The Palmist Ch. 06


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After a couple more minutes, he said, "OK. Now. A blow job just isn't a real blow job if you spit the cum out. It's already been in your mouth a while; you've been tasting it; now you need to swallow it. So when I tell you, just swallow it all down at once. Don't try to do it little by little, just gulp it right down, like you'd take a pill. OK? Ready? Here we go. Swallow. Theerrre you go. Good butler cocksucker, haha."

I started to gag just a bit, and Derek immediately said, "Ah-ah. No-no. Relax. It's not that bad. You just think it oughtta be. But it's not. People swallow cum every day. Everything's fine."

While I was still kneeling beside the bed, Derek said, "Wheeewww," and threw himself down on his back. I was treated to the view of his hairy legs and balls in front of me, and wondered what I was to do at that point. He said, "That was really good, man. I rrrrreally appreciate it. You helped me out a lot there. And I'm really glad you liked it, too, because you obviously did. You're still hard as a rock. Whew!" He sighed in satisfaction, then he sat back up and said, "OK, well. I'm pretty beat now and ready for bed. Actually first I guess I'll go in there and piss. You know what? I've got an idea. Follow me."

He got off the bed and stood, and I started to stand as well, but he said, "Wait. I've got an idea. I think you'll like this. Just try it. Trust me. Here, take the laptop, stay on your knees, and follow me into the bathroom shuffling along on your knees. Hahaha. I know it sounds weird, but just say 'yes sir' and do it, haha."

"Yes sir." So I shimmied out into the hallway, having to look at his bare ass in front of me as we made our way to the bathroom. We went in and he shut the door. He said, "Put the laptop down right there on the floor." After I did, he raised his eyebrows. "Say 'yes sir' when I tell you to do something." At that instant, my naked dick twitched, and he noticed it. "Yes sir", I said.

Then I saw him smile, and I was sure it was because he thought my twitching dick was giving him the green light to issue whatever sorts of commands he wanted, and that I liked it. Stupid, backstabbing dick.

He lifted the lid and the seat to the toilet, stood in front of it, put his hands on his hips, and said, "OK, no more hesitation, or silence, when I tell you what to do. Say 'yes sir' and do it. Scoot over here, on your knees, and hold my dick for me while I take a piss."

Oh, god. "Yes, sir", I said, and scooted over beside the toilet, reached up, and took his dick in my hand. Aiming it toward the toilet, I waited, then could feel his dick, seeming to almost vibrate or buzz, as the strong stream of piss rushed through it, and down into the water. When he finished, he said, "Shake it for me."

"Yes, sir."

"Good boy. I think I'll just call you 'boy'. Yeah, shake it some more."

"Yes, sir."

Then he suddenly pivoted to face me, moved forward a bit, and said, "Now take it in your mouth. Suck on it a little, in case there's a few more drops of pee on there."

I sniveled, and thought, "ewww", but said, "Yes, sir", and put his dick in my mouth. "Good boy", he said, and very likely noticed when my dick twitched again. Not only was it twitching; it was leaking profusely. There was a huge stream of pre-cum hanging all the way to the tile bathroom floor, so Derek said, "God *damn*, dude. This is all making you super-super horny, isn't it? Well, hey... That's cool with me. I had thought maybe after you held my dick for me, I'd just leave you here in the bathroom with the laptop so you could jerk off to the cam girls while I go to bed. But you know what? Now I know something you'll like a lot better."

He walked over to the laptop, closed it, and said, "No cam girls for you. You'll jerk off how I say." He then instructed me to move myself to the spot where he had stood to pee, and bring my thighs right up against the toilet bowl. He told me to take hold of my dick, and start to stroke it.

Here I faced a terrible dilemma: I was not supposed to *touch*, let alone stroke, my dick until my next session with Lila. But on the other hand, she had also told me to do anything - *anything* - Derek asked me to. Did that include violating the order not to touch myself? Surely Lila could not have anticipated him asking me to do *that*. Plus... I didn't *want* to. I didn't want to touch myself because my GUY friend was telling me to. And kneeling in front of a toilet for god's sake.

But if I refused to touch myself, how could I explain that to Derek? So I made the quick decision to say "Yes sir" and put my hand on my dick. At that point Derek stepped up and straddled the toilet, standing with his legs on either side so that his bare ass was right in front of my face. Out of surprise as much as disgust, I went, "Awwgh."

