The Plantation in Space Ch. 02

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Hypnotized into craving his transformation into a sissy.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/10/2019
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The "In Space" series to date:

The Pasture in Space

The Pasture in Space - Revolution

The Plantation in Space

Foreward: This work is a part of a larger science fiction series that crosses into a myriad of genres, specifically extreme BDSM, Mindcontrol, Fetish, Nonhuman, and Nonconsent. Though the first two stories focused on female orgasm denial, the Plantation stories explore permanent male chastity and sissification.

Each submission stands alone, so please do not feel the need to read previous entries first.


"How long?"

The woman asked, already suspecting the answer.

Half a cycle before we land.

"Space that telepathy nonsense, you've got a mouth."

"You indulged him too long," the centaur said. "He is needed on Eda immediately."

"Look, Altair, I get it. You're the one piloting the ship and everything and I'm just the slutty milk maid creating sissies, but there's more to it than just shoving a mask on his face."

"You still have his seed on you," Altair said.

Absently, Leda shrugged, using one finger to work around her face until she touched the stray drop, wiping the useless liquid on her silver uniform. Only a minute before, she had ruined orgasm of her prisoner, leaving him having discharged a tremendous volume of cum on her without feeling any satisfaction.

"He's still heterosexual now," Leda said. "That was a part of his transformation. If it takes a few minutes, it's worth it the end."

"My species cannot wait for you to indulge your impulses," Altair said.

"Sure it can," Leda said. "Antollella waited for what, three hundred rotations shoving tentacles into innocent girls trying to breed your kind? What is the harm in another few minutes?"

Altair's expression remained stolidly sour. It was one of the features of the centaur caste, though humanoid in appearance from the waist up, they never adopted the expressions of their relatives. And so all three of them adopted a sort of dour, soulful look that bothered Leda.

She never cared for their supposed superiority, no matter how true it might be. After all, it was a simple, unschooled milk maid like herself who freed the woman of Epsilon 7, who breed with the strange, tentacle aliens that created these all-powerful centaurs.

If only they didn't always project an arrogant single-mindedness, a separation from the species they descended from. They existed secluded in their starships, under the guise of exploring the galaxy. None of the centaurs would speak to any human other than one of their mothers; expectantly waiting on the colony to provide them with more suitable sperm to inseminate suitably telepathic women.

These were in short enough supply. Most of the mild maids showed a spark of telepathic prowess, but so far only their Queen and her consort could actually conceive. It might be another generation or two before enough psychically telepathic genes were mixed to offer up a woman sensitive enough to breed a new generation of centaurs.

But Altair and his brother and sister were impatient. Under the instruction of their mother, their telepathic gifts provided for the Epsilon colonies, aiding in everything from the growth of new crops to the building to additional starships only they could pilot. To the milk maids, their insistence on constructing a plantation to focus on generating even more volume from the most virile males was a condemnation of their purpose, a sharp rebuke on the old machine that used to coerced repeated ruined orgasms from captive males.

What hurt most was how effective it had been. Selecting the best bulls, larger, darker-skinned, well-endowed and providing them with real-life playthings like the prisoner they were transporting, had nearly doubled the amount of usable semen. Still, Leda and the other maids believe they understood the psychology necessary better than Altair.

"Go ahead, take a look on the monitor," Leda said.

I do not need that device.

The thought came through coarse, causing the milk maid to wince. Altair strongly but subtly asserted his superiority, not creating harm, but communicating a clear distaste through his telepathic powers.

Leda ground her teeth, more at her pride than any pain.

"There's going to a few archaic words from our limited archives," Leda said. "Before the collective created peace throughout the galaxy, certain derogatory slangs were used to demean men for meaningless characteristics like skin or hair color. We have found including some phrases to be particularly effective."

I am sure I will manage.

And with that last thought, the centaur directed his abilities, staring into the captives brain.


The sedatives created a deliberate hallucinogenic effect, disorienting Taylen, causing him to briefly forget what was happening as he focused on the images in the visor.

