The Preacher's Son


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We came outside the other side of the rose garden and I led him down around behind it. We walked through some trees until we found a small flat area.

I turned around and threw myself at him. We kissed hard, with deep passion. I took off my hoodie and tossed it on the ground. I reached between our bodies and unbuckled Jackson's belt. I quickly unbuckled my own belt and I laid down on the ground on top of my hoodie, pulling Jackson down with me. Jackson shrugged off his leather jacket.

"Make love to me, Jacks."

Jackson spit onto his fingers and pushed his index finger into my ass. I relaxed my muscled ring for his invading digit, allowing him full entry. I relaxed back onto the ground as he kissed along my bare neck and finger banged me. He pulled out and spit again and replaced it with two fingers. His other hand tugged at my hard cock.

"Now, Jacks," I whispered breathlessly. "I'm ready."

"We don't have rubbers or lube, baby. Just let me use my hands."

"Oh, god, Jacks. I need you so bad it hurts. Please."

"Wait, I might have something in my pocket."

Jackson fished around the inside breast pocket of his leather jacket. He pulled out a single use packet of lube. He looked down at me and I nodded.

"You sure you wanna do this? Take me raw?"

"Yeah. We're both okay and in a monogamous relationship."

"Ain't no one but you, baby boy."

Jackson cracked open the lube and poured some onto his fingers. He rubbed it along my hole and pressed his slick fingers into me.

"Turn over," he said huskily.

I turned over onto my belly and pushed my pants further down to my knees. I angled my butt upwards. Jackson bent down and gently nipped my cheek with his teeth. He pushed his jeans and boxers down past his butt. He coated his shaft with the lube and aimed. The large head speared into me and I moaned. I gripped my hoodie and thrust my ass back at Jackson.

"Oh god, yes, Jacks... You're so big..."

"Take it, baby," he whispered in my ear. "Aw, shit. You're so fucking hot... so motherfucking tight. Oh god damn, it's so warm and soft inside you."

"Fuck me, Jacks," I begged. "Please."

Jackson shuddered. "Baby..."

"Fuck me, Jacks."

Jackson laid his weight on top of me and began thrusting his hips. I reached behind me and grabbed at Jackson's waist. "Harder, Jacks."

He grabbed my wrist with his left hand and pinned it to the ground. He growled into my ear, "Yeah, I'm-a give it to ya good. Give you what you want, what you need."

He pushed his right hand under my body and grabbed the base of my dick. He bit down on my shoulder as he pounded his hips into me relentlessly. We were both so turned on that neither of us was going to last long.

Jackson increased his speed and intensity. His body slapped against mine, echoing through the trees along with our quiet grunts and groans.

"Baby, please," Jackson pleaded into my ear. "Can I come? Can I come inside you?"

"Yes, Jacks. Don't pull out. Come inside me," I whispered.

His slick hand squeezed and stroked my shaft. "Come with me."

"Jacks, I'm coming, oh god, I'm coming."

I let out a sob and my whole body shuddered and convulsed as I spurt my seed into the ground below me. Jackson pulled up onto his hands. He pinned me to the ground and jackhammered into me.

"Yes, give it to me," I whispered.

"Gonna nut," he grunted.

A final thrust and he let out a stifled roar as his cock throbbed and pulsed. I could feel the hot, thick cream filling and overflowing out of me.

"I love you, baby boy," Jackson groaned as he collapsed on top of me.

He laid on top of me and wrapped his arms around me. I pushed my hands under my chest and gripped his forearms and held tight. "I love you."

When his cock finally softened and slipped out, he pushed back onto his knees. I rolled over onto my back and I could feel the sticky mess between my legs. I pulled my pants and briefs off and we used my underwear to clean ourselves up as best we could. I was going to toss the underwear aside, but Jackson took them from me and stuffed them into his jacket pocket. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I giggled. I leaned up and gave him a quick kiss.

Once we got our clothes situated, we walked back to the bike.

"So... You'll think about it?" Jackson asked. "About moving in?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna look for another job first. I wouldn't feel right unless I was contributing to our home."

"I like the way that sounds. 'Our home'. You know, there's some shops on the street where I work. You should check them out. Then we can ride to work together."

"I will."

Jackson leaned down and gave me a quick kiss.


When I got home, I cleaned up in the bathroom, washing away Jackson's semen that had leaked down the inside of my leg. I tugged at the collar of my polo shirt and buttoned an extra button. Even though they were far down on the base of my neck and my collarbone, I didn't want to risk my parents seeing the marks Jackson had left.

I sat down at my desk and opened up my laptop computer and brought up the newspaper's classified ads, looking to see if there were any jobs I might be qualified for. I didn't see anything. If Mother had client meetings the next day, I might be able to sneak down to where Jackson worked and check the shops there.

When the doorbell rang, I looked back at the clock in surprise. It was after 10:00. We wouldn't normally get visitors so late.


