The Old Way


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Seth thought 'Oh, Shit.' He smiled and held his hand out for his women. He looked at his parents and said, "Yes I did. I rescued both of them from a problem and we fell in love. Of course with the laws as they are I couldn't and didn't legally marry them. We have had a Navajo ceremony and we are married in the old way, the Indian way. These are my wives. We love each other deeply and are building a life here with each other."

"Oh, my," Seth's mother whispered. She and his father were looking around the small homestead. Their eyes slid off the women and took in the outbuildings and the house. Finally Seth's mother sank into a chair on the porch. His father walked up and slowly sat beside her. Seth's mother finally said, "I don't know what to say son. We had hoped and prayed you would find someone out here after the way Patrice treated you but... How could you marry two women? Oh, my."

After the shock wore off Seth, Tasha and Charity herded his parents into their home. They prepared a nice meal and slowly began visiting. Both his parents were impressed with what he and the women had done to the old settlement. They complimented them on the rustic old house and on their use of the small valley for growing their own food.

Seth and the women had purchased a used sleeper sofa for their living room. At bedtime they made it up for his parents to sleep on. At breakfast after the second night sleeping on it Seth's mother looked at him in embarrassment. She said, "Seth didn't you tell me you had lived in the old office the first winter you were here?"

When Seth said he had his mother continued, "Would it be ok if your father and I slept out there from now on? I, uh, WE think maybe it would be better if we were out of the house at night so you could uh be more comfortable when you go to bed..."

Seth looked at his mother in confusion for a moment then the light bulb lit. He felt himself blush and saw Tasha and Charity blush also. Both his women were very vocal when they made love. They had held off the first night but last night he had taken them both and they had screamed out their appreciation.

He guiltily looked at his parents. His father was smirking and winked at him when Seth looked his way. Seth said, "Uh, no, there's no problem if that's what you want to do but you don't have to do that on our account. Is there a problem? Do you want to sleep late or something?"

Now his mother blushed deeper then she said, "No we don't want to sleep late or something. I just thought you might feel a little more comfortable if we weren't in the building at night..."

Seth laughed. His wives were smiling. Seth said, "Ok, Mother. I think I know what you're trying to say. I'm sorry if we were too noisy last night. I'm afraid we follow the old way more than some families do. When we were living with Tasha's grandparents before they went back to the reservation we got used to uh, being with others during special moments. We learned to just ignore and be ignored and I really didn't think about the noise last night. I'm sorry. If you are worried about us, don't. If you don't want to listen to us yes, you may use the old office. It's up to you.

Seth's father grinned and said, "Oh, it doesn't bother me any. In fact I sort of enjoyed myself last night." He looked over at Seth's mother and continued, "I don't mind at all staying here in the living room. I do think we may need to pick up a towel or two before we go to bed tonight though if you don't mind."

Seth's mother blushed deep red and turned her head. She swatted at his father. Finally she turned back to Seth and said, "Ok, I suppose I can live with it if you all can. It will take some getting used to though."

Seth did not go into town the rest of the week to work. He did make two trips to town to purchase items for the now greatly expanded Thanksgiving meal. By the end of Thanksgiving Day not only had his parents came to accept Seth's new living arrangement they had fallen in love with their daughters in law. They treated the two women and their living arrangement with Seth as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

During the week Seth found out his father had finally retired. His last day of work was been the first of November. They were just wandering around the country enjoying themselves for now. After they left Seth's they planned to go to California and the southwest for several weeks. Seth promised they would all go to his parent's home for Christmas.

Things got back to normal the week after Thanksgiving. Seth and the women were still cleaning up the dust and dirt from the mine shaft. They didn't find a lot of color but they found enough to keep working on it. Wednesday evening Seth and Tasha were working on the dirt while Charity prepared supper. Tasha seemed nervous. Finally Seth asked, "What is the matter with you Tasha. You have been nervous the last two days and you're even worse tonight."

Tasha looked up then dropped her gaze once again. Finally she said, "Honey we want some babies. Charity and I want you to make us pregnant so we can have children. I know we have never talked about children but we want some desperately."

Seth stopped working and sat down. He looked over at Tasha who was watching him with a frightened yet pleading look on her face. He said, "I never thought too much about that. I have always wanted children sometime in my life though. Why do you want to start our family now though?"

"I've been thinking about it for several months now but I was just afraid to say anything. If you don't want to do it we can wait longer though."

"No. I think now is as good a time as any. We have some money put away and we have the gold we have hidden if we need more. But I'm warning you. Only one of you can get pregnant at once. You can alternate children if you want but only one at a time gets pregnant. Now how many children were you thinking of?"

"I would like to have at least two of my own. I'm not sure about Charity. You would have to ask her."

The discussion continued through supper. It was agreed that at her next period Tasha would stop taking her pills. About two months before she was due Charity would stop taking her pills so the children would be close together. Both the women wanted two children each.

