The Puppy and the Koala


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She reached and tugged at my sleeping bag, sliding it down over my lower body and then pulling it out from under my feet. She tossed it to one side. I just had the track suit trousers on that she'd given me earlier, and my cock had made a very obvious large tent at the front of them. I tried to shift my legs to lessen the effect but it didn't make any difference.

She looked at my crotch, then at my face, then back to my crotch.

"Well now," she said, acting puzzled. "I don't remember that being there before. Whatever can it be?"

She moved in to get a closer look, her face just a few inches above my groin. She ran her tongue around her lips.

"Interesting," she murmured. "That looks most... interesting."

I yanked uselessly against the handcuffs, desperate to grab her or myself or anything within reach. I pushed up with my hips to try and rub my covered cock against her but she was too quick for me and quickly moved out of range. She tutted disapprovingly.

"No self-control, little puppy."

"This is torture!" I said.

"But fun," she said. "Isn't it? More fun than just curling up with a book, don't you think?"

I didn't answer. I just watched to see what she would do next.

She looked at me mischievously.

"When you watched me in the summer, sunning myself, thinking I didn't know you were there... did you dream about seeing these?" She stroked her breasts.

I nodded dumbly.

"Did you think about touching them?"

"Yes," I managed, though my throat had gone very dry.

"Licking them?"

"God, yes."

She reached up and slowly undid the strap behind her neck. Then she gradually dragged the straps down until the bikini was just on the verge of peeling away from her gorgeous, enchanting breasts. Then she turned away from me, and I watched incredulously as she pulled the bikini top fully off and I was gazing at her bare back. I could just make out on one side the slightest glimpse of side boob.

She stretched like a cat and ran her hands up and down herself. I couldn't see exactly what she was doing but I guessed she was playing with her nipples. She moaned to herself. I would have given anything to have been able to see.

She stood up, still with her back to me. Then I watched her bikini bottoms twitch as she seemingly slid one hand down the front of them to play with herself.

"Mmm," she muttered. Her breathing became heavier. I couldn't believe she was topless in front of me, and masturbating, and I could barely see a fucking thing.

"Please let me see," I said. "Please."

Her head shook from side to side. She was intensely focused on what she was doing, letting out little groans and gasps as she played with herself.

"So naughty to be doing this," she whispered to herself. "I'm such a bad girl."

Her movements became faster and less controlled. I watched her body move and tremble in response to the increasingly frantic rubbing of her fingers. I thought I could smell her wetness. I could certainly imagine what it must feel like. That beautiful, soft, slippery wetness that her fingers were sliding up and down in.

"Let me do that for you," I said. "You don't have to do anything for me, but let me do that."

"I'm going to come," she said. It was as if I wasn't even there. "Such a bad girl, all set for a weekend of fucking and I need to come."

Hearing her talk like this made me want to explode with lust.

"Yes... yes... that's it.... So close.... Talk to me, tell me what you're thinking...."

"I want to fuck you," I said. "I want to fuck you more than anything I've ever wanted in my life."

"Yes... more...."

"I want so shove my cock into you Tess, you've made me so hard, I want to shove my cock into you and make you come."

"Mmm, that's it... god, so close...."

"I'm going to come in your tight lovely cunt and fill you up with all my..."

That was as far as I got. With a loud cry she climaxed heavily and her body shook. To my frustrated delight she moved slightly to one side as she did so, and one of her breasts was now more clearly visible. But still horribly out of my reach. My entire body was rigid, and my cock felt like it had been inflated five times beyond its natural size.

She shook and whimpered to herself for about a minute as her orgasm gradually faded. Then it was just the sound of our heavy breathing. I realised my own breathing had kept pace with hers -- whether out of my own frustration or some kind of strange sympathetic bond I don't know.

"Wow," she said. "I needed that."

She stretched herself out again, cooing with pleasure as she did so. Then she crossed her arms across her chest and turned to face me. Her face was flushed and sweaty. I thought she was the most desirable thing I'd ever seen.

She regarded me thoughtfully for a few moments. I didn't say anything. Somehow I knew this would be the wrong moment to plead with her. It was her show, her game, and I would just have to wait and see what she had in mind next.

