The Rabbit Hole Ch. 10

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Penny wakes up without Nadia and can't control her powers.
5.8k words

Part 10 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/09/2018
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Edited by ALewdEditor

** Warning, some of the scenes in this chapter are graphic and can be triggering. If you want to avoid them, skip over everything in italics. They are not vital for the plot. **


Nurse wraps the bandage around Penny's head, stopping the bleeding. She sings a sweet song to comfort her patient, something about butterflies. Penny must have been good. Nurse never sings sweet songs, her voice is sharp and close, far too close with the blade in it. But her voice is warm and running down the side of her head. It's sticky: drip, drip, dripping down her neck and into her mind.

Nurse wipes it up and wraps Penny's head tight, making sure nothing gets loose. Everything needs to stay still before Penny's treatment. If she is a good girl, if she stops doing dirty things, she can get a treat. But as a long as she wants to be so filthy, Nurse will have to clean her.

When Penny opens her eyes, the apartment is gone. Instead, she's in a hospital room on a huge bed, impossibly huge, and she's strapped to it. Her feet are in stirrups, strapped to their cold metal. Her arms are lovingly wrapped in straps, each tied to the metal bars on the side of the bed. To her right, Nurse is finishing her bandages and humming her song.

Penny's first thought is to cry out for her parents. They should pick her up. She's awake now, so she can finally go home. She'll be good this time; she promises. She always promises. She can't keep this up, all this treatment and research. She wants to go home, to be wrapped up in her sister's arms and to fall asleep.

Instead, Nurse walks around in front of Penny. She's done singing, and now she has the Smile. The Smile means Penny's been bad. It means Penny needs to be punished. It means there will be Pain.

Nurse climbs on top of the hospital bed, on her knees, upright, and Penny sees it: the strap-on. It's bright red with tiny grooves and ribs up and down it. At the tip and base it flares out with tiny points. It looks alien and hideous. Nurse laughs as Penny's eyes go wide. She swings her hips back and forth, making the strap-on "dance."

Penny tries to squirm at first. There's no point. She can't move. She can barely think straight. Her brain feels puffy. Her face is swollen. She cries out to Nadia, but nobody answers. She cries for Joanna, for Harold, for anyone, but there is just the sound of Nurse laughing as she mounts Penny. Only Pain answers.


A month ago Penny woke up in a hospital with all the people she cared about taken from her. She had no toys, no doctor, and no Nadia. Penny only remembered a few bits from that night. She couldn't fall asleep so she sat in her bedroom, reading. She heard someone moving in her apartment and went to take care of it, then she felt pain and nothingness. She barely remembered the paramedics coming into her apartment or the ride in the ambulance to the hospital. Her first real memory was Harold meeting her in her hospital room.

She was lucky he got to her first. He watched the security camera footage and destroyed the rest. He knew that Nadia had taken Dr. Tuminaro and ran, but he didn't know why. The police were told it was Nadia, who they described as Penny's co-worker and girlfriend. They didn't say anything about the doctor to the police, and they didn't seem to know he was ever there. Harold had cleaned the scene before the police could investigate; he was thorough and invaluable. Penny was overwhelmingly thankful for him.

She spent a week in the hospital. She made them go through all the tests they could do to make sure there was no brain damage or lingering problems. She was fine. There was swelling and a concussion but not much else. The biggest concern for Penny was her powers, but they were intact. She was able to get the best doctors and treatment in the hospital with ease. She charged the lead detectives with a zealous obsession for finding Nadia while asking no questions whatsoever about Penny's unconventional lifestyle.

The worst part about the hospital were all the time with her thoughts. She couldn't make things happen. She wanted to be out in the world, hunting down Nadia and Joanna. She wanted her property back, but she couldn't do anything like this. Harold and the detectives began their search, but Nadia had been careful to hide her tracks.

Penny needed to find her. She needed answers. She gave Nadia everything she wanted. Nadia wanted a trance, and she got a trance. Nadia wanted justice, and she got justice. Nadia wanted to worship a goddess, and Penny became a goddess. They were all so happy there, all three of them. They were just about to bring Joe back to his bimbo body, to destroy him completely. Penny had special plans for that evening. She was going to taste Nadia's pussy for the first time, to make her Dolly cum with her own tongue.

But now ...

