The Prize Day 07

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Truth, Dare, or Consequences...
7.5k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/01/2021
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29 December

Andy woke up and saw it was still fairly early, the sun just starting to come through the windows. He looked over and saw Natasha still snuggled up in the covers, resting peacefully. He got up slowly, not wanting to wake her so he could slip out of the room. For a moment, he almost thought to put on pajama bottoms and a shirt, but remembered the nudity pledge they all made and just went out into the kitchen.

He made himself a cup of coffee and went out onto the deck, taking in the morning sun. He was still in shock over what Natasha had told him last night. He wondered if she'd had more to drink then he'd seen. But even if that was the case, after reflecting on some of the other women in the house, he realized that even though she may have been the first to admit it, there was definitive evidence that she was not the only one.

A threesome relationship?! His mom would have a stroke if she knew he was here with 13 porn stars as it was. God only knows what she'd say if he started dating one and she found out. And even if she accepted all that, multiple women was a way different story.

Not only that, but there seemed to be other women who are interested in him, not just Natasha and Alex. Cassandra, Sara, Charlie, Angela and Karlee had all made similar intimations to him, if not as direct. Even Dillion seemed to have some interest in him. He wondered how he could possibly make that choice, if he even wanted to. It wasn't so much that they were in the industry, it was more how he would feel knowing they were having sex with male talent.

He just didn't know.

But like everything else this week, he decided to just go with the flow. No one had made any demands on him yet or demanded that he not sleep with any of the other women here. Natasha had only said what her and Alex want after this trip. He took another sip off his coffee and watched the sun continuing its climb.

Natasha woke soon after Andy did, sadly seeing he was no longer in the bed. She went out to the kitchen and saw Andy sitting on the deck alone. She was about to go out and join him when a voice stopped her.

"Hey," Alex said greeting her friend/lover who looked very well fucked. "How'd it go?"

"It was amazing," Natasha answered glowingly. "We didn't even fuck, we made love."

"Yes!" Alex said excitedly, hoping that this would play into their hands. "Did you tell him?" clearly referencing their thruple offer.

"Yep," she replied. "I told him what we wanted, but also put no pressure on him. I told him we'd talk more later," she said looking out at Andy. "We should go out there and see if he wants to talk to both of us about it."

"Hold on," Alex said, stopping her friend. "I think we need to let him think a bit more. I don't want him to think we're either desperate or pushy."

"Good point," Natasha conceded, as they turned and went for the coffee.

Cassandra woke up soon after, finding herself sandwiched in-between Charlie and Sara. Like the other two, she was sad that Natasha got the win last night and got to spend a night alone with Andy, but she also looked at the smoking hot women that we're on either side of her and realized they still had a very strong hand.

After Andy was dragged off to his room by Natasha, the three girls decided to get their frustrations out by having a full-on fuck fest in their room. Cassandra actually lost count of the number of orgasms she'd had. She sighed as she remembered it all, inadvertently waking the other two women.

"Morning, babe," Charlie said greeting her with a kiss.

"Morning, girls," Sara said in yawn.

"Last night was really hot," Cassandra told them both.

"Hell yeah, it was," Charlie said while smiling and stretching. "Only thing that would've been better is if Andy had been here."

"Yeah," Sara said almost mournfully. But then she had an idea. "So, I think that's what we need to do next."

"Huh?" Charlie said, still waking up.

"He's had threesomes all week," Sara reasoned, getting the attention of her two lovers. "We can give him his first foursome and make our pitch."

Cassandra and Charlie looked at each other and smiled, knowing that it was exactly what they should do. The trio decided to forgo breakfast and hit the bathroom, cleaning themselves up from their fuck fest and prepare for the next one.

Karlee woke up to Angela licking her box, having fallen asleep with her legs slightly apart. She smiled, looking at the raven haired Australian between her legs.

"That's a really nice way to wake up," she said almost giggly.

"I thought you'd like it," Angela said sweetly.

Ten minutes and an orgasm later, the two were spooning in the bed and the subject turned inevitably to Andy.

"I sorry you didn't win last night," Karlee said in consolation to her lover.

"It's ok," Angela said, playing with Karlee's hair. "We'll get him."

"We'll need to make a move soon," Karlee replied, slightly worried that Natasha and Alex now had a solid advantage in the fight over Andy.

"I had a thought about that," as Angela explained her plan. Karlee smiled and eagerly agreed, thinking this would be the topper for them.

