The Prosecutor

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A female ADA is blackmailed.
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This is a long one. It isn't my decision here. I had originally planned on having this submitted in five or six separate parts. Unfortunately, because of some idiodic rules that state that EVERY SINGLE PART of a story needs to have the main character enjoy what is happening to them, I had to write the entire story and submit it completely. In the first few chapters, she I blackmailed and does not lie what is happening to her. It is only in the later chapters that she discovers her enjoyment. Again, this is not the way I wanted to submit this story, but the rules are the rules. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Maybe some day the owners of this site will get a clue.

My plan here is to develop the conflict between her hatred of the gang and her hatred of her being forced into this situation against her feelings of loving the feeling of being submissive and the massive orgasms she achieves at the hands of the gang. While she despises that she is trapped, she finds that the humiliation, degradation, pain, and submission really turn her on. As with numerous people (both men as well as women) in powerful positions, they actually crave being submissive as an outlet in private.

Donna will be forced to do anti-ethical things in her job in order to keep her secret, but those are kept in the background of this story. Marco understands that she still needs to have court room wins in order to keep her in her position, so he throws her a few of his lower lever pushers as well as several of his competitors.

Every encounter that Donna has with Marco and his gang has her falling farther and farther into his control. Every encounter is videoed.

SPOILER ALERT: If you have no interest in adding your own chapter or you don't want to read a spoiler that will come out later, skip to the story now. Do not read any more until it is normal text.

Yes, the person that she is fucking at the beginning of the story is actually her son Bobby. She thinks that it is a game that Marco has done with her several times before. This isn't the first time that she has been blindfolded and been told to pretend that she was fucking her son. This is the first time that it has actually happened.

The Prosecutor 01: Background and my fall.


Oh, yes. This was not my superb acting skills. I was just about to cum for the third time as I was riding the unknown cock lodged deep in my ass. It was a game Marco liked to play with me. I simultaneously hated and loved what was happening to me. Today, as in a few other times, I was bound in an arm binder with my arms secured behind my back. All I was wearing at the time were 6-inch fuck-me pumps, thigh-high black seamed stockings, my slave collar and humiliating chain leash. Today, I am also wearing a sleep mask as a blindfold. Oh, let's not forget my nipple, clit, navel, and tongue piercings either.

OK. A bit of an explanation here is required. I am Donna Adams. I am a 42-year-old ADA for the city. For those of you not familiar with it, ADA stands for Assistant District Attorney. Yes, I am a prosecutor. Not only that, but I'm the most successful prosecutor in the state. My conviction rate is in the upper 90% range. So, what is a well-respected prosecutor doing acting like a submissive bondage whore? That requires further explanation. This is also worse than you think. You see, I am not alone with the unknown cock in my ass. The entire 'membership' of the Paradise Crew is gathered around the abandoned warehouse that we are in. It is their headquarters.

A couple of details here. Paradise is an area of the city we live in. Contrary to its name, it is far from being a paradise. In fact, it's one of the larger slums in the city. The Paradise Crew is the major gang in our city, and they are based in the Paradise area. So, here I am, the most successful prosecutor in the city, basically naked and riding an unknown cock in my ass in front of every member of the most notorious gang in the city. It gets even better; based upon past experiences, I am being videoed by at least five video cameras set up around my performance.

How did this come about. You ask? It was actually quite easy for them. All it took was for one of the girls in the gang that I had thought had become a really good informant to contact me to meet and give me a really good tip that would really hurt the gang. Obviously, the meeting would be at a secluded location, and I needed to come alone. Over the last 6 months, she had provided a lot of really good evidence against the gang, so I had no reason not to trust her. I found out later that all the evidence she had given me was just to set me up for this meeting.

The meeting was set for late Friday evening. Yes, I should have known better and had some backup with me, but her information had resulted in several arrests and convictions so far. It was a dark alley where we met. It hadn't been the first time that we had met there. I got to our meeting location and waited for her to show up. Just as I saw her walking into the alley, I sensed movement behind me. I didn't have a chance. One strong arm circled around my waist, immobilizing my arms, then I felt a prick in my neck.