Now there was the rage. Penny had to know how it was possible for Nadia to escape. She wasn't on her medication anymore. She didn't have the acquired resistance from the doctor. She shouldn't have been able to escape. If Nadia could, who else was immune to Penny's power? What other limitations did she have?

Back in her apartment, there was a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in," ordered Penny. The air shimmered around her as though in heat. Harold flew open the door and ran in as though avoiding an axe-murderer. Penny sighed. Since her accident, she was having trouble controlling the intensity of her commands.

"What?" she snapped.

"Do you want anything to eat?" ask Harold. The balding butler hadn't forgiven himself for failing Penny when she needed him most, for not being there to keep Nadia or secure the doctor, for not being the one to call the hospital. He blamed himself entirely for Nadia's betrayal and Penny's pain.


"You really should eat something."

"I'm not hungry." Penny rolled over on the bed, turning away from Harold.

"You haven't had anything in days."

"I'm fine."

"Penny, please. Let me take care of you. Otherwise, I'll have to call the doctor and see -"

"Get out!" shouted Penny as she bolted up in bed. "Get away from me! Leave me alone. I want you to leave me the fuck alone!"

The room shook from the rage in Penny's voice. A painting fell off the wall, and the look of horror initially on Harold's face quickly melted into one of peace and acceptance. Without hesitation, he turned around and walked away from Penny's bedroom.

Penny sat, panting, seething while she stared where Harold had just stood, as though still glaring him down. She listened carefully and heard the sound of the front door slamming as Harold obeyed her words perfectly.

"Fuck," sighed Penny as she sagged back into the bed. "Perfect. Just perfect. One less person, right Penny? Good job. They're all gone. You chase them away. That's what happens. No one can stand to be near you, to look at you. Somehow too little, too complicated, and too fucked up for any of them.

Penny rolled back onto her side in bed and felt her eyes well up. She played it over and over in her mind. As much as she wanted, she couldn't see it in any way that it wasn't her fault. Nadia was scared of her. She should be. Joe hated her. He should. How many others were there? Penny saw their faces in her mind. Skeptics at her shows. People who booed her. Rivals. Those jealous. Those scared. All of them throughout her life flashing over and over before her mind until they were the face of her mother. The face of her siblings. All of them wanted her to go, to be separate from the rest of the world.

Penny wiped the tears from her eyes and turned off the lights in her room. There, in the darkness, she wept and waited for the peace of sleep to take her away. It never came.


When Penny woke, she was hungry. At first, she sat up and called for Harold. She called him on the phone when he never came. Penny remembered what she said to him but kept calling anyways. He never answered.

Penny stumbled out of her bedroom for the first time in days. She wandered into her kitchen and began searching for something to eat. There was plenty of food, but none of it was ready to eat. Harold prepared everything fresh for her, and as she stared at rows of fresh fruit and vegetables, she felt her stomach rumble. How many carrots would she need to eat to feel full?

Too many. Too fucking many.

Penny took out her new phone and dialed the front desk. Jasper, the manager of the building, answered.

"Yes, Miss Lane?"

"Order me a pizza," she commanded.

There was a long pause. "Would you like the number for a pizza place? I can recommend one."

Penny's brow furrowed. Why didn't he obey? "Um, yes. Please."

Jasper gave her the number, and she dialed.

"Tony's Pizza Palace, is this for pickup or delivery?" asked a nasally and bored voice.

"Send a pizza to 1000 Union Avenue," commanded Penny, putting as much as her power as she dared into the command.

"Uh, right," sighed the voice. So this is for delivery?"

"Um, yes. Right. Delivery."

Penny then went through the tedious effort of placing her order: cheese, light sauce, thin crust. But the whole time she was focused on why her powers weren't working. They worked on Harold. They worked on him too well but not Jasper or the brat at the pizza place.

Penny had plenty of time to work through it while she waited. The pizza was late — over twenty minutes. Penny was hungry, and the wait wasn't helping her mood. She had phrased the sentence as a command. Her tone was firm. Maybe she needed to see who she was commanding? No. She didn't see Harold when she sent him away. Was it the phone? Was there something wrong with a speaker? She supposed she couldn't leave a recording of a command and it affect people. Otherwise, random videos of her more recent performances would put any listener into trance or force them to follow her across the country to obey her.

