The Sacrifice Pt. 02


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Initially, the boldness of his mannerisms caused my anger to flare, but as I contemplated the message, I realized he had been on point and there was really nothing more to say. The ball was in my court and I could respond if and when I decided. As I drove home that evening, I realized that most of the obstacles I thought I was facing were falling easily away, which actually made me somewhat distressed. Still, there was a huge one left in Chris. It was one thing to make it a pillow-talk fantasy, but something entirely different to act out, and in truth, that applied to both of us.

I didn't tell Chris about my conversations with DeAnne and Falcon, hoping that the right moment would present itself where it might be better received. It was two weeks before that opportunity arose, and fortunately it was my wife that was the instigator.

"I wonder what your girl DeAnne is up to," she tossed out, letting me know she wanted to be playful.

"Probably in bed with Falcon," I said.

"Not Tommy?" she replied.

"No, I bet Falcon kept her for himself," I told her, as my hand reached under her t-shirt.

"After he let everybody..." she started, before letting the thought trail off.

"Mmmm...hmmmm...I think so," I said.

"Too bad, harder for you to get her," she teased.

"Not if I trade," I whispered as I licked her neck, and after a second added, "You could sacrifice for me. He really wanted you."

"You want me to?" she asked, which was a normal response for her during our play.

"Yes, baby," I said in a low voice, as I rolled her small nipples with my fingers.

"Mmmm...okay," she moaned while her hand reached for my dick.

In seconds, we were naked and then I was over her, sliding into her wet pussy while she purred softly into my ear. I started with an unhurried pace, as I thought about how to explain the connection I had made with the couple.

"I talked to him," I finally just blurted out.

"Who?" she responded.

"Falcon," I said, finding it humorous she had already lost the theme of the discussion.

"Okay," she whispered, and her tone let me know she didn't think I was serious.

"He wants to trade, but doesn't want drama. Says we have to be sure," I told her.

"No one wants drama," she sighed, clearly thinking it was part of the game.

For some reason, I didn't push it further, and instead concentrated on the wonderful feeling of her body. However, it wasn't long before I envisioned the large biker, taking her and forcing from her cries of pleasure, which soon had my balls boiling, and with a sudden lunge and a deep groan I expelled their contents inside my wife.

"Wow...that was big. You were fantasizing," Chris said as she stroked my neck.

"You just felt too good," I answered, ignoring her challenge.

"Well, rest some. You're not done yet," she replied.

For the next week, I thought about Falcon and DeAnne, calculating the damage that would be caused if I followed through. That process kept me from engaging Chris in any further discussion, and I was just at the point of letting it go when something happened to change my mind.

"I thought you and Falcon had something working?' she said one evening, looking at me with a smirk over the mug of tea she held in her hands.

In the past, all our discussions about him and the events of the camping trip had been during our sexual play. Thus, it struck me as odd that she brought it up making me wonder what was going through her mind.

"Soon, honey. You gotta be patient," I replied.

"It's taking you long enough," she shot back.

"How about Saturday then?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me," she answered.

Even though it was only light-hearted sparring, the exchange stayed with me, going back and forth in my head as I considered whether I dared to truly see it become reality. It would only take one short phone call to set-up, and several times I held the phone in my hand. However, unless I came clean with Chris, I knew I couldn't guarantee that the meeting would be drama free.

"Okay, where are we going?" Chris asked when we were several blocks from the house.

I had told her earlier that we were going to meet Falcon and DeAnne, but despite my serious look, she still thought I was joking. I tried once to convince her, then decided to just let it play out.

"I told you," I replied, which resulted in her rolling her eyes.

When we hit the south side of town, she looked at me with a furrowed brow, but remained silent. Ten minutes later, we pulled up to a run-down building with a dilapidated sign that said "Shadowland." It was the spot that I had agreed to meet the biker, although I had expected something a little better. The half-dozen motorcycles parked in front must have finally convinced Chris that I had been telling the truth, because she looked at me with an expression that showed surprise, nervousness and fear.

"What are we...were you telling the truth?" she asked, and when I just looked at her, she asked, "He's in there?"

"Yes, he's in there, and so is DeAnne," I said.

"How did this happen?" she replied.

