The Principal's Turn -Training Day

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Liz surrenders as Maggie's training begins.
16.6k words

Part 4 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/12/2022
Created 12/02/2019
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This is the fourth part in a series following the quest of Taisha, a black dominant lesbian, to convert her former high school principal and now boss into her willingly submissive lover. It does however stand on its own if you have not read the previous chapters. Please be aware, it contains content of non/consent and reluctance. If you choose to read on, please enjoy.

The young schoolteacher Taisha just left her nemesis Liz. Liz was an established teach who was out to sabotage Taisha's career and relationship with Principal Turner before it began. Fortunately, Liz slipped up and gave Taisha the ammunition to ruin her career if she chose. Instead she used the leverage to deliver her just desserts.

Taisha drove home from her encounter with Liz, feeling confident and completely satisfied, when the phone rang, it was Principle Maggie Turner the object of her desires for many years.

"Hello Principal Turner, what a surprise. I didn't expect to hear from you today. Change of plans?" She asked butterflies churning in her stomach.

"Things got a bit delayed today, so I thought I would give you a call while I had the chance." She said apprehensively.

"I'm glad you did. I've been thinking about you. Tomorrow seems so far away..."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Maggie struggled for the right words.

She had been feeling tremendous guilt about their encounter, and though she so desperately wanted more, she had never been unfaithful to Sam. She even tried to rationalize, being with a woman was not cheating, since they had different equipment to work with.

This morning when she and Taisha looked other at each in front of Sam, knowingly plotting to be together, she felt the rush of excitement and lust that clouded her judgement. But as she thought about it later, she knew it was wrong.

Maggie continued. "Sam and I have been married for a long time and like any marriage there are..."

"You're having second thoughts?" Taisha interrupted.

"I'm not sure I would call them second thoughts, but maybe rational thoughts..."

Taisha's mind spun into action. She needed to handle this carefully or she could lose this opportunity. Her frustration was overwhelming. Sam clearly had not been faithful to Maggie and practically bragged about it, and his invitation to lunch surely had the intention of adding to his resume. She got an idea.

"I understand Principal Turner, I'm so sorry for misinterpreting signals. I never wanted to..." She sniffled and took a deep breath with a pause, hoping Maggie would respond.

"Oh, Taisha, none of this is your fault Sweetie." Taisha smiled and let Maggie speak. "It's my fault. Sam and I have been in a lull and I allowed myself to let the excitement of something new, cloud my judgement. Unfortunately, you've witnessed the two times that has happened in my life. What you witnessed almost happen with coach Johnson and now what I let happen with you."

Taisha felt a sudden lightness as she realized, Maggie was still within her grasp and all she had to do was let her talk herself back into it.

"I've never given thought to a..." She paused. "...relationship with a woman. But when a vibrant beautiful young lady that I have admired very much was interested in me that way, I just kind of lost control and I'm sorry. The newness and the butterflies in my stomach..."

"Principal Turner, please take a breath. I understand, I would never want to make you uncomfortable or pressure you to do anything. I am grateful for your friendship and mentorship and I am truly sorry for jeopardizing that. I will back off and..."

Maggie's heart fell into her stomach, she was shocked by the intensity of the sudden feeling of emptiness. "Taisha, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive. I'm sorry, for overstepping. Just please tell me I haven't damaged our personal or professional relationship. If I have, I'm sorry and I'll move out immediately and look for work in another school systems." Said Taisha, with a concerned tone.

She waited for the anticipated result and grinned confidently when it came.

"Oh, no Taisha, please don't even think that way!" Said Maggie, heart racing. "We want you to stay as long as you want. And I want you..." She felt herself pause too long looking for the right words. " part of our team. You are going to be an exceptional teacher; I can feel that."

Maggie couldn't help but replay Taisha's words to her after there last encounter, "There is so much more to teach you..." The accidental double entendre of her own words hit home.

"Please tell me you're not leaving. It would be too high a price to pay for my moments of weakness," said Maggie with desperation in her voice.

Taisha's confidence grew. She was sure she still had her, and she would confirm it tomorrow. For now, the hook.

"I'm not sure it would be right to take advantage of your kind heart. I've already fucked things up royally..."

Maggie was shocked by her words. Taisha never really swore and to hear it set her aback.

