The Protégé - Cumming of the Three

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A young lady's turn to Lesbian submission is complete.
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Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/22/2019
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Note to the Reader: This is another chapter of the story of a straitlaced ambitious young woman whose dream is to live and work in the dog-eat-dog world of Wall Street. Her dream takes a turn she was not expecting. It contains some scenes of reluctance with a submissive theme and group sex. If you choose to read on, please enjoy...


As the driver pulled out of the airport heading to Cynthia's Palm Beach house, I felt my pussy heat up and my heart race. Cynthia Liebert had changed my life in every way. She put me on the fast track to becoming a member of the Wall Street elite, surpassing the level of success I had targeted to attain by age thirty. I was now six years ahead of schedule.

She had been my career inspiration and role model since I was thirteen. Now I was working directly for the most powerful businesswoman on Wall Street, managing her largest multi-billion-dollar customer LVMH. My years of hard work had paid off beyond my wildest dreams.

Yet, as we drove to her house, all I could think about was dropping to my knees and worshiping her gorgeous body. Before her, I had never given thought to a relationship with a woman. Though I found women beautiful, I had never really been attracted to them.

On the drive, my mind fixated once again on the moment that she flipped a switch in my head and started me on the path to becoming a horny little lesbian slut. It was the night I first travelled with her. We met at the Pier Six Helipad in Manhattan. When she first stepped out of her limo, I thought it must be a super model. She wore blue jeans with a 2-inch-wide heavy white leather belt. The belt pulled slightly down in the middle of her back, where the center belt loop was tugged downward by her jeans struggling to cover her gorgeous round ass cheeks. She had the best ass I'd ever seen.

The seat of her jeans separated her cheeks in a V that extended halfway up her ass. As she stood with her feet a couple inches apart, a triangle of light peeked through her inner thighs. As she turned slightly her ass protruded in a perfect half sphere.

The bottom of each cheek creased her jeans in two smiles. Apart from that there did not appear to be a wrinkle anywhere in her jeans. Cynthia Freakin' Liebert! Not only the richest, smartest and most powerful woman on Wall Street, but the sexiest, it just didn't seem fair.

That weekend was an awakening for me that has grown into an obsession, not only for pleasuring Cynthia Liebert but an addiction to the female body. Whenever I'm out my eyes are drawn to the female body. The sheer variety of shapes and sizes, the curves, the feel, the scent and the taste all excite me. As I drew closer to Cynthia's house my mind raced and body tingled in anticipation.

Our time together last week was cut short by a company emergency. Cynthia had to return abruptly to New York last weekend for meetings with the board and shareholders to fend off a takeover attempt by Goldman Sachs.

I had to "suffer" through two days on a cruise ship training our newest and largest account's on-board retail group on our retirement plan management system. It was a tough assignment, but someone had to do it.

I did, however, end up diverting to San Francisco for two days with LVMH's executive team to assure them that we would not only survive the takeover attempt but come out stronger in the end.

Cynthia had helped put together a stock buyback program that dramatically increased the cost of a stock takeover and diminished the company's attractiveness. At the new price, the likelihood Goldman Sachs could pull it off dropped dramatically.

She convinced the board, and I in turn, convinced LVMH that the inflated stock prices would remain once the dust settled, and we would all add substantially to our market capitalization. I was going to benefit due to the stock options that had accompanied my recent promotion.

The icing on the cake would be if Cynthia and I could pull off phase two, which was to hit them hard by pillaging two or three of their major corporate accounts. She was feeling confident that the model she and I developed to land LVMH could work for them as well. We were headed to New York on Monday morning to put together the proposals.

I was in awe of her fearless approach to business. She was an unstoppable force bordering on ruthless when needed. But she also had a remarkable warmth and kindness that never ceased to amaze me. I could not have picked a better mentor.

She was as relentless in all aspects of her life as she was in business. She worked out hard every morning and played hard at night. I was the lucky recipient of her voracity in the bedroom. She had uncovered a sexually submissive but insatiable side of me.

Maybe the years of discipline and self-sacrifice have created a need in me to let go and unleash my inner slut. Maybe I have the same addiction problem as my sister, only manifested in lesbian sex rather than drugs. Whatever it is, I reach an incredibly heightened sexual excitement when surrendering myself to the pleasure of women.