"I...I decided to try and find him. I did...and found that he and DeAnne were living together," I explained.

"You did...and...he's expecting to trade?" she asked.

I realized it was for the best that we were having the conversation now, in the car, before we walked inside. We could still drive away and be done with it, and I had to admit that now faced with the reality, I was very nervous.

"Yes..." I forced out, trying hard to keep my voice from breaking.

"You'd really do You really want to?" she asked, showing a bit of hurt.

I stared into her eyes and the seconds slowly ticked by before I answered, "You know, let's go home."

"You want set this all up..." she said as I reached for the ignition, then added, "You want DeAnne."

"No, honey..." I started to respond, but suddenly she was opening her door.

Chris was dressed in stylish jeans, a simple peasant top and sandals. I suspected that as soon as she stepped inside all eyes would be on her, so I hurried to catch up. Since it was still light outside, we had to stop as soon as we entered to let our eyes adjust to the dark interior, illuminated only by beer signs, and there was an awkward moment knowing we were being stared at. The inside was dingy with a concrete floor, a bar facing the door with a dozen stools, and to the right was a seating area with a half-dozen small tables. Near the back, I saw Falcon sitting with DeAnne, and unfortunately there were two other men with them as well. As we got closer, I recognized that one of them was Vince.

"Pull up a chair," Falcon said gruffly when we arrived, and I grabbed two from a nearby empty table.

I positioned Chris' between DeAnne and I, putting me next to Vince, and as soon as we were settled, the unknown man was introduced as Walt. The young dancer was dressed similarly to my wife, although in less expensive clothes. The three men were all in jeans and Falcon and Walt were in dark t-shirts while Vince was wearing an untucked long-sleeved western shirt. Quickly, a waitress appeared, and surprisingly my wife joined me in ordering a beer. By the look on Vince's face, I knew he was aware of the situation, and suspected Walt was, too.

"Been a while," Vince said with a too big smile.

"Hi," DeAnne said demurely, while giving me a playful smile that my wife saw.

"Yes...hi..." I said, giving a general, but nervous, response.

"This guy here wants to trade his wife for my hole," Falcon said crudely to Walt, and after a short pause added, "What do you think about that?"

"Shit, man...I'd take it," he replied, staring hungrily at Chris.

His words had made Vince snicker, and I could see my wife blush deeply. She looked down for an instant then at me with a confused expression. However, before anything more was said, the waitress delivered the beers. There was silence while I paid, and when I turned back I could see Chris looking nervously at the bottle she held in her lap. Once again, Falcon decided to be provocative.

"You up for it?" he asked, catching my wife's attention.

It seemed like Chris looked back and forth between me and the biker for a minute, but was probably no more than a few seconds before, in a faint voice, she said, "I'll make the sacrifice."

"Sacrifice? Jesus motherfucking Christ," Falcon responded, and then added, "We'll see what you think about that later."

The eyes of Vince and Walt bore into my wife, and I knew they were thinking about fucking her, too. Chris looked shocked and her skin had again turned red with the color descending beneath the neckline of her blouse. Conversely, DeAnne seemed quite happy with events and was sporting a broad smile. Without warning, Falcon stood, signaling his intent to leave, and stepping around the table, he put his hand out for my wife.

"Come on and go with me," he demanded.

In our call, I had tried to get him to meet at a hotel, but he was adamant about using his place. I had agreed to the stipulation however, we had not discussed separating. It made me nervous, as it obviously did Chris, because her look towards me lingered as he helped her to her feet. By the time I decided to protest, they were already moving towards the door, and when I started to follow, DeAnne grabbed my arm.

"It's okay. I'll go with you," she said, still smiling.

We were only a few seconds behind them, but by the time we got outside, Falcon was on his bike and my wife was climbing on, too. Walt and Vince stood by laughing and making comments that I couldn't make out. The Harley started with a deep rumble, and suddenly they shot out of the lot with the engine roaring. The last look I had of Chris was her hasty reach for the waist of the biker to get balanced. Quickly, I directed DeAnne to my car and we pulled away as the two men stared.

"Shit," I exhaled as my nerves released.

"I didn't think you'd do it, but I'm glad you did," she giggled.

