The Package

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Shy lady enjoys phone sex.
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The postman dropped the package through my letter box on a Wednesday morning. It had arrived just as Samantha had said it would when we last exchanged emails the day before. I picked it up, checked that the postmark read Ealing Broadway, as Sam had said it would, then dashed upstairs with it.

With trembling fingers I ripped open the plain brown packet and out onto the bedspread fell a see-through plastic bag. Inside was a pair of gleaming red satin panties. They looked exquisite. Also shaken from the package was a small sheet of notepaper.

Eagerly, I picked it up and saw a hand-written note which gave my heart a big thump –herwriting! The note was short, terse and to the point: "Do NOT open the plastic bag until I call you on Saturday. You're on a promise. Luv, Sam."

I placed the plastic bag on the bedside table, stroking the exterior of the package, desperate to rip it open and inhale her glorious aroma, but I obeyed Sam's instructions. Then I held the note close to my nostrils, breathing in deeply, as if the paper itself that she had touched could transfer some of her sexiness to me.

It had been almost a week now, since I came across her site on the internet. Samantha had advertised on one of those "Women seeking women" sites and I had immediately been attracted to her.

Her advert read: "Luscious, lovely lesbian likes licking labia lips. Contact me and we can have some superb phone sex and – who knows? – perhaps even more."

I am 35-years-old, I live in Dover, on the Kent coast, and I am single, unattached, large-breasted and so painfully shy that I find it hard to meet people. But I dashed off an email to Sam within minutes of seeing her message on my screen.

"Hi Sam," I wrote, "my name is Rebecca and I'm 35, an office supervisor and I want to correspond with you. I'm five feet six inches tall, my measurements are 38-26-36 and I'm hugely shy, even - dare I say it? – submissive. Please reply, you sound so nice."

And the emails had flowed. This coming Friday night, Sam, who told me she was a personal trainer, aged 28, with a 39-25-37 figure and what she termed "a hard body" was going to ring me on my mobile and have what she promised would "the most mind-blowing sex you've had in ages". Since I hadn't had any sex for ages, I thought that wouldn't be too difficult, but already my body was tingling in anticipation.

I had taken Wednesday off work, telling my boss I had a migraine headache. I was under strict instructions from Sam not to shower, or bathe from Tuesday night until her call on Friday. "I want you nice and ripe for me, darling," she had said.

The days dragged by until Friday, which dragged dreadfully. Finally, 5.30 ticked up on the clock and I pulled on my coat and rushed out of the office. The girls in accounting tried to get me to go out clubbing with them, but I said "No thanks, I've still got a shocking headache" and I almost ran all the way home.

After a hurried meal of fish and chips, which I grabbed on the way home, I took off my dress and walked around the house in my red silk bra and panties, and high heels. I locked up, checked that all the curtains were drawn and went upstairs and lay on the bed. As per Sam's instructions, the panties package and a glass were sitting on the bedside table, my mobile phone beside them.

At just past 7pm, when I feared that she wasn't going to ring, that this had all been a cruel hoax, my phone rang.

"Hi, this is Rebecca," I said, trying to keep a steady voice and failing miserably.

"Hi Becky, this is Sam," said a cool, sexy, deepish voice. "Are you lying on the bed in your lingerie?"

"Yes, I'm propped up on four pillows and I've got a glass on the bedside table and your panties are still in the bag. I haven't opened it."

"Good, because if you had I'd have to punish you severely. Now, Becky, I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do, but what I do tell you to do will excite and arouse you. OK?"

"Yes, Sam, I do trust you."

"Good, then we'll begin. First, pull the cups of your bra down to reveal your nipples. What colour is your bra, by the way?"

"It's red."

"Great, Ilovered lingerie. Right, get those cups pulled down so I can see your nipples, darling."

"I've done that, Sam. My breasts are hanging over the bottom of the cups now."

"Are your nipples erect, darling?"


"Then using your non-phone hand, start tweaking them, stroking them, get them hard for me. There, that's nice, isn't it?"

"Yes, they're all thick and stiff now, Sam."

"That's a good girl, Becky. Now it's time to open the package, you want to do that, don't you?"

"I've been thinking of nothing since it fell through the letter box. I'm dying to open it, Sam."

"Right, reach over and get the panties out. Put the phone down if you need both hands."

"I can do it with one hand – there, they're out now."

"Right, now Becky whatever you dodon't sniff them yet, understood?"

"I understand, darling."

"Fine – now rub them across your titties, feel the satin stroke your breasts, there's a good girl."

"Oh, that's so lovely, the feel of them – and Sam, I can smell the aroma from here. It's lovely."