With her eyes not leaving mine she reached out with one hand, finally revealing one perfect orb of a breast. I gazed at it hungrily, but only for a moment, as that hand then arrived gently on the tip of my cock, rubbing it gently through the material of the tracksuit. I gasped out loud and my whole body jolted -- after what had seemed like an eternity of being desperate for any kind of contact, to finally be touched was almost painful.

She reached out with her other hand -- another delicious breast swung out into view -- and then she gently pulled down my trousers. My cock snagged on the top of them and she smiled as she carefully pushed it down to release it. Then my trousers were off and cast to one side and I was lying there, my whole lower body naked for her to see.

She stood by the bed and looked at me lying there and nodded slowly in approval.

"Very nice." I could barely hear her. "Very nice indeed."

My eyes were darting around feverishly, trying to drink as much of her body as I could. Who knew when I'd ever get the chance again? But also, I was on tenterhooks to see what she'd do next.

I didn't have long to wait. Thank the Lord. She came and sat beside me on the bed, kneeling about half way up so she was level with my groin. She carefully took my cock in one hand and squeezed it, gently at first and then with increasing pressure. Then, ever so delicately, she began to move her hand up and down. It was a sensation I was familiar with of course, having done it hundreds if not thousands of times before, but to have Tess do it, sitting there topless and fresh from her own intense orgasm - never had it felt so intensely wonderful.

"Does that feel good?"

"Yes... so good..."

She continued to stroke and work me. With her other hand she reached up and ran her fingers across my forehead in a rather touching gesture. "You can tell me what you want. I might not do it, but you can ask."

"Just don't stop," I said. "Whatever you do, don't stop."

She smiled and returned her attention to my cock. She was skilled at this, she knew exactly the pressure and the rhythm and how to vary both for maximum effect. I knew I wouldn't last long. But for once I didn't want that quick frenzied relief. I didn't want this night to end. She'd put me through torment, for sure, but... such wonderful torment.

"Slower," I said. "Please."

She looked at me questioningly. "Slower?"

I nodded.

"Don't you want to come?"

"God, you have no idea, but..."


"I want to fuck you too. I want to fuck you and make you come. It's up to you, I know, but... honestly, I'd be so proud if I could do that."

"Little puppy," she murmured. "My eager little puppy."

Instead of answering me she dipped her head and took my cock in her mouth. I gasped again and for one dreadful, wonderful moment I thought that was too much, I was going to explode into her mouth and that would be it. But I managed to stop myself. But god, the first moments of feeling her hot wet mouth on me are something I'll never forget.

She sucked me with great competence and apparent enjoyment for several minutes, occasionally looking up at me to gauge my reactions. It was a game, I realised. If I didn't come, I was in with a chance of getting what I so desperately craved. If I came -- well, that would obviously be pretty wonderful, but I instinctively knew that would also be the end.

She held all the cards. If she wanted to make me come I was completely at her mercy. I would be unable to resist for long the combined stimulation of her mouth, her hand and her stunning half-naked body just inches away from me. It was all a question of how long I could hold out, holding out until some timer in her head said that I had endured enough and had earnt my reward.

So she sucked me and I watched her and tried desperately not to come. Up and down went her mouth. I could feel her tongue flicking at the top of my cock whenever she reached it. Her hand corkscrewed in time with her bobbing head. It was relentless. It was mind-blowing. In all my deepest fantasies I'd never dreamt something like this would happen to me.

She tried one last trick, of taking her spare hand and reaching down and playing with herself. She twisted herself around so I could see her finger pushing in and out of her pussy, the bikini bottoms pushed aside just enough for her fingers to have access and for me to see and admire the perfect lips of her shaven wet pussy. It was intoxicating to see it and again my hands flailed uselessly in their quest to reach out and join in. The sight of her cunt nearly sent me over the edge but I gritted my teeth and squeezed my legs together and I felt that approaching orgasmic wave retreat again.

Then suddenly she stopped. Her head came up and her hand moved away from my cock. She continued playing with herself for a few more seconds and then that stopped too. She climbed off the bed and looked at me. Her lovely blonde hair was slightly dishevelled now, adding to the sheer animal attraction of her. She took her hand which a few moments before had been rubbing her pussy and slowly licked her fingers, one by one.

