The Nude Gun

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An 18 year old male get possession of an alien weapon.
7.4k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/16/2015
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Thanks again to my editor Spirit02!


"You've got to be kidding me," said the exasperated Peacekeeper. "All the time and credits you've wasted and this is what you've come up with?"

"It may not look like much, but remember we were asked to come up with a non-lethal weapon that was capable of stopping the hordes, and this is it. Your job is to field test it and report back your findings. Is that clear?"

Matt closed the case after taking another look at the weird looking gun and recharging device. "A ray gun of all the things," he thought to himself.

Matt groaned inwardly. He hated these science types. Although they didn't have complete command authority over him and the rest of the corps, they had enough that they could make his life miserable and even cut his military career short. He was already being punished with this assignment. He had been stationed at the remote ends of the civilized galaxy having to deal with the primitives of a small Class M planet where the inhabitants believed they were alone in the universe. They called the planet Earth. What a stupid name; why not call it dirt? Nevertheless, he and his kind were charged with its protection; their primary job was to make sure that other sentient lifeforms didn't corrupt and influence this childlike race from its natural development. That was becoming a much more challenging job as more and more were learning of the planet's existence since their probe had entered the space lanes and begun transmitting its welcome message. Instead of destroying the craft immediately, the decision was made to capture it and learn what they could before deciding on a suitable course of action. That was almost three standard years ago. Matt wasn't sure this backwater planet was worth looking after, but if anything, he'd learned years ago to follow orders.

So, when his partner Pete suggested they go planetside for dinner at their regular spot, Matt agreed. He took along his new accessory, still not knowing when or where he'd have an opportunity to field test it.

Joe waited his usual group of tables, and although he'd seen the two large men before, they'd never sat in his section. He thought they looked like plain clothes cops or undercover feds, but since he was just a kid and had nothing to hide, he quickly dismissed it.

He did find their food selections rather interesting for a steakhouse; neither one ordered any meat or seafood. Instead, they ordered salads, plenty of steamed vegetables and beer. They both consumed three bottles each of what Joe thought a poor excuse for beer, Natural Light by Anheuser-Busch. They did tip well and were very easy to wait on.

They seemed to be having a lively discussion, but despite being close enough to hear, Joe couldn't make out anything they were saying. He was sure they were speaking English, but nothing seemed to make sense. He shrugged it off; it was none of his business anyway. He was more interested in Cindy McNeal who waited tables on the other side of the restaurant and on whom he harbored a secret crush. But she was off limits, she was dating a local college guy who'd put the last guy that spoke to her in the hospital.

The two undercover cops finally finished their meal and drinks, it was late and since it was a slow night, Joe was able to finish all his chores. Joe was expecting a decent tip, as his coworkers told him, but fifty dollars was more than they had spent on their meal. So it came as no surprise that when Joe found the odd looking case left in the booth, he was eager to catch his customers before they left. Looking out the window he saw the two men getting into what looked like a black Dodge Challenger, so he ran out waving the case while calling out. His attempt to catch them before they pulled out of the parking lot was in vain.

He was too late, arriving just in time to hear the tires squeal, tossing gravel behind them. The car pulled off and quickly shot down the empty highway towards the interstate. He watched it for a while and then shrugged, looking at the strange case. Joe was about to return inside when he saw what looked like the car swing wide and then climb into the dark sky, its lights winking off as it continued climbing rapidly into the sky and disappeared. "That couldn't be right," he thought, feeling like Biff in Back to the Future 2 as the DeLorean left flame tracks in the sky.

"Hey Joe, smoke break's over. I want to go home. Are you done?" his manager called out.

"You know I don't smoke."

"Whatever. Are you done, it's late?"

Returning inside he told his manager he had a few quick things to finish and that he'd clock out and lock up. Satisfied, his manager agreed and was gone within two minutes.

Curiosity got the better of him, and since he was now alone, Joe decided to see what was inside the case. He tried the latch and was surprised to find that it wasn't locked. He opened the case and saw a green shiny gun held in place by foam cutouts. It looked like a toy more than a gun, but not like anything he'd ever seen before.

