The OF Girl Ch. 021-030


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"Hey, um, any chance you... would actually help me pick out my outfit?"

Sabrina snorted. "Yeah, I can do that too."

Back in the office you were all settled into your work again when Eric messaged you over the Slack. 'Yo.'

You looked over and he was staring hard at his laptop screen. Frowning, you messaged back. 'What's up?'

'Do you think I should ask Gemma out?'

Oh, god. How were you supposed to answer this? You could tell him yes to watch him crash and burn, or you could tell him no and then, if things went well between you and Gemma, he could get mad. You decided that today was a good day, and you didn't want to risk karma taking it out on you later. 'Probably not. I have a date with her tonight.'

"What?" Eric blurted out.

"Something wrong?" Sabrina asked.; We were all staring at him.

"Oh, uh, nothing," Eric said. "I just... lost some work I didn't get to save."

"Bummer," Gemma said, and went back to her highlighting.

'When did this happen??!? Why didn't you tell me???!!'

You sighed and shook your head. 'Literally 4 hours ago. We've been in this room since then.'

'Dude. Nice. Get a pic of them titties for me.'

'Eric, this is the Slack chat.'

'O, fuk.'

You were fairly certain Eric spent the rest of the day trying to google ways to delete Slack chat comments.

Chapter 28

The last hour of the day absolutely dragged by. You weren't sure what you were more excited for, your date with Gemma or your... not-a-date? What did you even call your plans with Sabrina? Just 'plans?'

Suffice it to say, you got very little done. And then the day ended pretty much like any other - you all packed up your things and started filing out of the office all at the same time. Waiting at the elevator, Gemma snuck you a little smile and a wink, but that was all you could do without tipping off Erc and Andy.

"Well, see you all tomorrow," Sabrina said at the door. We all mumbled back our agreements, and went our separate ways to various nearby public transit - except for Andy, whose parents had gotten him a one-bedroom apartment for the summer right in downtown, just two blocks from the office. Which was yet another appalling detail of his constant lateness.

The bus ride was packed, but you managed to get a seat and immediately started annoying the people around you with your nervous leg bouncing.

It took about thirty minutes of transit and walking to get to your apartment, and when you walked in you found your roommate Mosche was sitting in front of the TV in nothing but his boxers, an open jar of peanut butter balanced on his stomach, a spook hanging from his mouth, and porn on the big screen set to some trap beat.

"Oh, shit!" he said, scrambling to cover the fact that he'd been clearly tenting his boxers while also trying to stop his airplay from his phone. The jar of peanut butter went tumbling away from him and rolled to a stop at your feet.

"Dude, what the fuck!?" you said.

"Why are you home so early? You're not usually home this early," Mosche shouted. He'd gotten a pillow over his crotch but was fumbling with his phone, turning up the music by accident before finally getting it stopped.

"Dude, it's after 5:30, I'm always home at this time. What the fuck? Why are you doing this out here?" At the moment you weren't feeling inclined to mention that you'd jerked off in that same seat last night, but you'd known Mosche wouldn't be back.

Maybe I should stop making assumptions like that, you thought to yourself.

"Oh, fuck, I lost track of time. I was- This chick was talking to me last night about tantric sex stuff, and said I should try it, and I was like 'If I figure it out we should do it together' and she was like 'If you figure it out we can fuck all weekend, literally' and so... that's what I've been doing today?"

You really didn't know what to say to all of that. "Mosche, I- just... I've got someone coming over in thirty minutes, OK? Just get yourself cleaned up. We'll probably be in my room for a bit, but dear god just put some fucking clothes on?"

"Yeah, sure, yeah," Mosche nodded. "Wait, is it a girl?"

You closed your eyes and took in a breath. "Yes, it's a girl."

"Do you think she knows anything about tantric sex? I'm really not figuring this out."

"Watch a fucking youtube video or something, Mosche! I swear, if you bring up tantric sex to Sabrina I will heckle the shit out of you every comedy night you do for the rest of the summer."

Mosche held up his hands in surrender. "Fine, fine! It was just a question."

"Fuck, dude," you said, shaking your head and heading to your room.