"Goodnight Seb."

She turned and walked slowly towards the door.

I didn't say anything. Like I said, it was her game. Her rules. But I also had a hunch, a suspicion that she needed release as much as I did now. But to beg her not to leave, to come back... that would be the wrong thing to do.

She reached the door and held onto the handle for a moment. She stopped. Then she turned and gave me a rueful grudging smile. She conceded defeat.

She came back and went to the bedside table. She picked up the key and undid one handcuff. Then, teasingly, she reached across me and undid the other, her breasts grazing across my face. I fought my instinct to lick them.

I was free. She moved back so her face was above mine.

"Now we fuck," she said, and kissed me.


Our tongues merged and explored each other's mouth's eagerly. I reached up and exulted in being able to finally put my arms around her and touch her and hold her. I couldn't get enough of just having my skin against hers.

I ran my hands down her body. Her arms, the small of her back. Then her buttocks, which I squeezed and fondled and teased with my fingers. She moaned appreciatively.

There was so much of here I wanted to explore, with my fingers and my tongue. I slid my hands away and round to the front of her. At last I was able to stroke her breasts and gently rub those enchanting nipples between my fingers. I pushed my head down and took one of them in my mouth and she moaned again.

"I'm so wet," she said.

Now it was my time for my fingers to find that out for themselves. Still keeping a nipple in my mouth I ran a hand down her belly and began to explore her pussy. She was soaking wet, I hadn't known just how wet women could get when they were really excited, and I was amazed and even more aroused by this discovery. I slipped a finger into her easily, too easily, it wasn't enough so I slipped in a second and began to gently fuck her with them.

"I need your cock," she said, and pushed me back onto the bed. She kissed me again and then reached down and took hold of me and guided me inside her. My few previous fumblings had taught me that sometimes sex could be tricky - despite eagerness on both sides penetration can be surprisingly fiddly. But not this time. I was too hard and she was too wet for there to be any obstacles. I slipped into her easily and smoothly and we both gasped with sheer delight at the sensation and the sense of being completed.

"God that's good," she said. "So good."

She began to ride me, her hands on my chest for balance and to give herself extra power when she needed it. Again, my previous experiences had been nothing like this. They had been me on top, frantically bucking away, the girl lying there, interested and responsive but predominately passive. Tess was using me quite ruthlessly, my cock, my body were a means to an end and I watched in wonder as she ground herself up and down on me.

I played with her nipples and stroked her legs as she pounded up and down on me, her eyes closed and her expression rapt and focused. Then suddenly she looked down at me, her eyes pleading.

"Talk to me," she gasped. "Talk dirty to me."

I did my best, a little self-conscious at first but increasingly confident as I saw her reacting to my words. "You're an amazing fuck, Tess. You're the sexiest, most fuckable woman I've ever seen in my life... I can't believe I'm so lucky to have my cock in you Tess... use my cock and make yourself come... I'm going to flip you over and fuck you doggy style and pound into you and fuck you and fuck you and..."

"Oh fuck," she said. "Oh fuck. I'm coming I'm coming... Jesus!"

She stopped dead, and suddenly stretched out her entire body as if struck by lightning. I could almost see the orgasm rushing through her, overwhelming her. I kept still. I'd seen orgasms in porn films, but never had I experienced anything as intimate and powerful as this. Looking at her anguished, quivering face, seeing the sweat sliding down between her breasts, feeling the spasms of her cunt around my cock... I knew it was a moment I'd never forget.

She lowered herself down onto me and I held her, her face beside mine. My cock was still rock hard inside her and the orgasm had tightened her pussy around it so that it felt impossible they'd ever be parted. Fine by me - I could have stayed like that forever. I wanted to come myself, I wanted to keep fucking her until I exploded into her -- but I was also quite content just to lie there and feel her lying on top of me, her breath sighing in my ears.

"Oh my god," she whispered. "Sorry, I'm not normally so greedy. You've got me quite worked up, my lovely Seb puppy."

"Good," I said.

