The Road to EGOT Season 02 Pt. 17


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"Be here at 10 o'clock." With that the Russian hung up.

"It's going down tonight. How long until Stamp notices the money is gone?"

"He's been locked out of the account, should take a little while."

"Great. Get things set up for the second transfer. I'll give you the call." I said still feeling the rush running through me.

"Duncan, this is only really beginning. Do not get carried away or excited. At some point Derek will trace this back to us, and then this whole thing takes a very different turn." He warned me as he always did.

"We'll be ready." I told him as I left the room.


I arrived at the club a few minutes early. The same bouncer from my previous visit recognized me right away. He looked me up and down before patting me down. When he was convinced I hadn't brought a gun with me this time, he allowed me access to the full and noisy nightclub. The moment I entered I was hit with the sound of the loud pumping music as well as a thick fog of tobacco smoke. I couldn't help but keep my head on a swivel. I was hoping to catch a glimpse. My pursuit was cut short when a large man stood in front of me. He looked at me and smirked before nodding to his left, indicating for me to follow him. I did as I was instructed, the whole walk, there was nothing I could do to suppress my wandering eye.

The large man led me into a room filled with monitors. There were two chairs, one of which was unoccupied. The other one had a man eating some type of sandwich as his eyes continued to jump from screen to screen.

"You must be Duncan." He said looking away from his screens finally. "Have a seat." He said waving to the empty chair next to him. I sat down and took a quick survey of the monitors. They seemed to show every inch of the club. I couldn't help but notice all of the illegal activity taking place. The drugs being passed around. One monitor showed two people fucking in what looked to be the men's restroom. "This screen here, is the one you want." He said pointing to a screen off to my right. I saw the room I was in the last time I had been here. The back room where Vasily ran the whole club. Again he was surrounded by beautiful women.

Something caught my eye on a screen nearby. I focused all of my attention onto it and felt that rush of excitement once more. It was her. Liana. She looked even more beautiful than I remembered. Her dark hair moved and swayed with every movement of her body. She was dancing in the middle of the dance floor making me realize that it would take an herculean effort to tear my eyes away from her. The black dress she wore clung to her tight body marvelously.

"Here he comes." The man in the chair next to me said, pulling me away from the distracting body of the brunette. I looked over at the monitor of the back room and saw Derek walking into it. He was with two bodyguards, one black, one white. They were both large and menacing. Neither looked as though they needed a weapon to hurt someone. My fellow voyeur handed me a pair of headphones. I could now hear all that was taking place in the room.

"Vasily! How are you my good friend." Derek said grandiosely.

"Derek." The russian responded, with no hint of sympathy in his voice.

"We don't usually meet here." Derek said, a slight quiver in his voice. He knew something was off. The look in Vasily's eye was pretty much a dead giveaway.

"Derek, how many years have we been working together?" Vasily asked, his cold gaze never moving from Stamp.

"Quite a few. Vasily what is this about?"

"How many of these years, have you been stealing from us?" I saw the look on Derek's face as he heard those words. The usually confident and cold bastard was drained of all color in his cheeks. He rubbed his hands together and took a quick look at his bodyguards. I saw them both tense and prepare themselves for whatever would come next.

"Vasily, our understanding has been quite lucrative for the both of us. Why would I steal from you?"

"Don't take me for a fool." Vasily shouted. "I know what you've done. I have proof." He said slamming that papers I had given him on his table. He stepped away from his chair and moved towards Derek. His bodyguards made a move, but were quickly halted by the press of guns to the back of their heads. "How could you Derek? After all my father has done for you." I made sure to remember that piece of information as I saw Derek look unsteady for the first time. He knew he didn't have control of the room as he usually did.

"Vasily." He began.

"No Derek. No explanations. No excuses!" Vasily yelled at him. "I will let you leave with your life. But from this moment forth you are dead to me and mine. You no longer have our protection, you no longer have our resources." He turned around and walked back towards the table.

"Vasily, this is all some misunderstanding. Where is this coming from?" Derek nearly pleaded.

