The Pony Girl Diva

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A pop diva explores her kinky fantasies.
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By Jim Lyon

The introduction to Sarah's Song started with an ethereal lead guitar riff accompanied within seconds by two kettledrums beating a rhythm that first mimicked the trotting clip clop then the galloping clatter of horse hooves. It signaled to the audience that the centerpiece and finale of Mona's concert--the mega hit that propelled her to international superstar status--was finally beginning. Waiting backstage, Mona was slipping into a semi-hypnotic state as she anticipated her entrance and the approaching opportunity to once again indulge her pony girl fantasy before thousands of fans without them knowing that's what she was doing.

A single spotlight followed Mona as she bounded on stage in her barely-there costume, which consisted of a leather body harness with strategically placed straps, a headpiece that accentuated her hair coiffed to imitate a horse's mane, faux hoof leather gloves and boots, and a long flowing tail protruding from her rear end. The crowd roared as she belted out the opening lines:

She is the mistress of my reins,

And she revels in causing me pain.

She has left her mark upon my soul,

Just by introducing me to my role.

Six dancers similarly dressed joined Mona on stage and danced in unison spread out behind her as she strutted back and forth and continued to sing the song's dark and suggestive lyrics to her screaming fans. Very soon another dancer appeared in a costume that was a stylized replica of an English riding outfit, complete with tall boots and a riding crop. She and Mona began dancing together in a strange and ominous duet that was mesmerizing.

As Mona continued to sing, the woman began chasing her menacingly swishing the riding crop as she did so, Mona occasionally turning to entice her coquettishly. When the blows began to land Mona became increasingly docile, until finally standing still while her pursuer attached a sulky to her harness. Mona's dancing partner climbed aboard the sulky took the reins and cracked her whip, prompting Mona to pull the buggy offstage while reprising the song's opening lines and triggering a cacophony of hoots, whistles and shouts from the spectators. As the lights dimmed the music built to a crescendo that ended the show.

The applause and cheers continued long afterward even as the auditorium slowly emptied. Meanwhile Mona unwound in her dressing room, savoring the magic that the fantasy held for her as long as possible, reluctant to take off her pony gear. It never failed to amuse her that everyone accepted her explanation that the ponies and everything else in the song and routine were metaphors for a tortured love affair. No one had even thought to ask who Sarah was. What would they think if they found out that Sarah was a character in her favorite pony girl book, the content of which had significantly influenced Mona's sexuality?

Eventually she forced herself to remove the gloves and shoes. Next the headdress came off and then the harness. Mona stood in front of the full-length mirror and stared at her reflection, standing naked save for the tail attached to the butt plug in her rectum, her long hair disheveled and wild looking.

Delighted with the untamed creature reflected in the mirror, she placed a hand between her legs and began pleasuring herself. Mona tenderly rubbed her clitoris and as it became inflamed she slapped it hard several times then squeezed it tightly between her fingers. While she continued abusing her nub she slowly inserted two then three fingers into her pussy and commenced fucking herself vigorously, always watching the naked pony girl looking back at her wantonly. She squeezed hard every time the pleasure threatened to bring on a climax, finally stopping the vaginal penetration altogether and concentrating on slapping and pinching her clitoris ever harder until ultimately a deliciously raunchy orgasm emerged from the pain.


Seemingly endless expanses of farmland flew by as Mona gazed out the windows of her luxury touring bus. She'd lost count of how many times she had crisscrossed the country hitting every major concert venue. The first five or six times it had been fun and exhilarating, she had poured herself into putting on the best possible performance she was capable of. But not anymore, the thrill was definitely gone. Long gone.

"Yeah, I get it, Joyce, you're trying to be the adult in the room," she told her longtime manager and confidante.

"Sure, I could shoot myself in the foot if I stop touring, lose the momentum and people might find someone else to fixate on instead of me. But I'm burned out and I need a rest. Do you want me to have a meltdown like Britney?"

"No, of course not, but you've got contractual obligations."

