The Price of Sin

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An attorney feeds his compulsive need to pay.
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Max sat naked on the edge of the bed waiting for Nikki and her friend to come back into the room. He was nervous, as he was any time he came to see Nikki. His heart was beating much faster. His hands trembled slightly and beads of sweat formed on his skin. He wished that he could light a cigarette. But he didn't dare. He knew the rules. And he knew the consequences for breaking them too. He took a deep breath, trying to relax, but it was a hopeless effort, and he knew it.

While waiting, he looked around the room. He liked the way Nikki had set it up. The ambience was just right. The king size brass bed took up most of the space in the center of the dimly lit room. The bed was covered in shiny black satin sheets which were smooth and soft to the touch. There were numerous small pillows at the head of the bed, many of them covered in bright red silk pillowcases with white lace trim. The large mirrors on both side walls clearly reflected on the bed. And on the ceiling above were two more large mirrors at a v-shaped angle giving not one but two perfect views of the bed below. There was no doubt that the room was set up for one thing and one thing only; sex. The sensuous decor and the lusty atmosphere of the room added greatly to the sense of excitement for Max as he sat alone waiting for Nikki to return. Tonight's session was to be special. He had requested to have another girl join in in a very special way. A deeply rooted need and fantasy was to be fulfilled. Max felt the tension building. He yearned for the powerful release that he knew he would be experiencing for Nikki always satisfied his cravings. At least until the next session.

Nikki was a high class call girl, a consummate professional. To her, hooking was not a temporary job, it was her career. She enjoyed being the best. She liked the feeling of power it gave her over men. And it paid well. Very well. The previous year she had made over $200k without paying any taxes. And it was so easy for her. Nikki had the knack for the job. Most of her business was from "regular" clients who came back to see her over and over. She was happy to take their money on a frequent basis.

Max was definitely one of her regulars. He was hooked on her. She gave him what he wanted in a way that no one else ever had. She helped him to explore the inner recesses of his psyche where his most wicked desires lay. He felt sinful with Nikki. He felt naughty and exposed. And most of all he experienced a boyish submissiveness. With "Miss Nikki" he felt like a pubescent teenager begging to experience the pleasures and talents of a sexual goddess. As a high powered lawyer his life was full of the stresses of the rat race where he was in constant competition for power and control. He was very successful. But it took a toll on him. Even at home, he was an actor. He was the "head of the household", the "breadwinner", the "responsible husband", the "wonderful father", who provided for everyone. Sometimes he just got sick of it. Seeing Nikki gave him a chance to "let go", to take off the mask. He desperately needed it. There had been times when he had tried to stop this behavior, when guilt had crept up on him. But inevitably, as the pressure built inside, he made the phone call to set an appointment. He couldn't stop himself. He was addicted to her. He even told Nikki this one time. All she did was smile at him and tell him to keep coming back. As they both knew he would.

Finally, Nikki came back into the room, followed by the other girl that Max had not yet met.

"Down on your knees, slut."

Max immediately dropped to his knees in front of Nikki. He reacted spontaneously without thought or choice. Her voice controlled him. Her tone made him quiver. The rest of his life faded away. All that existed was the present moment and the reality of the powerful woman standing over him.

"This is Dawn. She works for me. She is my student. I am teaching her the art of the profession. She will be watching and participating in our session today. You will, when necessary address her as "Miss Dawn". Is that understood?"

"Yes, maam."

"Good. Please take a seat Dawn."

The young woman took a seat in the leather chair off to the side. Max glanced at her. He guessed she was in her early twenties. She was very attractive. She returned Max's look with a knowing smile. She was learning well.

"Where is my tribute?"

Max put both his hands together up in front of him. Laying across his palms was a wad of twenty dollar bills. She took them, counting them while he watched. It was unusual for her to do this with a customer. Generally the money was discreetly placed on a corner of the coffee table. It was not discussed. This had the effect of making it seem unimportant. She wanted the client to feel like he really wasn't paying for it. She knew that the more he felt this way, the more he would come back. It was an effective psychology. But with Max, she rubbed in the fact that he was paying. With him, it was a very effective tactic.