Dillion awoke with Liliana laying on her chest, the young star giving her 'comfort' last night after the loss. She liked Liliana, but her thoughts were still drifting toward Andy. She was now all alone, everyone else partnered up with other girls.

But the more she thought, she also thought it might work to her advantage. After all, if Andy was looking for just a normal relationship, she was now clearly that option. She disentangled from Liliana and got out of bed. She went out and saw Alex and Natasha talking but saw Andy all alone outside.

She smiled at the pair, thinking they were fools for leaving him alone and went outside to him. Andy was still in a bit of a daze and didn't respond immediately to Dillion's presence.

"Andy?!" she said to get him out of his stupor, he now turning and seeing her tight, if disheveled body gleaming in the sun.

"Hey, Dillion," he said, rubbing his head slightly. "Sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Oh, yeah," she said with snark as she sat down next to him. "You just didn't see me, completely naked looking at you," she said with a smirk.

"Sorry," he said. "I was just in my own head."

"Everything ok?" she asked, now a little concerned.

"Yeah," Andy said, rubbing the back of his own head. "Just thinking."

"About what?" she asked.

"Well," he said looking over at the young, nude porn star who was asking the question. "I'm just a normal guy," he explained. "I'm not that exceptional and I'm not that special. How the hell did I wind up here with all of you great women?"

Dillion smiled and blushed at the complement, her small D cups jiggling a bit as she did.

"Sometimes you just get lucky," she said sympathetically. "As to your other comment, you are sure as fuck not common." Andy shrugged when she said it, but she was unwilling to let it go. "Unlike the douchebags who were here at the start, you've treated all of us with respect and kindness. You haven't been creepy or rude. You haven't demanded anything or treated us like sluts. You were even willing to cancel the trip for us. If you think that most guys would do that, you're fuckin' crazy."

Andy sat there shocked by Dillion's statement, never really thinking about any of his own actions as particularly noble.

"Andy, you are a very special guy and many of us can see that," Dillion said moving closer to him. "I can see that."

With that, she drew him into a deep kiss, full of all the passion she'd been storing up for him. Andy cupped her head and accepted the kiss, overwhelmed by the passion of it all. In the back of his mind, he also understood that Dillion seemed interested in him too.

Alex and Natasha had finished their talk and saw Dillion making out with Andy. Both were pissed, not at Andy and maybe not really Dillion either, but themselves, for not being out there with him. Gianna came out about the same time and saw Andy and Dillion as well. She was a bit more brash.

"Hey, fuckers!" she screamed out at the two from the open door, "break it up and have some breakfast!"

Andy and Dillion stopped the lip lock and shrugged at each other, knowing that Gianna wouldn't stop until they came in. While Dillion was annoyed by the amazon's interference, she also felt that she'd made real progress with Andy.

Alex and Natasha were actually grateful for Gianna, breaking up the pair so that they didn't look like assholes. The rest of the girls were all starting to get up. The only ones who hadn't made an appearance yet were Sara, Charlie, and Cassandra.

Everyone ate breakfast in relative peace. There wasn't anything really planned for the day, just a lazy day at the house which suited everyone just fine. Andy was flanked today by Liliana and Candace. Neither was paying him much attention, but that was fine with him for the moment.

Once everyone ate, people started moving toward the pool, thinking a morning dip would be refreshing. That was until the missing three girls emerged.

"Andy..." all three said simultaneously toward him. All three had clearly showered and done themselves up, even using glitter lotion on their bodies. Andy stood near the back door to the patio almost stupefied.

"Can we talk to you for a moment?" Sara asked.

Angela, Karlee, Natasha, Dillion, or Alex could do nothing as Charlie and Cassandra took one of his hands each and led him away, all of them steaming from the brazenness of what they'd done.

The trio led him to his own room, the three going in and making his bed before they made their appearance. They led Andy to the bed and sat him down on the edge of it.

"What's going on?" he asked, slightly confused.

"Well, we've been doing some thinking," Cassandra said, sitting on the bed next to Andy.

"Thinking about what?" Andy asked confused.

"You, mostly," Charlie said with a grin.

Andy's heart started to race, now realizing they wanted to have a conversation similar to the one he'd had with Natasha last night. He was trying to put on his best poker face.

"What about me?" Andy asked, trying to still seem confused.

"All about you," Sara said, sitting next to Andy as well so that Cassandra and Sara flanked him, with Charlie still in front of him. He was surrounded.