"Taisha, you haven't messed anything up Sweetheart. What happened, happened for many reasons, but we can get past it and move forward. You are a great teacher and you have so much to offer these kids. Please, stay with the school, there's a bright future for you here."

"Thank you, Principal Turner, I promise I won't let my feelings for you cloud my judgement again. But I'm not sure living in your RV is a good idea. I really feel like I've disrupted your household and I don't think..."

"Taisha please, our marriage has had its difficulties before you arrived, I assure you. Sam and I want you here and frankly, I'm glad to see that monstrosity in our driveway get some use. If my actions have made it too uncomfortable, I will understand if you want to find other options, but please don't leave the school."

"You haven't made me uncomfortable Principle Turner. Sam on the other hand." She laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Maggie was relieved Taisha could still laugh. "Well there is Sam." She giggled.

"Since you are delayed will you be able to come home for lunch?" Asked Taisha. "You did hear he invited me for burgers?"

"Yes, I did. Unfortunately, I won't. But don't let him scare you off."

"I told you, I can handle Sam. Don't worry. So, we're OK?" Asked Taisha sweetly.

"Yes," said Maggie confidently.

"Can I make you breakfast in the morning?" Asked Taisha knowing Maggie had to say yes after this conversation.

"Sure," answered Maggie quickly, wanting to make sure Taisha knew things would not be uncomfortable.

"In the RV after your swim?"

"Sounds great," said Maggie a bit too happily.

"I'll be ready. If you don't mind, knock on the door before your swim. Then I'll start breakfast, so it's ready when you're done."

"Ok, see you tomorrow." Maggie hung up shocked at the sense of loss she felt. But she had to live with herself and Sam deserved better.

Taisha's confidence waivered a bit after the call, but she felt principal Turner would eventually succumb. She could not imagine her walking away after their previous two encounters. Lunch with Sam could be an opportunity to remove her guilt. She sensed Sam was ready to risk it all for a trip to "Africa". If she could show Maggie Sam was not exactly faithful, she could seal the deal.

Right on que she received a text from Sam.

Sam: Still on for Lunch?

Taisha: Definitely

Sam: Glad to hear it. I'm hungry already. You?

Taisha: Hungrier by the minute.

Sam: I'll fire up the grill. We can eat at 11:30 if you like.

Taisha: That would be great, I have some errands to run before dinner.

Two minutes later, Sam stepped onto the patio looking anxiously at the RV. She stayed out of sight and made some adjustments to her outfit as he lit the grill. Last time she wore this outfit his eyeballs nearly popped out of his head.

She wore powder blue yoga pants with a large black, grey and white flower pattern. There was a seem down the center of her ass that drew the pants into her ass crack, showing off her shape beautifully. She had a skintight white crop tank top that cut low in the front and had an open oval pattern in the middle of her back. Today she removed the bra so her dark nipples showed through the thin stretched fabric. He could not stop staring with the bra on. She could hardly wait to see his expression this time.

Taisha combed her hair out straight and left in hang over the front of her shoulders. He had asked her to touch it at their dinner, so she wanted to see if he would dare ask again. Contrasted against the bright white tank it was hard to miss. Her hair hung down about halfway between her shoulders and breasts.

Next, she put on perfume and lip gloss, to maximize her impact. And then she waited. staying out of sight. Anticipation was a powerful thing.

Sam lingered by the grill looking toward the RV thinking about the dinner they had the night Maggie worked. The questions she let him ask about black women and the frankness of her answers erased all doubt. She clearly wanted him as much as he wanted her.

With no sign of movement, he stepped toward the RV meaning to knock, but thought better of it. So, he went back in the house and got the Burgers. He put them on the grill and lingered looking for a sign of movement. After a moment he went back in and put the macaroni in the water for Mac and Cheese.

Taisha waited until the burgers were done and he took them into the house. Then she looked at her watch. It was 11:25. At 11:30 on the nose, she concealed a USB recording audio recorder between her breasts and went to the patio slider.

Sam's eyes lit up when he saw "the outfit" again. When she stepped inside, he saw her bright smile until his eyes locked on her black areola peeking through the skintight white top. He was powerless to look away, as her stiff nipples wanted to burst through the fabric.

He imagined gently gripping her full naked breasts and kissing them, teasing her nipples with his tongue. Sam had no sense of time, his eyes moved from nipples to bare stomach to crotch all exciting him tremendously. He could feel his shorts tighten as he stiffened and quickly stepped behind the kitchen island to adjust his boner.