"Of course it's lovely, I wore them for four days and I wasn't very careful, if you follow me, so they should be nice and ripe for you, Becky."

"Oh god, they feel so sexy, my nipples are harder than they've ever been."

"Right, now you can place them over your face, carefully. You know where the gusset goes, don't you, Becky?"

"Yes, darling, over my nostrils. Oh shit, they're so heady, they aresoaromatic, they smell so sweet."

"They should, twice I nearly wet myself in them just thinking of you putting them on your face. Stick your tongue out, lick the material, go on!"

"Oh, oh, this is so fucking wonderful – pardon my language. You taste divine, darling Sam."

"Can you smell traces of my urine, Becky? Does it smell good?"

"Your lovely urine, it's great, I can taste it, it's so bloody marvellous."

"Right, now we can move on. Your panties – are they wet?"

"God yes, Sam, they're absolutely sopping. I'm running like a river in flood."

"That's nice, I like that. Well now you can pull the panties down, kick them off, onto the floor. Go on, describe it to me!"

"I've taken off my panties, my pussy is now totally exposed, I shaved this morning, I've only got a little splotch of pubic hair on my mons."

"Lovely. Now, take my panties off your face, slowly, and rub the gusset up and down your minge, freshen my panties up. When you've done that three or four times, put the panties back on your face. Tell me what you're doing, Becky."

"I've got your lovely red panties between my legs now, and I'm rubbing them against my minge. I've got the gusset over my labia, the panties are soaking up my juices, god Sam, it feels great!"

"Right, place them back on your face, tell me how they smell now. Go on!"

"Oh, fucking hell, the smell is sofantastic! The panties smell of me and you now, and it's so erotic, I want to come."

"Not yet, my lovely lady, we've got a long way to go before that happens. Now, lick the gusset again, taste me and you intermingled on my panties. Does it taste good, Becky?"

"Oh fuck, it tastes so – oh, I don't know how to describe it. I've never tasted anything so good. It's better than caviar."

"That's great, I love the way you describe it – 'better than caviar', that's so nice. Now, back to that pussy. Which are your favourite fingers for strumming that sweet-smelling snatch, Becky?"

"I prefer to use my forefinger and my middle finger – sometimes both!"

"Good girl, now with your forefinger place it ever so gently against your anus. Tell me you're doing it."

"Yes, I've put my forefinger there, it's just resting against my arsehole. The palm of my hand is getting wet against my dripping pussy. What next, darling?"

"Push your finger slowly into the hole, just an inch, no more, OK?"

"It's in, just a little. Hell, it feels great, Sam."

"Now a little further, slowly now!"

"Yes, I'm almost half way up my finger now. Can I push it all the way?"

"No Becky, now you take it out and smell it. Go on, do it!"

"Oh my god, it smells sort of musky. What next, Sam?"

"Suck your finger, slowly, savour it!"

"Oh it's so yummy. I like it!"

"Now put your forefinger back into your anus, gently, slowly. Is it back in there, Becky?"

"Yes, half of my finger's up there."

"Right, now push it all the way in, all the way up to the knuckle, but slowly, don't do it fast."

"I've done it, it's amazing, it feels as if it's filling me up but it's only my little forefinger."

"Now take it out again, smell it, smell it with big, strong inhalations. Then taste it again. Go on, do it!"

"I did Sam, it tasted wonderful, strong, but lovely."

"Now put your forefinger back on your anus, then stroke it slowly up to your cunt. Is your cunt wet, Becky?"

"It's dripping like a tap, Sam. Fuck, it's so wet!"

"Now push your forefinger up your cunt, all the way up, then pull it out, slowly, and now push your forefinger and your middle finger – both of them – up your cunt, as far as you can get them. Do it!"

"I'm doing it, I'm sliding them up there – oh it's so smooth, so slippery. I'm gushing, darling."

"Now slide them out, smell them, then lick them for me."

"Oh this is so yummy, Sam, the aroma on my fingers is great and my fingers are all sticky and I desperately want to come."

"No way, Jose, no way, you've got to earn your orgasm. Now, Becky, are you comfortable?"

"Well, Sam, not really. I've been restraining a desire to piddle for the last 10 or so minutes and it's getting really urgent. I have to go now!"

"Hold on, Becky, hold on. You're not going to piss until I give you permission, understood?"

"Oh no, don't do this to me, you bitch! I'm desperate for a piss, I'mdesperate, darling."

"All right but two things – first, you have my permission to piss, but you must be punished. You called me a 'bitch' and I take exception to that. So after you've had your pee, you will undergo a session of punishment – that's only fair, isn't it, Becky?"

