The Other Emma


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"Huh?" I was too distracted to answer better.

"Well, maybe you'll last for a minute now," Emma went on. "And I gotta get you wet enough somehow."

Emma leaned up, although it took some effort after the lashing I gave her. Yet she made herself sit up, and I finished rolling my eyes just in time to see her grasp my cock. Before I did anything else, she had it in her mouth.

Her tongue made a show of lathering my head, followed by my underside. She popped off and licked her lips, smiling and looking up in a way that almost made my knees buckle. Fortunately, they stayed upright so she could take me back in, with her wet lips lubing up the rest of my shaft.

Now it was my turn to be at the mercy of Emma's mouth, and exhale rapidly as a result. She was probably right -- if this happened a few minutes ago, I might have lost it already. Even now, it was quite an ordeal, considering all those times I imagined this in the past -- and how I didn't come close to picturing the real thing.

Emma's eyes almost twinkled with naughtiness, more than even I could have figured. She hummed on my head, exposing how limited I was in imagining sounds. And while I always saw myself running my hand through her red hair as she blew me, blonde didn't feel so bad.

"Okay, that should do it," Emma disappointed me when she came off. Pecking my head helped a little, until she got on her feet. But when she took my wrist, turned around and led me to the bedroom, I did feel better.

We both only had our shirts on, although there could have been a bra under hers, for all I knew. My eyes roamed up her perfect legs and ass before stopping at the bottom of her shirt, then I decided to take a peek. But I only lifted it up halfway until Emma turned around.

Without a word, she took her own shirt off, showing she did have a green bra on. Clad in only that, she went onto the bed and laid on her back, in a clear invitation. Taking it -- while forgetting to take my own shirt off too -- I put myself on top of her, laid my right hand on her upper back, and lined my semi-wet cock up with her wet pussy.

Once the head went in, my head buried itself in her neck, if only to keep some control. I couldn't help but kiss her there, though, which fueled me to push in further.

Before I went deeper, I felt Emma's legs wrap around me. Her hand also went on the back of my head, sinking it deeper into her neck.

At that moment, I was buried and engulfed by all things Emma. Although every part of me yearned and burned to move inside her, I still felt too intoxicated to budge. It was kind of silly, since I was the one supposed to comfort her, and it almost felt like the other way around.

However, a shift of Emma's hips caused me to get moving again, without even thinking. She embraced me harder as we started moving, so I finally took my head off her.

I looked down at her, seeing her burn with desire too -- yet one shift from me made her gasp and give a goofy chuckle. That reminder of her being both goofy and a gorgeous vixen, even now....well, that did even more things to me.

Like I would with my Emma, I leaned down and kissed this one slowly and softly, while my hips went much faster. Her hips sped up too, despite how her lips went slow and steady as well. I moaned in her mouth as our tongues met, while my left hand moved down to hold her soft, firm hip.

As my more uncontrollable desire took over, I suddenly rolled onto my back and took Emma with me. "Stay still," I gasped out once our lips broke, pumping my hips up instead of letting her ride me. As I did that, I had room to run my hands up and down her flawless body.

I grabbed a handful of her scrumptious ass for starters, while my cock went faster below. I followed by rubbing up and down her sleek waist, until my right hand landed on her bra cup. As I got my first handful of her clothed breast, my left hand went between our crotches.

Emma's breathing got louder and hotter, all as her hand tried to go up my shirt. Remembering that was still on, I had her sit up as I got it off, only to see her lean back down and start kissing. Soon, she was devouring my neck like I did to hers.

"Oh, Jesus...." were the only fitting words I had. "You really wanted this, huh?"

"Uh huh," Emma muffled into my neck.

"Well, what do you want now?" I gasped. "I told you to tell me everything...." Right on cue, she lifted her head up to tell me and more.

"I want to cum all over your cock this time. Then I want to taste your cum and mine at the same time. Is that enough for ya?" Emma inquired.

Her words and voice couldn't be topped, so all I could really do was nod -- and sit up to put her on my lap too.

After Emma settled on my lap, her legs wrapped around me as my left hand went between our bodies again. I teased her pussy while fucking it, all as my mouth went down to the exposed sides of her breasts. I nibbled the small but noticeable flesh, even going down to lick and tease the center of her cups.

