The Next One Ch. 01


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"It's just the way you left."

I dropped the subject. Both mom and dad knew what caused me to leave and going back to it would serve no useful purpose. Dad and I talked jobs and sports as he dried the dishes that I washed and then he said goodnight and went on home.


It was the first weekend in October and I was just back from my weekend with the Guard. I was in the shop testing a unit that had just come out of assembly when I was paged to report to Mr. Backman's office. I walked into the outer office and his secretary told me to go right on in. The first thing I saw when I walked in was a tall stunningly beautiful woman. When I opened the door it blocked what was to my left and when the door closed I saw a girl sitting on a chair against the wall. She looked vaguely familiar and when she lifted her head and looked at me I saw that it was the girl from the frat party.

Russ stood up from behind his desk and indicating the woman he said:

"This is my wife Evangelina and I believe you already know my daughter Sarah."

"Actually I don't."

"Don't what?"

"Know her."

"She says otherwise. Some time back she came home one morning with a highly improbable story about where she had been. A week ago she came in to see me, saw you out in the shop and told me that you were the man she woke up with in a motel room. And you say you don't know her?"

"I never knew her name and as far as I know she never knew mine."

Mrs. Backman said, "What kind of man are you to behave like that?"

"Like what? I saw a situation that I didn't like, stuck my nose in it and got her out of it. I actually felt pretty good about what I did and under the same set of circumstances I would do it again."

"Why don't you tell us your side of it" Russ said.

I told them what I'd seen and what I'd done.

"Sarah was out of it due to whatever it was that they slipped into her drink and she was still out of it when I put her to bed. I couldn't bring her home because I had no idea where she lived, she couldn't tell me and her purse was somewhere back at the frat house. When she woke up in the morning she was terrified so we never got around to introductions. She was still leery of me when I dropped her off in front of your house. I didn't stick around because I knew I was going to be the one dumped on because I would be the only one handy."

There was silence and then Mrs. Backman said, "I'm sorry for what I just said" and then she walked over to me, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you for watching out for her."

I turned to Russ and asked, "Is that it?"

He looked at me for a couple of seconds and then said, "For now." I left the office and went back to work.

Twenty minutes later I saw Mrs. Backman and Sarah leaving and Sarah left her mother and walked over to me.

"I never thanked you for what you did for me." She handed me a piece of paper and said, "Call me" and then went back to join her mom.

I looked at the piece of paper and saw that it was a phone number. I looked at it, then at the retreating figures of Sarah and her mom and then I dropped it in the open top of my tool box and forgot about it.

That night I got the bad news. Gloria had been taking classes at the local community college and when she came over to my apartment that night she was in a great mood.

"Guess what?"

"Do I get a clue?"

"Why bother; you'd never guess anyway."

She took a piece of paper out of her purse and waved it at me. "I got accepted at Baylor. I start fall classes in two weeks." She stopped and said, "You don't seem to be too happy for me."

"Baylor is in Texas right?"


"So that will pretty much kill us off."

"No it won't. You can come down on weekends and I'll be home on holiday breaks and stuff. Plus my dad works for an airline and I can get passes and fly home on some weekends."

"Be serious Gloria. I'm going to drive like hell to get there so I can spend half an hour with you and then drive like hell to get back home in time to go to work? I don't think so."

"We will work it out Frankie; you'll see."

But of course we didn't.

She hadn't been gone two months and I was just starting to look forward to her Thanksgiving break when she called me.

"I didn't want to do this in a letter, but I've hooked up with a guy here. Sorry baby; don't think bad of me. Bye baby."


The two months between Gloria leaving for school and her phone call I'd not been idle. I joined a bowling league on Friday night and was taking some night computer classes at the local community college and things had gotten really busy at work and I was putting in a lot of overtime.

The job was going good, but I was concerned over what might be going on in the bosses head. It always seemed that whenever I looked his way Russ was watching me. Did he not believe what I'd told him about what happened with his daughter? I felt that his wife did, but I also remembered what he'd said in his office when I finished the explanation and asked if that was it. His "For now" was said in a tone that suggested that he wasn't satisfied. I wondered if my playing the Knight in Shining Armor was going to cost me my job.

Thanksgiving was fast approaching and things had mellowed out a touch between mom and me. I was invited to Thanksgiving dinner with the aside that "Allison and her parents will be here." This wasn't big news because for years Mr. and Mrs. Ames and Allison had been sort of an extended family and had celebrated the holidays with us.