You quickly changed out of your work clothes and into some baggy athletic shorts and a t-shirt, then re-thought things and grabbed a fast shower. By the time you were back out and dressed again, it was almost 6pm. You grabbed your phone and realized you'd missed texts from Sabrina.

'OMW. I'm bringing dinner, what do you want?'

'John what do u want to eat?'

'A girl coming to give you blowjob is offering to bring you food as well, and you ignore her?'

'KK, chicken nuggies from McD's it is.'

"Shit," you sighed, and quickly typed. 'Sorry, was in shower. Nuggets are more than fine if you already have them.'

She replied by sending you back a photo, her face scrunched up looking silly next to a bag of McDonald's. In the background it looked like she was in a car.

You took what time you had left to quickly clean your room - aka shoving your dirty laundry into the hamper instead of the floor of your closet, emptying your garbage can (mostly to hide the amount of dirty kleenex in there), and spraying Febreeze liberally over... well, over everything. You were just making your bed when there was a knock out at the door to the apartment.

"I got it," Mosche yelled to you.

"No, I got it!" you said, rushing out.

Mosche was already opening the door, thankfully wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt now, to reveal a big, burly guy stuffed into a delivery driver uniform from a local pizza place. Sabrina leaned from behind him and waved. "Hey, we got here at the same time," she said. "You should have told me you ordered pizza."

"Oh, that's mine," Mosche said. He stepped out into the hall to deal with the delivery guy, and you invited Sabrina in.

"I didn't even know he ordered it," you said. "And believe me, there's probably enough garlic and anchovies on there you probably don't want to be around when he opens the box. Come on."

You led Sabrina around to your room, and she handed you the bag of McDonald's and you sat it on the bed. "Hey," you said, finally breaking into a smile.

"Hey," she said, and came in for a hug. She was wearing a pair of preppy jean booty shorts that hugged her tight body, and a summery tank top that showed the outline of her bra, along with flip flops, and your sunglasses perched on top of her head.

When you separated from the hug, she held your arms and looked you up and down. "Well, at least you smell good, but please tell me this isn't your date outfit?"

"No, god no," you said. "I figured you'd want to start from scratch."

"Very, very true," Sabrina grinned. "How about you break out the nuggies and sauce, and I'll start browsing what we have to work with?" She turned to your closet and immediately began flipping through your shirts.

"Sure, yeah," you said, sitting on the bed.

You'd kind of been expecting the blowjob to come first, but food was good, too.

Chapter 29

Five minutes later and half of your closet was out and scattered across your room. Sabrina had connected your wireless speaker and was playing a song that had a kind of dark, electronic edge and a crooning voice singing about a sort of vaguely sexual encounter. Or maybe it was a breakup? It was hard to keep track as you were also trying to follow what Sabrina was saying.

"This one has potential," she said. She'd had you stand and was holding shirts up to you, then tossing them in a Maybe pile and a No pile. "This one, definitely not."

"Oh, it's not that bad," you said. She'd held up a black t-shirt with a big, old-school Marvel print on it. "I mean, it's not a date shirt, but you just scoffed like it's garbage."

"John, look at me," she said, putting a hand on your shoulder and looking up into your eyes. "Listen to me carefully. If you want to fuck, you need Gemma to see you as the catch you can be. A superhero shirt doesn't exactly scream 'I'm the guy your pussy wants.'"

You thought about arguing with her for a second, then just decided it wasn't worth it. "Alright," you said.

"Good," she nodded. "Now nugget me," and she opened her mouth, her hands still full of your clothes. You held up another chicken nugget and she took a bite of it, scrunching up her nose and growling like she was an animal tearing into its prey. "Grrrr."

"Nice," you snorted.

She pursed her lips as she chewed, making a face. "I am woman, hear me roar."

The fashion teardown finally came to an end once Sabrina had narrowed your entire wardrobe down to two shirts and two different pants. "You said it was an arcade bar, right? Like with pinball machines and stuff?"

"Yeah, exactly," I said. I'd finished stuffing my own face with the nuggets as well, and was wiping my mouth with the McDonald's napkin. "She seemed interested."

"Mmm, maybe," Sabrina said, "Or Gemma was just humouring you. Hard to know, I don't actually know all that much about what she does in her off time. Maybe she's a secret nerd or something. Anyways, these pants for sure. I'm still not sure about the shirt."

