The Pandora Effect Ch. 03

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The SEALs discovers the truth behind Pandora.
13.9k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/01/2012
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Thanks to those of you who stuck up for me on the last Chapter. Please remember everyone this is a hobby for most of us on Literotica, we're not trying to land on the New York Times best seller list. Thanks to my dear editor, Dawn who helped set me straight on the last scene. One disclaimer...if you have a weak stomach, when Garrett Brown mentions the trash can in the corner, move on to the next scene. You've been warned.

Small house just outside of Ordzhonikidze, Ukraine.

Bashir Haddad sat at the large wooden table in the center of the Kitchen. He flipped through the various maps of continents around the world. On them were colored areas where the largest populations massed together. As he studied North America, he knew the way to succeed in spreading the virus was to infect the largest cities first. Once the population became nervous, they would leave the city and move on to suburbs and rural areas.

He placed a finger on the east coast of the United States and tapped his finger on the area of Washington D.C. Bashir then dragged it across the map to an area around Los Angeles California. After staring at the spot for a few moments, he moved the map and dug out an area photo of the shipping terminals located west of the city.

His plan was to start on the east coast, then quickly move west, and leave the country via the shipping terminals. From there he had access to Asia, which contained a vast majority of the world's population. He pushed the photo away and rubbed his tired eyes. The pressure of mission planning and awaiting news of the test was beginning to mount.

As Bashir released a long sigh, Mansur Abla walked in sat down across from his worried team leader. He picked up one of the photos of a medium sized cargo ship flying an Egyptian flag, the Naqada. If his part of the mission was to be successful, he had to take over the vessel with the use of mercenaries and send it across the Atlantic towards America.

"Is there any news yet about the town?" Bashir asked as he ran his fingers through his messy black hair.

"Nothing yet Bashir, but you would think that after four days we would have heard some kind of news. I think that Soviet bitch tricked us and we bought empty vials of air."

Bashir leaned forward and studied the maps again. This time he scanned the area of the Ukraine in search of another target area. "It's fucking useless to continue unless we know the virus is real. We might have to postpone the mission and risk another test somewhere else."

"I don't care what we do as long as I don't have to watch any more news about the poor economy, rising gas prices and military training exercises," Mansur said as he picked up more photos of the cargo ship.

Bashir's head shot up and stared hard at Mansur. "What did you just say?"

"I said I'm sick and tired of watching television. If I have to watch one more news program about money, I think I'll go blind."

"Not that you fool, you said something about the military!"

"Calm down Bashir, it's nothing. The news is reporting about annual military exercises, but this year they are trying to concentrate on how to improve rapid response times. Military Commanders are saying it's just training and they don't foresee any civilian problems."

Bashir slowly rose from the chair. He looked rather calm as moved around the large table and approached Mansur. When he was within arm's reach, he backhanded the muscular werewolf with lightning speed. Mansur had no time to react to the assault and he flew backwards out of his chair. The hit was so violent that it cased the unsuspecting man to fly across the room and slam into the plastered wall of the kitchen.

Mansur shook his head clear of the dizziness that quickly washed over him. Any normal human would never have the strength to achieve such a task. When his vision cleared, he glared at Bashir as he stood over him. The look on Bashir's face told him everything; any action on his part was useless.

"What the hell was that for Bashir?"

"You incompetent fool! I told you to watch for any news that the virus worked. How long ago did the news about military exercises come out?"

"Yesterday afternoon but they said it was training and nothing more," Mansur said as he gingerly rose off the floor with concern for his safety. Bashir moved quickly back to his seat and picked up the photo of the Naqada, the cargo vessel that would signal the start of the new world order.

"The military is mobilizing to surround and quarantine the town Mansur. The current government has no reason to spend money they don't have on training. During the last year, they have dismantled most of the fleet and bases."

"So what do we do now Bashir?"

"When the Naqada docks, you are going to ensure the mercenaries have the mission plans and then we load one container onboard. Before you exit the ship at Gibraltar, make sure the container is in place on the bow and set it for a collision course for Washington D.C."