The closer Christmas got the more Seth dreaded returning to his old home. He looked forward to being with his parents for the holiday but he was not looking forward to seeing some of the people who made him decide to leave. He did want to see a few of his old friends however. His wives could tell something was bothering him.

One evening two days before they left for his parents home Tasha walked up to Seth and sat in his lap. Charity stood near the kitchen sink and watched the proceedings. It was her turn to clean up after the meal but she was obviously paying more attention to Seth and Tasha than she was her job. Tasha leaned down and gave Seth a gentle kiss then said, "OK Honey. We both know something is bothering you. Now please tell us what it is. Is it the children? We don't have to have children now or even ever if you don't want to."

Seth could see moisture in each of his wives eyes. He hugged Tasha tighter then said, "No it's not children. I suppose I am dreading going back home. I want to see my parents and some of my old friends but I am not looking forward to some of the crap I may run into."

"Why? What kind of crap could you run into that would be so bad you don't want to go home for Christmas. I remember how you moped around here last year because you weren't with your family. I would think you would be excited about going home for the holidays."

"Well I am excited about seeing my family. It's some of the other people I might see I dread. You know I told you I broke up with my fiancée two weeks before the wedding and that things kept getting worse until I moved out here about six months later?"

Tasha nodded her head yes. Seth continued, "Well I never told you the whole story. I hoped I could just forget it but if we're going home you'll probably hear some of it from someone so I suppose I should tell you all about the mess I had with Patrice."

Seth leaned back in his chair and pulled Tasha closer to him. This time he told both women how Patrice and Harold tried to force him into a cuckold relationship. He told them what he did to Harold and how little he was punished for breaking into his parent's home. Then he told the women about the lies Patrice and Harold spread around town about him and the fights he got into when he took exception to the hazing and comments made to him. He knew he would end up in jail if he didn't leave or find some way to ignore the comments. Unfortunately, he told the women, the time or two he tried to walk away from confrontations with Harold or some of his and Patrice's friends they continued to push verbally and physically until the confrontation ended in blows.

During his explanation Charity walked up and wrapped her arms around Seth and Tasha. Seth was upset remembering all the old pain and confrontation. Tasha and Charity were upset because of the way Seth was treated by Patrice and some of the people he considered friends. Tasha said, "That's horrible! That bitch never did love you did she? All she wanted was you to work and support her and that Harold guy. It sounds like he got off on bullying people. I'm so sorry Honey." Tasha leaned down and gave Seth another gentle kiss. He felt Charity kissing his cheek.

Seth and his ladies arrived in his old home town four days before Christmas. He didn't go out of his way to make his presence known but he didn't hide either. He did get in contact with his two best friends. They visited before the holidays. Somehow he let his friends and his wives talk him into going to one of the New Years dances. He was sorry he did so even before the dance but they wouldn't let him back out.

Seth was up front to all his old acquaintances about his relationship with the women. At first they were shocked but when they saw the obvious love they all had for each other they accepted the relationship. He told everyone he was married to Tasha and they had accepted Charity as their concubine under the old Navajo ways. He further explained what that meant was for all intents and purposes he had two wives, just not legally under federal and state laws. He wanted to make sure no one tried to accuse him of bigamy.

Naturally half way through the party on New Year's Eve Seth saw Patrice, Harold and some of their asshole cuckold friends. He watched them and became almost physically ill. The two of Patrice's friends who he knew were married were all over large well built men. Their husbands were fetching and carrying all evening and acting subservient to their wives and their wives Bulls. Patrice and Harold seemed to have a man serving the same function for them although Seth didn't know if Patrice was married to him or not.

About 2330 Harold and Patrice finally saw Seth. They watched him dancing with each of his wives. He happened to see their eyes narrow when during one dance both of his wives were on the dance floor with him at the same time. Finally Harold said something to Patrice and sauntered arrogantly onto the dance floor.

Harold walked up and insinuated himself into the three person dance group. He tried to force Seth out. Seth moved between Harold and the women once again. He said, "Harold you need to move on please. We don't want any trouble here."

This time Harold pushed Seth back and said, "Move on boy. I'm dancing with these women. You keep interfering with me and you'll have more trouble than you can handle boy."

Seth grabbed Harold's arm and jerked him away. Harold's face became very red. It was twisted in anger. About then the two other Bulls at their table grabbed Seth's arms and pulled him back from Harold. One of them said, "We'll just hold onto cuck boy here Harold. You go on and do your thing."

By now many of the people around had stopped dancing and were watching the altercation. Harold smiled and turned back to Seth's women. Just before he turned back he said, "Fine. If he wants to do this the hard way we can. You all just hold onto him to keep him from hurting himself."

This time Harold reached out and tried to pull Tasha up against his body. Tasha reached into the pocket on her southwest peasant style skirt. When she pulled her hand out there was a flash of something bright then Harold let out a blood curdling scream. This time it was Tasha who was holding onto Harold. She was pressing her little 3" bladed knife lightly into his crotch. She hissed loudly enough to be heard over the dance area and first row of tables, "You get your hands off me asshole and make sure your slimy friends let my husband go too. If you don't do what I say you'll never stick that cock into another pussy as long as you live. If you move I'll slice that little piece of meat completely off."