There were dials and switches on it and when he lifted it from its case he was surprised at how light it felt. It looked like metal, but was some sort of plastic material, he thought.

He saw a book of instructions, but he had trouble reading it. It was like listening to the two men, some words he recognized, others seemed to be out of place and made no sense. He did understand there were three settings, and that it fired some sort of ray that melted the clothing off its target. But after spending more than twenty minutes studying the booklet, he could only guess at which was the lowest setting and which was the highest.

He thought about putting it back, but then a mischievous thought entered his mind. The mall was just about empty, and there were a few manikins on display, perhaps he could test this thing and see if it really worked.

Grabbing his things and locking up, he walked through the empty mall. He saw two display manikins for an upscale women's store standing several feet above him and to the left. Opening the case, he withdrew the weapon. Wrapping his hand around it, he felt it shift as if it were now turned on. He checked the switch and saw it was at its lowest setting, as best as he could tell. He lifted it and pointed it at the closest manikin, which was clothed in a light summer flower print dress, and sandals. "Target acquired." He jumped and then realized that the gun had an audio feature. He aimed the gun at the manikin again. "Target reacquired." Joe smiled, thinking about how cool this was, and squeezed the trigger.

A great flash and narrow beam of light shot forth from the pistol and struck the manikin, consuming it in a bright yellow glow for a few seconds. It dissipated, leaving the manikin naked except for the necklace, earrings and shoes. Joe jumped up and down and hooted. "That was awesome!"

He looked at the gun and moved the lever to what he thought was the second setting, then walked into the square. He lifted and aims the gun a few moments later at the second manikin. This one was clothed in heavier clothing, perhaps showing off some of the upcoming winter clothes. He lifted the gun and aimed it at the manikin. "New target acquired," the gun said, and Joe squeezed off a second volley. This time a wider beam shot forth and consumed the manikin. It dissipated leaving the second manikin completely naked.

Joe leaped into the air and pumped his fist. The second beam was indeed more powerful.

Joe looked at the remaining two manikins and understood the concept, the four manikins represented the four seasons. He had Spring and Fall remaining. He moved the setting to the third position, pointed it at Fall and squeezed off another shot. The broadest beam yet erupted from the gun and completely engulfed the Fall manikin. When the glow cleared, it too was naked, even the leather shoes were gone.

As she was making her rounds she saw a flash of light and a few faint shouts. Nancy Cobb was working the night shift security for Westward Shopping Towns. She was a veteran of the Gulf Wars, having served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Having recently been separated she was looking forward to the quiet nighttime serenity of being a mall cop. This was a small quiet city and that made this job just what she needed. But there was definitely something going on near the main entrance. She quickened her pace and saw Joe with some sort of gun aimed at the floor display for one of the stores. She'd met most of the mall's employees. "He's lost his mind," she thought and as she got close enough she held her flash light out and was about to tell Joe to lower the gun.

"New target detected. Target armed. Target acquired." Before Joe could stop himself, the gun jerked and turned itself on Nancy. Joe only had time to flick the setting to the lowest before a bright yellow narrow beam arced forth across the short distance and hit Nancy. It covered the young veteran in a cloud of yellow gas before dissipating, leaving her standing in her bra, panties, and loafers. She was too stunned to realize what had happened until she felt the cool air on her skin and saw her clothes were gone.

"What the fuck? What happened to my clothes?" Nancy yelled. She accusatorially looked at Joe, pointed her flash light at him and said, "You..."

Before she could finish the statement, as if it had a mind of its own, the gun announced, "Target remains active." Joe was surprised when a second burst from the ray gun was expelled without his consent, hitting the half-naked woman again. When the yellow mist cleared she was left with only her flashlight, stunned again she was completely naked.

Joe couldn't help but stare. Nancy Cobb had hidden beneath her baggy uniform a killer body, firm 36C cup breasts, a tiny waist, 36 inch hips and a thick patch of pubic hair between her legs.