"Coming, Dad."

I made my way downstairs and skidded to a stop when I saw the two policemen at the front door. A taller, younger one and a shorter, fat one. The shorter fat cop looked familiar. I think he went to our church.

"Are you Walt Rockdale, Junior?" the tall cop asked me.


I looked between the two cops and my parents. I started to shake. The only thing I could think of was that something bad happened to Jackson.

"We need you to come down to the hospital with us," the fat cop said.

"The hospital? Why?" My voice shook and I steadied myself against the foyer table.

The cops glanced at my parents, then back at me.

"Where were you this evening?" the tall cop asked.

My eyes filled with tears and I shook my head. They were here about Jackson.

The tall cop looked at me sympathetically. "Come on. We'll get this taken care of," he said gently as he took my arm. "He can't hurt you now."

I jerked away from the cop. "Wait. What? What are you talking about?"

"We got the raping bastard in custody," the fat cop said.

I gasped and shook my head. "No."

Mother's knees went weak and Dad propped her up.

"Raping bastard?" Dad asked. He looked at me in horror. "You were raped? By a man?!"

"Come on," the tall cop said gently. "Come with us. It'll be okay. No one's going to hurt you."

"Don't touch me!" I shouted as I backed away. "That didn't happen."

"We got a witness," the fat cop said. "She called it in."

I shook my head again, looking between the cops and my parents. "Oh my god, oh my god."

The tall cop looked back at my parents. "Give us a minute."

He put his hand on my back and led me out of the room into the dining room.

"Can you tell us what happened?" he asked.

"He didn't rape me," I whispered. I gulped nervously. "It's our anniversary. We got carried away."

"He's your... What? Boyfriend?" the tall cop asked. "You'd sign a statement?"

"Yes. I'd sign anything. Please. You can't arrest him. Please don't lock him up. I love him."

The fat cop scoffed and shook his head.

The tall cop pulled out his radio. "This is Murdoch. Release Jackson Carter. The witness was mistaken as to what she saw..."

I let out a sigh of relief as the cop continued his conversation on the radio.

"Jackson Carter!" Dad shouted from the doorway. "You let Jackson Carter rape you?"

"Sir, please." The tall cop held up his hand to calm Dad down, then turned back to me. "Sorry to have bothered you."

Dad stood there slack-jawed. "I don't understand. You're releasing my son's... rapist?"

Mother let out a squeak and clutched at her blouse as she sobbed into a tissue.

"It wasn't rape," the fat cop said. "Jackson Carter is your son's homosexual lover."

He almost had a smile on his face as he told my Dad the 'good news'.

Mother stumbled and slumped against the wall in a faint and the tall cop rushed over and helped her to her feet and set her down in a chair. I would have laughed if the situation were different. She can be so overly dramatic sometimes.

Dad walked to the front door. "Thank you, officers," he said tightly.

I watched the officers leave, wishing now that I had gone with them. Dad shut the door and turned to face me. His entire face was beet red, well on its way to turning white.

Dad's chest started to heave and I stepped back. With a growl, he grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked. I grabbed at his hand and wrist, trying to free his grip as he dragged me upstairs to my bedroom.

"You let that ghetto trash lay on you like a filthy faggot whore?! How dare you humiliate me like this! No son of mine is going to be a god damned faggot, if I have to beat it out of you..."

He unbuckled his belt and tugged it off with one hand while the other pushed me onto my bed. He grabbed my ankle and yanked me back to the edge. I heard the whistle of the belt flying through the air and felt a searing pain across my buttocks.

I cried out in pain. Something inside me snapped. Anger coursed through me and I turned over onto my back and kicked Dad hard in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards.

I jumped up onto my feet and raised my fists. "Don't touch me, you bastard! I won't let you bully me any longer."

"You little ingrate!"

"I'm gay, Dad. And yes, Jackson Carter is my boyfriend. I am in love with him and he is in love with me."

"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female, it is an abomination!"

"Don't quote the Bible to me to try to justify your hate. A wise woman told me that God does not make mistakes."

"Don't you dare use God to try to justify your perversion."

"I'm leaving and you can't stop me."

"Over my dead body will I let you humiliate me."

"You're a hypocrite. You humiliate yourself every time you open your mouth."

Dad slapped me across the face. I stumbled backward. He grabbed my phone and my laptop from my desk. As he walked through my bedroom door, he pulled the key out and slammed the door shut behind him.

I ran to the door and tried to open it, but he had locked it.

I could hear Dad in the hallway muttering and spewing a racist tirade. I covered my ears with my hands when I heard the N-word. My stomach churned and I felt like I was going to throw up.

I paced the room, trying to figure out how I was going to get out of here and get to Jackson.

My heart broke when I thought of how he must have felt when he was being taken away and arrested.

I had to get out of here. I tried the door again, but it was locked tight. I thought maybe I could push the key out. I bent down and looked through the key hole, but he had taken the key.