Mansur was nervous about asking anything else. He knew from the tone of Bashir voice that he was still unhappy about the late information. His luck changed and he didn't have to when Rashida Turk walked in from the completion of her rounds. She grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and took a seat next to her mate.

"Is there any indication that the people in this town know who we are or evidence of any surveillance?" Bashir asked her as he kissed her cheek.

"Not that I could see my love. As far as I can tell, your plan is proceeding as you hoped. There is one thing that has been on my mind lately. The fact that we left those four bodies for others to find should have brought a response from some organization. It seems like they don't care their friends are dead."

"Don't underestimate them Rashida. The only reason they haven't come is because they don't want to end up like them. They've realized they can't attack us, so now the only thing they can do is sit back and watch."

Mansur looked at the larger werewolf with a slight contempt. He wasn't ready to count another military action out of the question. Humans weren't going to just sit around and watch as the small wolf pack took control of the world.

Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters, Langley, Virginia.

Two dark sedans pulled into the visitor's parking lot at the highly secure building that housed the top levels of the CIA. On the outside, it appeared like any other office complex. A lot of windows to let the sunshine in, landscaping that look liked something either from homes of the rich and famous or Hugh Hefner's playboy mansion. Although to the trained eye, it was the most monitored place on the face of the plant.

Adam Dawson opened his car door and immediately looked up at the large black dome on top of the lamppost. He knew his group was under scrutiny from any numbers of monitors inside the building. As Kristine got out, she looked around and saw another black dome. She smiled brightly and then blew a kiss at the unseen camera.

Within seconds, the rest of fire team Alpha exited the vehicles and scanned the area, everyone except the rookie medic, John Balch. He was busy checking his shirt and making sure his belt buckle was straight. As he looked up, he saw Dan Vasquez staring at him with a puzzled look.

"Doc, what the hell are you doing? This isn't a fucking fashion show," V-man said sarcastically.

"You only have one chance to make a statement V-man. I just want to make sure I don't look like a dork."

"Oh thanks for clearing that up rookie. I wouldn't want you looking like a dork on your first operation," Vasquez said with a laugh.

Bob Holiday closed his door and looked over at the other vehicle where V-man, Carl, and the new medic were having a discussion. He was sure they gave the new member of Alpha a hard time during the three-hour drive. "If you clowns are done screwing around, would you be kind enough to join the rest of us?"

"Sorry Bob, just making sure the rookie looked good for the Intel guys," Dan said.

Kevin looked around and sniffed the air quietly. Even though he was in a secure location, he never took any chance when it came to the safety of his team. He shut his door and moved up to stand next to his Lieutenant. "Now what Boss"

"Oh I don't know Kevin, I was thinking since you're the point man you'd have an idea on where to go from here."

Kristine turned and placed her arms on the roof of the car. She looked at her two favorite men and wondered if they always started a mission with this amount of confusion. "You know for a couple of SEALs who are supposed to know what they're doing, you two look like you should be wearing baseball uniforms and doing the 'Who's on first' routine."

"Is she going to be like that the whole time?" Kevin asked.

"If you're brave enough to tell her to stop, be my guest. Me personally, I like where my balls are at the moment."

Kevin spotted the sign for the visitor's entrance and called for the team to fall in line. To any normal person they appeared to be normal civilians entering the area, but the guard inside the building knew differently. As the team approached, each man searched a different area and the last person in line, a tall muscular black man, kept looking behind him.

The guard on duty, Rich Woods, called his friend over to the control booth. Rich indicated to the monitor of the parking lot and allowed him to watch for a moment. "Does that seem odd to you?"

"No not really. It's just a bunch of guys and some hot chick coming in," he said in a lazy tone.

"They're not normal guys, not the way they scan everything in the area. I think we have trouble coming in so be on the ready in case anything happens." The two separated and Rich's partner moved to the other side of the room.

After a few moments, Kevin Dvorska opened the door but then quickly stepped to the side. Adam entered first and maintained eye contact with the guard stationed at the desk. The next person to walk in was Bob Holiday. He immediately turned his head towards the other guard stationed in the corner of the room.