"I told you, not to take me for a fool." Vasily turned back towards Stamp and threw a punch that hit him soundly in the face. Derek caught completely by surprise, dropped to one knee. His bodyguards made a move towards him, but the two men with guns pointed at their heads, pulled the hammers back on their weapons, reminding the two men not to move. Vasily stood over Derek before hitting him once more across the face. I saw the rage and temper Alexei had talked about. He looked as though he were ready to kill Derek. I had to admit I knew the feeling all too well.

"Leave now, and never come back. Leave now, and pray to whoever it is that you pray to that our paths never cross again." He sat back down at his table and watched as Derek stood up and got himself back together.

"You're making a mistake Vasily." Derek practically spat out.

"My mistake was trusting you. Get out of my sight." Derek's bodyguard tried to help him up. Maybe in his desire to regain some dignity, he rustled himself away from the two men and put himself back together. He left the room followed by the two men. Through the monitors I was able to see him as he made his way out of the club. I settled back into my chair feeling incredibly content. I tried to spot Liana once more but she was no longer dancing.

"Vasily wants to see you." The man next to me said. I rose from my seat and followed the man that had led me into this room. We made our way through the club until we reached Vasily's room. I walked in and my eyes were quickly drawn to Liana who was standing off to the side. I was glad that she recognized me. I could tell from the way she looked at me as I entered.

"Mr Bryant." Vasily called my name. "You got what you asked for. Now give me what we discussed." I nodded and sent a text message to Gary. Vasily's cold eyes were set fix on his computer. He didn't even perk up when the chime resonated letting us know the transfer had gone through. "Mr. Bryant. What I just told Derek goes double for you. I hope never to see you again. Our business is done." I nodded and made my way to the door, before I could exit Vasily began talking once more. "If you fail in your attempt. Know that we will kill him ourselves." With one final glimpse of Liana, I turned and left the office.


I arrived back at my apartment and quickly jumped in the shower. I couldn't help but feel dirty after leaving the club. That and also seeing Liana again had set my hormones on fire. The shower was just I needed to calm my nerves. I got out and began to dry off. I couldn't help but think about Derek. What was he thinking? Was he scared? Wondering what could have gone wrong? Does he suspect me? How long before he put it all together? I should have been worried, but for some reason, I felt energized. I had taken a blow at the most powerful man in Hollywood. I brushed elbows with the russian mafia and lived to tell about it.

I thought about what to do with all of this energy, when someone began knocking at my door. I quickly put on a pair of basketball shorts and walked to the front door wondering who that could be. I opened my door and a smile quickly spread across my face. How could it not, when Scarlett Johansson was standing in my doorway wearing a short beige trenchcoat that barely covered her thighs. Her soft and toned legs looked dynamite. I felt my cock hardening as I took in the sight of this beautiful blonde bombshell.

"Hey." I tossed casually as I leaned against the doorframe.

"Hey to you too." She replied as she stared at my naked chest while licking her full lips. "May I come in?" She asked arching one of her perfectly formed brows.

"It depends."

"On?" She asked in that deeply wonderful voice of hers.

"What your intentions are." She laughed in a way that made me want to jump her right then and there in the hallway.

"I promise that I only have the most noble of intentions."

"Well than, I can't allow you in. Goodnight." I joked.

"I can guarantee you won't regret it." She said biting her lip. I moved aside and allowed her to walk into my apartment. The scent of her wonderful perfume obliterating my senses as she walked by. I closed the door and followed her into my living room.

"So what brings you here?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Well, I was laying in bed, and I just could not stop thinking about our meeting the other day." She said playing with the belt of her coat.

"Well, It was memorable." I said edging closer to her.

"It was." She said before bringing those lips ever closer to mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her even closer to me. Scarlett smiled and looked up at me.

"You were saying?" I urged her to continue as my lips made contact with her soft and incredible neck.

"Mhmm. That feels nice!"

"I aim to please."

"I remember!" She said as her arms wrapped themselves around my naked torso. "I was thinking about it tonight, and I got so horny." She said as my lips traveled across her throat and to the other side of her neck.

"So you got dressed and decided to come here for seconds?" I joked as my tongue licked and suckled at her sensitive flesh.