"Work it out. You're my manager, so manage. Do what I need you to do. You work for me not them."

Joyce frowned as she considered what Mona said.

"TCM is going to be pissed. I can hear Ted now, 'You can't just stop cold.'"

"Fuck 'em. I'm giving them plenty of time to get their ducks in a row. You've got six months to wind things down. After that I'm on strike for a year. No tours, no interviews, no anything. I don't even want a post card from you until I tell you otherwise. Money isn't an issue anymore. If I never make another album or put on another concert, I have enough money to keep me in the lap of luxury for two or three lifetimes."

"I'll see what I can do," Joyce said with a resigned sigh.


The soon-to-be ponies were subdued as they sat blindfolded while the minivan wound its way up the private road to Hidden Meadow Ranch. To set the tone for their training they were being transported naked and bound with ankle hobbles and arm binders. Forbidden to talk, they were left to contemplate their hopes and fears in total darkness, the laboring engine and humming tires the only sounds to comfort them.

The ranch was situated on two hundred acres secreted away in a canyon surrounded by craggy mountains whose only inhabitants were marginal links on the food chain. Mostly it consisted of undeveloped relatively level grassy pastures, but at one end of the property was a cluster of buildings and an oval track used for exercising and training horses. The largest of the buildings was a barn that housed upwards of forty stalls, only a few of which were occupied by horses, the rest potentially available for pony girls and boys.

As the minivan headed back down the mountain after unloading its cargo Celeste surveyed her new charges--six females and four males. She began making mental notations about their apparent level of fitness and what would be necessary to get them into shape in the shortest time possible. Most were a little soft looking yet not overweight, but a few had extra baggage that would require a lot of extra effort to shed. Celeste was pleased to see one pony girl was remarkably fit, speculating that she might have lead pony potential. Once she had removed their blindfolds, Celeste introduced herself to the ponies and began their orientation.

"You are all here voluntarily and should have at least a general idea of what to expect. Remember at all times that you are ponies while you're here, so do not break character and talk. Since you have agreed to this training, we do not anticipate much need to punish you for misbehavior. However, corporal punishment is part of the training and some owners have requested that their ponies receive extra disciplinary measures. The rule of thumb here is, though good behavior will minimize being whipped, it won't eliminate it altogether."

Celeste scanned their faces to observe the reaction to this information.

"The main part of your training, the part that I will be working with you on, will focus on building up your fitness and stamina, trimming off any extra weight, and instilling in you obedience and self-discipline. Eventually you will begin learning how to respond and act like a pony. But before any of the training begins our staff has some procedures to perform in order to prepare you for your new life. Please follow me to the barn so they can get started."

The ponies lined up along a wall near the center of the barn and viewed the temporary workstations with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Celeste led the first pony in line to Nancy and instructed her to kneel. As soon as the pony was in position, Nancy began brushing her hair then gathered it tight in a single bunch at the top of her head and secured it as close to her scalp as possible with an elastic band. As the other ponies looked on wide-eyed, using extremely sharp scissors Nancy slowly began cutting the pony's hair close to its base, starting at the edge of the hairline and working inward until the hair finally came free in one piece, leaving a jagged helmet of short hair remaining on the pony's head.

The pony stared at the harvested hair in disbelief as Nancy put it aside and grabbed an electric razor set to a depth of 1/2 inch then with dispatch evened up the ragged hair on her scalp until it approximated a two-week-old beard. While the pony was distracted mourning for her hair, Nancy changed the setting on the razor to zero and quickly removed all her pubic hair.

As the second pony in line was delivered to Nancy, Susan fetched the shorn pony and led her to the adjacent workstation. She systematically set about destroying the hair follicles between the pony's legs with a very thorough full-bikini laser treatment, ensuring that the pubic hair wouldn't be growing back. When Susan was done a pink triangle of skin was the only evidence that the procedure had taken place.