"I know you have issues with Allie" my mom said, "but there is no reason that you can't be friends."

On Thanksgiving I showed up at my folk's house with pies that I had picked up at the Village Inn the day before. Allison and her parents were already there. I hadn't seen Allison for a while. She was going to college and usually only came home every other weekend or so and when home she didn't seem to frequent any of the places I did. I was surprised when I saw her. Her hair was shorter and she was wearing none of the makeup that usually caked her face and she looked damned good.

The conversation around the table was fairly general. Mr. Ames wanted to know about my job and I told him. Mom asked Allison how her studies were coming along. Dad and Mr. Ames started talking sports and mom and Mrs. Ames talked about curtains, drapes and things like that.

When dinner was over the men-folk did the clean up. It was a tradition from way back. The women prepared the meal and the men did the dishes while the women retired to the living room and socialized. Dad, Mr. Ames and I talked sports until we were done and then dad and Mr. Ames went out onto the patio to smoke. I didn't smoke so I went out to the living room, but the women were talking fashion and recipes and I had no interest in that so I headed for the family room and turned on the TV. There wasn't anything interesting on worth watching except football and I had zero interest in the two teams playing and I got up to go shut off the TV. Just as I stood up Allison walked into the room.

"Can we talk?" she asked.

"I don't see why not."

"I'm sorry; I was wrong. You were right when you said that I should have broken my prom date with Tony when you got home. The only reason I didn't was because I didn't think that it would be fair to Tony. It was his prom too and I would have left him without a date one week from the prom. There was no way he could have come up with a date that late. It wasn't fair to you, but it wouldn't have been fair to him either I know you promised to be there, but three weeks before prom and you weren't home and I hadn't heard from you so I said yes when Tony asked me. I'm sorry; I never meant to hurt you."

I just looked at her for a couple of seconds as I thought about what she had said. I remembered how much going to my prom had meant to me and I knew that Allie's would have meant as much to her. And she was right. The prom was Tony's also and finding a date a week from the prom would have been damned hard if not impossible. Plus, I'd had some time to get past the whole mess.

"I would like to get us back to being friends."

"I don't have a problem with that Allie."

She walked over and gave me a hug and said, "Thank you."

She turned to go and I said, "Allie?"

She turned back to me and I asked, "Would you like to catch a movie with me tomorrow evening?"

She smiled at me and said, "Of course I would."

"I get off work at five so why don't I pick you up around six?"


Somewhere around the middle of the movie I noticed that Allison was holding my hand and I've no idea how it happened. I started to move my arm, but her hand tightened so I let it go. By the end of the movie her head was resting on my shoulder.

I knew where Allison wanted to take things, but did I really want to go there? Allison and I did have something good once, but could we get back to it? Should we? I decided just to let things flow. Allie would be going back to school on Sunday so there was no time to get anything going anyway.

Silly me!

As we left the theatre Allison said, "It is still early and I don't want to go home just yet."

"What would you like to do?"

"I've never seen your apartment. Want to show it to me?"

Why not I thought, what could it hurt? She checked the place out and mentioned how cozy it looked. She excused herself to use the bathroom and I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I jumped channels for a while and then started wondering where Allison was. I got up and went to the bathroom and knocked on the door as I asked:

"Are you okay Allie?"

The door swung open to show that the bathroom was empty. Allison hadn't come back to the living room so there was only one place she could be. I walked over and looked in the bedroom and what I saw took my breath away. Allison was naked and lying in the middle of the bed. She didn't say anything, just looked up at me and waited.

"What are you doing Allison?"

"Oh come on; you can't possibly be that dense."

"But why?"

"I read your face when I told you that Tony was lying when he said he took my virginity. You thought I was lying. I figured that the only way I could prove it was to give it to you."

"Jesus Allie, you do..."

"Shut up! I always planned on giving it to you, but I always thought it would be on the night we married. That doesn't seem likely now, but I'm still going to give it to you."

"You ne..."

"Shut the fuck up and get over here!"

I stood there staring at her and she got an exasperated look on her face and got off the bed. She came over to me and her hands went to my belt. I didn't fight it as she worked my jeans and briefs down and my hard cock leaped up as it was freed. Allison looked up at me and said:

"I am a virgin, but I am not totally inexperienced. I've been fingered and I have given a hand job or two, but you are the first one to get this" and she took my cock into her mouth.