"I hope I'm not an idiot," I replied.

"Forget her...just have fun," she said, accurately sensing what I was referring to.

Following DeAnne's directions, it took less than five minutes to get to Falcon's house. It was a small brick house in a working-class neighborhood, that was surprisingly well maintained. In the driveway was a pickup and beneath a carport another Harley was parked. However, there was no sign of Falcon or Chris.

"Where ae they?" I said, mostly to myself, and then thinking it might have been planned, I turned to DeAnne, "What's going on? Where did they go?"

"I don't know. I think they'll be here soon," she said, showing no indication that she was hiding anything.

"Did he plan something or say anything to you," I pushed.

"No, nothing," she replied and her eyes indicated she was being truthful.

I let her guide me inside and found the house to be reasonably clean. Without formalities, she took me to a bedroom that had a twin-sized bed pushed against the far wall.

"We can go in here. Falcon wants the big bed," she announced, and started to strip.

Still wondering where my wife was, I stood silently and watched as DeAnne disrobed. It wasn't until her naked body was pressed against me that I was brought back to the moment.

"DeAnne, you feel so good," I whispered to her, thinking I needed to acknowledge her effort.

"Quit thinking about her and let go," she replied, sensing my thoughts.

"I'll try," I replied with a laugh which brought one from her as well.

With that, her hands went to my clothes and she worked the buttons with my assistance until I was undressed. Gently directing me to the small bed, she pushed me onto my back and then lowered her head so she could run her tongue along my shaft. I remained still and let her do the work, and it wasn't long until she took me into her mouth.

"Uhhhhhh..." I moaned as her wet mouth descended.

My sounds made her look up, and in her eyes, I could see she was pleased. Despite the strange circumstances bringing us together, I thought she was truly enjoying herself. She knew what she was doing and had the skill to move her mouth seductively while using her tongue to massage every inch of my dick. I had my eyes closed, enjoying the sensations, so I was startled when she suddenly left me. When I looked up, I could see that she was preparing to climb on top, and once she had straddled my waist, she slowly descended while we sighed together until we were completely connected.

"Finally," she giggled, then leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss.

"Yes, it took way too long," I replied, wanting to say something positive.

"We should have done it when we were camping...when Falcon asked you," she said as she started a slow grind.

For the next few minutes, she worked her body slowly. We were mostly silent, save for the occasional sigh or soft moan, although we never seemed to break eye contact. Suddenly, our quiet lovemaking was broken by the sound of the front door opening. Our bedroom door had been left partly ajar, and realizing my wife might see us, I started to rise, but before I could stop DeAnne, Chris and Falcon appeared.

"Already getting some," the large man laughed.

My wife remained silent, but she had a strange, disoriented look in her eyes. For a moment, I thought it was the result of catching me in bed with the dancer, but I soon realized it was something else. I wondered what might have occurred after they left the bar, and looking at her more closely, I became suspicious that she might be missing her bra. It was hard to tell for certain with her breast size, but there seemed to be some jiggling through the fabric of her blouse. Then, just as quickly as they appeared, they were gone.

"She's ready," DeAnne whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Baby, she's horny. Didn't you see it?" she laughed.

Now, with Chris nearby, it was hard to remain still, as I was curious about what was occurring in the next room. DeAnne understood and gave me a knowing smile, but continued her movements. It was strange to contemplate my wife being fucked by the biker, but I knew it was now inevitable. As the seconds turned into minutes with no sound, I started to become anxious, wondering how the announcement of her taking would be delivered. Would Falcon say something obnoxious? Would my wife cry out? Or, perhaps we would know from the squeaking of the bedsprings. In the end, it was a little bit of everything.

"Uggggghhhhh...uhhhh...ohhhhh...ohhhh..." I heard my wife groan loudly, and seconds later, Falcon said, "Fuck yeah..."

Then, the bed did begin to squeak and coupled with it was the rhythmic pounding on the wall from the headboard. The combination of these aural inputs left no doubt that the biker was fucking my wife hard.

"I bet she likes it," DeAnne said while starting to move faster.