The SEAL team quickly entered and spread out in a wedge formation with Adam Dawson at the front. When the guard stationed in the corner saw this, he released the safety snap on his Berretta 9mm and pulled the weapon up slightly. He knew normal visitors didn't form up in a defensive cover formation.

The release of the snap on the guard's weapon was almost inaudible, to everyone except Kevin Dvorska. His werewolf senses kicked in as he heard the release of the snap. The smell of fear and sweat was heavy in the room and he quickly wondered if they were in for a fight. He quickly moved up behind Adam and whispered in his ear.

"Sir the guard in the rear released his safety and they're both scared shitless."

Adam nodded and reached for his wallet in his back pocket. When he did, the guard thought he was reaching for a weapon and pressed the silent alarm button. In a flash, he was out of his chair and pointing his service weapon directly at Dawson's chest.

Every member of fire team Alpha quickly moved their hands behind them and grabbed the grip of their Siq Sauer P226. Adam knew he had to defuse the situation quickly before it got out of hand. He raised his hands up and stared at the guard.

"Alpha freeze where you are. I don't know what your problem is buddy, but we came to see Garrett Brown. If you don't mind, I'd like to get my identification. Or are you just going to put a few rounds through my chest and then ask me who I am?"

"Real slow Mister. Pull your wallet out and place it on the counter," Woods said in a shaky voice.

Adam reached back and pulled his wallet out. Just as he was about to lay it on the counter, twelve heavily armed men entered from unseen doors in the walls of the lobby. They quickly circled the SEALs and Kristine trembled slightly as an AR-15 assault rifle was pointed at her chest.

Dawson threw the wallet on the counter and Woods picked it up with his free hand. As he pulled the military ID out, he studied the photo and then looked at the team leader. "Adam Dawson, Lieutenant, United States Navy. You sure don't know how to enter a building casually. What do you want with Garrett Brown?"

"First off, my business with Mr. Brown is none of your concern. What is a concern is what's going to happen if you don't order your people to lower their weapons. My SEAL team is getting a little nervous. When they get nervous bad things happen to other people."

"I don't think so Mr. Dawson, now..."

Suddenly from the side of the room, Garrett Brown rushed in. He pushed through the crowd of guards and stood next to Adam Dawson. The look on Browns face told Rich Woods everything he needed to know and he placed his weapon back in his holster. When the assault team saw the guard stand down, they lowered their weapons and shook their heads. The whole situation was blown out of proportion by a jumpy security guard.

"You know Woods I should let Dawson here kick your ass just for the fun of it. Why the fuck would you scramble an assault team, just because a bunch of Navy SEALs entered the building?"

"Well Sir, they entered the building like they were going to assault it. The way they acted and everything..."

"They act like that because they have to deal with stupid fucking people like you Woods! After your shift, report to your supervisors office. I'm sure he'll want to go over protocol with you again." Brown was visibly shaking from anger.

Garrett picked the wallet up from the counter and handed it back to Adam. He apologized for the mix up and the guard's reaction and motioned for him and his team to follow him deeper into the CIA Headquarters. As they passed through the metal detector, a light starting flashing and an alarm was set off. Garret stared hard at Woods and he quickly turned the system off momentarily.

"Nice welcome wagon you have here Garrett. I hope he's not on one of your fire teams," Adam said sarcastically.

"Fuck no! He spent four years in the Army and the only thing he's good for is signing people in. His dad is some politician up on the hill and that's the only reason he's here. He's only been here a year and that's the second time he's pulled that shit."

"Well we all have our problem children don't we," Dawson said with a laugh as they walked down the corridor.

"Speaking of problem children, who's the new guy with you? I don't remember seeing him at the club last night."

"My team needed a new medic, his name is John Balch. I'll tell you later on why I wanted him with us. So where are you taking us Garrett?"

"The briefing room, we still have to tell Tanner Eason that you'll be helping with the situation from here on out. I better warn you now that he's gonna pop a gasket when he finds out."

Adam put his arm around the Director of the S.A.D. and patted his shoulder. "I know he will, that's why I brought Kristine with us. Trust me."