He chucked a little, but then, without looking back at me, said, "I know this is a lot for you for one night, and this is all new to you. But based on everything that's already happened, I also know you'll love it. So stay right there on your knees... boy... and make sure your eyes are wide open, and just stare at my ass, while you keep stroking your dick. Did you hear me?"

"Yes sir. I'm sorry. I forgot. Sir. I was just... surprised."

"Are you really sorry, boy?"

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry."

"Then kiss my butt while you're telling me you're sorry. Keep stroking yourself, and kiss my butt, and tell me you're sorry."

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." I kept repeating it, while I kissed his butt over and over.

"Ha ha ha. Good boy. OK, that's good. Now just keep kissing my butt, and stroking. OK, now I want you to lick my butt. Go ahead. Lick each cheek."

I sniveled, but said, "Yes, sir", and licked.

"Good boy. Now I want you to let go of your dick, and I want you to lick each of my legs, starting all the way down at my heel, and lick alllll the way up, all the way to my butt. Keep your tongue on me and go all the way from the heel to my butt. Then do the other leg the same way."

"Yes, sir." I did it, feeling absolutely mortified the whole time.

"Good boy. Now keep your hand off your dick for now, and run your tongue *between* my butt cheeks. Come on. Do it, boy. Yeah, lick ... *my crack*. Run your tongue up and down it, up and down."

"Yes, sir."

"Now use your hands and spread my butt cheeks apart. And lick my crack some more. *Really* lick it. Lick it like you're trying to clean it. It probably does need cleaned. Lick my dirty crack, boy. Clean it for me."

"Yes, sir."

As my twitching, leaking dick was *still* making Derek think this disgusting activity was enjoyable to me, he then offered me what, I suppose, he thought would be the pinnacle of sexual excitement for me: "OK," he said, "if you want to stroke again, and cum, I want you to spread my cheeks apart some more, and put your tongue *up in* my asshole."


"Hahaha. You heard me, boy. Tongue *in* my asshole. And way up there, too."


"Ha! It's just tonguing an asshole, dude. That's another thing people do every day. You'll like it, too. I know you will. You just need to try it, that's all. If you wanna finish jerking off, if you don't want blue balls again tonight, then that's what you're gonna have to do. Jerk yourself off with your tongue *in* my asshole. *Way* up in my asshole."

"Ummm... can I choose... not to jerk off then?"

"Ohh, come on, dude. Haha."

"No, I'm serious. Can I just... can we just go to bed, and I not jerk off?"

"Mmmm. No, I don't think so. Say 'yes sir' and get your tongue up into my asshole, and jerk off."

I sniveled in defeat, and said, "Yes, sir."

"Good boy", he said, as I stuck my tongue as far up Derek's butthole as I could. Yyyyyyuck! "When you start to cum, keep your tongue in there. You need to keep your tongue inside me the whoooollle time you're cumming."

I kept stroking, and tonguing, anticipating the huge shame I'd feel once I started to cum. This was already even worse than the blow job. And adding to the myriad of conflicting feelings I was having was the guilt over having my hand on my dick in the first place, since Lila had told me not to touch myself until our next session. But remembering that fact gave me a possible out. Suddenly, I pulled my tongue out of Derek's ass, let go of my dick, and said, "Derek... I mean... sir... um... I really don't think I should cum. I'll still put my tongue in your... your butt... if you want, but..."

"Don't think you should cum? Why the hell not?"

"Um... Because of Lila. Sir."


"Yes, sir."

"What does she have to do with it?"

Without going into detail, I explained that Lila had been functioning somewhat like a psychotherapist for me since I'd left Western and returned to Bellewood. I still hadn't gotten over my breakup with Katrina, and Lila gave me instructions on things to think about, which included sexual things, things designed to get me thinking in directions that would help me move on.

"So what does that have to do with cumming?"

I didn't want to say simply that I wasn't supposed to cum (or even touch myself) without Lila's permission and was clueless as to when such permission might be granted. So I said, "Well... I'm only supposed to cum under certain conditions, that she sets. In fact, I'm not even supposed to be touching myself, until I'm following specific instructions."

"Ohhhh. So that's why you didn't want to take your dick out last night and jerk it. It wasn't just 'cause I was in the room."