To finally get it out of the way, I reached over with both hands to unhook that pesky bra. Emma rode me harder, making up for the absence of my finger. Yet it promptly returned when I unhooked her last bit of clothing.

My teeth immediately dove for her exposed right nipple when the bra slipped off. I shook my head up and down, jiggling her tit with my teeth. In response, Emma slammed her hips harder and deeper on mine, sounding quite close.

In fact, she was the one taking control of this whole thing by now. My thighs couldn't keep up as hers grinded and pounded on me. If I tried to match it, I'd probably cum too early, so my finger did much of my own work. But hers was working just fine, it seemed.

From the feel and sound of it, it was officially working right now.

The force of her second orgasm made me lean back on the bed, trying to prolong my first a while longer. Emma merely laid on me, catching her breath and her mind, as I struggled not to hurry her along. I was holding myself in so she'd get what she wanted, so I hoped she appreciated that.

10 torturous seconds later, she showed her appreciation, as she promised.

Emma took herself off me and crawled down to my crotch. Or mainly, my wet, barely under control cock. It wouldn't take long for her to finish me -- she would probably still taste her cum just as mine came out.

After a few suckles, licks and hums, I realized how right I was.

In pure bliss, I laid my head down and turned it as I felt myself cumming.

Turned it just enough to see Emma Watson standing near the bed.

I was too frozen in place to react, both from shock and my explosive orgasm. I still felt Emma swallowing and licking me, so she either didn't notice my girlfriend or didn't care. Unfortunately, I noticed enough for the both of us.

The shock kept me from moving an inch, and from actually noticing how my Emma looked. My rational mind somehow chimed in, reminding me the other Emma all but said mine wanted me to do this. Of course, giving permission for it and actually seeing it happen were two different things -- with potentially different and violent outcomes.

Yet my Emma wasn't moving either. However, the one that swallowed my cum came off me, before I heard her gasp. "Emma! You, made it...." I heard Emma Stone say, although Emma Watson had my full attention.

"How long were you...." I made myself rip the band aid off.

"I snuck in before her line about tasting your cum. I knew you'd never notice me while she was talking like that," Emma answered.

"Oh God...." I groaned, resigned to paying the price for this now.

"Come on, she did tell you I approved, right?" my Emma reminded.

"Yeah, makes no sense," I still couldn't escape. "Are you tired of me? Were you testing me? What was this?"

"Emma wanted someone to desire her again. I knew you did already, so there you go," Emma W shrugged. "I knew you'd give her a jolly good show, and it certainly looked like I was right. But I knew you still....cared about me enough to want me more anyway. Even after this," she predicted.

"I wouldn't have done this with anyone else. Not even her. Not if you hadn't...." I tried to explain.

"I know. And I know you're still enough of a gentleman to feel guilty anyway. No matter how hot she made you. And no matter how hot you made her," Emma laid out as she walked over to the bed, and to me.

"If you could do all that for her, despite being with me....then I wonder...." Emma questioned, almost teasingly. "What would you do to thank me?"

It was worth noting, if I hadn't already, that Emma was still wearing the white dress with black stripes from last night. Except now she was finally unzipping it. And finally showing the lacy black bra/underwear set underneath as well.

When she got the dress completely off, I forgot all about the other Emma. I forgot that I should have been drained from her already.

This one still needed everything I had left. The more I looked at her, the more I realized I still had a good deal to go.

To prove it, I took her by the wrist and got her into the bed with me. Once she finished giggling, I got her on her back, pressing my naked body on top of her mostly naked, even softer and sexier form. I was especially taken by her bra covered breasts pressing up into my chest -- until I wanted them to push against something else.

I slid down and instantly took a hold of Emma's breasts, licking across her bra and cleavage. It was the one and only area where this Emma clearly overshadowed the other one. Impatient to fully expose how much, I pushed her bra cups down below her nipples, then feasted on them while trying to unhook everything.

Eventually, I got it down pat and slid the rest of her bra away, then feasted on the rest of her chest. Emma gasped and pushed it up, clearly as hungry as me.

She knew how riled up I would be with Emma 2 -- she saw much of it. She probably got pretty riled up from it herself. And she knew I would want to give her a bigger show, so she'd truly know I only wanted her from now on. After what she saw, she would be really starving for it too.