Even though the young dancer was pretty with an amazing body, all my thoughts were focused on what was occurring in the next room. The passionate sounds from my wife continued to grow and merged with the noises from the bed. It was obvious that Chris wasn't going to last long, and less than five minutes after they started, her high-pitched squeals told us she was about to orgasm.

"Oh yes...ohhh...yes...uhhhhhhhh...uhhhhhhh...ohhhhh..." we heard clearly through the wall when it hit.

Her release must have pushed Falcon over the edge, because just as she was coming down we heard him call out, "Fuck yeah...fuck baby, take it...take it..."

Then, the pounding on the wall and the squeaking of the springs suddenly stopped. However, passionate whimpers continued from my wife as if she was still in the throes of her climax.

"He made her cum," DeAnne whispered, stating the obvious.

"My turn," I said, and quickly flipped her so I was on top.

"Yeah, baby...go..." she groaned in response.

I started moving rapidly, wanting to force from her the same response that my wife had shown, but while she moaned and sighed in satisfaction, it was nowhere near the same. Ours was merely a nice coupling, while nearby my wife had been subjected to an animalistic taking.

"Damn, you feel good," I said, wanting to be encouraging.

"So do you," she answered, then added, "Cum when you want."

At the same time, I could feel her pussy muscles contract and squeeze my dick. It made me groan, and looking into her face, she was smiling, no doubt pleased with the effect.

"You don't want to...uhhhh...orgasm?" I asked nervously.

"I can't with cock," she replied.

"You did with Falcon," I said, remembering her response at the camp.

"Yeah..." she answered, but didn't elaborate.

My wife's mews coupled with DeAnne's vaginal skills had me on edge, and soon I was grunting loudly as my semen exploded into the dancer. The energy left my body with my juices and I collapsed onto her, breathing heavily as she comforted me by stroking my hair. We stayed connected for several minutes, and then I started to get antsy thinking about Chris.

"Maybe, I should check on her," I whispered.

"Okay," she replied indifferently, offering no guidance one way or the other.

I lifted from DeAnne, quickly donned my boxers, and then made the short trip to the other bedroom. Like ours, their door was partly open, and peering discretely around the corner, I could see them sprawled on the large bed. Falcon was on his back with his eyes closed showing a hint of a smile. My wife's body was pressed against the man with her head resting on his broad chest and her arm across his body holding his shoulder. Her legs straddled his meaty right thigh which provided a rear view of her pussy, glistening from the juices of their mating. The warning DeAnne had given about Falcon "putting her to bed" flashed through my brain, but since I didn't know what to do with it, I quietly made my way back to DeAnne.

She let me move back beside her, and surprisingly didn't ask about the other couple. Now that the carnal scene had played out, I started to think about an exit strategy. DeAnne, as if reading my mind, took my arm and pulled it to her breasts.

"Relax," she said softly.

"I'm trying," I replied with a small laugh, knowing I was giving off nervous vibes.

"She's okay," she said, then after a moment, asked, "Do you want me to go down on you some more?"

She was moving before I could reply and quickly she was between my legs where she instantly inhaled my limp dick. Her mouth felt too good to stop it, but I felt guilty about her not climaxing, so after a few minutes I pulled on her shoulders.

"Come on, Deanne. It's your turn, I want you to cum," I told her.

"You're so sweet," she said with a giggle, and allowed me to guide her next to me.

"Use your fingers, and nibble on my nipples, but not too hard," she instructed me.

I did as I was told and it wasn't long before she started to respond. At first, it was just small whimpers, but as she got worked up she started to thrust her mound against my hand. When I pushed a second finger into her, her movements became even more pronounced, and sensing she liked it a bit rough, I started to thrust into her forcefully.

"Ohhh...oh that..." she moaned, and spread her legs wider.

It wasn't long after that her release arrived and with it her pussy became completely wet. She slammed her legs together, trapping my hand, but I had become so excited that I forced them open and continued to drive my fingers inside her making her thrash and cry out loudly. When it looked like she was through it, I moved over her and pushed my dick inside her ready opening.

"Ohhh...mmmm...yeah..." she whined.

For some reason, I was taking great pride in getting her off and began to thrust inside her with deep, powerful strokes. The movement forced grunts from both of us, and looking down at her she had the half-closed eyes and partially open mouth my wife did when her orgasm had consumed her.