"Anything I can do to help?" you asked.

"Actually, there is," Sabrina said, and then she picked up all of the clothes she'd thrown on your bed and tossed them into one big pile up near the head. She got up on the now-cleared space and sat on her knees. "Come here."

You did, standing in front of her. Sabrina looked up at you and cocked her head, then reached up and ran her fingers through your hair. "We're going to need to do something with this, too," she said.

"As you wish," you said. This whole thing felt sort of surreal, one hot chick helping you get ready to go on a date with another.

"See, that's part of what I like about you, John," Sabrina said. "Sometimes you stand up for yourself or take the initiative, and you know when to get out of your own way and let a woman teach you a thing or two."

"Oh, I'm allowed to take what I want sometimes?" you said with a smirk.

"Well yeah," Sabrina said, and licked her lips. "That's how you ended up with two fingers stretching my pussy in the copy room."

You took her chin in your hand, your finger and thumb split and running up either side of her jaw, and leaned down and kissed her. Now, you'd kissed Sabrina before. This was the first time you were really taking the kiss though, and she eagerly came up to meet you. She sucked in a breath through her nose as your lips met, and you pushed your tongue into her mouth and she hummed in appreciation.

Sabrina reached for your waist, her hand quickly pushing past your shorts and down to your cock, while you used the hand not on her jaw to palm her small tit through her shirt and bra. Inside your shorts she wrapped her small fingers around your quickly hardening cock and gave you a couple of tugs.

Your kiss ended, but as you started to pull away she licked your lips again. Her eyes, big and mesmerizing, looked at you with want.

"No sex tonight," Sabrina said.

"Not even if I take it?" you asked.

She shook her head. "I know you won't, because I'm saying no," she said.

"Why?" you asked, breathing deeply through your nose as she thrust your shorts down to your ankles and took your cock in both hands, slowly jerking you.

"Because, daddy," Sabrina said, smirking at the nickname. "Tonight you're going to go out with Gemma, and it wouldn't be fair to her. Your night with her should be special for both of you."

"Sabrina, I really doubt even if the date goes super well that Gemma is going to just have sex with me this fast. Not even you went that fast."

"Fair," Sabrina said. "But she still can't smell pussy on you if she gives you a blowjob or something. So that means you just get my pretty little mouth tonight."

She leaned forward and kissed the head of my now raging hard cock with the lightest feather of a kiss, and looked up to me again. "Got it, daddy?"

Chapter 30

"As you wish," you said, once again quoting the Princess Bride to her without Sabrina seeming to realize it.

"Good daddy," she smirked, then leaned forward again and took the head of your cock into her mouth as she looked up at you with her big eyes.

"You know, if you keep calling me that, I'm seriously going to give you a spanking until your ass is red," you said.

"Mmm, pwomitheth," she grinned around your cock.

Sabrina went to work on you. Back in the copy room, there had been that thrill of the entire day, and doing it at work, that had been buzzing in your mind. Now you were here, comfortable in your shitty sublease of a room, Mosche somewhere out there in the apartment eating his stinky pizza, and you had all the time in the world to just enjoy it.

The first thing you realized was that Sabrina loved to use her tongue. She rubbed it on the bottom of your head, she trailed it up and down the side of your shaft. She would take little licks, and then she would talk a long lick like she was eating an ice cream cone. You also noticed that she tried her damndest to keep eye contact with you, which was fucking hot at any time of day, but for some reason when she would fumble for just that moment, missing her mouth with your dick and needing to readjust, it was the cutest and sexiest thing.

"You are just a special girl, Sabrina," you moaned.

"Mmm, thank you, baby," she said. "You're pretty special yourself. Have I mentioned I love the taste of your cock?"

"Not today you haven't," you said, though you couldn't remember if she'd said it to you yesterday or not.

"Well, maybe I'll have to remind you every day," she said, before taking you halfway into her mouth again and sucking you like a straw. "Mmmm, your precum is perfect," she hummed once she released you again.

"You really like it that much?" you asked.

"Mhmm," she nodded, holding your dick with one hand and giving you this innocent, earnest look.

"Do you have a cum fetish?" you asked.

"Not really," she said. "I mean, I've had sex and all, but I've never really explored stuff like that."