I went to the window and looked down. I was on the second floor and there was nothing beneath the window. If I jumped I would probably hurt myself really bad.

I sighed and laid down on the bed. I buried my head in my pillow and waited.


I awoke the next morning when the door opened. I backed up against headboard. Mother walked in with a tray and set it on my desk.


She walked out without a word or even a glance at me. I heard the clink of the bolt turning in the lock.

I looked at the peanut butter sandwich and glass of water. I wasn't hungry. The thought of eating made my stomach turn.

Dad opened the door. "Get up."

I got out of bed and he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the bathroom. "Hurry up."

Dad made me leave the door open while I used the bathroom and cleaned up. I didn't speak and I tried not to look him in the eye, because I could tell that he was on the edge of completely losing it.

When I finished, he pointed to the stairs. "Go," he said.

He escorted me down the stairs into the living room, all the while I was thinking of how to get away. I was taken aback when I saw a large, scary muscular man and a tall, lithe man were standing in the living room.

The lithe man smiled at me. It was a fake condescending smile with no real warmth to it. "Hi, Walt. I'm Vern and this is Darvin. We're here to help you."

He spoke to me as if I was a child. I looked at the pair of them with a skeptical eye. "Help me?"

"We run a camp for confused men such as yourself."

"I'm not confused. I'm gay."

"Darvin here was confused once, just like you are. He's going to help us help you get better."

I looked up at Darvin and the corner of his mouth turned up in a smile as he looked me up and down. I stepped back, but Dad put his hand on my back and pushed me forward.

"Just take him," Dad said impatiently. "I'll pay for the advanced treatments. Do what you have to."

I shook my head. "No!"

Vern held up a hand to calm Dad, then turned to me. "Walt, we want to help you. If you could sign this, we can get started."

Vern pulled out a manila folder that held a stack of papers.

I shook my head. "I'm not signing that!"

"I'll sign it," Dad said, reaching for the paper.

Vern shook his head. "He's over eighteen. He has to sign it."

Dad looked at Darvin and motioned his head towards me. Darvin grabbed me, nearly jerking my arm out of the socket. He pushed me down in the chair and gave me a pen. "Sign."


Darvin twisted my arm behind my back and squeezed the back of my neck with his other hand. "Sign it!"

He applied increasing pressure until it felt like my arm was going to snap. "Okay!" I sobbed.

I took the pen and managed to sign my name on the form despite the fact that my hand was shaking uncontrollably.

Vern and Dad shook hands.

Darvin yanked me up and dragged me out of house. Vern hurried around us and opened the door to the mini-van parked in front of the church.

I heard a sports bike and I turned to see the red motorcycle screech to a stop at the curb.

Jackson held his hand out to me.

He came for me!

I jerked my arm away from Darvin and brought my knee up as hard as I could to his groin. He let out a roar as he grabbed his nuts and stumbled backwards. I grabbed the manila folder from Vern and ran as fast as I could to Jackson. I jumped on the back of his bike and held on tight as he took off like a rocket.

When he got a few miles away from the house, he turned into a parking lot. He pulled me off the bike and crushed me into a tight hug.

I clung to him. "They were going to take me to a religious brainwashing camp. But you came for me, Jacks."

Jackson cradled my face in his hands. "Always. Always for you, baby boy."

Jackson kissed me deeply, pouring all of his emotions into the connection between our bodies.

"Let's go home, baby boy."

"That sounds good. Take me home, Jacks."

We climbed onto the bike and Jackson raced off into the sunset, towards home.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It goes to show that god knows that love is the answer. Also sex is great

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of my favorite stories to come back to every time I reread it , it feels like visiting old friends being a heterosexual black female I am loving how Jackson takes care of his man and I love the relationship his family has with Wally that's exactly how I think a black woman would love her son and his special someone

bienclarbienclaralmost 2 years ago

I first read this a long time ago and thought it was good, but in 2022 it reads very differently. Jackson is not a character, he is a collection of insidious tropes mashed together for the titillation of an audience that views Black men as exotic fetish objects. Even the way he and the other Black characters speak is uncomfortable to read: you can’t approximate AAVE just by giving them bad grammar and seeing if it ‘sounds right’ in your head. You probably won’t read this because it doesn’t seem you’re active on the site any more, but if you do then I hope you reflect on why you fell into this trap. If you don’t believe me, have a read of the other comments through the lens I’ve proposed – there are some absolute howlers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please I need more to this story. Thank you for such a beautiful love story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Beautiful Story!

I can imagine how great life would have been, had I met a Jackson and fallen in love. Years ago, racism and homosexuality were totally frowned on. Now although not 100% acceptable, I'd be in heaven if I had a black man for a husband or life partner. In and out of bed, I'd be proud and not afraid to show it. If you are openly gay, be proud and know that many of us were too stupid to come out of the closet.

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