient it was." Jane said, smiling. "It is funny to see that there are special aprons and rubber gloves that are made specifically for this activity when it is far cheaper to do them nude. Pfft! Anyway, good morning." She said, raising her eyebrow.

Dan understood. She might be doing the dishes, but he was still beneath her. So, he got down and started kissing her feet.

"I " - kissed left foot - "am " - kissed right foot - "your" - kissed left foot -"servant," - kissed right foot -"forever" - kissed left foot -"Aunt," - kissed right foot -"Jane," "thanks " - kissed left foot - "for " - kissed right foot - "doing" - kissed left foot -"the" - kissed right foot -"dishes" - kissed left foot -"today."

As he was doing this, Dan was aware of his proximity to Aunt Jane's naked vagina. In addition, he also had full view of her breasts, which, even at 46 were firm as a 25-year old's. Dan had always been aware that both his mom and aunt were not just beautiful, but also had superb assets. Today, as he went about his extended feet-kissing routine, Aunt Jane's assets were repeatedly being emblazoned to both ends of his body.

"Whoa! What do we have here?" exclaimed Aunt Jane. "Take a look here, Ann." She added, pointing to Dan's full-length dick just as Ann came in.

Dan went about kissing his mother's feet. Once he was done, Ann told him to stand straight and stare at Aunt Jane. Not only did Dan become harder, he was also starting to pre-cum.

"What is this, Dan?", asked Aunt Jane, sounding outraged. "You are getting this excited seeing me naked? Is this how you think of your aunt?"