As her mood soured, Penny resolved herself to test this out. For her, a problem was exactly what she needed. She couldn't find Naida, and she couldn't force her to return, but she could experiment. She could do research. At that, she excelled, and the task was the perfect diversion. Besides, any experimentation would be considered a mild punishment for making Penny wait almost an hour for her food.

Penny got dressed while she waited in what she considered comfortable clothing: a tight black turtleneck, sharp white leather pencil skirt, Wolford pantyhouse, and cobalt blue heels. She put her hair up in a loose ponytail and added slight makeup. She didn't know how far she would be taking the experiment, but it always helped to be prepared to leave the house in case inspiration struck during a session.

Penny silently thanked god when Jasper buzzed her apartment, telling her that her pizza had arrived. She asked Jasper to send it up with the delivery person. She paced back and forth, straightening her skirt. She found herself praying it was a woman. She couldn't imagine what she'd command a man to do right now other than leave her alone, but a woman could be a comfort. She could be an ear if she couldn't be anything else useful.

The door to the penthouse buzzed, and Penny opened it immediately. There, holding a box of pizza, was a young girl clearly in her twenties. She looked nervous and overwhelmed by the building; her eyes widened in view of the penthouse, and they only widened more as she took in Penny in front of it. She was a slight thing, Asian, with pale skin but captivating features. Much of her form was hidden by her uniform polo and oversized jacket but Penny could tell by her slacks that her body was tight and curved in all the right places. Her hair was short and styled in a slight bob of dark and straight black hair. She smiled awkwardly, and immediately Penny was reminded of Nadia. She had a similar build, similar hairstyle, but more importantly, she had the same adorable and nervous energy.

Penny stood there, holding the door open, taken aback at the echo of her old toy. She had half expected Nadia to randomly show back up, especially at the hospital, and to apologize for everything that happened. She imagined Nadia would have some perfectly logical explanation, and she would take her back under her control and things would go back to normal. But Nadia wasn't going to return. Instead, there was this slight girl, this innocent victim, this shadow of Nadia. She would have to do.

"Come in," commanded Penny. She felt the air shake around her, and immediately, the nervous expression fell from the delivery girl's face. Wordless, she walked past Penny and into the apartment. Penny smiled and closed the door behind her prey.

"Put the pizza on the counter."

The girl obeyed.

Penny felt a thrill run through her. To have things go the way she planned, exactly the way she planned and without the slightest deviation, was better for her soul than she could have imagined. Penny followed her into the kitchen and lifted the top of the pizza box. It didn't look hot, but even when pizza was bad, it was good.

"What's your name?" asked Penny.

"Kim," answered the girl.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Penny. Why were you late?"

"I had trouble finding this place."

"It's a very tall building with an easy address."

"I get, uh, get lost easily."

"I think I should get some reward for my patience, don't you?"

"Uh ..." Kim shifted her weight back and forth.

"You think I should get a reward for my patience," rephrased Penny. The air warped around Kim, and the new thought took hold in her mind. "You feel terrible for being so late, for being so stupid. You will make it up to me."

Kim's awkwardness transformed into a look of shame. Her eyes went to the floor. Her hands held each other penitently over her lap. She tilted her head forward, properly chastised and eager to make reconciliation.

"I'm sorry, Miss," she whispered. "I didn't mean to be so late. Please forgive me."

Penny smiled. "It's okay, Kimmy. Strip for me."

Without hesitation, Kim began swaying her hips back and forth. She was following some inaudible music, dancing to the rhythm as she unzipped her huge jacket, lowering her ass to the floor and pulsing her hips from side to side. As she rose, she tossed her jacket off to the side and across the apartment.

Amused, Penny took the box of pizza and walked into the dining room. She set it down on the table and grabbed a slice. The advantage to it being late was that it wasn't too hot to eat immediately. She sat in a chair and turned to watch her new toy dance for her. She was amused with Kim's interpretation of the command. Sometimes a target's brain saw words differently than Penny did. Penny thought of stripping as taking off her clothes. Kim clearly thought of stripping as being a stipper. Penny didn't mind the pleasant surprise in the slightest.

Thankfully, the huge polo with "Tony's Pizza Palace" written across it was removed next. Underneath, Kim wore a dangerously plain white bra. It was entirely practical and boring, covering her moderate breasts. Kim began to use the counter, lowering herself and then popping her ass as she rose back up.