Only in the very recesses of his mind did he remember where he was - strapped with his arms and legs suspended, his cock forced into a plastisteel cage - permanent after the milk maid gave him one last ruinous orgasm. He could only see the vivid, nearly holographic humans in front of him, real enough that he might have reached out and touched them had his hands not been restrained.

It started with a woman with iconic purpled hair, clad in the silver uniform of a common milk maid. Violet Nall was anything but that. Her breasts bulged out of the v-shaped top of the uniform, the milky-white skin of the twin curves on proud display. The Overseer of Episolon 7 spoke with a demanding, domineering tone, riveting Taylen's attention to her.

Not that he had a choice.

"You should be grateful," Violet said sternly. "You have been selected."

She seemed to step closer, her breasts jutting out.

"Only a few years ago, you would have been strapped to a milking machine. A little tube would have been fixed to your small, desperate penis. I would have pumped you full of chemicals to make you cum over and over again, keeping you in a constant state of arousal.

Now there's a better way. We don't need those big, clunky machines or milk maids to monitor them. Because we don't need your cum. It's worthless, a little piddle you make whenever you look at women..."

She leaned over, her gloved hands resting on her knees so that her large tits spilled out of the top seductively.

"Only sometimes you do more than look.

You want to touch women.

You want to fuck women."

And her voice grew hard.

"But we don't want to fuck you. You are going to stop bothering them with that shriveled little pee-shooter."

Her index finger moved up to her lip and Violet adopted a pouty, sultry grimace

"Oh, I know. She locked your little thing up so you can't use it. You weren't going to get to use it anyways. No one wants to see that pitiful little thing. A little dick sissy spends all day thinking about the second he can touch himself, thinking about the women he will never get..."

Her hands went to her waist, and now she looked imposing, her blue eyes steely and uncaring. Violet spoke with the practiced authority of one in complete control of the colonies, one of two women capable of birthing and bringing to bear these powerful, telepathic centaurs.

"It's better this way. We will make you ready to serve real men, to let them cum in your mouth and ass until it's everything you crave. Soon enough, you'll begin to think of your cock as what it really is, a little clit connected to your pussy.

Don't worry, you'll still cum. No matter how much we punish you, sissy faggots always find a way to cum when given big, black dick. Your worthless cum will just leak out from the cock cage, easily cleaned up by your willing tongue."

She was only centimeters from him now, close enough that he could have reached out his head and buried it in her breasts.

That is - if he wasn't restrained and if she was actually there.

Despite its clarity to Taylen - this was all a pre-recorded hallucination. The real Violet Nall and her lover explored the Epsilon system, searching for more habitable worlds.

But that didn't matter. In his current state, he would swear that he could feel the woman's breath from her ruby-colored lips. That her eyes were actually driving into him, seizing him up and judging his merit.

"Let me show you what you'll be doing. It's time for you to see what a real cock looks like.."

Walking up from the empty black background as if appearing from nowhere strode a towering young man, his dark skin unlike anything Taylen had ever seen. He wore no hair above his neck, his head bare and shining back with the light used to make the recording. But that wasn't where Taylen looked...

As he walked, another deformed arm seemed to grow out of his midsection, slapping against his thigh with each step. It took a second look for Taylen to realize that instead of a hideous mutation, he was looking closely at a monstrous cock, nearly as thick as his wrist, three or maybe even four times the size of his own penis.

There was no doubt which was superior. The man moved his massive member until it almost touched Taylen's face, letting the scared little white boy look at what real man's shaft looked like. His head was rotund, oversized and off-pink, the shaft veiny and wide, hanging down past the balls.

Unlike his own penis, dwarfed by the hair behind it, Taylen could barely tell that this man had anything pubis until the man moved his dick, stroking it in his hand. He gasped, hearing the sound only his head as the black cock grew larger and longer until fully erect in front of him.

Then the lens moved back, showing Violet moving closer to the man, one finger tracing seductively down his chest. With her as a context, Taylen could see exactly how large, how well-built the dark-skinned man actually was. Violet reached out, grasping the penis in a fist that did not even cover half of his engorged flesh.

"Why would I want to fuck your little thing, when I could have this?"