I was groggy when I woke up. I looked around and found that I was laying on a bare mattress in the middle of an abandoned warehouse. I was also shocked to discover that I was completely naked and covered in what was obviously an enormous amount of semen. My pussy was really sore, and my ass felt like it was on fire. My asshole also felt like it had a telephone pole stuck in it. Not only that, but my throat felt raw, I had a horrible taste in my mouth, and my face was a sticky mess. Besides the taste and smell of semen, there was another smell coming through. I recognized the smell, because I would often smell it as I licked my own pussy juices off of my vibrators and dildos after I finished using them.

This looked to be really bad. I managed to sit up and look around. On a chair beside the soiled mattress that I was laying on was a chair with the suit I had been wearing neatly folded on it. Beside that, there was an old television set with a DVR attached to it. A sticky note on the TV had a message to turn it on and press the play button on the DVR.

First things first. I got up and found a bathroom. There was no shower, so I just used the water from the sink to try and lean myself up as good as I could. Paper towels from the dispenser dried me off as best as they could. When I went to put my clothes back on, I found that my bra and panties were missing. Not much I could do about that at the time, so I just pulled on what clothes I had. At least they would cover me until I could get back home. I found my purse and discovered that it hadn't been ransacked. Everything was still there, including all the cash that I had. Pulling out my phone, I discovered that it was now Sunday afternoon. Apparently, I had been out all Friday night, all day Saturday, and all Sunday morning.

Once I was as cleaned up as possible and dressed again, I decided to see what was on the video that was left for me. That's when my world fell apart. OK, I'm not unfamiliar with porn. I admit that I have watched my fair share of it. I hadn't mentioned it yet, but my husband was killed about 10-years ago when he was caught in the crossfire between two rival gangs. Since then, I have been a single mom raising my son. With no time or even desire to date, porn and toys were my entire sex life. What I saw on that video was the most disgusting, raunchy pornographic video that I could imagine. It had everything. The star of the video was involved in a gang bang with 20 guys. She was made air-tight multiple times. She was even crying out for more. Her orgasms were obviously not faked, as they showed her flooding out of her pussy, and even squirting several times.

After the guys were done with her, she was given over to several women. Closeups of her licking women's pussies and tonguing their asses were shown. The other women used all of her holes using strap-on dildos, with the woman crying out for more. Those were the tame scenes. After that came the hardcore BDSM. She was bound and used in several different positions. All the time obviously orgasming from being fucked by both men and women. The video showed her being whipped, caned, and flogged on her ass, tits, and pussy. Instead of screams of agony, the woman was moaning and screaming in pleasure. She even had a massive orgasm as her pussy was being whipped.

Well, that explained the marks on my body and the lingering pain I felt. You see, the star of the video was me. Everyone else in the video were members of the Paradise Crew. The video depicted me as being a submissive slut to the entire gang. The worst part of the video was at the end. Yeah, I know that most of you think that video of my getting gang banged by the crew would be the worst thing that you could imagine. The problem was that what was shown at the end would completely destroy me.

"Donna needs another bust to keep her in the news." Angel said to Marko.

"Fuck! Another one?" He asked.

"Look. She said that if you want her to run against the idiot that is already there, she needs to keep her name in the limelight. So far, with the info we have given her, she has not only taken out most of our competition, but she has become more popular than Evans. If Donna can beat him in the election, she agreed to help us wipe out all our competition and take over not only sole distribution to the city, but also to most of the entire state. You know that the meth distribution in those small hick towns are just small timers. We can either get them to join us or crush them."

"I really don't like giving up any of my guys." Marco complained.

"Yeh, I know, but think about the big picture. Donna has it all planned out. You give her a couple of lower-level pushers, just to make it look good, then she takes out the big guys in our competition. She even said that she would make it up to you by letting you tie her to the whipping post and whipping her to make up for it." Angel explained.