As excited as I was to see Cynthia, I could not help but worry. She made it clear that I was to "take care of her house keeper Rosario" when she was forced to leave early last weekend. I was afraid she might be jealous or angry that I had followed orders so enthusiastically. Rosario had a falling out with her husband and released years of frustration with me last weekend with and without Cynthia watching.

To make matters worse Cynthia didn't know that my best friend Stacey had professed her love for me, and we had a wonderful drunken night together. The next morning Stacey had graciously asked for us to keep it just friends, to give me the chance to explore my relationship with Cynthia without distraction.

Then it really hit me. What would Stacey do when she found out about Rosario? I had to tell her, we shared everything. I was grateful she was busy at work this week and we had not had a chance to talk since my encounter with Rosario. My head spun, so I settled back into the seat and breathed slowly and deeply. I replayed images of all three of them in my head.

Cynthia was tall and confident with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a body that other women would die for. She was long and slender but firm and muscular, like a great artist's sculpture. I'd give a kingdom for one look at her ass. Her sharp nose and red soft lips were irresistible. It just wasn't fair that she was powerful, smart and absolutely gorgeous. She was always the most beautiful person in the room. The rest of us don't stand a chance.

Rosario had shimmering dark hair and piercing brown eyes. At first glance she might seem plain, but if you looked closely, she was stunningly beautiful. She had a sensuous feminine body and firm perky breasts. Her full unshaven black bush and underarms were clean and well groomed. She was soft-spoken yet somehow powerful. When I looked in her eyes, they made me feel that she was truly longing for me. They emitted a sexiness that was captivating. Seeing her in her skinny jeans simply made me want her and she used her tongue like no one I have ever known.

Stacey was and is my best friend and confidante. When I discovered she had feelings for me, I was shocked. She had kept those feelings to herself and I had been oblivious for three years. There was so much to lose if we tried a romantic relationship and it failed.

She was almost four inches shorter than me, curvier and softer, but sexy in her own right. She had a true hourglass shape, with silky smooth, milky white skin. She had two very sexy dimples on her lower back, one above each ass cheek. Her amber hair and intensely blue eyes were electrifying. When I first met her, I thought she had eye coloring contacts, but it was her natural color. Her hair and eyes popped against her pale skin. She had a cute round button like nose that begged to be kissed.

There is so much more I could say about her but suffice it to say, she was uniquely beautiful inside and out. Part of me wished she had never told me her feelings. Part of me was angry that she waited until I stumbled into my relationship with Cynthia to tell me. And yet another part of me wanted to run away with her and live with her as her best friend, soulmate, and spouse.

And so, my mind spun round and round the circle of three all week. But now I was moments away from Cynthia and she deserved my focus this weekend. I wasn't sure if Rosario was going to be there today or not. I knew she went to visit her mother in Naples Florida earlier in the week, but she could have returned.

From the tone of Cynthia's texts, I was fairly certain she was planning some one-on-one time with me. I focused my thoughts on her, recalling that first weekend in the Hamptons. That Saturday morning, I had gone out to the pool terribly hung over to find Cynthia sunbathing naked laying asleep on her stomach. I took a seat behind her, gazing at her ass.

I stared at her, marveling at her shaved pussy and symmetrical little sphincter. Her inner labia were soft, pink and delicate looking. It was the first time I had ever really looked at another woman like that and I knew I wanted to taste her. I quietly rubbed myself off as I looked at her, not willing to risk sharing my feelings.

The driver turned into the driveway, bringing my attention back to the present. I quickly collected my things and asked him to get my bags and bring them in. I stepped out of the car with my wet pussy soaking through my panties yet again. I would have to let it slip to Cynthia that I had soiled yet another pair of panties. She would, of course, confiscate them for her collection.

Then, while he pulled the bags from the trunk, the memory of a few days earlier came back, when Rosario had me on hands and knees licking her pussy in front of Robert, the distinguished looking silver-haired driver. She had made me cum in my panties while he quietly watched.

This driver was younger and not so well-mannered. As much as it excited me a few days ago with Rosario, I knew Cynthia would be much more discreet in front of a stranger.

The front door opened, and Cynthia stood there in those jeans. Her flowing sandy hair seemed to glow in the sunlight. It was like a moment from a movie. She moved in slow motion, with an orchestra playing angelic music in the background.