She screamed again, something about her clothes. Joe was still admiring her naked form, when she again accosted Joe, "What the fuck did you do to me? Where are my fucking clothes, asshole?" Her military training was kicking in. Still armed with her flashlight, she was going to crack it over Joe's head.

"Target remains active," the mechanical voice announced again. Joe tried to stop the gun from acquiring the target again, but it was somehow on automatic. He did manage to turn the dial a notch before the beam fired again.

This time when the yellow glow disappeared, Joe saw that all of Nancy's pubic hair was gone and her pussy was wet and dripping wet. Her nipples were erect and hard, standing out from her tits like small bullets. Her flashlight was on the floor, rolling away from her. She had a dazed look on her flushed face. When she saw Joe she held up her right hand, beckoning him to her with a curl of her finger. Her other hand went between her legs, her fingers making squishing noises as she quickly came, a small orgasm rocking her. Both she and Joe knew it was just the first of many to come.

Joe carefully placed the gun back into the case and closed it, just before Nancy lunged forward and wrestled him to floor, then peeled his pants off. Joe was hard as rock from looking at Nancy's playmate body, but now with the reality of being able to sink his teenage cock into this naked woman, it was like steel and pointing straight up.

He looked into her eyes, there was something there he'd never seen in any of the girls he'd dated. Later he'd learn that was the look of pure lust. Nancy wasted no time and mounted the teenager, letting out a satisfied moan as she sank to the bottom, Joe's cock filling her eager cunt. She didn't rest but two seconds before she began to ride his cock like a pogo stick, bouncing up and down in a steady rhythm. Joe was sure he'd cum any minute, but Nancy beat him to the punch, letting loose a blood-curdling scream leaving no doubt that she was coming. She squeezed hard and Joe joined her, growling as he pumped his seed deep inside the security guard. When he was done, Nancy collapsed on top of him as they both tried to catch their breath.

Joe couldn't believe what had just happened. He had met Nancy once or twice before. She had a reputation for being a no nonsense security guard, ex-military and would likely kick his ass once she recalled what had happened. He needed to leave before she figured things out. He pushed her limp body away despite liking the feel of her soft girly parts on his skin. He had softened and slid out of her bald pussy. He pushed her again and she rolled off him and onto her back. Her legs fell open, juices seeping from between her folds, her beautiful tits settling on her chest, her nipples still hard and begging for attention.

Joe stood and pulled his pants back on, buckling his belt but not bothering to tuck in his shirt, his eyes still on the naked beauty. He couldn't help but admire her pretty face. He had forgotten how cute she was when she wasn't wearing her all business scowl. Her eyes fluttered and then opened. She saw Joe and smiled. That was a good sign.

"Where are you going, sir?" she asked in the sweetest tone Joe had ever heard.

"I'm going home," he said.

"And what about me," she asked.

"You have to finish your shift," Joe said as if she should know better.

"I can't. I don't have any clothes on. What happened to my clothes?" she asked, her face becoming concerned.

Thinking fast, Joe took charge. "You are going to go to your locker, put on your uniform and do your job."

"Okay," she easily agreed. "But will you call me later?" she asked.


"Give me your phone, sir," she said. Joe handed her his iPhone 6 and she added her number to his contact list. "Call me later, sir," she said as she picked up her flashlight and stood. Her brown hair fell to her shoulders and her tits jiggled as they settled high on her chest. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, pushing her tongue into his mouth briefly before turning and walking back towards the locker room.

Joe watched as she gracefully marched away. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Then he looked at where he had left the case and the strange gun. "What the fuck?" he thought, and scooping it up, raced out of the mall to his car before driving the short distance to his home.

Everyone was asleep or at least in their rooms, which was common for the times of night when Joe returned from his late night shifts.

He went quickly to his room. Closing the door he opened the case and found the instruction book. It was still hard to read, but after several minutes and what he'd witnessed, Joe surmised that the three settings were used for the level of nudity you wanted. Setting one would eliminate the first level of clothing, settings two and three were capable of stripping the subject bare with a single shot, and removing any body hair, he thought, remembering how it had stripped Nancy of her bushy pubic hair.

