The Ring of Truth Ch. 12

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Mom and I meet and enjoy our new Pastor.
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Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/20/2017
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As always, my characters involved in the sex are all over the age of 18. Since this is my fantasy, there are no STD's or unwanted pregnancies. All of my characters enjoy good hygiene so showers are only mentioned when part of the sex. They also eat when needed; none of my characters go hungry.

This story has taken a huge curve. I wanted to see if the ring could be used for good versus evil. It is no longer a simple sex story. The last chapter was a challenge to write. I have never written of coerced sex to this degree before. But once I had figured out the punishment, the writing came easily enough.

In this chapter, we are going to return to plain old having fun sex.

Please enjoy, comments are always appreciated and high votes massage my ego.


"Fathers, in the same order that this miserable worm sucked your cocks, you will fuck him in the ass. Unfortunately, though, we have no lubricant. You will just have to ram your dicks into his ass. Don't worry, his screaming won't be heard outside of this room."

The fathers looked from one to the other. The first father broke the silence by taking his pants right off and saying, "Here I come, Pastor Fuckhead."

My women and I left the room. The djinn was howling his laughter.

The breakfast table was crowded the next morning. All of the women had spent the night at our house. We had to share beds- mom and me with Tabi and Ms. Walker and Mrs. Howard together- and I am sure that we all enjoyed it.

Tabi and my mother spent a great deal of time with their tongues in each other's pussies. I had my share as well since Ms. Walker came into our room to give me a blowjob while I watched Tabi bring my mother to an orgasm.

The kitchen TV was tuned to the local news station. We were treated to the sight of a naked former pastor of a local congregation being led naked and handcuffed from a neighborhood convenience to a police car. It seemed like he had attempted to rob the convenience store with an obviously toy gun.

We all applauded and laughed at this latest humiliation of the monstrous sex offender that had terrorized our temple. Even the djinn was enjoying the display as I could tell from his chuckling in my head.

Mrs. Howard, I guess I should begin addressing her by her first name since her marriage was all but kaput, Julia, turned the discussion into a serious matter.

"What is going to happen at the temple now? We need a new Pastor."

"Could we ask Priscilla to take on the role of Pastor?" asked my mother.

"I don't think the congregation would sanction it for no other reason than she is so young and inexperienced," said Julia.

"What about you?" I asked her. "Could you take on the position?"

"I doubt the congregation would support me either as I am not ordained," she responded.

"I'm sure we could work around that little problem," I said with a smirk on my face.

The djinn made a "hmmm" sound in my head.

"I doubt I have that power," the djinn told me, "since it is not strictly a sexual thing. That limits my abilities."

It was my turn to "hmmm".

Mom piped in with a suggestion.

"Julia, remember that associate pastor that filled in a couple years ago when you and your husband went to that conference in Memphis?"

"I guess she could be a consideration," responded Julia.

"Yes," said Mom. "Although she wasn't here for a long time, the congregation seemed to respond well to her."

"I'll look into her as an option as well as speak to the deacon board about their thoughts."

"Will you have any issues with them?" I asked.

"Not really," answered Julia since I am the head of the board. They would have to vote me out if they disagreed with my suggestions."

"That won't happen," I said. The djinn was in agreement with me that time. What was on his mind?

Mom looked up at the kitchen clock. So did Ms. Walker.

"Rick, you and Tabi need to think about getting ready for school. And, I need to go home and get changed," said my teacher.

Being the perfect gentleman as always, I walked her to the door. Before opening it, I took Ms. Walker into my arms in order to give her a deep, passionate kiss. Inadvertently, of course, my hands roved down to her near perfect ass so I could give her cheeks a firm squeeze. When we broke apart, the teacher left.

School was a pretty normal day. Of course, all of my sexy student colleagues and hot teachers wandered in and out of my gaze. But none were paying any particular attention to me. Jaime and I sat alone at our usual lunch table in the school cafeteria without any interruptions. I think Jaime was disappointed.

After the final bell, as I was meandering to the exit, I decided to stop by in order to have a quick word with Ms. Walker. I was surprised to see her classroom door was closed and the shade pulled down over the door window. Yet there were sounds to be heard through the door indicating there were people inside.