"Andy," Cassandra said, regaining his attention. "You're a really amazing guy and it didn't take any of us long to see that."

"Why does everyone keep telling me that?" Andy asked, still confused about this. It was the women's turn to look confused. "I really don't get it. I'm not amazing or special or anything of the sort. I'm just a normal guy."

"That's not true!" Sara said, almost defensively. "Do you not remember the first night here? How you came to Whitney and Brittany's defense? You were ready to defend two girls you'd just met."

"Anyone would've done that," Andy said dismissively.

"Not as many as you'd think," Cassandra said sadly. "In our business, we have to put up with a lot on always be on our guard. Don't get me wrong, 90 percent of the guys we work with, on camera or crew, are all respectful and nice. But the rest think were just objects to be used. Even going out on normal dates, guys expect us to just spread our legs for anyone. You haven't. You treated us like people, not objects from the beginning, and that is really rare."

Andy was shocked by this, but Cassandra kept going.

"Most of the girls in this house have been looking for a good guy that would give us even a fraction of the kindness and affection that you've shown us. Some of us have been looking for years. We're not gonna let you talk shit about yourself!"

"She's right," Sara jumped in, agreeing with every word Cassandra had said. She than looked at the other girls before continuing. "We've waited a long time to find you, Andy. Not a guy like you, you. Do you think any of us would've been as open, carefree, or anything else this week if that wasn't the case?"

Andy saw the truth in her words, knowing that if the other guests were here, the girls wouldn't have had anywhere near the good time they'd all seemed to have so far.

"We've fallen for you, Andy," Charlie said, stepping up closer to him. "All three of us," she said indicating the two nude women flanking him. "We want to be all yours."

"All of us," Cassandra said, leaning closer to Andy.

"Together," Sara added while leaning in for a kiss. She kissed Andy with abundant passion, knowing that this was her true chance to show her feelings for him. Cassandra moved behind him, pressing her heavy breasts into his back while wrapping him up in a bear hug. Charlie took the lead and got to her knees in front of Andy's cock. Taking a note from Sara and Cassandra, Charlie decided not to be as aggressive with her blowjob as she was typically. Charlie licked and caressed Andy's penis, taking the idea of making love to him with her mouth.

Sara was still making out with Andy, her now guiding his hand to her breast, having him massage it in his palm.

"I love when you touch my body, Andy," she said slow and seductive. It was also true, as Sara's pussy started getting wet and her nipples sprouted erections themselves.

After a few minutes, Sara saw Cassandra still rubbing Andy and decided it was her turn. Cassandra saw the "handoff" and smiled as she craned Andy's neck around using her fingers and began making out with him as well, repeating Sara's move of placing Andy's hand on her large breast. Cassandra's pussy was already wet, but this certainly added to it.

Charlie was still sucking on Andy, slowly and methodically. Many guys and girls had told her that her oral game was her strongest asset, and she sure wasn't going to disappoint Andy. After Sara and Cassandra had switched, Sara decided to help out Charlie, slipping off the bed and giving the young Latina's clam shell a taste. Charlie felt her tongue and sent a charge of electricity up her spine.

Cassandra saw in her peripherals what the others were doing and decided to maneuver Andy's hand from her breast to her box. Andy could instantly feel the heat coming off of it as he petted and stroked along her lips. She pulled Andy tighter against her, wanting their bodies to be as close together as possible.

Sara whispered in Charlie's ear that she would take over and Charlie got on the bed. Cassandra saw that Charlie was now on the bed as Sara took Andy's penis into her mouth. She decided it was now her turn and turned Andy's head to let Charlie make out with him, which she was very eager to do. All three wanted to show that they could share and cooperate with each other. Cassandra moved off the bed and decided to join Sara in pleasuring Andy. They eased and back and Cassandra started tonguing Andy's asshole, making is already hard cock even harder.

Once all the women were convinced Andy was ready to go, Sara climbed up on top of him, Charlie moving to the side and aiding Sara in getting Andy's cock inside of her. Cassandra continued her rim job but saw Sara's pussy engulf their love's cock.

"Oh, Andy!" Sara said once she had his cock fully inside, "I love feeling you inside me." She bounced gently on him, her full breasts swaying tantalizing in front of him.

Charlie went to Andy's side and whispered in his ear. "Doesn't she look beautiful?" She than continued sucking on his neck.