".... forty, sixty, eighty, two hundred, twenty, forty...." The bills passed slowly and deliberately from her left to her right hand. Every now and then she would stop. "You know young man, I really think I should start charging you more. After all I deserve it....sixty, eighty, three hundred....I mean for me to spend my time with a creature like you...tsk, tsk, for we both know that the only way you could EVER be with a woman like me is to pay for it. Isn't that true little slut boy?"

"Yes, maam, it is true."

"No doubt about that.....four hundred, twenty....after all no one could ever give you what Miss Nikki gives you....five hundred...I am so fucking far superior to the likes of you. You ain't shit in this house, mister attorney......six hundred. Good, it seems to all be here. I do appreciate your money. Keep making lots of it. Now, go get me the ashtray."

Max crawled across the carpet to the far side of the room to get the ashtray from the corner table. Crawling back, he got up and sat again on the edge of the bed. He held the ashtray out in front of him. His Mistress stepped close to him. She pulled out a gold cigarette case and withdrew a single cigarette, placing it between her lips.

"Do you have a light, sir?"

Nikki bent forward slightly as Max raised a lighter up with his free hand. It lit with the second flick. She stuck the tip of the cigarette into the flame sucking and inhaling deeply. She blew the smoke forcefully into Max's face. "Thank you so much, I've been craving a cigarette for hours now but I just couldn't find a light. So nice of you to help me."

Max was the victim of a smoking fetish. All his life the sight of a woman smoking had secretly aroused him. He had been taught in his Quaker upbringing that smoking was sinful. As was illicit sex with loose women. As a result he kept hidden his desires for both. But when he saw a woman smoking in public he would furtively gaze her way with an unrequited longing which could only be satisfied in his fantasies. But with Nikki there was no need for the secret to be held in. She was more than willing to indulge him. She smoked the cigarette slowly and deliberately as he sat watching intently. Her motions and gestures were intentionally exaggerated. After every drag Nikki would lick and moisten her lips before blowing the smoke out, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, allowing the grey smoke to curl up while randomly escaping from her mouth. She would always look directly into Max's eyes during the exhale, giving him a subtle smile when finished. During the inhale, she would look away, striking a pose as her chest expanded. When needed she would tap the cigarette a few times on the ashtray which her servant held out for her use. At such times she would give him a determined powerful look which destroyed any ego that Max had left. He was completely awestruck and powerless before his Goddess. He felt like she owned his soul. As indeed she did. After the last puff she commanded him to "Open wide." As he did she flicked the final ash into his mouth before grinding the cigarette out in the ashtray. Dawn giggled as she watched his humiliation. But Max was so far gone that to him, being Nikki's ashtray was a treasured moment.

The session was a planned process of gradually ratcheting up Max's level of arousal and submission. For Max the supreme objects of sexual power were a woman's breasts. His obsession with them was his ultimate fetish. Throughout his life he had fantasized about finding a woman with perfect breasts that he could submit and surrender himself to. Nikki was the answer to his dreams. For she was a very well endowed woman who understood the power of her assets. She knew her breasts were desirable. She could feel men's eyes on them everywhere she went. And in her work she flaunted their power and desirability to bring in a mountain of cash.

She stood before Max thrusting her chest forward so that it was almost touching his face. At this stage of the game he was not allowed to touch. She teased and tortured him with seductive poses. The tight black top she wore emphasized the size and shape of her magnificent breasts. The powerful attorney sat meekly on the bed unable to fulfill his desire to feel them.

"Do you like my body, little boy?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, I'm going to be nice. I'm going to let you touch me, but just a little, and softly. Don't be rough now. I am a lady, you know."

Max put his hands on her breasts feeling them lightly through the taut material. He was absolutely fascinated with them. He loved touching them. All his life he had been scared to approach or even talk to women with big breasts. Whenever he saw such a woman, he would fantasize about walking up to her and boldly feeling up her tits. But of course he never did. So, Nikki's giving him her permission to touch them thrilled him no end. He craved that permission. He was willing to beg for it, to crawl for it. Or more realistically, to pay a good price for it.