The green monster swarmed over me with the thought that perhaps Ms. Walker had another guy in there with her. The djinn chuckled before making the shade transparent to my gaze. Ms. Walker was in the room and she had company.

Her company was not from the student body though. She was making out with Tara Holmes, the older substitute teacher I had seen in a class yesterday. The two women had their hands roving all over each other's body and their faces were mashed together.

Watching these two fully clothed teachers through the window was an extreme turn on for me. It was much like the beginning of a really good lesbian video with my favourite MILF porn stars. Not wanting to draw attention to myself standing staring at a closed door, I moved on.

Mrs. Howard, ummm Julia, was in her car waiting for me today. Joining her in the front seat, I took particular care not to lean in for a kiss.

"What's up, Julia," I asked. "Why are you picking me up today? Where's my mother?"

"She's at home, Rick. We talked and we agreed I would pick you up today."

"Okay. Why though? What's going on?"

It seemed odd to not be in total control where any of my women were involved.

"I reached out to that Associate Pastor we used before. She is coming in for a meeting slash interview shortly. I thought you might want to participate."

"You're right," I said, "I would like to participate. But won't she think it odd that I am there?"

Julia giggled. "She won't think it odd if you attend as our new Youth Deacon."

I liked that idea very much. On our way to the temple, Julia gave me some details about the candidate. Sarah Templeton was a widow, her husband had died about six months ago in a car crash with an impaired driver. She had no kids and was alone in the world. She was close to fifty years old.

"What does she look like? I don't really remember her from her previous visit," I said.

Julia laughed at me, "You're just a horndog!"

I joined her in her laughter.

"Sarah is an attractive woman for her age. Voluptuous is the right word I think to describe her. But you'll see very shortly," Julia said as we pulled into the temple parking lot.

We entered the office to be greeted by Priscilla whom I had not seen since our encounter the other day. It was my intention to walk over and kiss her but she gave a subtle nod behind us. There was a very attractive older woman sitting waiting for Julia and me.

Introductions were made. I forced myself not to grin when I was introduced as the Youth Deacon. Priscilla looked surprised at the new title but did not give us away.

The three of us followed Julia into the pastor's personal office. Priscilla went next with the prospective pastor right behind her. I came in the rear as I wanted to check out Sarah's body along the way.

Once all four of us were seated, the three women began to discuss the current events that brought us all together. I kept my eyes locked on the voluptuous older woman.

Sarah was an attractive woman in a plain jane manner. She stood about five foot six in her high heels. High heels that could just have as easily been described as stilettoes. This was the first indication that there was more to the woman than I would have imagined.

I guess she must have weighed in the area of one hundred fifty pounds with much of the last fifty pounds being in her chest. Wearing an extremely tight, white dress blouse with the top two buttons undone, her boobs were and their size were more than hinted at.

I could see that Priscilla was fascinated by her breasts as she could not keep her eyes off the older women. This brought me back to our previous encounter and my dick began to grow.

Julia and Sarah were in the middle of a philosophical discussion concerning their spiritual beliefs. I interrupted them.

"Sarah, would you mind standing up and showing us your body?"

There was some hesitation before she agreed. Standing up, she faced towards me and took a step in my direction.

"Sarah, you are lovely," I said.

"Thank you, Rick," she said as she ran her hands up her body, stopping to cup those wonderful tits of hers.

"Would you mind turning around so I can see your ass?" I asked the woman I was certain was going to be our new Pastor.

Sarah was very light on her feet considering her size. She pirouetted before coming to a halt with her bum facing me. Again, tightness was the word of the day. Her dark skirt that did not reach to Sarah's knees hugged her ass quite deliciously. From her perch on the edge of the pastor's desk, I could see that Priscilla was fighting the urge to move closer.

Wordlessly, I held up a hand in a stay put gesture for Priscilla's benefit.

"Come closer, please." Just because I was not ready to allow Priscilla to feel up our soon to be pastor did not mean that I needed to restrict myself.

Sarah took a careful step backwards, closer to me.

"Again, please, closer," I instructed the woman.

Sarah's next step took her close enough that I was able to put my hands on her ass. I molded the skirt even tighter to her bum, highlighting her round but not hard cheeks. Yup, big and round, firm enough but not hard. My hands were able, and did, put a tight hold on them. It was a very good experience.

