The Protégé Pt. 04

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The young ladies road to submission continues.
16.2k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/22/2019
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The grueling, exhilarating, trip of a lifetime continued with no end in sight. I toured the European offices of LVMH with their Vice President of Human resources, Mr. Renaud. He had become rather fun to be with despite being a handsy old letch at times. He really was quite harmless and easy to manipulate with a wink and a smile and some harmless flirting.

A two-orgasm phone sex morning with Cynthia was the perfect start to my day. After packing up my cum soaked panties in an envelope. I had the bellman ship them priority air to Cynthia in New York before Maurice and Russel took me on the tour of Venice. We spent most of the day with our own private gondola that took us around the canals. The captain even joined us for lunch and dinner at some remarkable family restaurants he knew well. They took us into the kitchen to see the meals being prepared and told us about the history of Venice and the history of their restaurants. The hospitality was incredible.

It was a remarkable tour and memorable day. That being said I could not wait to get back to the room to connect with Stacey and see how the meeting with Cynthia went and find out more about the job opportunity. I was pleasantly surprised when she answered. It was midnight my time and 6:00PM in New York.

"Lecia! How are you! It's so good to hear your voice. God, I've missed you!" She said excitedly.

"OMG, I'm so glad you answered. Are you able to talk?" I replied hoping we could talk a while.

"Yep, Saturday night and no plans. Story of my life, I've got all night." She said sarcastically.

"Great! Can we skype?"


"Great, I'm calling now." I interrupted.

Her face popped onto the screen and her hair color gripped me immediately. "OMG, I love your hair." I said excitedly.

It was a vibrant burgundy shade in sharp contrast to her very dark brown natural color. Her pale white skin, against the red tinted hair that hung to her shoulders was a stunning contrast from the last time I had seen her.

I was taken aback by her stunning... beauty. It was hard to find the right term. It was as if I was seeing her for the first time. My body tingled in a scary way, as the sight of my best friend made my heart race. I tried to collect my thoughts... Was this a side effect of my obsession with Cynthia? Was I completely and totally gay?

Her eyes seemed more intensely blue than ever before. She had black eye liner on thicker than normal. It seemed to make them pop. She had bright red lipstick that drew my eyes to her subtle sweet smile. Her oval face seemed flawless and I noticed her little round button nose was in major contrast to Cynthia's sharp narrower nose. Her cheeks were subtle and curved, her eye big and bright and her chin was gently rounded, highlighting her, understated beauty.

"Thanks! I can see you now. I'm hanging up the phone." she said smiling. I did the same.

"That color's perfect for you!" I said emphatically. "So, tell me about the meeting with Cynthia. What was the job opportunity? What..."

"You won't believe it!" She cut in. "I have an interview with the fucking Yankees!"

"What?" My heart raced with excitement.

"I can't believe it! I no sooner let the words out of my mouth that I was more interested in marketing than finance, when she grabbed my hand and silenced me. Then her eye's went big and she said, "I was just talking with a friend from the Yankees yesterday." I told her, I loved the Yankees and she asked if I would be interested in working for them. I screamed, hell yes. The next thing I knew she was dialing the phone. She spoke to their VP of Marketing and got me an interview Tuesday for an entry level slot in fan relations!"

"Holy crap Stacey, that's amazing! She knows everyone! Are you excited? You'll do great. Talk about dream jobs!" I decided I better tone it down or she might get a little overwhelmed by it all.

"Excited, terrified, ecstatic, shitting my pants. I'm off the rails Lecia." She said stressed.

"Believe me, I know the feeling. I've been through it." I said calmly. "I am completely free. Tomorrow I am laying on the beach and doing nothing. I can spend all night helping you prep..."

"That would be great. You have such a way of looking at things and seeing the big picture. I need that for this interview." I could sense her calming down already.

We spent the next few hours researching the Yankees, ticket sales, TV revenues, brand recognition and everything else we could think of. I even took a look at major league baseball as a whole. We confirmed a lot of what we already knew, but it was apparent, baseball in general needed to grow in the younger demographics and we spent time brain storming ideas to do that.

We looked at their social media footprint and made a list of potential ideas to expand their presence in the younger demographic groups. We both felt great about her ability to connect and had her armed with considerable data and insight to impress them on Tuesday.