"Well... um... yes, sir. Uh... I mean... It still makes me uncomfortable to do it in front of someone else. But... yeah... basically I'm just not supposed to be doing it anyway."

"Ahh. Hmm. What about what we're doing here... tonight. Is that allowed?"

Oh, man, I wanted so much to say no. It would have been such an easy out. I certainly wasn't going to tell him that, other than my touching myself, this was all not only allowed, but *required*. But I was sooo tempted to say no. It would have been a lie, though, and if Lila found out, which I was certain she would, somehow, I wouldn't be able to bear her displeasure.

"Yes. Yes, sir. It is," I answered, sadly.

"Hmm. Well. That's good. I mean, in a way, I'm sorry I got you so worked up when you're just gonna have to go to bed with blue balls again tonight. I didn't know that, dude, I'm really sorry about that, haha. Oh, man. That's rough. But... well... I do appreciate you helpin' me out by suckin' me off, man. I really do. Hmm. Well. I guess I shouldn't feel too bad, though, 'cause that's what a good chauffeur/butler does, right? Hahaha! Guess it's not my problem if my butler-boy doesn't get anything for his dick. Ha ha HAAA! I mean, *I* didn't tell you you couldn't touch it, right? Right?"

"Um. Right. Yes, sir. Right. Sir."

"So... since I was enjoying you rimming me so much, let's move back to the bedroom, and I think I'll lie down on the bed and you can rim me some more. Hahaha! How's that sound, boy?"

With a deflated sigh, and the realization that I *still* hadn't managed to wriggle out of having to do more of these humiliating (not to mention GAY) things, I said, "Yes, sir."

So we returned to my bedroom, where Derek lay stark naked on my bed, on his stomach, and had me burying my tongue into his butthole for... well... I'd guess 20 minutes or so. He said I could stop when I was sure he was asleep, and then go to the floor and sleep naked on my back, so my dick would only be able to throb in the air, not coming into contact with any clothing or surface that might make it spurt accidentally. While I rimmed him, he spread his legs out in a V, and had me on hands and knees, above and behind him, leaning my face down into his ass. Again, a position was necessary that would ensure my dick could poke only the air.

On Sunday morning, Derek woke up before me. The first thing I saw that day, as I looked up from my position on my back, on the floor, was my completely naked best friend standing over me with his feet planted on either side of my head. He was facing in the direction of my feet, and he said, "Morning, boy. I said good morning, boy."

"Good morning, sir."

Then he squatted down. To my horror, he scooted forward a little, and started to lower his butt right down toward my face. "It's really nice to fall asleep with a tongue in your asshole. It's nice to wake up that way, too." He then basically sat right down on my nose, and it was clear he wanted me to start licking his butthole again. Once again, I'm sure he thought, since it was in full view to him, that my raging, throbbing, poking boner indicated that I loved having my tongue in his asshole. And after a few minutes of that, as he turned around, stuffed his dick in my mouth, and had me suck him off to orgasm and swallow his cum, my continuing and unabating boner convinced him that I loved that, too.

We hung out at the house that day until it was time for me to go to work. I couldn't wait to go, but I dreaded what would happen after my shift when I got home. With any luck, Derek would still be out with Megan; hopefully he'd get back super-late and I'd already be asleep. And hopefully she'd have sex with him so I'd be spared having to "help him out" to get his rocks off.

I slipped away at one point, stepping out into the back yard for privacy, to call Lila, since she'd said she wanted to hear all about last night's foursome that very quickly turned into a third-wheel situation. She was *thrilled* to hear everything had "gone sooo well". So well? I thought. Yes, she said, the entire evening was *perfect*; she was amazed. She was able to intuit, she said, from her session with Derek that he was at least open to experiences with guys, if he hadn't already had them. She said they didn't discuss that directly - it wasn't relevant to what he wanted from the reading - but she could just tell that if he found himself in a situation where he had a "little bitch boy" (as she put it) at his disposal, he wouldn't mind using that "little loserboy" one bit. She was absolutely amazed that it happened so quickly, but other than that, she was not surprised.

"Where is Derek now?" she asked.

"In the house. I'm in the back yard."

"Is there a place where the three of us can talk on speaker, without your parents hearing?"

"Um. Yes ma'am. I can just have him come out here."