The final stop on the assembly line was Denise's workstation. Her job was to install a septum ring, a nipple ring on each breast, and four rings on their outer labium, each ring interlocking with the corresponding ring on the adjoining labia, effectively preventing penetration. Eventually all the ponies endured the same procedures, except the pony boys instead all had their penises attached to their scrotums with four rings on each side.

After finishing with her last pony, Nancy began fashioning the hair she had cut into custom ponytail falls, which she in turn attached to large butt plugs. She finished with this task just as Denise was placing the final rings on her last customer of the day. The remaining indignity for the ponies then was to bend over while Nancy lubed up their butt plugs and inserted them into their rear passages.

While the ponies adjusted to their body modifications, Celeste began removing their hobbles and arm binders. Next, she placed a leather collar with a number on it around each of their necks and explained that the number was to be their name during their stay at the ranch. Then she gave them a few minutes to relax before herding them outside to begin their training in earnest.

The naked ponies huddled together on the track, their new body jewelry sparkling in the sunlight. Celeste mused on the similarities and differences between the ponies before her and new recruits in boot camp as she prepared them for the next activity of the day.

"I realize that most of you are not in the best of shape, so I'm going to start you off with some easier exercises and work up to the level you need to be at in order to perform as a pony. Today you're going to walk one mile then run one mile and repeat the cycle until I decide you've earned a break."

Celeste pointed to the pony girl whose athleticism had impressed her earlier.

"Three, I want you to take lead while I come up behind and if need be motivate any laggards with a few lashes from my riding crop. Set the pace at three to four miles an hour in order for everyone to get some aerobic benefit out of it. Remember, this isn't punishment, it is fitness training."


Celeste savored the sight of Three tied to an overhead crossbeam with her legs spread apart attached at the ankles to a stationary spreader bar, her breasts and groin pink from the flogging she had just received. Celeste marveled that she was being paid to do this, apparently at the request of the pony herself. Three's file showed that she was the one who had signed up and remitted the $20,000 for the training. The space for her owner's name was marked "None," but the optional punishment box had been checked and "Daily breast and genital flogging" was printed neatly in the space allotted for specific instructions.

Three looked forward to this daily ritual that left her achingly horny in a dreamy submissive daze. She had requested the extra punishment impulsively--she hadn't known it was available until she saw the option box as she was filling out the form--but she was glad that she had because it allowed her to indulge her fantasies more completely, and she wasn't able to chicken out of it or change her mind because they were contractually obligated to fulfill her request and she to let them. This was the best present she had ever given herself--money well spent!

After administering intimate floggings every day for four weeks, Celeste was finding it difficult to remain detached as she performed her duty. Besides getting extremely aroused by flogging an attractive masochist, she was developing a romantic fondness for her star pupil. Although they had never conversed, Celeste suspected that Three had similar feelings for her. Furtive, hungry looks and shy blushes when Celeste caught Three staring at her were dead giveaways. Yet Celeste's professional ethics prevailed and she did not cross the line, as much as it pained her.

Thankfully the nine other ponies kept Celeste's mind off this emotional quandary most of the time. A rigorous regimen of power walking, jogging, calisthenics and ellipsis machine workouts, in concert with a high protein/low fat diet, was having the desired effect on them. Very soon they would be ready to have their training supplemented by the specialist who focused on proper pony demeanor, show etiquette and dressage.


At the graduation gala event, Three felt a familiar thrill electrify her entire body when she heard "Pony Number Three" announced over the loudspeaker--she was next up in the dressage competition. Her handler led her into the arena and Three trotted with perfect form to the center facing the temporary grandstand where the judges were seated and bowed gracefully bending one knee, leaning forward slightly. At that moment she knew they were hers, she was in her element.