As we continued to talk, I found myself mesmerized by her face. She had on black headphones that contrasted with her burgundy hair and made her all the more cute.

I was so glad we skyped. It is so much more personal than talking on the phone. I felt so much more connected.

When the conversation turned to my career, it was a relief to vent all the anxiety and excitement I had been going through, while seeing her face and the genuine happiness that I was living my dream. As the conversation turned to Cynthia, I was overcome by the urge to come clean about my relationship with my new boss.

"Stacey, something has developed between Cynthia and me that I need to share with you. I hope this won't affect anything between us or you won't think any less of me, but..." I hesitated.

"You two are pursuing a personal relationship." She said with a knowing grin.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked relieved she was at least smiling.

"Honestly, I just thought you were excited about working for your idol. It became apparent, when I saw her face talking about you Friday night, she clearly had feelings for you. I never imagined you were attracted to women..."

"Me neither!" I said emphatically. "I have never thought that way before. In hindsight, I have looked at women and thought "Damn, she's beautiful, and been jealous that they look that good. But I never thought of romantically pursuing anyone. Oh God this is awkward..."

"It's Ok, Alecia. It doesn't change our friendship." She hesitated and looked uncomfortable. "Frankly it will make me less worried about you stealing a boyfriend..."

"Stacey, I would never..."

"I'm not accusing you. It's just you are the smartest most confident, hottest person I know. You are so oblivious to the eyes on you when we are out together. I've always been jealous of you." She said almost looking sad.

"That's so funny. I've always been jealous of you. You are so relaxed and fun to be around, and I'm always the stiff proper little bitch. Are you ok Stacey? You look kind of disappointed."

She thought for a second and smiled. "I'm not disappointed at all. If this is what you want, I'm happy for you. But I just want you to be careful Lecia. She seems great and I am so forever grateful for the opportunity she's given me. I hate to harp on the "buts," but you need to understand that most people that get to the position of power and influence she has, have a ruthless side."

I sat silent looking at her on my screen, thinking about the situation as I had a thousand times already. It really seems too good to be true. As the moment became awkward, she continued.

"I'm sorry if I seem negative, but I love you Alecia. You're my best friend and I don't ever want to see you hurt. I'm just saying be careful." She was clearly searching for the right words and I let her think. "Cynthia has been nothing but great to both of us. I mean, she got me an interview with the Yankee's with just a phone call. They don't know me, she doesn't know me, but trusts you enough to arrange it just from your endorsement. Clearly, she trusts you and clearly, she is crazy about you, but what if that turns or she somehow gets hurt by you. I just want you to be your normal diligent self and not let emotion get in the way of reason." She said looking at me sincerely.

"Believe me, I have gone around and round in my head a thousand times. I am being cautious and taking it slow." She looked at me skeptically. "This is all new and nothing I had ever imagined. I can tell you we are keeping it above board and have a signed document with the company stating our mutual intent for pursuing a relationship and our commitment to follow company guidelines and rules regarding personal relationships."

She looked stunned. "Wow, so you two are serious?"

"Serious in the sense of keeping it professional first. This new for both of us and we are mutually exploring these new feelings."

"Well that's good. Clearly you both have thought about it. Honestly, she seems fabulous. I felt like she was genuinely interested in me when we interviewed and after, she seemed to genuinely be interested in knowing more about me and my family. It was a pleasant surprise that someone that successful seems genuinely nice."

"That's so true. She has been consistent in her concern for others. She even helped one of the housekeepers at a hotel she frequents get medical assistance and covered some of the cost..."

"That's amazing. It sounds like she is the real deal. Not to mention she is gorgeous and smells good. I think you've done good!" She said grinning.

"I don't know what it is but her perfume does get your attention and she is in better shape than me, that's for sure."

"Don't you sell yourself short Alecia. You are a beautiful sexy lady. Anyone, man or woman would be lucky to have you. It's late and I gotta get up early tomorrow. My niece is being christened and it's in Riverhead, so we have a drive. Sorry to keep you up all night! But I am so grateful for your help. I really feel ready for this interview. Thanks, so much for introducing me to Cynthia. I can't believe I'm talking to the Yankees! I Love you Lecia." She looked down like a shy schoolgirl.