"Good evening, Ms. Carmichael. So glad you made it safely." Her smile was genuine and electrifying. Her eyes never left mine as I approached her. "You look well," she said. Her eyes widened and grew hungry.

The wave of heat that rushed into my lady parts brought home the overwhelming effect she had on me. Just a shift of her eyes and I was hers, completely. As I approached, she leaned forward, presenting her glistening red lips. I envisioned an impassioned kiss, both of us staggering toward the sofa as we struggled with buttons, zippers and clasps.

I leaned in for the kiss. Just as our lips were about to touch, she backed up and spun back toward the doorway. I glimpsed her teasing grin before she spoke. "I will give you a few moments to freshen up and we can review the week's event before dinner. Come in, Ms. Carmichael." She extended her arm like a model presenting a prize. "It's going to be a weekend of pleasure and surprises, my pet," she said softly.

Inside she waited for the driver, gave him a tip and nudged him out the door. Then she turned and smiled. After giving me a slow look up and down, her eyes returned to mine. "I've missed you, my pet. Come here to me, Ms. Carmichael." She curled her pointer finger, summoning me as her eyes devoured me.

Everything about Cynthia Liebert excited me. Even the way she addressed me as "Ms. Carmichael" made me want her.

Her hands gripped my face and she leaned in, kissing me softly. When her tongue slid into my mouth, I breathed in her perfume and could only whimper and tremble helplessly under her spell. My hands gravitated to her ass in those Jeans while our tongues danced and pussy heated up instantly. I was wearing a light green knee-length ruffled sundress I had bought on board the ship earlier in the week. My hope was she would pull it up over my head and take me on the couch.

She broke the kiss and began to speak, "Tell me about your wee..."

Without thought, I pulled her ass toward me and kissed her again pushing my pelvis against hers. Feeling her ass, tasting her and smelling her perfume made it impossible to concentrate on business. I had to have her first.

She pushed me off, grinning. "Ms. Carmichael, you are insatiable. Whatever shall I do with you? I have dinner warming in the oven."

"I'd rather have you." I stepped back toward her again as she backed up toward the sofa.

"Take a breath, Leasie, you'll soil your panties again."

"I did that before I ever got here, Ms. Cynthia. I've missed you so much..."

She stopped, standing sideways in front the sofa. "Sit, Ms. Carmichael, I'll need to inspect them." She pointed at the sofa cushion and I sat.

She turned and pushed her legs between my knees, looking down at me. My legs parted and she leaned down, bracing herself with her left hand next to my right shoulder. Her right hand started at my left knee and slid slowly up my inner thigh. Her fingers felt like warm silk on my thigh, sending a tingle from my clit to my toes.

Our eyes were locked as her fingers reached my wet heat, causing us to sigh in unison. "Ms. Carmichael, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take these panties. They are quite wet."

I pressed my pussy against her fingers as she parted my labia through the panties, and she began rubbing firmly up and down. I gasped and pushed harder against her.

Her blue eyes came closer to mine while her finger explored my wetness. "Oh Leasie, sweetie, you really missed me." I nodded and whimpered.

"So, my horny little slut is too distracted, and doesn't want to talk business right now?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, Ms. Carmichael, let me take the edge off, so maybe you can think."

Her fingers pressed harder, rubbing me through the silk panties. "Th-thank you, Ms. Cynthia!" I panted, before our lips met and I thrust my tongue in her mouth.

Her lips felt like heaven, and her perfume smelled like it too. The room seemed to echo with the sounds of my whimpers while I mindlessly rolled my pelvis against her fingers. Everything about her excited me, even the way her thumb gently caressed my belly as her fingers slid up and down my slit.

Cynthia rolled her body beside me on the sofa, kissing me and rubbing me. Her left hand slid under my back while she put her right knee over my right thigh and pulled my legs wider. I whined, opening myself to her willingly. She rested her head on my shoulder. Breathing heavily, she whispered in my ear.

"Ms. Carmichael, your pussy is like a furnace, sweetie. Tell me what you were thinking about that got you so hot."

"I love everything about you Ms. Cynthia. Oh!" I puffed as her finger hit the spot. "I want to make love to you Ms. Cynthia. You're so beautiful."

My hips were gyrating up and down, soaking my panties. "When you touch me, I feel it in my whole body! Oh God," I gasped desperately, trembling from head to toe.