Taylen did not have an answer.

"Tell you what. I'll make you a deal. You can pretend to be heterosexual a little bit longer. I'm going to take off my dress and you can see my breasts, my ass, my pussy. Just don't look at his cock..."

She seductively started to shrug off the shoulders of her uniform slowly pulling down the dress. Taylen's eyes darted back and forth involuntarily, drifting back and forth from the beautiful purple-haired vixen to the black god dangling in front of him.

"Are you even looking at me? No, you're not... your eyes are on his big dick. You're really a faggot, a sissy who wants to be fucked just like a girl."

The woman turned, pulling down the silver top. Her large breasts bounced out, revealing large, puffy areoles. Her hands kneaded the flesh, her thumb and first finger closing around the hardened nipple, the rest of the silver uniform around her waist.

But Taylen only watched from the periphery. His eyes traced down to the big, black novelty in front of him, then darted over again as another man entered into focus, almost as large below the waist, just as mesmerizing.

He would feel his mouth water, his tiny penis growing inside the plastisteel cage around his shaft. He watched them so intently, their cocks swelling as they stroked themselves, showing off their growing the length. Each pump became nearly hypnotic, and Violet's voice barely came through.

"I'll let you fuck me if you just look over here. No? It's all about cock for you?

Taylen tried several times to rivet his head back to look more closely at the topless beauty next to these two dark-skinned men - feeling an excruciating electric shock driving down from the tip of his dick.

"You can't, can you?" Violet teased. "You already know the truth. You don't measure up to real men, to a real cock."

He didn't need to be told; that much was clear from just looking at their size. Taylen wondered how such men, bulging and large, dark and mysterious, were even the same species. In every way, each of them seemed superior, like superman descended down from a long-distant creator.

There was no need to speculate as to why their very seed was superior. Who could wish to have another inferior, pitiful little white boy when they could breed with this big, black, specimen?

In front of him, Violet walked over between the two men, tracing her hand down one of their chests. The other she slapped playfully on the ass. Compared to Violet, each truly appeared hulking, clearly over two meters tall. Despite the size difference, the overseer clearly commanded both, in complete control of them.

And of Taylen.

She reached down, holding one of the big, black dicks in her hand as though showing if off to him. It a strange way, this wasn't sexual for her. She played with the penis with a sort of indifference, letting it harden completely in her hand.

"Does that little thing between your legs look anything like this?"

He knew the answer.

"Yours is so small, I don't care to label it a dick, or even a penis," Violet said.

"It's something else..."

"A pinky."

"A dicklet."

"A clitty."

She stood between the two men, holding each in her hand.

"These are real men, real cocks... something special."

Her eyes shone brightly, the force of her words penetrating his mind.

"Nigger dicks."

Something about the archaic foreign word instantly made sense to him. It labeled the man in front of him his superior, a desirable man with a proud nigger dick so unlike his small little dicklet. Taylen barely noticed the half-naked woman in front of him, his mouth watering at the sight of the two impossibly large cocks in front of him. His restrained body reacted a world away, bulging against the cage, his skin trying to escape from the cold, unyielding sheath.

"Tell me you want a nigger dick..."

And one last part of his mind resisted just as he seemed ready to truly submit. He choked down the phrase...

Sending a hard shock running through his shaft and to his balls.


The scream echoed around the spaceship, altering the milk maid and the centaur to his progress in this demeaning process.

"Good girl..." Violet said. "That's what you are going to become anyways. Soon enough that cage will shrink your little thing down enough that you won't even remember having a cock."

She moved aside, letting another man appear, wholly unlike the two in front of him. Compared to the larger men, he seemed like a boy, pale and white, his small dicklet barely visible from the mound of coarse pubic hair. He stood in between the two.

"I don't want to fuck him..." Violet said. "He's just like you. Small, pitiful, incapable of pleasing a woman or providing the seed necessary for our race."

She paused.

"So let's change him into her," Violet said.