"I love you too Stacey. I know you're gonna do great! How 'bout them Yankees!"

She smiled and disconnected.

It was 6:30 AM and the sun was rising again. We had talked for six- and one-half hours and it just flew by. I had not changed from last night, so I just grabbed a bag, stopped at the gift shop for drinks and snacks and took a cab to the beach. I put on my bikini in the restroom and had the beach almost completely to myself. I spread SPF 80 lotion wherever I could reach and asked an elderly gentleman to do my back. I made his day, I could tell. Then, I grabbed my tablet and read an e-book for about 5 minutes before falling fast asleep laying on my stomach.

I awoke at 11:17AM, the sun was warm, and the beach was hopping. I could not believe I slept that soundly. I looked at the back of my legs and they thankfully did not seem burned. I quickly rolled over and exposed my front to the sun. I did like the way I looked in the white Dior bikini. I sat up on my elbows and drank in the beautiful blue ocean waters and the European scenery. I really was living the dream.

I began watching the people and listening to Italian as they spoke. It really did sound like a "romance" language. As I watched, I found myself more and more drawn to the curves and shapes of the female bodies.

Two young ladies walked by topless, their breasts gently swaying as they walked. They seemed so free and confident. It was remarkably sexy, and I found myself feeling a warmth in my pussy as I watched. When they walked by, I saw they were both wearing thongs, exposing their golden-brown buns. The sight of Cynthia's magic diamond as she laid nude before me came to the forefront of my mind.

I recalled making myself cum on her patio dreaming of spreading her firm little ass and tonging her warm sweaty pussy with my nose between her cheeks. I could feel my wetness grow as I imagined peeling off those thongs and fucking both of those hot young ladies on my hotel patio next to the pool.

As they passed, a gorgeous black woman in a red bikini, walked the other way. Her tits were full and shapely. Her nipples covered by tiny little red triangles of cloth. Her curves were memorizing, but when she got directly in front of me, the silhouette of her ass hooked me. The semi thong exposed her dark glistening globes bursting from the bright red material.

I mindlessly stood up and followed as she walked the shoreline. I was not oblivious to the hypocrisy of thinking Mr. Renaud an old letch for ogling women and here I was marching behind a gorgeous round ass on the beach. Much like Cynthia's, this unknow woman's ass was perfectly fit, with round bulbous buns that clenched and relaxed with each step. My pussy was growing wetter and warmer with each bounce.

I wanted to drop to my knees and nibble those warm cheeks and kiss them gently as pulled off the bright red bikini. I wanted to explore the beautiful ebony body in front of me with no cares of who was watching.

Suddenly a small child slammed into my legs nearly knocking me over as he bounced off and fell. He rolled up onto his feet and kept running on into the water as if nothing had happened.

I stood there stunned. I knew working for Cynthia Liebert was going to change my life. But never imagined it would have nothing to do with work. I seemed to have zero control. My body was a raging storm of sexual energy with no end in sight. I watched the black beauty walk away trying to get control of myself. I turned to go back to my lounge so I could plant myself, read a book and act like a normal person.

As I started to walk, I glanced down and noticed a quarter sized wet spot peeking through the front of my bikini. I walked waste deep into the Adriatic, hopefully before anyone else noticed the effects of my lustful obsessions.

I reached my lounge chair and tried to focus on reading a good romance novel. The beach was packed with people. So many men in speedos... Though I did find many of them attractive, I could not stop observing the shapes of the women in a new light. I soon put down my book and watch the ladies. For the first time in my life I understood the one track minds of young men.

Next to me was a group of college age girls. There were nine of them. The closest was a tall skinny olive-skinned girl in a leopard thong. Her small little buns were like a magnet to my eyes. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help thinking about touching and kissing and nibbling...

Next to her was a shapely red head with long flowing hair that hung nearly to her ass. She wore a black full bikini that fit her perfectly. I wanted to feel that hair hanging down over me as she made love to me. She was fair skinned and freckled with much thicker arms and legs but still very shapely.