"Where have you had cum on you before, then?" you asked. "I want to cum somewhere you haven't had it before. We can see how it makes you feel."

"Um, well in my mouth obviously. And once on my face, but my boyfriend shot small loads so it wasn't much," she said. "And on my ass a bunch when he'd pull out after doggie. Any time we fucked doggie style he'd cum really quick."

"That it?" you asked.

"Mhmm," she hummed again. She hadn't stopped playing with and teasing you while you talked.

"Take off your shirt and bra," you told her.

She did it without question. Sabrina pulled her shirt up from the waist, pulling it right over her head, and then undid her bra and set both garments aside.

"Fuck, Sabrina," you groaned, and leaned down and immediately took one of her small tits in your mouth, mauling the other one in your hand as you held her still at her bare waist. Her nipple was already firmed up and you played your tongue over it, sucking hard.

"Oh, John. Fuck, yes, do it like that," she moaned. "Fuck, no one's been that hard on my tits before and it feels so fucking... huuuh, that's good."

You switched tits, sucking on the other and pinched the nipple you had just left in between your fingers. You took your time, enjoying her small tits and smooth skin and just the smell of her as she ran her fingers through your hair and crooned wordlessly.

Eventually, you pulled away and stood back up, looking down at her as she cupped her tits, feeling her roughly treated nipples. "Back in your mouth now," you told her, and she leaned forward and took your direction. "Fuck yes, Sabrina. I'm going to come on your tits. I'm going to spray my hot cum all over them."

"Mmm," she hummed, and reached up and started hacking you off as she sucked hard on your head. Always with her eyes up to watch you.

"Is that what you want? You want me to drain my balls all over you?" you asked. "You're such a slut for my cock, Sabrina. Yesterday you showed me everything in a public restaurant. Your little tits, you puffy, needy little cunt. Anyone could have seen you, but you did it just to tease me. And then we risked everything because you couldn't wait another second for my cock. At work? Really? Is that how hungry you are for it?"

"Yes," she hissed, jerking you faster and faster as she aimed you down at her chest. "Yes, I want it, John. Fuck, this is so fucking wrong, fucking you. You're not my boyfriend. We've barely even been friends for a month. Before then you were just a boy I saw in my classes. Fuck, my nipples are so fucking hard right now, I'm such a fucking whore thinking about your cock."

"How many people saw you orgasm just to the view of my cock on the video from yesterday, Sabrina?" you asked.

Sabrina bit her lip, looking like you might as well have been fingering her and driving her towards her own orgasm. "Almost fifteen hundred last I checked," she moaned. "Fifteen hundred men and women, who know I'm an absolute slut for your cock, John."

You came, your balls pulling up hard into you and your cock throbbing in her grip. You pulsed half a dozen times, your cum hitting her chest in thick splorts and leaving her looking like a splatter painting.

"Fuck, fuck," you panted, backing away from her a bit when she leaned forward and sucked your cockhead again, pulling the last bit of cum from you.

Sabrina looked up at you, that last string of semen on her tongue as she stuck it out at you, then she swallowed it with this look on her face like she was right on the edge of her own delicious orgasm.

"Shorts and panties off," you ordered her, and just like before Sabrina started to follow your orders, leaning back to sit on her ass and pushing down her jean shorts and thong.


Thanks for reading. Votes are awesome, comments are even better!

If you enjoyed, make sure to catch the rest of the series! It is ongoing and releases will be happening every few days as we catch up to current. I also suggest you check out my 'Technically We're Estranged' series for another Camgirl-related story with lots of teasing.




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Syrbulldog69Syrbulldog696 months ago

Interesting in second person. Detail is hot. Concept is unique. Very entertaining!

wwaldripwwaldrip8 months ago

Really awesome story

DINGDONG33DINGDONG3312 months ago

It has been a while sense I enjoyed a story as much good telling and I like your writing style. I enjoy reading what he is thinking and what she is thinking man is she on the edge? Keep up the good telling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I like the idea of wardrobe consukting turnring into much more. And Moiseh is casual and a back character.

leetmaleetmaover 1 year ago

Really good story so far!

Like the others, I don't care for 2nd person POV and the occasional switch to 1st person is distracting.

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