Emma Watson was a devious little blighter. Like I should have doubted that after last night.

But she was my devious blighter. Only mine. So if she wanted a show to prove it.... "She drained me," I muttered between Emma's tits. "I need to be on my back. Till I feel really ready."

With that fair warning, I rolled over and put Emma on top of me. "Still hungry, though," I further hinted to her. Still, I rested my hands on her panties for an extra message.

Emma took it and got off the bed, standing in front of me as she slid her underwear down. The way she wiggled and the way she looked so....completely certainly sped up my recovery. But if I had to pretend I was still drained....

A totally nude Emma straddled me, resting her ass in front of my genitals. Despite how I knew that would help me, I still gestured for Emma to get closer. Soon enough, her pussy was hovering in front of my face, as I leaned in and grabbed her ass at the same time.

I cupped my hands under her cheeks, pushing them up while my tongue pushed into her pussy. I lapped her up and down, side to side, and even horizontally for a time. Soon after adding my teeth, I burrowed my tongue deeper and tried to hum on her to sooth her.

Emma's hums got louder in turn, as she also pushed her hips forward on my face. My hands helped push them as well, though my face wasn't going anywhere. Neither were my tongue or teeth.

However, they soon did such a good job that Emma couldn't keep her balance. After I got my tongue particularly deep, she thrust forward and began to fall. Fortunately, she landed safely and got herself on all fours, without hurting me.

Emma's pussy was over my head again -- but despite the view, it still wasn't the best one. Before she thought of getting into another position, I changed mine. Soon, I was on my knees behind her and resumed eating her from there.

My hands returned to her hips and ass, getting an even better grip on them. Plus I could actually see all the full, curved, gorgeous shapes they were making. I liked seeing them so much, I wound up gliding my tongue down her right hip, as my fingers took over inside her.

After nipping her right cheek and curling my left fingers, I changed up and nipped her left cheek while putting my right fingers in. They fucked her harder while my tongue went to her left hip, all as my left hand rubbed the top of her silky leg.

"Oh, fucking bloody hell...." Emma praised, arching her ass out higher. My fingers arched right back before my tongue joined back in next to them. "Oh, fill me up with everything!" Emma called out, making me remember there was still one part missing.

From the looks of it, it was ready a lot faster than I thought.

Getting up off the bed myself, I stood next to the left of the bed and merely gestured to Emma to back up. She walked backwards on all fours to the edge of the bed, as I couldn't decide whether to stare at her ass or face. I settled on her face when I pushed myself in, then dropped to her ass as it jiggled and slammed onto my hips.

I didn't know if it would take a really long time to get on the brink again. However, I was more confident the more Emma fucked herself on me. When I grabbed her hips and pushed forward just as rough, I was pretty certain.

"Oh God, fuck yes," Emma babbled. "All better now, huh?"

"Clearly," I agreed, pounding her deeper as another answer.

"This what you want?" Emma asked, looking back at me and licking her lips. "This all you need?"

"Yeah...." I groaned out, needing to catch my breath by now. But when I slowed down and got my head on straight, I really started thinking about it all.

Emma couldn't have asked me that question lightly. She must have really needed to know if she was all I needed. Even after getting with my other long time, now single, celebrity crush. One I'd crushed on longer than my current girlfriend -- and one who'd just seen her stable relationship crumble.

If it could happen to that seemingly happy, bright, bubbly Emma, and make her do what she did last night -- and need what I gave her today -- then what could it do to my bright, bubbly Emma if I....

Maybe she really did need to test me out. And if I failed, at least she'd know now rather than later. And at least she'd have gone all out to be absolutely sure first.

Maybe these were just my own paranoid thoughts during sex. Maybe she wasn't really thinking that stuff at all. Maybe she just wanted a kinky semi-threesome with a vulnerable semi-friend.

But if there was a chance I was right, it was my job to take care of it. A job she had to be sure I still wanted. Or at least more sure.

Knowing that, I brought myself to stop and slide out of her. Before Emma questioned it, I started trying to get her back on her back. Not seeing anything suspicious about it, Emma laid down and got herself on the middle of the bed, waiting for me to join her.