"Wow Mr. Turner, are you happy to see me?" She asked smiling.

"You could say that," he replied, trying to play it cool.

She looked at the dining table set up nicely with salads the burgers and all the toppings. Also, on the table was the carving of Ishu she had given him.

It was a carving in mahogany of a black man in a tall pointed hat. He sat knees to his chest and hands on his knees, with big eyes and a bigger smile. His face was stretched, and his cheekbones were huge, in line with the angle of his hat. The carving was tall round and skinny, very phallic in appearance.

She told him Ishu was the God of virility, when in fact he was the trickster God, who wreaks havoc in the relationships of man.

She looked at the spread of food. "Impressive Mr. Turner, thank you."

"Thank you for joining me Taisha, so much better than eating alone. " He said as he grabbed some wine from the fridge."

"Mr. Turner are you trying to get me drunk before noon? Thanks, but I'll just have some water."

Sam was embarrassed but poured himself some wine after getting her water. He sat down and did his best not to stare but the peeping areolae were hypnotic. He felt like Chevy Chase at the lingerie counter in Christmas Vacation.

"You and Principal Turner have been too kind to me. I don't think I could ever repay you," said Taisha with a bit of damsel in distress in her voice.

"It's our pleasure Taisha, you've been a breath of fresh air for us." He breathed in deeply sensing her perfume. "It's so good to see the RV getting some use."

"It's amazing! I feel like I'm living a life of luxury. It's the nicest place I've ever lived." She looked him in the eye and took a bite of her burger.

Sam thought to himself that she's even sexy when eating. As she sat the burger down, his eyes were drawn back the the screaming nipples struggling to break free. He couldn't help thinking of freeing them.

"Did I dribble some ketchup or something?" She looked down brushing her hand on her tits.

Sam turned bright red. "I'm sorry. I feel like such a letch. That top!'

Taisha blushed. "You are a bad boy Mr. Turner. Married men shouldn't..."

"I never promised not to look. Besides, Maggie is a highly driven career woman and she understands that our needs aren't the same outside of work." He once again found himself in a corner and stopped talking.

"So, you two have an understanding?" She smiled and batted her eyes.

"You could say that. It's complicated, but sex is not as important to her, so there are compromises."

"Compromises?" She asked with a smirk. "So flirting and racy conversation is ok?"

"Absolutely," he said as his mind went back to their previous discussion about black women's likes and dislikes.

His cock throbbed when he recalled her talking about anal. He so desperately wanted to fuck her beautiful round ass. He just needed to close this deal and his black woman fantasy would be fulfilled.

"What else is ok Mr. Turner?" She gave a mischievous smile.

"Anything you want Taisha." He looked at her confidently.

She leaned back in her seat and looked at him seductively. "You haven't even touched your food Mr. Turner. You're gonna wanna keep your strength up."

He realized she was right. He hadn't even taken a bite. He downed the wine and began to devour the burger. To his surprise she got up and walked to the kitchen counter. He watched her ass flex in the yoga pants fantasizing about sliding his cock between those buns.

She grabbed the wine bottle and walked toward him. Then she stood behind him, leaned over and filled his glass. "Here you go," she said, her breath tickling his neck.

"Thank you, Taisha," he turned his head toward her and she backed away.

Taisha notice the tent in his khaki shorts and smiled as she carried the wine bottle around the table with her. For the rest of lunch, she kept his glass filled until the bottle was empty.

When they finished lunch, he wanted to continue the conversation, amongst other things. "Would you like some ice cream for dessert?"

"I really couldn't. I am stuffed, thank you though." she smiled and noticed him staring at her tits.

Taisha slid her chair back, leaned back and his eyes followed. Then she stood to take her dishes to the sink and when she did, she saw his eyes fixed on her ass. He quickly followed and stood dangerously close as she put them in the sink.

"Your perfume..." He said softly

She turned to face him. "It's Reb'l, do you like it?"

He looked at her dark eyes and shimmering full lips, "Very much."

Sam simultaneously touched her hair and leaned in to kiss those lips. Taisha hesitated just one second and masterfully spun her body and stepped away just before their lips touched.