There were tears in Harold's eyes. He looked down at the small knife sticking in his crotch. There appeared to be a small spot of blood coloring his trousers now. Tasha's black eyes had a cold deadly look to them. She continued talking, "While we're waiting here why don't you tell these fine people what you were trying to do to me tonight. While you're at it tell them about all the lies you and your friends told about my husband before he left town? You keep messing with me and my husband and what he did to you three years ago will look like kindergarten play."

Harold was shaking from fear. His knees were weak. He almost collapsed but forced himself to stand when he felt the little knife press deeper into his crotch. The added pain and surge of fear almost paralyzed him. All at once his crotch became very wet. He had actually pissed himself from fear and pain. Seth took the opportunity to break away from the two men holding him when they stared at the blood and piss in Harold's crotch. All the hard work Seth had been doing paid off there. After he broke their holds on him Seth stepped back slightly. The two men turned with him and began to reach for him once again. Their faces were distorted with anger. It was apparent they hated to be thwarted.

The man who had spoken to Harold previously said, "You and the little bitches are going to regret this cuck boy. You've messed with us for the last time." The two stepped toward Seth and both raised their fists. Seth quickly stepped to the side and slammed his foot into the side of loudmouth's knee as hard as he could. There was an audible crack. The large man screamed and dropped to the floor. His hands were already cradling his injured knee. Seth instantly turned on the other approaching man and slammed his left fist into his stomach. When he bent over Seth whipped an upper cut to his chin. Another loud crack and he too collapsed onto the floor.

Patrice and her two friends rushed up to the altercation. The friends were on their knees beside their Bulls crying. Patrice was dancing back and forth in fear and anger. Her eyes were fixed on Harold who was barely standing albeit he was very, very still. Tasha looked at the two for a moment then slowly pulled her knife from Harold's crotch. When it was disengaged from his flesh she flicked her wrist and sliced his pants open. He moaned and collapsed onto the floor. Patrice knelt beside him and wrapped him in her arms. She glared up at Seth and Tasha. The two wimpy husbands were dancing around the edges of the altercation not knowing what their mistresses and Bulls wanted them to do. Finally one of them ran to the table and brought back a wet napkin that he handed to Patrice for Harold.

The other cuck stood watching. He looked at the man whose knee Seth had broken and began to smile. He walked up to him and slammed his foot into his crotch then turned and walked off. His wife looked shocked then turned and screamed, "You get your ass back here right now Samuel Wells. You are SO going to pay for that you little asshole."

The man never turned his head. He merely held his arm up with the middle finger extended from his closed fist.

Much to Seth's surprise when the police arrived neither he nor Tasha was arrested. Surprisingly enough witnesses told the police Harold had instigated the fracas that they let them go. It was actually Harold and his two friends that were arrested. As they were leading the three men out Patrice stood and glared at Seth. She hissed, "You Son of a Bitch!" Patrice then stalked out of the dance hall following her man.

Seth and the women returned home on the third of January. He and Tasha continued to work on getting her pregnant until one day she came happily out of the bathroom with a large smile and nothing else on. She was carrying a pregnancy test showing positive.

Over the course of the next five years the women had their children. Each had one boy and one girl. They continued to live in the old mining settlement. They enlarged the old log house adding two more bedrooms, one for boys, and one for girls. They expanded their small cattle herd and enlarged their chicken flock and garden to feed the growing family.

When the owner of the garage decided to retire Seth purchased it so he would have a steady income and job. They mined ore from the old mine until the youngest child was almost 7 years old. Finally they came to the end of the easily available ore and decided to stop. Over the course of the years they took over $450,000 in ore from the old mine. They still had $237,000 in the bank saved for emergencies.

Life was good. Love was strong in Seth's nontraditional family. They lived following the old ways. They stood by, loved and protected their chosen spouse. They lived simply but well. Their children grew up healthy and strong. They were well versed in knowledge and practices from the old way also for after the first child was born Gramps and Granny returned to live in the old office. They cared for the children and taught them of their Navajo heritage. Later Seth and his parents fixed up one of the other small buildings for them to use during the summer so the children learned what their white grandparents had to teach also.

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Schwanze1Schwanze14 months ago

Read again. One of my favorites. Feel free to add chapter 2

SlithyToveSlithyTove9 months ago

The whole cuck beginning and "climax" was just plain silly and a pointless distraction from what was an otherwise interesting and well-done tale.

Ocker53Ocker5311 months ago

Well worth the read⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

NitpicNitpic12 months ago

Very good story

Aussie1951Aussie1951about 1 year ago
Loved it

But I thought the ending finished too abruptly though. Plus how ironic that it was his wife that got revenge for him at the end but I still thought Harold got off to lightly for what he did. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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