"Well not exactly." She said as she pulled away from me. I watched in lust as she undid the belt on her coat and opened it, revealing her incredibly full tits to my eyes. My cock was already rock hard, but seeing her like this only made me that much so. Aside from the coat, the only thing covering Scarlett's boner inducing form was a small red thong. She dropped the coat to the floor and stood in the middle of my living room looking ravaging. "I hope I'm not assuming too much." She said as she turned around, allowing me to see the astoundingly full ass that had driven more than one man wild.

"You assumed just right." I told her as I saddled myself behind her. Her ass was firmly pressed against my cock, which was to this point still encased in my short. I moved my lips again towards Scarlett's neck, my hands quickly found her huge tits. I was squeezing and kneading the incredible pair as the blonde moaned and gyrated against me. She turned her head and our lips met in a feverish kiss. My hands continued to roam across her beautiful body. Her arms, her stomach, the top of her panties.

"Mhmm" She moaned. "I want you so bad!" She said to me, nudging my cock with her incredible ass. I kissed the nape of her neck, and slowly made my way down the length of her spine, placing soft kisses all the way down. A few moments later, I was face to face with her butt and couldn't help but press my lips and tongue against the incredibly soft skin of her ass. Scarlett leaned forward, pushing her ass out to me all the more. I grabbed one of her full tits in the palm of my hand and held the other on her hip. My lips and tongue traveled across every inch of her ass. Her skin was so soft and warm. Her cheeks so full that I could use them as a pillow.

I grabbed her panties on each side and pulled them down the length of those sexy toned legs I had been appraising at my front door. Scarlett kicked the garment aside and I quickly got back to my feet, turned her around and kissed her deeply. Scarlett moaned into my mouth as my hands explored. I grabbed both of those amazing butt cheeks and squeezed them. I allowed for her to lay down on my couch and i kneeled on the ground next to her. I kissed her once more before snatching one of her nipples in between my mouth.

"Ahhhh!" Scarlett moaned as she arched her back. I used my tongue all across her nipple and some of her sizable tits before I moved on to the other one. Meanwhile my hand was busy edging closer and closer to her soaping wet pussy. I pushed my index finger into her and held on tight as she clawed my back with her nails. "Oh i'm so sorry." She said between moans.

"No need to apologize." I told her as my finger burrowed in and out of her. "Just enjoy this." I said before returning my tongue and my attention to her magnificent chest. I added another finger to the one that was already fucking her.

"Oh God!" She moaned as my fingers continued to saw in and out of her at a much higher clip. I used my thumb to press against her clit. "Ahhhh, yes!" Scarlett moaned in her magically husky voice. "Don't stop! Don't stop." Scarlett moaned as my fingers created the friction she needed to cum as hard as she could. "FUCK!" Scarlett screamed as i gently bit her nipple. Her hands quickly grasped my head and held me tightly against her bosom. I sucked, licked and suckled as my fingers continued to speed up. I felt her cunt clasp around my fingers. "I'm cumming! I'm Cumming! I'm CUMMMINGGGGGGGGGGG!!" Scarlett shouted as her orgasm made it's way through her body. "God that was so good." Scarlett said to me as she recovered. "I needed that so badly."

"We're just getting started." I told her as I kissed those luscious lips of hers. As we kissed, I moved Scarlett until she was sitting down with her legs spread around my hips. I once again kissed down her neck but this time I moved past the sizable chest and made my way to her wonderfully wet snatch. One lick and I was instantly hit with the sweetness of her essence.

"Oh fuck! I'm so glad I came here." Scarlett moaned as she pinched and played with her wonderful chest. I smiled in between her thighs, thinking exactly the same. I ran my tongue across every nook, cranny and crevice that I could find, reveling in the amazing taste and textures of this wonderful creature. I hooked my arms under her legs, driving my tongue even harder against her cunt. "Oh, that's so wonderful! Oh gawd!" moaned Scarlett. I continued to lick her from the bottom of her pussy to the top, making sure to spend plenty of time on her clit. "AHHHH, fuck. FUCK!" Sang out the lovely blonde covering my couch in her cunt juices. I couldn't care less. All that mattered, was getting more and more of her juices. Luckily Scarlett offered them in abundance.