The time-lapse came almost instantly. First, Taylen saw the same cage close around the white male's balls and cock, shielding them from that pitiful dangling thing between his legs. Then his body begin changing, taking on clearly feminine features. His scant body hair disappeared while the locks on his head drew longer and more stylized. Decorative make-up appeared on his face, transforming it.

But most of all, he saw the budding of breasts on the man. In seconds, the flesh filled out, creating small curves that slowly filled out more and more. They were little more than a handful, nothing compared to Violet Nall's distinctive chest, but still titties.

Suddenly, the man in front of him looked almost completely like a woman, her petite body altered, her long blonde hair fitting perfectly, looking wholly natural. He almost forgot the small penis she had, buried as it was beneath an ever-shrinking cage almost completely obscured by the lightly colored pubic hair, the only body hair anywhere.

"See how beautiful she looks? You are going to look the same."

Violet moved to the side, leaving room for the woman to shrink down, her tits swaying just a little as the real men moved closer. They took turns shoving their big, black cocks into her willing mouth. The newly made girl couldn't help but swallow each greedily, gulping down as much of each shaft as she could before switching to the other.

"They want her now. They'll want you too."

The holographic sissy boy sunk to his knees, the ever-growing breasts swinging out a little. The men moved closer, taking his willing mouth in turns. Immersed in the action, Taylen looking on only inches away, his optic nerves deluding his mind with close-ups of pure delight.

In Taylen's ears thundered commands from the milk maid.

"You're a born cock-sucker."

The sissy sucked back and forth, his face a mess of big black cock. Each member slid across his face, sliding underneath his nose. The time-lapse seemed to stop, the hormone treatment turning the sissy into the spitting image of a woman, except for the small little plastisteel cage bouncing back and forth between his legs.

"They'll use your mouth just like a pussy. You'll be passed around, treated like a cum vacuum, dribbling out every last drop for our use."

With those hairless legs pressed together in a squat, the sissy turned completely feminine, the tuft of hair the only trace of the disappearing manhood. She bobbed back and forth, held by the head, her eyes wet with tears, her mouth dripping saliva.

"You don't deserve to have your dicklet touched. It's just a useless nub getting in the way of real pleasure."

Taylen's eyes flashed, and the same blonde sissy was suspended in the air, held between the two imposing black men. Fucked in both ends, the girl let out a moan, her shrinking little clitty barely jiggling against her balls.

"You'll take it up the ass now. One after another, they'll split you open. Pounding inside of your pussy until you cum."

In front of him, one of the dicks pulled out, displaying a gaping hole. Only then did Taylen noticed his body felt strangely empty.

He'd been so consumed with these cocks he'd forgotten about the device whirring inside of him. Against his restraints, he tried to wriggle, needing the sensation again.

"You need it already, don't you?" Violet's voice rang again. "A real man would want to do the fucking. He would never let anyone lock it up. Only you know you're a sissy."

The look on the sissy's face was everything Taylen craved, the lack of control, the way the girl's eyes fluttered open and close, every motion conveyed the most abject form of bliss.

"You deserve to be caged like every other baby dicked sissy faggot."

And he gave in, his mind malleable to the change occurring both outside and in. His penis palpated against the plastisteel cage, trying to assert its own existence, its base and natural need to be subservient to the real cocks stirring every sense.

"You need it."

The position changed, now the sissy was being held, her asscheeks spread apart while one of the men fucked her.

"You need to be fucked in the ass."

Then vibrating against his own prostrated returned, synched to the second when one of the mammoth monsters spread open the sissy again.

"You need to be bred."

The caged clitty smacked and back and forth against her minuscule balls. Her penis was almost gone, not that Taylen focused on that. His eyes were glued to the big, black dicks pounding either end of the desperate creature.

"You need cum leaking out of your ass."

The man in her ass slowed, shoving his dick into her a few more times before pulling out. A white dollop stayed collected on the tip of his cock even after he withdrew, a voluminous stream dribbling down the curves of her ass.

"You'll want more."

The girl was on her knees, her dicklet obscured again. She bobbed up and down on the cock, swallowing it without regard to its impossible length. It spewed inside of her mouth, the corners gleaming with the creamy result.