"Yes, Sam, I'm sorry Sam. I'll be a good girl."

"Right, now you've got an en suite bathroom, correct?"

"Yes, it's just a little one."

"OK, well pick up the glass and into the bathroom with you. Are you there yet?"

"Yes Sam, I'm squatting over the bowl, the glass is beneath my pussy, that's right isn't it?"

"It most certainly is. Now, how big is the glass, sweetie?"

"It's a beer mug, it's a pint."

"OK, let it all go, darling. Describe what you're doing to me."

"Aaaaaah, that's sooooo much better, that's soooo cool, I'm pissing fit to burst, it's such a strong stream, oh I'm almost filling the mug."

"Don't spill it Becky, stem the flow, put the mug on the bathroom sink, don't spill it, you slut!"

"Aaaah, that's better, I've stemmed the flow, the mug is almost overflowing, but not quite. Now I'm finishing my piddle into the toilet."

"Describe the contents of the jug – what does your piss look like?"

"It's a deep yellow, Sam."

"Good, the deeper the yellow the more bitter the taste. Now, have you finished peeing?"

"Yes, darling, I'm sorry I called you 'bitch'."

"Yes, you're going to be very sorry, indeed, Becky. Next, you're going to wipe your pussy – but not with toilet paper, with your fingers. Go on, rub your fingers through your sex trench, do it! Now!"

"I've done it, I'm so fucking wet down there, Sam."

"Right, now lick your fingers, taste them, then tell me what it tastes like."

"Oh, it's exciting – it's bitter, it's salty and my fingers are incredibly smelly, but it's bringing me on."

"Right, now you're going to put the beer mug back on the table beside your bed and you're going to find something you can use on your backside. What have you got? A hairbrush, perhaps?"

"Yes, there's a hairbrush which I could use. What do I do now, Sam?"

"Place the phone on the bed, bend over and place one hand on the mattress, then take the brush in the other hand and give yourself six spanks with the back of the brush. After each stroke count the number and thank me for it, OK?"

"Yes, I understand, I'm putting the phone down now, darling."

"Can you still hear me, Becky?"

"Yes, I've turned the volume up high, Sam."

"OK, start your punishment now – go on, and I want to hear the sounds as they hit your arse cheek. Which hand are you using?"

"It's my right hand, and I'll be striking my right buttock, darling."

"Get going, Becky!"

"One, thank-you, Sam. Two, thank-you, Sam. Three, thank-you Sam. Four, ouch, thank-you, Sam. Five, eunnh, thank-you, Sam. Six, aaaargh, thank-you, Sam."

"Right, great, I could hear every blow. Is your poor little botty nice and warm now?"

"Yes, Sam, very warm indeed."

"OK, change hands and let me hear the tattoo of strokes land on your left buttock next."

"One, thank-you, Sam. Two, thank-you, Sam. Three, aaargh, thank-you, Samn. Four, ouch, thank-you, Sam. Five, yaaah, thank-you, Sam. Six, ooooh, thank-you, Sam."

"Right, now pick up the phone. Next I want you to go downstairs and find four clothes pegs – you have clothes pegs in the house, I take it?"

"Yes, there's a bag of them in the kitchen."

"Off you go – and Becky, remove your bra on the way, I want you totally naked now, all right?"

"Yes, Sam, I'm heading downstairs now, now I'm in the kitchen and I've got the clothes pegs."

"What type are they? Wooden?"

"No, Sam, they're plastic."

"That's great, now back up to the bedroom – hurry up!"

"Yes, I'm heading back there now, Sam. Right, I'm back up there standing beside the bed."

"Right pull your left labia down slightly and attach a peg on it close to your cunt. Do it!"

"Ouch, it's hurting."

"It's supposed to hurt, it's a punishment, stupid. Now the other labia, pull it down a bit and attach the next peg level with the first."

"Oooo, it's painful, darling!"

"Becky, stop stating the obvious. Now, the other two pegs will go opposite each other at the top of the labia – put 'em on."

"Aaargh, this isreally painful, you know."

"I know, I know, but it's your own fault for calling me a 'bitch', isn't it?"

"I suppose so, Sam."

"Right now get carefully up on the bed, stop sulking and start playing with yourself, but be careful not to dislodge the pegs, or I'll get you too give yourself another 12-stroke spanking."

"My fingers are at work on my clit, darling. Can I come soon?"

"Certainly not, and for constantly pestering me about having an orgasm you can take a swallow from the beer mug. Go on, and I want to hear you gulp it down!"

"Yuk, that's really foul-tasting, Sam, it's so fucking salty."

"Good, you're being punished and for that, you can take another swallow. Go on!"