"Damn, Ms. Carmichael, you excite me. I had plans for dinner and surprises arranged for the weekend. Now all I can think about is how much I want you. How soft and sexy you feel. I can smell your sweet pussy and feel it heating up for me, my pet."

"You make crazy, Ms. Cynthia. I love it when you touch me. I'm going to cum in my panties! Oh fuck..." My voice cracked. My hands were pressing on the sofa, raising my ass off the cushion. I rolled my pelvis like a crazed belly dancer.

"Tell me what you want, Leasie."

"I want to be your pet, Ms. Cynthia, I want to feel your body against mine. I want to suck your pussy," I whined and panted. "I want to peel those jeans off and kiss that beautiful ass. I want to please you Ms. Cynthia."

"Ms. Carmichael, you're in a frenzy," she said softly in my ear.

Suddenly she pulled her hand away and squeezed me tight with her left arm. I froze, not sure what I did. Her warm lips tickled my ear as she spoke. "Will you obey me, my pet?" Her hand slid back between my legs.

"Yes, Ms. Cynthia," I exhaled in quick little gasps. My legs spread wide for her returning fingers. My whole body tingled with sweet surrender. "I'll do anything to please you. Oh God, please."

She held her fingers firm and I frantically rubbed myself against her. I wanted to cum in my panties and let her peel them off so they would no longer be between us.

"Do you trust me, Leasie?" she whispered in a soft sweet voice.

"Yes! Ms. Cynthia! Completely."

She slid her hand up onto my belly as I lay there writhing desperately.

"Good. If you follow my instructions to the T, this is going to be a life-changing weekend."

"Yes, I already owe you more than I can repay."

Her hand slid back over the wet silk separating my pussy lips. "Oh Ms. Cynthia, please touch me." I pushed my pussy into the air again.

"We're going to have a weekend of many pleasures, Ms. Carmichael." Her fingers moved up and down, pressing me hard. "Right now, I want you to be my horny little slut and..." She held her fingers still and I began to fuck them again. "Fuck my fingers until you cum in your panties, or should I say my panties?"

Her thumb caressed my belly while I rubbed her warm stiff fingers against my panty covered clit. My voice was high and loud, "I love your fingers, Ms. Cynthia."

"I've never wanted anyone more, Ms. Carmichael." Her voice was soothing and sexy. Her words and her hot breath sent chills down my spine as my climax built. "Oh Leasie, I love how you give yourself so completely. My pussy is so wet watching you. If you make yourself cum for me, I'll let you lick my pussy later."

"Yes please, Ms. Cynthia..." I unleashed a long steady wailing moan. "Aahh!" My raised ass rolled up and down fucking her fingers.

"That's it Leasie, fuck my fingers like a horny little slut!"

I was totally out of control and loving it. The tickling tingle from my clit consumed my lower body. Unbridled pleasure was all that mattered. Cynthia Liebert brought me more pleasure with her fingers than I had ever felt before meeting her.

"The way you move those hips. Ooh." She exhaled, apparently speechless.

Knowing I excited her, combined with her breath washing over my neck, sent another trembling rush down my spine that pushed me over the edge. My upper body convulsed as waves of pleasure flowed through my abdomen.

My hips locked from the overwhelming climax and without hesitation Cynthia's fingers resumed rubbing my clit in rapid little circles. My mouth was frozen open. With each convulsive wave I emitted a high-pitched squeal of pleasure.

"Cum for me, my pet... God, I love you," she whispered.

Her words brought a second wave of intensity to my climax that seemed like it would never end. Finally, unable to take any more, I collapsed back down to the sofa.

She pulled her head back and looked at me smiling. Her wide blue eyes had a look of amazement. She sighed, closed her eyes and kissed me firmly but quickly, allowing me to catch my breath.

She touched my cheek with her palm and smiled. "Ms. Carmichael, I can't possibly talk business after that. You are such a naughty distraction." She caressed my left cheek with the backs of her curled fingers. "I think dinner is going to have to wait. You have a way of shaking things up, Ms. Carmichael. What ever shall I do with you?"

She brought her right hand to my lips and slid her fingers into my mouth. On cue, I sucked them in and began licking them clean. Her eyebrows rose and I heard a soft sigh. After a moment, she pulled her hand back and leaned in to kiss me again. I caressed her back and side with my left hand and twisted my body toward her. Our kisses became more passionate until she pulled away.