"Do that, then."

"Yes ma'am."

When I brought Derek out and put the phone on speaker, Lila had us all talking openly about everything that had happened. Derek and Lila laughed as she said things to him like, "It's nice having a little bitch boy, isn't it?" She encouraged him to go right ahead and take full advantage, and make me do anything he wanted. "But, like he told you, he's not allowed to touch his little dick without my permission, so don't worry about his pleasure. You just make him do what will be pleasurable for you. He really needs this right now, to be able to let go and let someone else have control. So you are really helping him a lot. And it's not just about the sexual aspect, either: Doing things like getting the popcorn at the movies last night, driving you and Megan around, waiting for you guys while you're using his car... stuff like that helps him, too. It makes him feel like a helpless little bitch boy, that can't do anything but what he's told."

"Wow", said Derek. "This is very unusual therapy, Lila."

"Ha ha. Yes, I know, hun. But you know how Katrina dumped him, right?"

"Yeah," said Derek, casting a sympathetic frown in my direction.

"Well, David and I have discussed their relationship extensively, and he's come to understand that she was actually right to do that. I understand she has a new boyfriend now, a guy she met at a concert they went to - you probably heard about that."


"Well, what you may not know is that Katrina and this guy had sex that night back at the campground while the others were trying to locate her -"

"I knew that."

"Well, but the part you may not know..."

Oh, no. No. Oh, God, please don't tell him that...

"... is that Katrina made David go down on her that night, in the tent, and there's little doubt that David - unbeknownst to him - licked this new guy's cum out of her pussy."

"Awwww!" Derek exclaimed. "Ohhh, man! Dude, you told me you guys didn't do anything that night."

Lila responded on my behalf: "Well, he was embarrassed, hun. He didn't wanna tell you that. Naturally. But, for reasons which would take longer than this phone call to explain, in my view Katrina actually did the right thing."


"Mm hm. And David knows it. David, was Katrina right to make you clean out her pussy that night after she cheated on you with that guy?"

"Yes, ma'am," I answered, with a frown.

"So you don't need to spare David's feelings on that anymore, hun. You may not understand why, but Katrina was right to do that, and so you can feel free to see the twisted humor in it. I mean... It *is* kinda funny, isn't it? But it's okay for a little bitch boy to clean up a girl's pussy after someone else has filled it. You might like having him clean out Megan's pussy for you after you've filled it."

"Ohhhh, ho ho", responded Derek, with a throaty chuckle that seemed to say, "that's harsh".

"You're a really good friend to David, hun, and I want you to spend as much time as you can with him. You'll be really helping move on in his life. You know how, last night, Megan's friend kinda left David hanging by ditching you guys?"


"Well, you should expect to see a lot of that kind of thing, with David and girls, and you don't need to feel sorry for David anymore. He needs you to laugh about those things, and not let him forget when girls treat him that way. Be a good friend to him, and rub it in."

"Rub it in? Haha."

"Mm hm, that's right. You need to enjoy the humor of you two hanging out, and your poor friend having no luck with the girls, while his buddy ends up getting *all* the pussy, and he ends up with his tongue in his friend's asshole."

"Oh, ho hooo."

"And he's not even gay! And on top of all of that, he doesn't even get to cum! Haha. Doesn't even get the pleasure of his own *hand* after all that, and has to go to bed horny. Hahahaha!"


"Isn't it kinda funny when you think about it?"

"Yeah. Ha ha. I guess it is."

"Yes, it is. And don't worry, David won't complain. Now listen, hun. One thing: David needs to do well in his studies, and at work. So I do want you to spend as much time with him as you can, and I want you to take full advantage of him being available as your little bitch boy to do things you want. But just make sure you don't put demands on him that make him unable to function at work, and school, okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course."

"All right, good. David, give Derek my number, and Derek, you can call Lila any time if you have any questions, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks."

"You're welcome, hun. Well, it was *wonderful* to talk with you, Derek. Bye bye hun." And she hung up. I couldn't help but notice she said goodbye to him but not me. That kinda stung a little bit.

The first thing Derek said after the phone call was, "Oh my gahhhhd. Fucking Megan, with you there watching, and then having you get on your knees and lick her pussy, and clean my cum out of her. Fuck. That's hot." Then he raised his eyebrows and said, "First I gotta get in there."

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