Wearing her high heels and stockings, her ass was pushed up and out further defining her hindquarters. Sarah had good legs as well. They were the only body part that I felt were muscular.

"Face me, please," I instructed her.

Smiling sheepishly, Sarah turned towards me. My hands made an immediate visit to her tits. They were, as I have said, large, soft, and squishable. I was pleased with them.

Julia smiled when I invited her to bring a chair and sit beside me. As she did so, I saw that Priscilla's entire body was quivering as she highly anticipated being invited to join us. I took my time just examining the older woman before allowing Priscilla to join us.

"Sarah, have you ever been with a teenager?"

"Sexually, you mean?" she asked in response. "I have only been with one man my entire life. That was my late husband," she responded.

"I see. How about women? Have you ever been with a woman?"

Nervously, Sarah shook her head in a negative manner.

"Would you mind if I became the second man to fuck you, Sarah?" I asked.

"I have been waiting for a man to want me sexually ever since my husband passed," she told me.

"And a woman? Would you be comfortable with these two women making love to you?"

"I've never been with a woman so they would have to show me what to do."

"That won't be a problem. They will be fabulous teachers for you," I said.

"Priscilla, will you please help Pastor Sarah remove her skirt and blouse?"

The young associate pastor covered the distance between her and us in almost one giant bound. In seconds, she was undoing the buttons holding the voluptuous woman's top closed.

I reached out to take Julia's hand. Simply holding hands, we watched the display in front of us. We were somewhat surprised to see that Sarah's choices in bras was very provocative. She was wearing a sky blue, satin and lace, shelf bra that highlighted her big boobs.

Priscilla moved on to her skirt. When completely unzipped, she began to tug it downwards. Sarah shimmied her hips in order to aid the younger woman in her reveal. Sarah had made good lingerie choices overall.

Her high cut panties and garter belt were in a matching hue to the bra. Obviously they had been purchased as an ensemble. The three pieces went well with the dark thigh high stockings.

"Sarah, you look fabulously sexy!" I exclaimed. The djinn agreed in my head.

The older woman blushed and murmured a thank you.

"I'm sure I would have remembered if you had worn this type of clothing on your previous visits to our temple," I commented.

"I remember you wearing more professional and less attractive clothing. Why the difference?"

Still blushing, Sarah asked if she could be completely candid with me. Nodding at her to go ahead, she began to tell us her tale.

"After my husband died, I was so lonely. As time passed I grew more and more horny as well. But unfortunately, the only men that showed an interest in me as a person and a woman were quite unattractive. And old!

In order to attract more attention from more men, I decided to lose my frumpy wardrobe, had my hair styled, and went out looking."

Sarah looked close to tears.

"No luck?"

She shook her head. "I was approached by a number of men but it didn't seem they were interested in me as a person. They called me nasty names. The nicest one they used was "slut cougar" but I learnt that was a derogatory name as well."

Tears were flowing down the poor woman's cheeks.

"I gave up looking," she said, "but I liked my new wardrobe so I kept wearing it. Even if no one else appreciated it, it made me feel sexy and attractive."

Standing up, I walked to the weeping woman and wrapped her in a big hug. Not a sexy hug, just a normal hug one might give a person in distress. Tears kept running down her face as Sarah sobbed into my chest.

"Sarah," I began, "I think you are a very sexy woman. Why don't we all go back to my house, have a nice dinner, and then you and I will make love. I would be proud to make love with you."

Surprisingly, the older woman shook her head against my chest. "No," she said.

"No?" said Julia and I simultaneously. This unnerved me as I had not been refused sex by anyone since the djinn found his way to my finger.

Sarah backed off a step, shook herself free of my embrace and looked me directly in my eyes. Tears continued to flow.

"May I be candid with you all?" she asked.

Julia answered quickly. "Of course," she said.

"I had a good marriage for almost fifteen years," she said. "My husband was the love of my life and me of his. We made love contentedly for all those years."

She hesitated and wiped her runny nose on her naked arm. Priscilla fetched her a box of Kleenex. Sarah blew her nose noisily before continuing.