I had an unkind thought maybe, but I had to believe that she was telling the truth about never having had a cock in her mouth. She was terrible at it. I'd see to it that she got better at it, but that would be later. Right then I needed to get my cock out of her mouth before her teeth did some serious damage.

I pulled her up and pushed her back on the bed and then I went down on her.

"Don't do that; its nasty!"

I took my mouth off of her and said, "And taking my cock in your mouth isn't?"

I went back to what I was doing and heard no more protests, but after a couple of minutes I got a low moan and ten seconds later her fingers were in my hair and holding my head in place. After a few more minutes I moved up on Allison and did the deed. Not being very wise in the way of women and having no experience with virgins I still had to believe that Allison hadn't lied when she denied giving up her cherry to Tony. She was extremely tight and I met resistance a couple of inches in. I stopped and Allison cried out:

"Push damn it, push!"

I did, she cried out and several pushes took me all the way in. I stopped and held still and Allison said:

"It hurts. Oh God does it hurt, but the other girls tell me it gets better if we don't stop,"

I started to slowly make love to her and after several minutes she moaned:

"Better, much better."

I kept going slow and soon her legs came up and she clamped my body with them.

"A little faster honey; a little faster please?"

I didn't want to go faster because it would make me cum sooner and I was afraid that I would leave Allison unsatisfied and that wouldn't be good for her first time. At least that was my thinking. Allison's hands clutched my ass cheeks and she pulled me to her as she cried:

"Faster Frankie, faster."

I gave in and started fucking her faster and harder and a minute later she moaned "Oh God," her body shook and she went limp just as I gave one last hard push and came. Concerned I started to pull away, but Allison clutched at me and cried:

"No, no, don't go. Just stay there; please Frankie, just stay there."

We lay there and she held me and after a couple of minutes or so she asked:

"Can we go again? How soon can we go again?"

"As soon as I get hard again."

"How long Frankie? The girls told me I should make sure to do it several times the first time. If I suck it will that make it quicker?"

"Probably, but you have to make sure that you don't use your teeth on me."

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry Frankie; I didn't mean to. Just tell me how to do it."

I pulled out of her and it was then that I noticed the blood. "I guess I need to wash before we go any farther."

Allison looked down and said, "Oh yuck, me too" and we got up and went into the bathroom together. We showered together and then went back to the bed. Her second blow job was much better as was her third. The third was monumental in that it was totally unexpected. We had just finished making love for the second time and she wanted to go again. I decided that I would eat her pussy while I waited for 'Frankie junior' to recover. I'd only been working on her for about a minute when she twisted around and went for my cock and we ended up in our very first sixty-nine.

After our third session she noticed the time on the bedside clock and cried:

"Oh shit! I've got to get home!"

We hurriedly dressed and I drove her home. When I walked her to the door she said:

"If you pick me up earlier tomorrow we will have more time."

We spent Saturday and Sunday at my apartment and I was actually glad to see her go back to school. One more night with her and I might not have been able to get out of bed and go to work on Monday morning. As I dropped her at the house on Sunday she said:

"I'm coming back every weekend from now on. Keep them open for me."

As the door closed behind her I had the thought that I might have created a monster.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

One star, don't waste your time!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It is obvious how this is going to end,so why does it need six chapters.We know he is clueless about women for believing Gloria when he caught her with Ronny.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

So far.

I love Just Plain Bob's high school stories and this one is off to a GREAT start, with its typical JPB ups and downs and turns.

I agree with the reader who is happy to see Pauline French appear, even if it's for a cameo part.

Some readers wonder about Allie/Sarah -- will Allie dump Frankie? Taking my clue from other JPB stories. Allie will think she can have a college boyfriend along with her home boyfriend. Frankie will find out and dump HER, leaving room for Sarah. Just a guess. Then get back together again with Allie much later? Well, this series has a loooong ways to go.

Paul in Oklahoma

Tim413413Tim413413almost 9 years ago
Excellent start!

I can't imagine how the Allie/Sarah dilemma will develop. Maybe Allie will find someone at college and will simply drop out of the story. Only to return at a later date? Glad to see JPB remembered to put Pauline French in the story - sometimes he forgets.

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

in a barber shop or shoe shine stand, TK U MLJ LV NV

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