"Mr. Turner, I think you are trying to torture me, aren't you?" She asked walking back to her seat at the table. "You know with my trip to Africa and the new job; I have not had time to attend to a personal life. You also know I could not do this to Principal Turner regardless of any "understanding" you may have. So, why do you tease me?"

"Taisha, I'm sorry, it's just, you're so beautiful and smart and... I can't stop thinking about our conversation that night at dinner. I've never been with an African woman and curiosity has gotten the better of me." He stopped, once again at a loss for words.

"It cannot happen, no matter how much we want... I should go, I have errands..." She said feigning desperation.

Sam sensed he was wearing her down and needed to come up with a way to take it to the next level with the long-term goal, of course, to fuck that amazing ass. He had to have it. "There are ways of exploring fantasies without physical contact." He said grinning.

Taisha looked at him contemplating. "You're skype idea again. That would still be taking it too far, I can't do that..."

"How 'bout a phone call?" He countered. His excitement grew as she considered it.

Tasha grinned, recalling her witness of Liz with Michael. "Phone fucking" Michael called it. "Phone sex? I've never done that. My college roommate did it with her boyfriend..."

"I've never done it before either. It's naughty yes, but not really cheating. No touching and you don't even see each other." He said sheepishly.

Taisha laughed inside knowing she had him right where she wanted him. "Sam, we shouldn't." She looked at him hungrily and bit her bottom lip.

Sam was like a desperate little puppy starving for momma's milk.

"I'm so revved up I can't think straight. Can we try it right now? Suddenly, I'm in the mood for some dessert and I think your idea could really hit the spot." Said Taisha eagerly.

"Yes, yes, yes." he said practically panting. He stood up and realized his boner was front and center

Taisha got an idea and reached for the carving. "Can I have that for a minute please?" He handed it to her, and she headed to the restroom. "I'll be right back."

He watched her ass bounce gently in the yoga pants as she walked away. He imagined peeling off those pants and sliding his cock between those cheeks.

Taisha entered the bathroom and pulled the yoga pants down over her ass, put the hat of the trickster god under the faucet to wet it. Then she rubbed it up and down against her asshole turning it as she rubbed to coat all of it. When she finished, she thought about it and slowly pushed the hat into her asshole, rotating it slowly. She pushed until it hurt, backed it out a little and pushed a little further each time.

Then she composed herself and returned to the table. Taisha set the statue on the table but did not sit back down. She looked at Sam hungrily and gave him his orders. "I want you to do exactly as I tell you to do, Sam. Agreed?"

Looking in those deep brown eyes he could not say no. "Okay."

She leaned down and whispered in his ear. "I just had this inside me, Sam. I want you to take it up to your bedroom, remove all your clothes, lay on the bed and we can talk. I will do the same and I want you to call me in five minutes. Understood?"

"Yes!" he said enthusiastically.

Taisha headed for the slider. "Hurry Sam, I need attention."

She arrived in the RV bedroom and confirmed the blinds were closed. Then peeked through the edge of the blinds and saw what looked like Sam's shadow move by the window. Next, she turned a light on so he could see she made it to the bedroom. Taisha took a seat in the kitchen waited. When the call came, she put it on speaker and recorded it.

"Hi, Sam. Are you ready?"

"Oh boy, am I ready," he replied.

"Thank you again for all you've done for me. I am forever in your debt, Mr. Turner. I am happy to do whatever it takes to show my gratitude." She hesitated a moment.

"Are you sure you want to do this Sam?" She asked shyly.

"Yes, and so much more," He was breathing heavily.

"Tell me what you're wearing, Mr. Turner?"

"I am wearing absolutely nothing, Taisha. And you?"

"I am naked for you, as agreed. Are you still hard, Mr. Turner?"

"Very hard, Ms. Smith, very hard." He sighed.

"Tell me what you have in mind Mr. Turner? Put your gift to your nose and smell me as you talk to get the full sensation." She grinned as she sat fully dressed and listened to him breath in deeply. "Do you like that. Mr. Turner?"

"Uh huh," he moaned as he held the carving to his nose breathing her scent.

"Are you touching your big stiff dick?"

"Uh huh," he whimpered.

"Tell me what you're doing to me, Mr. Turner," she said panting for effect.

"I'm splitting those sweet pussy lips with my tongue,"

Sam had a grip on his cock stroking it slowly, already feeling on the verge, while Taisha was thinking, wow, no foreplay, just dive right in.