Penny found the pantomime a bit ridiculous and quickly took out her phone. She looked up "stripper music" and let it play throughout the entire apartment, giving Kim something to dance to rather than whatever nonsense was playing in her mind.

Next, Kim took off her clunky non-slip shoes. She took her time with her pants, which Penny appreciated. Kim had long legs, almost like a ballerina. Her ass was firm and round, and her pants fit her perfectly. Kim unbuttoned them but continued to dance. She unzipped them but continued to dance. She peeled them down over hips but continued to dance. She inched them slowly down her thighs and only took them off completely when they approached her knees. Her panties were as simple and as white as her bra.

Penny continued to eat her pizza while Kim danced. She found it hard to get entirely into the moment. Kim was pretty, that much was clear, but there wasn't the thrill she normally felt to exercise her power or to completely own someone's mind. There was nothing erotic for Penny this time. She had proved that her power still worked, but she was wasting time. She needed to learn why it didn't work on Jasper.

"Stop," commanded Penny.

Kim became still. Her arms fell limply to her side. She was still in her bra and panties, on display for a complete stranger. That thought - at least - amused Penny.

"Take out your cell phone." Penny rose and handed Kim her cell phone after the girl took her phone out of her pants pocket. Penny punched her number into Kim's phone, called herself, and then handed the phone back to Kim.

"Go into the other room." Penny pointed down towards the hallway at the other end of the open floor plan. "You will get a call from me, answer it. Do not come back until I tell you to."

Kim obeyed without question. Penny followed behind her, making sure she knew exactly where to go. She put her in her office and closed the door. Then, she went to the other side of the hallway and closed the door. She took out her phone and dialed.

"Hello?" answered Kim.

"Moan loudly."

"Excuse me?"

Penny opened the door to the hallway and walked to the outside of her office. She hung up the call with Kim and said loudly through the door, "Moan loudly."

"Uuhunh!" grunted Kim from the other side of the door. "Ohhh, yes," she moaned.

"Stop," commanded Penny, and Kim obeyed.

Penny walked down the hallway to her bedroom. She took out her phone and opened the voice memo app. She recorded a simple command: "Return to Penny naked." She double checked that it played properly and walked back to her office. She opened the door and handed her phone to Kim.

"In thirty seconds, play that recording."

Kim took the phone, and Penny left the room. Penny walked quickly to the far side of the apartment, closing doors behind her. She counted the seconds in her head, and when she hit thirty, she turned around and waited to see Kim emerge naked.

After five minutes, she knew it hadn't worked. She wasn't upset. It was good to know the limitations of her power. They had to hear her voice, not a recording of her voice, but her actual voice. That was fine. She didn't want recordings of her accidently controlling people. She especially didn't want people recording her in order to control other people. This was fine. It was safe — controlled.

Penny went back to her office and brought Kim with her into the kitchen. "Take off your bra and panties," she commanded as they walked. Kim obeyed without hesitation.

When Penny reached the kitchen, she turned around and was shocked by what she saw. Kim had both of her nipples pierced with bars through them. Her pussy was shaved, and over her pussy was a tattoo which had previously been entirely covered by her boring panties. It was in a language Penny didn't know, but it was highlighted by the clitoral piercing Kim had beneath it.

"What does your tattoo say?" asked Penny.

"It says 'palace' in Korean."

"Is that your palace?" asked Penny with a smirk.


Penny looked up to meet Kim's eyes. Her tone was blank as she answered. Penny had expected either a hint of shame or a dash of pride, but Kim expressed neither. It was almost Dolly. Almost, but not quite. There was a pride in Dolly's void. Even in her emptiness, there was the submission. She wanted to be blank, but Kim here didn't want this. It was forced upon her. She didn't beg to be controlled; she was taken by Penny. Penny was the bully now.

She felt the sting of rage and shame at the same time. This girl wasn't Nadia, as much as Penny wished she was. She was innocent, a victim, and Penny had taken her off the street. Had she done that to Nadia? To Joanna? Was she any better than the people she punished? Nadia looked now, at the blank expression, at the absolute lack of personhood she created in Kim, and she hated it. She didn't control Kim. She controlled the absence of Kim. She controlled the absolute lack of Kim. She controlled nothingness, and she controlled nothing.