"OK. Fine." Marco agreed. "Angelo and Federico have been falling behind lately. Give her those two but tell her that she owes me her ass three times."

"You know how much she loves it when you fuck her ass. Are you sure that will be a punishment?" Angel smirked.

With that, the video ended. My life was now over.

The Prosecutor 02: Decorations and learning my fate.

I took the DVD out of the player and put it in my purse. I wasn't naive enough to think that this was the only copy, but I sure as hell didn't need for this one to be found and end up in the wrong hands. Quickly checking around to see if there was anything else either of mine or incriminating, I left the building and went home. There, I took about an hour-long shower trying to cleanse myself of the filth. It worked on the exterior, but not the interior.

Work for the next week was hell. I was waiting for the shoe to drop. I had no clue what was going to happen, but I figured that they didn't do what they did to me and left that video for me to watch to just let it end there. Sure enough, it was Thursday afternoon when I got a text with an address and a message to be there at 7:00 Friday night. I was also told to wear a loose top and a skirt. No bra or panties. If I had any doubt about the sender, there was a still photo of me licking a pussy while a guy was plowing my ass. Their faces weren't shown, but mine was.

The next evening, I was wearing a light silk blouse and a knee-length skirt as ordered. I had on a pair of 4-inch heels as well. I pulled up to the curb in front of the address given. I had a really bad feeling about this. It was a tattoo and piercing parlor. No matter what, this did not bode well for me. It wasn't like I had much choice in the matter, so I locked my car and went inside.

"Ah. Good. You are right on time." Said a burly man with tattoos all over his arms. "Follow me."

He led me back behind a curtain and into a room with what looked like a gynecologist chair in it. Looking around, there was a table with an assortment of strange equipment as well as a box of alcohol wipes. There was also a plastic box that looked like it had dividers in it.

"OK. Sign this." He handed me a sheet of paper. It was a consent form for the procedure. I signed it.

"Now, strip off your clothes and get on the chair."

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked.

"According to the orders, you will be getting rings in your nipples and clit hood, then a dangle in your navel."

"Fuck." I sighed. "And if I refuse?"

"Then I'm supposed to call a number then give you a web address to look at."


Having no recourse that didn't include that fucking (yes, pun intended) video plastered all over the internet, I quickly stripped naked and climbed into the chair. It was as bad as you can imagine. First off, my nipples. He started out by rubbing an ice cube all around my left nipple. The cold made my nipple as hard and extended as possible. Thankfully, the cold actually numbed it up a bit. He dried it off with a cotton swab, then he rubbed it with an alcohol swab. I was not prepared for the pain when he stabbed the large gauge needle through my rubbery flesh. You would think that he might dab a topical anesthesia on it, but no. The really weird part was that the stabbing pain sent a huge jolt directly to my pussy. Oh yeah, that's another thing. My nipples are really sensitive, so his manipulating it with the cotton swab and the alcohol wipe started to arouse me.

Once he pulled the needle back out, he inserted a 1" ring through the hole. He then threaded the end of a thin gold chain through the open end of the ring, then he got a weird set of plyers and squeezed the ring closed. I heard a faint click before he released the plyers. Looking closely at the ring, it looked seamless. I couldn't see where it could be opened.

"These are custom made nipple rings. They are made of titanium, and once they are locked closed, you need a diamond bladed saw to cut them off." He informed me.

Just great, I thought.

"On the upside, the dangle in your navel will be removeable, so you will be able to change it. I'll be sending about half a dozen different ones with you for that."

I noticed he didn't mention anything about the one that was going in my pussy being removable. He repeated the procedure on my right nipple as well. The chain between my new nipple rings had another 1" ring in the center of it. I dreaded the thought of what that would be used for. He moved down to my navel. That wasn't quite as bad as my nipples.