But he couldn't figure out why she had become so obedient. She called him sir as if she were still in the military and he out-ranked her, like he was her superior officer.

Joe was getting tired and changed out of his clothes, choosing to sleep in his tee shirt and boxers. He was about to call it a night when he remembered that the gun went into some kind of automatic mode. He recalled reading something about that. It didn't make sense the first three times he read it, but he found the passage in the manual and read it again.

It seemed the gun had a sentry mode, which detected targets even though the user may not be aware of the threat. "That must be why it attacked Nancy," he thought.

"It learned to target women from his practice with the manikins," he guessed. But that still didn't explain why Nancy was so eager to jump his bones.

He felt the gun in his hand. It was so comfortable and light, almost as if it was made just for him. Just as that thought had sunk in, the door to his room burst open and his older sister Karen barged in, "You worm, you've been going through my stuff again, haven't you!"

"Target acquired." The gun was still in sentry mode, and sensing the hostile nature of his angry sister, turned itself on and fired a short burst at the 22-year-old blonde. The bolt quickly engulfed the young woman and made short work of her pajamas, leaving her stunned and naked in her brother's room.

Joe threw the gun back into the case and closed it. Turning back to his sister he couldn't believe what he was seeing. That same look that Nancy had had on her face, her nipples were hard and sticking out from her abundant breasts, his gaze followed her hand to her naked pussy as her fingers began to enter her moist lips.

"Joey...I...need..." she began to say, and then she simply pushed her brother back on to his bed, ripped his boxers open, pulled out his cock and sucked it into her mouth. Joe fought his older sister but soon it felt too good and he acquiesced.

Karen's talented mouth quickly had Joe on the edge; she didn't even mind the taste of pussy that was obviously on his cock. "My little brother got lucky tonight, well he's about to get even luckier," she thought to herself.

Within a few minutes he was shooting his second load of the night into the waiting mouth of his older sister. He stuffed his pillow into his mouth to stifle the roar as he came like no other time in his brief sexual life. When he was done he lowered the pillow and panted as he watched his sister climb on top of him, eager for more play. The look on her face told him she wanted to fuck him.

"No! Stop," he cried as loudly as he dared, not wanting to alert his parents as he pushed Karen away.

"Okay." She simply stopped and looked at him, as if waiting for his next order.

"Get off me and off my bed," he said. She quickly complied, standing, still completely naked, one finger in her mouth as she unashamedly showed him her lovely body.

He had to agree she had a great body; he'd been tempted on a few occasions to peep at her as she was in the bathroom. She was his sister and he'd resisted all those nasty thoughts. But now here she was, naked in all her glory, and she'd just crossed the line and blown him. Did he dare question her about it?

"Turn around so that I can see your ass," he told her.

She giggled and spun around, then shook her ass playfully and slapped it, leaving a hand print. She spun back around so fast that her tits took a moment to settle on her chest. She stood still waiting for her younger brother to tell her what to do next.

Joe couldn't believe how Karen was acting. He watched his 18-year-old cock rise before him and fought with his conscience. He really wanted to fuck her, but she was his sister and that sort of thing was frowned on, besides, he didn't have a condom. He thought for a moment.

"Karen," he asked, tearing his eyes away from her naked dripping pussy, her labia was swollen and had him entranced. He slowly looked up at her face, "are you using any kind of birth control?"

"Of course, silly, I've been on the pill since I was eighteen." She smiled. "So little brother, are you ready to fuck? I can see your big cock waving at me."

"What the hell?" Joe thought, "She's asking for it." Then he hesitated. Why was she so eager and just like with Nancy, she seems willing to do anything I ask. "No, I don't think so, how about you just stand there for a bit."

"Okay," she said. Her passion seemed to cool as she stood still; her erect nipples began to relax.

"That's not right," he thought. "She should either be pissed or begging for it." He thought a bit more and said, "You know what would be cool, sis, if you were to just get yourself off standing there while I watch. How do you normally do it?"

Karen smiled slowly. "Well, I have a little friend to help me. Would you like to see it?"

"Sure, sis, you can tell me all your secrets."