Nikki backed up a step. "Would you like to see them? Hmmmm...I thought you might." She undid the buttons on her top and peeled it off. She stood there for a moment in a black lace bra. Then she unhooked the bra from the back letting it fall to the floor.

"Would you like to suck them?"

"Yes, Miss Nikki."

"Well, I'll let you...but only on the condition that you promise to come see me again. Will you do that?"

"Yes, yes, I promise I will. I give you my word."

"OK then. Go ahead. You may kiss them"

Max put his mouth on her right breast. Immediately he was filled with a feeling of warmth and security. His anxieties and fears melted away with Nikki's acquiescence in the fulfillment of his deepest desires. He worshipped her breasts. He succumbed completely to their power. He made love to them slowly and gently with his mouth and hands. His tensions faded as he basked in the glow of Nikki's maternal acceptance of him. But she was not yet done toying with him.

"That's enough now." Max backed off as Nikki took a step backwards. "Time is money, honey, and yours is winding down. I have another customer coming in to see me in awhile. He is going to fuck me. I need to prepare for him. So it is time for you to get on with it. Put your hand on your cock and start fucking it. NOW!" Max did as he was told. "Yes, that's it, jack it. But don't you dare come. You come without permission, and you will be shut off. Is that clear little boy?"

"Yes, maam."

"Yes, look at you. How pathetic! Dawn, dear, have you ever seen anything like this?"

Dawn giggled. "No, Mistress, I haven't. He is truly a sad case. But it is good that he makes so much money. I guess that is what he IS good for." She lit a cigarette as she continued watching the show.

"True, that seems to be his only redeeming asset. Otherwise, I'd never waste my time on him. Can you believe that he actually once asked if he could put that scrawny cock inside me? YOU DON'T MAKE ENOUGH FOR THAT, SCUMBAG! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD? I WOULD NEVER EVER LET YOU INSIDE ME! YOU'RE LUCKY I LET YOU JACK OFF WITH ME."

Max was getting exactly what he paid for. He loved the scolding and the humiliation. He loved being on a roller coaster ride where the crest of acceptance was followed by the descent of degradation. He loved the way that Nikki masterfully guided him through the peaks and valleys of his subconscious desires. The ride was thrilling. And he knew the climax was coming for indeed his time was running out.

Nikki laid across the bed. "You may come up here with me now, boy." Max got into the position. He was kneeling over her on her right side, his cock aimed at her breasts. His hand was still moving although very slowly.

"Dawn, dear, would you come and assist me please." Dawn climbed on the bed behind Max, a black leather paddle in her hand.

"This time you will get both punishment and redemption at the same time. You are a bad boy. You are sinful. You belong on your knees when you are with me. Worship me. Worship the body you are not worthy to touch."

"Lay into him!"

Dawn pounded the paddle on his ass. Max lurched forward, moaning and gasping as the shock of the whacks enveloped his body. The intense pain brought him to an even higher level. His hand was moving ever faster on his cock. He stared at his Mistress' breasts filling his brain with the vision of their beauty and power. He was on the edge.

"Miss Nikki....may I please have your permission to come now? I beg you.... I need it so bad. Please, please let me. I promise I will be good. Please, please." Max was shaking as the words came stuttering out.

"Just a little more....a little more.....hold on...hold on....hold on to it.....just a little more. There....there. Tell me now, are you sorry for being such a bad boy?"


"Are you sure?"


"Then you may come now."

Max immediately let loose with a body wrenching orgasm which shook him to the core. His come streamed across Nikki's breasts. Dawn stopped the spanking to allow him to experience the full intensity of the tremendous release. Nikki whispered lovingly to him, "Yes, yes, that's a good boy, yes, yes, oh yes, you are so good, Mommy forgives you, hmmmm, yes, oh that feels good, yes."

Max collapsed in Nikki's arms. She comforted and soothed him as she stroked his hair. She allowed him enough time to recover his wits. Then his time was done. He dressed quickly.

"Thank you Max, I really do like seeing you. And remember your promise, I want you back here soon."

"Yes, and thank you Nikki, you are beautiful. Thank you. And you too Miss Dawn, I am glad you could join in."

He walked out, leaving behind the tensions and stresses he had walked in with. And $600, the price of his sin.

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