"Yeah, famous last words of General Custer – trust me," Garrett said as they continued down the hall.

Sub level two, CIA briefing room

The SEALs sat around the large conference table and stared at each other. Usually they were in control of any situation they found themselves in. This time they had to wait for some paper pusher to find time in his busy day to meet with them. Adam just sat back and smiled at the image in his mind of an older gentleman getting his ass chewed out for being too cautious in the hunt for a bio-weapon.

He turned his head and looked at his lovely wife Kristine. She was even calmer than he was as they waited for the Director of the CIA to arrive. Garrett Brown on the other hand was impatient as he checked his watch for the fourth time since he called Eason and told him to meet in the briefing room.

"This guy is really getting on my last nerve. Sorry for the wait Adam, I'll try to call him again," Garrett said as he reached for the phone.

"Don't worry about it Garrett, we can wait. Um – you wouldn't have a quarter on you by chance would you?" Adam asked.

Brown handed the SEAL Lieutenant a coin and watched as he turned to Kristine. "You or me cupcake, call it in the air," he said as he flipped the coin.

Kristine Dawson watched the quarter flip end over end in the air and called heads. She had a huge smile on her face because she knew what the choice was about. As Adam caught the coin, he quickly flipped it over on top of his free hand. He looked at his beaming wife and laughed to himself. She seemed far too pleased and knew she was looking forward to the outcome of the coin toss.

He raised his hand slightly and peeked at the result. His mind flashed to the thought of having the assault team assembled again, but this time in the briefing room. Garrett Brown looked on with puzzlement as the husband and wife wagered over some unseen event.

"Heads it is. Are you sure you wanna do this Kristine?"

"Hell yes! I've been waiting years for a chance at this," she replied as she clapped her hands quickly.

Garrett looked at the two of them with a concerned face. "Um – should I even ask what that was..."

The conversation stopped when Director Tanner Eason entered the room carrying a stack of papers. When he saw the others in the room, he glared at Brown who had a stern look on his face.

"This better be quick Garrett, I have a budget meeting on the hill in an hour."

"Tanner Eason, I'd like to introduce you to Lieutenant Adam Dawson and the rest of SEAL Team Two, Alpha fire squad."

Eason looked around at the SEAL team and then at Kristine. Women weren't part of the SEALs and he wondered who the hell she was. His eyes stopped on Adam, who was smiling and reached over to extend his hand. When the director didn't take it, he pulled it back but remained smiling. Kevin watched and shook his head as he stifled a laugh.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Eason, your S.A.D. Director tells me you have a small problem of keeping your fire teams alive. I'm sure my men and I are capable of..."

"Shut the fuck up. I don't know what Brown has told you, but you can rest assured your team's capability is of no concern to me." He quickly turned to Garrett with a glaring look.

"What is a concern is what to do with Mr. Brown here for disobeying orders. For someone with thirty years in the Army, you'd think by now you would know how to follow orders from your superiors."

Every SEAL in the room sat back in their chairs and looked away with a smile. They all knew their team leader would not stand to be dressed down like that in front of them. To their dismay, Adam smiled politely and sat back in his chair. Brown however was about to climb over the table and choke the bureaucrat until Adam placed a hand on his forearm and stopped him.

Kristine stood up and moved away from the table. She was wearing a dark pantsuit and her hair was neatly pinned. She looked more like a CEO of a business company than a retired Intelligence Officer.

"I know this is quite a surprise for you Tanner. May I call you Tanner?"

"No you may not."

"Great, now like I was saying Tanner, I know this is a surprise to you but don't let that stop you from doing the right thing. Mr. Brown knows that the only way he can handle this situation before it really gets out of hand is to recruit help from outside sources. I used to be a very talented Intel Officer for the CIA and I know that the higher ups frown on help."

"I don't know who you are lady but this meeting is over," Tanner said as he tried to stand up but Kristine stopped him.

"Please sit down Tanner or else."

"Or what lady, you'll get mad?"

Kristine gave him a large smile and then looked over at Kevin. "Kevin dear, would you be so kind as to get Mr. Eason's attention for me please."