She kissed my cheek distractedly. "Give me a minute and I promise I'll take care of you."

"This is already the best night of my life," I said. "I'm in no hurry."

She kissed me again and snuggled closer into me. We lay like that for a few minutes. I ran my fingers up and down her back, her arms, any flesh that was within reach. It was as if I still couldn't quite believe what had happened and I needed the physical confirmation that she was really there, really naked, really in bed with me.

Then she stirred.

"Come on top of me," she said. "Please Seb."

I gently rolled her onto her back, holding her as I did so, my cock staying inside her. We adjusted ourselves slightly so we were both comfortable and then slowly I began to fuck her, sliding delightfully in and out of her tight wet tunnel. Her eyes never left my face.

"Yes... fuck me... just like that."

I knew I wouldn't be able to last much longer, and part of me mourned the imminent end of this bizarre, unexpected, totally wonderful episode. I knew we would never be boyfriend and girlfriend, there would almost certainly never be a repeat of this... all I could do was try and absorb every memory of her as deeply as I could. Even a few extra seconds of her were precious.

She seemed to sense the same thing.

"This is going to be our secret, Seb, but whenever I see you from now on I'll know just how good your cock feels inside me and I'll be thinking about it. How well you fucked me tonight. How I teased you and how somehow you made me want to fuck you. I'm so glad, aren't you glad Seb?"

"I'm so glad," I gasped. "God, Tess, I love fucking you."

"I love it too. Now come in me Seb, let me feel you come in me."

"Oh Christ," I said. "Oh fucking Christ...."

"That's it... yes... god your cock feels good..."

I came explosively and she writhed beneath me as she felt it shooting into her. Although it was probably only ten, fifteen seconds at most it felt like minutes, like time had slowed down and nothing else existed but the glorious heat and tidal wave of pleasure that raced from my groin to every part of my body.

"Fuck.... Tess!"

She reached up and pulled me down onto her, holding me tight and making gentle soothing noises as if I was a child with a nightmare. I was still spasming my come into her and I could feel her cunt twitching around my cock.

"Good boy," she whispered. "Good clever lovely puppy."


I'd like to be able to say that was just round one, and to be able to tell you of how we made love the rest of the night and all the different positions we did it in and how she had seventeen orgasms and I had five, or something along those lines. I'd like to be able to say that, but it wouldn't be true. That was the only time I had sex with Tess, though I've thought about her nearly every day since. Even with my current girlfriend - who is lovely and sexy and thoughtful and funny and perfect -- even with her sometimes I close my eyes and I'm back in Tess's bed again.

Not long after I came we fell asleep in each other's arms. I woke once in the night and marvelled at the fact I was in bed with her, holding her, feeling her naked body against mine. She was fast asleep and I was sorely tempted to wake her and see if I could persuade her into a repeat performance. But I knew that would have been against the unspoken deal we'd made. So instead I lay there for a while just looking at her and eventually I fell asleep again.

When I woke up she was gone. There was a note on the side saying she had to go out and she'd see me again soon. There was a single 'x' at the bottom of it. I still have that note hidden in my desk.

A few weeks after that she had a big argument with my sister about something or other and she moved out and they didn't speak again. Later I heard she'd moved north because her boyfriend had a job there. Whether it was the boyfriend who had so upset her on Valentine's Day I don't know. I hope not.

The following year I got an anonymous Valentine's card. It was home-made, a simple piece of card folded in two. There was a single kiss and a large question mark written inside. And on the front of it were two pictures, obviously cut out from magazines and pasted on.

A puppy with big eyes. And a koala.

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Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassabout 2 months ago

I was hoping they might have started a long-term relationship, but I suppose a one night stand as erotic as this one would lead to a never-to-be-forgotten memory. I thoroughly enjoyed your story.

DadiesdreamsDadiesdreams4 months ago

What a sweet story, I have to assume and not because of your pen-name that you are a female, only a woman could write such emotional tales and make them so believable and sensual.Xxx

On the other hand, you could be a gay man, but I just don’t see a hetero man being able to ride like this. Lol

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

good read

Jalibar62Jalibar627 months ago

You do seem to love to leave us wondering what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Absolutely fabulous! :)

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