Realistically her handler was superfluous; Three could have executed the routine all by herself with her eyes closed. Her performance was very complex and way more challenging than any of the spectators or judges had ever witnessed, let alone from a new pony. But the coup de grace came when her handler released the bridle and Three demonstrated the extent of her amazing prowess by repeating her routine without direction and even throwing in some dazzling flourishes, finishing with the physically demanding Spanish walk performed as she traversed the arena twice in a serpentine fashion then a closing bow at the spot in the center where she began. The loud and enthusiastic applause was uncharacteristic for dressage performances--it certainly surpassed by far the tepid, polite response afforded the other competition participants. There was no question in anyone's mind, least of all Three's, which pony would be taking home the winner's trophy.

By the time the races started Three's confidence was soaring and she was beginning to believe that she could beat all the other ponies, even the males, despite many of them being much taller with longer strides. During the first race, the quarter mile, she imagined Celeste running alongside and whipping her ass to encourage her to go faster, a tactic that worked apparently because she edged past the leading pony in the final stretch and won by half a stride. The one-mile race was much easier for her because her superior fitness enabled Three to maintain her speed while the others faded three quarters of the way to the finish line.

The harness race was the final event and it was the one that Three looked forward to the most. In her mind, this was what pony girls should be doing, carting around their owners while dressed in their finest livery. At the starting bell Three jumped out of the gate and tore down the track creating a commanding lead before the other ponies had a chance to get into a rhythm. The driver coaxed her on with the whip but it really wasn't necessary, Three was oblivious to the lashes that landed on her backside, she was enthralled with living out her fantasy and she was determined to fly like the wind and make her trainer proud. And that is exactly what she did, crossing the tape three lengths ahead of the nearest competitor after leading the race wire-to-wire. Three had accomplished the seemingly impossible, sweeping the competition in every category, much to the consternation of the other ponies, particularly the pony boys, some of whom were rightly concerned that their poor showing might result in a date with the veterinarian for a gelding procedure.


With mixed emotions Celeste secured Three for her final daily flogging.

"You were fantastic out there today. I am very proud of you and I have decided to give you a reward, something that I know you'll appreciate. I'm going to whip you harder than you've ever been whipped before and leave marks on your body that will last for weeks. Think of it as a little going away present to remember me by."

Three held her gaze and smiled approvingly. She shivered imperceptibly in anticipation of a long-held dream coming true. The first stroke was everything she hoped for, like a hot poker had been shoved into her groin. Her clitoris burned so intensely that she thought she would climax then and there. But before she could fully process that sensation the flogger connected viciously with her breasts, leaving an angry red weal just below her areolas. With an odd sense of detachment Three admired the rhythm and placement of Celeste's lashes, relishing the fiery impact of each one.

Unlike all their previous sessions, the whip ventured to unexplored parts of her body. Celeste circled around and peppered the flesh from her thighs to her back then returned to her front and unleashed a flurry of strokes on her primary erogenous zone that brought about the most excruciatingly nasty orgasm of Three's life, wringing her nerves raw and ragged. Three was awash in submissive abandon as Celeste continued coaxing pain-induced orgasms from her tortured body until she could barely stand. Finally, Celeste released Three from her bonds and carried the sated pony to her stall, where she lay quivering before eventually slipping off to lurid sexually symbolic dreams.


Sending a limousine was a nice touch Celeste thought as she was being chauffeured across town to a meeting with a potential client. All she knew was that this was another referral from Katherine. If the intent had been to impress her, it succeeded. The opulent hotel and the long glass-elevator ride to the thirty-second floor suite screamed money and prestige. After introducing herself and thanking Celeste for coming, the woman got down to business.

"I represent a very high-profile celebrity who would like to retain your services exclusively on an ongoing basis. She is prepared to reward you handsomely and has authorized me to be very flexible and generous with your compensation."

Celeste was momentarily unsure how to respond.

"Okay, you have my attention, but what exactly would I be doing, and if you wouldn't mind, could you quantify generous compensation?"

An appreciative smile preceded the reply.

"Well, you would be her personal trainer both at home and on tour. As for compensation, she was very clear that she doesn't want to insult you by offering too little, so she has instructed me to ask you if $200,000 per year plus expenses would be satisfactory."