"Eeeeugh, it's horrid."

"It's your own fault. Now, start stroking again, you little slut."

"I am, and I'm still so sopping wet, I didn't think I could keep flowing like this, Sam."

"It shows you're aroused, it shows you're loving it, Becky. Right, now time for another gulp of piss. Drink some more down!"

"Yeeeuk, it's so fucking horrible, it's so yukky. I hate it."

"All right, this is what we're going to do – take the mug into the ensuite, plug the basin, put my panties from your face and plop them in the basin, then marinate them with your urine. When the panties have dried a bit they'll smell beautifully. Go on, Becky, do it! Only walk carefully, we don't want those pegs falling off, do we?"

"I'm doing it, I'm waddling, keeping my thighs apart, Ouch, these pegs hurt, darling!"

"Right, plug the bowl, drop the panties in. Now pour!"

"I've done that, darling Sam."

"OK, now back onto the bed and we'll remove the pegs – see how kind I am to you?"

"Thank-you, Sam, yes, you're wonderful."

"OK – on the bed?"

"Yes, darling."

"Very well, now listen. Remove the pegs quickly, very quickly. That way the blood will flow back into the bits you clamped equally and you'll feel the full effects. Right – off with 'em!"

"Yeowww! Crikey, that hurts. But I'm feeling numb down there."

"Just wait a minute or two, then you'll feel something, promise me."

"Ooooh, yes, they're starting to tingle, Sam, the blood's getting back there, yes it's throbbing, it's like I've been stung by bees. Ouch, this is hurting!"

"Good, Becky, it's supposed to, but soon the throbbing will mingle with your throbbing clit and you'll have a huge orgasm. You want a huge orgasm, don't you, darling?"

"Hell yes, I'm desperate for it, Sam, I'm fuckingdesperate, darling."

"Very well, now you're in a mood to behave, you can start by finger fucking yourself, Becky, put two fingers up your cunt, then stroke up and down till I say to stop."

"I'm doing it, I'm finger fucking myself, dearest Sam, when do I get to my clit, darling?"

"Not yet, Miss Impatience, not yet. Now, fingers out, suck them. Taste good?"

"Oh it tastes so glorious, Sam, it's so yummy."

"Now run your fingers around the labia lips, inner and outer, but concentrating on those bee-sting places. Stroke gently, feel the tingles of excitement, feel the passion rising. Tell me!"

"Oh, Sam, this is divine, my labia's got these lovely little shocks running through the lips, little tingles, little jolts. I'm alive down there, darling!"

"Now it's time to give that lovely clit some finger-licking attention – but first, taste your fingers again. Tell me about the taste, Becky."

"Sam it's wonderful, a mix of sex juice and piss and it's all mixed up in such a sweet smell, it's so heavenly, darling."

"Now the clit, start flicking it, use your preferred method of achieving climax. Tell me what you're doing! Be explicit, slut!"

"I'm stroking the little man in the boat, Sam, I'm stroking him, and he's standing up, he's erect, he's fucking thick. I'm coming, I can feel it rising, it's rising, it's rising ... yaaaaaaah, I'm coming Sam, I'm coming, I'm – yeagggggh, I'm cooooming!"

"Phew, I almost felt the aftershock here in London, Becky, What a climax. Was it worth it?"

"Shooooot, please let me calm down for a minute, Sam, that was one of the most orgasmic climaxes I've ever had, shit you're sensational you wonder woman."

"See, I told you it'd be worth it, didn't I?"

"Yep, Sam, you did and you were as good as your word. Shit you're the real package, Sam!"

"Thanks, darling, but you did very well. Now, this is what happens next. I'm going to email you my address. You will package up your lovely red panties the way I did mine – put 'em in the same plastic bag if you like. Then, when they arrive here, I'll drop you an email with my mobile number. That night, you call me and this time it'll be your turn to run things."

"You mean I get to be assertive with you, Sam?"

"You sure will, Becky. Think you can handle it?"

"I honestly don't know, I think I'm probably more of a sub than a domme, but I'll give it a go, Sam."

"That's the girl, Becky. I'll send you an explicit email full of the things I like and you can rehearse them, while we wait for the Royal Mail to achieve its snail mail delivery pace."

"Yes, that sounds like fun, Sam, I look forward to that."

"Right, now you can snuggle down for a lovely sleep, full of dirty, sexy thoughts, Becky."

"Oh I don't know that I'll be able to. I'll probably toss and turn replaying the fun we had tonight, Sam."

"Have it your way, darling, but remember, I love you Becky."

"I love you too, Sam. Night, night."

"Night, Becky."


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