Cassandra had moved from Andy's asshole to Sara's, now directly in front of her. Her tongue probing Sara's back hole had an immediate effect on her.

"Oh, fuck!" she said at the new sensation. "I love you guys so much!"

"We love you too," Charlie told her sweetly, blowing a kiss to the girl as she continued to ride Andy. "We love you too, Andy," she told him softly, nibbling at his ear. "Let us love you."

As if on cue, Sara took that as her cue to start riding Andy harder, slamming her box down on the man she loved.

"Oh, God!" she said trying to get Andy's attention on her, as if she needed to. "Andy, I'm gonna cum on your cock. Look into my eyes while you make me cum!"

Charlie assisted Sara but turning Andy's head to their eyes would be locked on each other. Seeing Andy's eyes was enough to send Sara over the top.

"UNGH!! GOD!!!" as Sara came hard on Andy's cock, Andy having to grit his teeth to keep his load from blowing. Cassandra got up and kissed Sara hard, her tongue helping Sara to regain her senses after the orgasm. Sara than got off of Andy's cock, allowing Cassandra to get on. She did so slowly, fully enjoying Andy's cock sliding into her slowly. She leaned over and kissed him as she began gently rocking on him.

Sara decided that Charlie needed some attention and quickly spread the young Latina's legs and started munching her box. Charlie squealed at Sara's efforts and pulled Sara's head toward her sex, moaning and groaning as she did.

Cassandra was in her own dream world as she continued making out with and grinding on top of Andy. The man she wanted was giving her all his attention.

"You feel wonderful, Andy," Cassandra said in a quiet voice. "I love you so much." She than leaned up a bit, offering one of her meaty breasts to Andy to sample. Andy sucked and licked her nipple while Cassandra started riding him harder, her ass bouncing fast on Andy's cock.

Sara was still working on Charlie, now adding her fingers into the mix causing Charlie to start cumming and squirting all over Sara's face.

"FUCK!" Charlie yelled out. "GOD, EAT MY CUNT!!"

This was enough to get Cassandra over the top, clamping down on Andy's invader.

"SHIT!!!" as she buckled on top of Andy, collapsing on top him. As before, Andy was straining every muscle he could to keep his seed in his testicles. After praying to several deities, Andy was able to keep himself from blowing.

Charlie, recognizing it was her turn, decided to take a departure from the other two women. She got on the bed on all fours, sticking her ass in the air, wiggling a bit.

"Come take me, Andy," she said with pussy dripping in dampness. Cassandra and Sara both helped Andy off the bed and positioned him behind Charlie.

"She looks so fuckin' hot," Sara whispered in his ear.

"She wants your cock so badly, baby," Cassandra whispered into his other ear. "You shouldn't keep her waiting..."

Andy than stepped up and plunged into Charlie's wetness, her moaning loudly at the insertion. Sara got on the bed and put her pussy in front of Charlie, Charlie being more than willing to eat her out while getting plowed. Cassandra quickly caught on to the idea as Sara crooked her finger for her to join, and soon Sara was eating out Cassandra, completing the chain.

Andy looked over the scene, thinking it was something out a movie. Three women all making love and himself in the middle of it all. Andy started thrusting harder into Charlie, feeling almost powerful at the sight before him. Charlie was certainly not going to dissuade him.

"Oh, God! Fuck me, Andy! Fuck me hard!" she screamed out. "Fuck me hard and cum in me!" Charlie wanted to feel every spurt of cum from his cock as he pounded her harder, even delivering a few spanks to her ass.

Cassandra and Sara were enjoying the show and each other, loving all four of them all together and fucking. The two started cumming hard, screaming for Andy.

"God, we're cumming Andy!" Cassandra shouted out. "Watch us cum!"

Andy pulled his attention to the two women shaking and writhing on the bed. Even Charlie managed to focus on them for a few seconds before turning her attention back to Andy's cock. She knew she was close to an orgasm, Andy's sperm being the final catalyst she needed.

A few seconds after that thought, she was rewarded as Andy released into her with a loud grunt!

"FUCK!!!" Charlie bellowed out as a powerful orgasm rocked her body as Andy's cum flooded it. Five or six spurts causing her body to spasm and squirt. Andy's cock was shot out of her tight passage with force, Charlie now lying flat on the bed, trying to recover. Sara went to Andy's cock, starting to clean it with her mouth as Cassandra wanted to lap up Charlie's pussy, hopefully getting some of Andy's splooge on her tongue.