I did join her momentarily, and I did insert myself back in right away. Instead of pounding her like before, however, I slowed down and started kissing her face.

"This is all I need," I said more clearly. "This is way more than enough." Emma had nothing to say, making no gestures to show if she really believed it, or needed to. Nevertheless, I wouldn't be deterred.

I kissed down her cheek, propping my elbows up next to each side of her face. My hands went into her hair, keeping me steady while I pumped her slow down below. As my mouth reached her neck, I stared up into her eyes, conveying the rest of what I was saying.

Given how easy it was to get lost in Emma's endless eyes, I imagined I was saying a lot. Soon, they began to speak reassuring things to me as well. Yet I still kept drowning myself in them as I kissed across her neck, to the other side of her perfect face.

Emma tilted her head over, giving me a brief kiss back. She pecked me again, briefly engulfing my bottom lips with hers, then smiled her best sinful smile against it. "So, you really can't get enough of this, eh?" she asked quietly.

"Not really," I responded.

"Or this?" Emma asked, nibbling my lips and teasingly sliding her tongue past them.

"Uh uh. Like you can't get enough of this," I proposed back, going over to suckle her right ear the way she liked.

"Oh got me there," Emma conceded. "Like I've got you here," she came back, running her hands over my ass and putting the right one on my balls. She tickled them enough to make me really work on her ear, which made her hand keep going too -- a nice little vicious cycle.

When we were finished, I went back to peck her lips, right before I slammed my cock all the way in. "'re glad I keep coming back to do that," I challenged.

"No more than you love this," she rose up -- although she took her hips down and completely off my cock. Until she lined back up and took me all the way back in, tightening around me as her pussy lips smothered my shaft.

"Actually, we both love that," Emma corrected, speaking against my lips as her lower ones worked me over. "Sliding up and down that hard, talented cock....getting it nice and full to fill me up even more...."

"I do love filling you up. When you're protected," I quickly clarified. She nodded to assure me she was this time too. "Then I think I can do what I love soon."

"Mmmm, you go ahead whenever you want," Emma cooed. "I'm already nice, hot and wet enough," she mumbled on my mouth.

"Yes, you are...." I agreed. "But you could stand to be hotter and wetter."

"And you're the one to do that?" Emma challenged. "You want to give it a shot?"

"Always," I let out, going faster and harder to cancel out the sappiness.

"Oh, okay....if you have enough hot, wet cum for me, then hand it over," Emma smirked, nibbling my lip again.

"If your hot little pussy can get it out, I will," I shot back, teasing her mouth with my tongue.

"Oh, it'll get it out....make it spray all over me," Emma gasped as our hips and mouths collided faster.

"I want it to....I want it all," I admitted, my hands holding tight to her head and hair.

"You've got take it. Oh God, fuck it out of me," Emma gritted her teeth.

"You first," I dared -- a dare she readily took as her hips pumped me down below.

"Fuck me deep, I will," Emma moaned. "Just fuck me either way...."

Without any more words, I did. We uttered more words, of course -- mainly fuck, cum, harder, deep and cum for me. But none of them were in any real run on sentences.

Otherwise, most of our noises were heavy pants, and other lewder things. We did the panting against each other as our heads pressed together. I wanted to see every bit of Emma's reaction as she came, and I supposed she liked seeing mine too.

When I saw the first tell-tale signs on her face -- and felt them too -- it took everything I had to keep watching. Holding back was just....not an option any more.

Somehow, I didn't cum hard enough to have to close my eyes. Even when she came too. Whether it was before, during or after my orgasm, I was in no position to remember.

All I could do was rest on Emma's neck as our bodies slumped, and our breathing slowly returned to normal. My hands stayed on her head as I stroked her hair, while her hands rubbed my back slower and slower. When they rested, none of us moved a limb for a while, although I heard Emma chuckle briefly.

"Bravo, bravo." But that wasn't my Emma chuckling.

"So you're a spy too, yeah?" I heard my Emma ask below me.

"Didn't even put my clothes back on. You made it impossible to look away," Emma Stone responded. "I'm pretty sure I came before you guys did."

"Happy to help," I groaned, trying to get some strength back and let my Emma breathe. I got just enough to roll off her, yet we both stayed on our backs.