Next to her a short wide-bodied brunette sat up with her arms extended behind her propping her up as she looked at the emerald colored water. The breeze blew her hair and she shook her head letting it flow behind her. Her ample breasts protruded from her floral bikini top that strained to hold them in. She had a slight roll of fat on her belly, but I found it uniquely sexy.

After her, there were six more varying shapes and sizes lying face down and buns up. It was like a buffet of buns and I want to sample them all. My eyes ran from one to the next picturing them naked and exploring their bodies one by one.

When I felt awkward from staring, I would look elsewhere on the beach but kept finding a new female shape in the crowd the caught my imagination. I never finished a page in my book but had a completely relaxing day at the beach. I hardly thought of work but had to take several dips in the ocean to mask my excitement.

Somewhat surprisingly I did feel refreshed at the end of the day. It was liberating to let my fantasies run wild for the day. So many women I had fantasized over. I wondered how they would have responded if they could read my thoughts.

Back at the hotel, I needed to take a shower and freshen up for a late dinner. The all-nighter was starting to catch up to me despite the lengthy nap on the beach. I dared not have a cocktail or sleep would overtake me. I thought of a pick me up that might do the trick. I went to my bag and pulled out Cynthia's silver bullet. I could not believe I actually stole it from her, but it was forever linked in my mind to the first night in her house.

I recalled how sexy it was watching that gorgeous ass rise up as she offered her hot wet pussy for me to pleasure with it. I quickly ran to the shower and turned it on. I flung the coverup and bikini aside as I stepped in the shower. The magic diamond image flashed in my head and I turned the silver bullet on. I touched it to my clit envisioning her fucking the dildo with her face buried in the pillow.

I had never seen anyone cum so hard from my efforts. I've had many a boy blow their load in seconds but that was her second orgasm in just a few minutes, that beautiful ass thrusting up to meet my penetration. I had leaned against the back wall of the shower. With my feet in front of the bench, legs spread wide, letting the little vibrator tip work its magic

An orgasm quickly approached as the vision of her wet labia, fucking the silver dildo played in my head. My knees weekend and I slid down the wall until my ass rested on the bench.

"Oh fuck, Ms. Cynthia, please let me suck your pussy. Aahhhh!" I squealed. I wanna taste your cum again. I slowly flexed my hips rubbing the vibrating toy against my hungry clit. "Feels so good. I'm fucking cumming already. Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" I shook uncontrollably as I came.

When my orgasm passed, I slid the dildo inside me, working it slowly in and out, thinking of the sights of the day. Stacey's, red hair and bright lipstick. "OMG you're lusting after your best friend." I thought to myself.

I pictured that gorgeous ebony ass in the red bikini as the little silver devil vibrated inside me. I pealed back the red bottoms revealing her dark ass and tuft of hair peeking out between her legs. I imagined kissing her cheeks as I knelt before her. I shifted the dildo to my left hand and began to rub my clit with my right.

My mind bounced from her perfect ass to the bun buffet that was next to me on the beach, I kissed and nibbled them one by one down the line. Then the thought of the beautiful red head straddling me and showering me in her long flowing hair as she leaned down and kissed me passionately.

My fingers picked up the pace and the vibrator continued sliding in and out. The images flashed in my head. The Diamond between Cynthia's legs, Stacey's intensely blue eyes and bright red lipstick, the black ass, the bun buffet, the flowing red hair, and back through the cycle.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum again!" I squealed.

Once again, I was filled with obsessive thoughts that pushed all reason away. I surrendered completely to my newfound lust. The images flashed through my head and my fingers pressed in rapid little circle on my clit with the silver vibrator buzzing inside me.

I pictured nibbling the smooth black ass, feeling the red heads tongue probing my mouth as our naked bodies intertwined. Laying back as the group of college girls kissed my body everywhere. Looking into Stacey's eyes as I kissed her soft red lips. Thrusting my tongue into the magic diamond between Cynthia's legs and tasting her warm wet pussy as I squeezed those firm hot buns

"Ohhhh Fuuuuuccckkkkkk, I'm cumming for you Cynthia!"

I wailed away with my fingers, as my body shuttered to a convulsive climax. "Oh God you make me so crazy! Aaaahhhh! Aaaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Ffffffuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk!"