Last was the folds of my pussy just above my clitoris. As a prosecutor, I see a lot of weird shit. Literally EVERYTHING is photographed. Yes, I am required to study every single photo related to a case. Take rape cases for example. During the SART (Sexual Assault and Response Team) examination, every part of the woman's body that might possibly contain even the slightest trace of evidence is photographed. That especially includes her vagina. I have been involved in a few rape cases where the woman has had a piercing (or even more than one) in her vagina. In most cases, those piercings are just above the clit and vertical in orientation. Typically, it is a barbel type of piercing where one end of the barbel is near the clit, and the other end is at the top of the clit hood.

In my case, I wasn't getting a barbel, I was getting another one of those fucking rings. This one was only a half inch in diameter, but I watched as he slipped a couple links of that chain in the ring. The other end of the chain ended with a quarter inch diameter solid steel ball. My alarm was raised when he measured the chain and ball before he locked the ring closed. It was set perfectly to bounce directly on my clitoris whenever I moved. That was going to be bad, very bad. Unless I was wearing a tight pair of panties, that damned ball would be dribbling up and down the basketball court driving me insane all fucking day long. 'CLICK'. Shit!

"OK. All done." He announced. "Everything has already been paid for, but I was told that you would offer a tip for the excellent work."

Uuuummm, tip? "Fine. I wasn't told about that, but I do have some cash in my purse. I'm don't really have the slightest idea of what this costs, so can you give me a ballpark number as to what sort of tip we are talking about here?" I asked.

He just chuckled at my naivety. Instead of verbally answering me, he simply unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. OK, so I'm not a rocket scientist. Still, I did graduate in the top 10% of my law school. It wasn't one of those cheap law schools, either. Wordlessly, I got out of the chair, walked over to where he was standing, and dropped to my knees.

After swallowing his load, I began to get dressed.

"Oh. I'm supposed to give you this envelope before you leave." He spoke as he handed me a small envelope.

Once I finished getting dressed, I opened the envelope to find a simple note inside. It was the address for the warehouse and an order to go straight there after I was done getting my piercings. After getting dressed, I realized that it was probably a good thing that I hadn't worn a bra or panties, and that my blouse was loose. Wearing anything tight across my nipples or pussy would have aggravated my new piercings. I'm sure that the order was mainly to humiliate me a bit as well as to test my obedience, but I was still a bit grateful for it. And yes, that damned ball was bouncing on my clit with every step I took.

20 minutes later, I pulled up to the warehouse. Sighing a breath of resignment to the situation, I got out, locked up my car, and headed to the door. I figured that this was when they would let me know what mu fate would be. The fact that the video hadn't been used yet let me know that they were planning to blackmail me for something. I didn't really have any cases going that involved Marko or his crew right now, so throwing a prosecution wasn't really on the table. Sure, I had been trying to get something on him, but that's been going on for years with zero success. Oh, all that 'evidence' that my informant gave me? It turned out to be all useless and wrong. Obviously, there had been some pretty extensive planning, so they must need something.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. I was immediately confronted by Amy, my supposed informant and another girl I didn't know yet.

"Feet shoulder width apart and hands behind your neck." Amy ordered.

It wouldn't dome any good to resist, so I complied. Once in position, Amy went behind me and proceeded to remove all my hair pins that were holding my auburn locks in the professional bun I usually had it in. She put them all in a small bowl. As she was doing that, the other girl began running her hands all over my body, first outside my clothes, then under them. Yes, she did take the opportunity for a few gropes and squeezes, but it became obvious that she was looking for a wire. After my hair was loose, Amy ran her hands all through my hair, then began removing my jewelry.

"Relax. You'll get everything back when you leave." She assured me.

Once satisfied that there were no possible hidden microphones or recording devices, I was allowed to proceed into the room. The entire gang was there. There was some low music playing, and it looked like a party atmosphere. Small groups were sitting and standing around drinking alcohol and doing some drugs. There was the strong smell of marijuana in the air. Marco was sitting in a large recliner off to the side. I made my way over to where he was.

"OK, Marco. I'm here. What do you want?" I asked.