"Ahhh, fuck!" The sexy actress groaned as she felt two of my fingers pierce into her wet cunt. I couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to push my thick cock into her slick walls. I knew there was a limit, so i was content with the chance to have this beautiful woman with her legs spread wide for my eager tongue and mouth. I continued to rub her insides with my fingers while my tongue wrapped itself around her clit. I sucked the lovebud into my mouth. My tongue moved all over it while my finger continued to drive her wild. "Oh shit! I love your tongue."

I looked up at Scarlett from in between her thighs and I was once again taken away by how perfect her body looked and felt. It's almost as though she had been made for fucking. Her breast were heavy and heaving with deep passionate breaths. Her skin was so soft and caressed mine as though it were it's only function. Her pussy seemed so tight, ready and willing to please. Her juices only made you scream for more. Her perfectly shaped ass, which i was now digging my fingers into as my fingers and tongue rode her to an orgasm, had to have been molded by angels.

"Ahhh, fuck, I'm gonna cum again!" Scarlett shouted. It only urged me on to get her to the point of no return. Everything began to speed up. My fingers, my tongue, our heartbeats. "Shit! OHHHH GOD." Those were the last sensical words she spoke. All of the rest was lost in a fog and haze of moans and groans. I held on to her thighs as the orgasm took her by storm. Her pussy began to create more and more juices, allowing me the pleasure of swallowing all of it and savouring the juices. I continued to lick away at Scarlett's pussy until she pushed my head away.

"You're ridiculous." Scarlett said as she tried to catch her breath. I laughed as I pulled away from her cunt. Her juices were practically running down my chin. Scarlett looked at me and laughed. "I'm so sorry. You're a mess."

"Don't apologize, this is the greatest mess i've ever made." I told her sincerely.

"Well why don't you make one all over me." Scarlett said seductively before kissing me. He tongue was hot and wicked as it slashed between my lips and wormed it's way in. I groaned at her unquestionable passion and felt incredibly good about myself, knowing that I could create this much desire from one of the most desirable women in all of the world. She spun us around so that I was now sitting on the couch and she was kneeled between my legs. She smiled up at me and I couldn't help but think there could be no sexier sight than Scarlett Johansson, naked on her knees before she blew you.

Scarlett pulled my shorts down and released my cock. Eating her pussy had made me ridiculously hard and I couldn't wait to feel those lips of hers around my cock once again. I did not have to wait long before the blonde dropped her head in my lap and ran her tongue across my cock head. "Fuck!" I groaned as Scarlett's tongue splattered my cock with saliva. She placed soft kisses on my cock head, and continued to place them all the way down the length of my dick. When she reached my balls, she opened her mouth wide and began sucking away on my full balls.

Scarlett's green eyes met mine, as a mischievous smile splayed across her face. She took one of my balls into her mouth and began to pump my dick with her soft and warm hand. My eyes wanted to shut but i fought against it. I wanted to see this. I wanted to watch Scarlett as she sucked on my cock. She switched over and took my other ball in her hand, all the while her hand kept a steady rhythm jerking me off.

"How am I?" Scarlett said pulling her mouth away from my cock.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

"How does it feel to have my mouth, and hand all over your cock." Scarlett said using the sexiest most devastating voice I had ever heard.

"It feels incredible." I told her honestly.

"You like having your big hard dick in my mouth don't you?"

"I do! So damn much!" I groaned as her tongue escaped her lips once again. This time only teasing and playing around with my cockhead. I couldn't help but thrust my hips. Scarlett smirked at me before putting me out of my misery. In one quick gulp, she opened her mouth wide and took my cock into her mouth. "FUCK!" I shouted as I watched her cheek sink into her face as she begun sucking on me. I leaned back into my couch, planning to enjoy this blowjob thoroughly. Scarlett made sure I did. I kept my hand on the top of her head as she bobbed up and down on the length of my dick. Her tongue would twist and twirl. She would use it to trace the length of my veins along my throbbing cock.

"God! Scarlett." Was all I could say as the sexy blonde continued to take more and more of my cock into her mouth. I looked down in awe to see her powerful green eyes staring right back at me. She slowly, carefully, continued to lower her mouth down onto my cock. I could see my dick disappearing farther and deeper into her mouth. I felt my dick enter her throat and the sweet squeeze of those moments. Scarlett's nose was now pressed against my stomach. She had taken every last inch of me into her mouth and now her tongue was licking my heavy balls.