"I don't need to have someone make love to me right now. There are all those memories of my late husband locked in my head. I will make love again to someone but not right now."

The other two women and I shared a glance. We were obviously all confused due to the things Sarah had shared with us earlier, she being horny and needing sex.

"Truthfully," said Sarah, "I don't want to make love with you, Rick."

"That's your decision, Sarah. We will respect it." I was going to have to talk to my ring later as I was confused by this speech.

"And, you will be our new Pastor," said Julia. "There is no coercion here."

"Thank you," Sarah said, "but I think you are misunderstanding me."

She looked at each of us in turn before continuing. "I would love to take the position you are offering. I would enjoy going to dinner with you all. I just am not ready to make love yet."

We all nodded our understanding even though I did not really understand. The djinn was giggling.

"I just want you all to fuck me," she said in an almost quavering voice.

"Rick, I want to suck your cock. Julia, Priscilla, I want to taste your pussies. I want to cum and cum over and over."

The djinn was chuckling in my head as my confusion lifted.

It took a few moments for her words to sink in. Finally understanding, I pulled our new Pastor back into an embrace. Without a word, I brought my lips to hers. Softly and gently, I poked my tongue through her closed lips. She put up no resistance as we began to make out. My hands naturally dropped to her ass in order to fondle and squeeze it.

Stepping back as directed by Julia or Priscilla, my hands were forced to the older woman's giant tits, and my pants were unzipped and lowered. I glanced over to see that Priscilla was the woman getting me prepared for our new addition.

Julia, in turn, was preparing Sarah for the encounter. Not by removing clothing but by kissing whatever part of our new Pastor's tits that my hands were not covering. In all actuality, that left Julia a great deal of tit flesh to cover.

Once I was naked, Priscilla pushed me backwards until I was forced to sit down. Although I was fairly hard, the young girl spit on her hand in order to lube my dick for the handjob she was delivering. It seemed that her dedication to lesbian sex had deserted her.

Julia asked Sarah if she had ever sucked a cock before. Sarah shook her head negatively. Julia pulled downwards on the older woman's giant tits. Is there such a thing as quadruple D's?

"Get on your knees. Priscilla will demonstrate how it is to be done," said Julia.

Yup, Priscilla's mind had been opened to sex with men. She wasted no time, while continuing to twist her fingers around my now fully erect staff, in kissing my little head. Not a closed mouth kiss either. Priscilla's tongue made sure it was included in the action.

I pulled her hand off my dick as Julia pushed Sarah closer. Julia took my balls in hand, pushed Sarah's head towards them and instructed the novice to start licking my furry jewels. Sarah offered no argument and moved in. I had not noticed when we were kissing but Sarah had a huge Miley Cyrus type tongue. I do not know how I could have missed it. I was sure the other two women in the room would be impressed.

Sarah had no inhibitions regarding her first dalliance into the world of oral sex. Her humungous tongue gently licked my hairy balls. With only a little prodding from Julia, our new Pastor took each testicle one by one into her mouth and sucked it lovingly.

Julia then directed Priscilla to give up my rod to the older woman. Priscilla hesitated for a moment or three until she saw that Julia had spread her legs and there were no impediments to her pussy. Impediments like panties. Not wanting to be left out, the younger woman stripped down, throwing her clothes and lingerie in a pile on the carpet behind us.

Wasting no further time, Priscilla launched herself at the former Pastor's wife, placing them in a lip lock. Julia had to shake her off so she could continue instructing Sarah in the nuances of oral sex.

With Julia's hand at the bottom of my hard staff, she had Sarah begin kissing my little head. That extra large tongue of hers had a wonderful effect on my staff. I was leaking precum almost from her first tongue stroke. Sarah hummed as she licked up the first droplets.

With Sarah displaying no aversions to what we were doing, Julia sat down on the chair beside mine. Priscilla wasted no time in pulling her legs apart and launching her tongue into her older lover's snatch. Julia had her hands pulling the young tongue in as far as she could.

Julia may have been enjoying Priscilla's tongue but not enough to distract her from her primary responsibility at the moment. She continued to guide Sarah instructing her how to treat my dick like an ice cream cone. Sarah understood almost immediately what was required of her and complied.