The Same But Different


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"You figured that you'd throw caution to the wind," I finished.

She shrugged. "Something like that, yes." She paused for a few seconds. "Was there something you needed or wanted, Dad?"

I ran a hand through my hair. "Just to let you know that the situation with work has... well, the pressure's off. For now."

She smiled sweetly, but didn't show much more of a reaction than that. "That's good," she said diplomatically. "Right?"

I gave a slight nod. "I think so. It allows me a chance to breathe a bit and focus more on... us." I paused a beat. "Mind if I sit?"

"It's your house," she said by way of answer.

"It's your room," I countered.

She spread her arms in a welcoming manner. "And you're always welcome in it. Always."

So I approached the bed and sat down on the edge of it. I still hadn't taken my eyes off her naked body and, now that I was closer, I could smell her scent. She was aroused. Was she like that before I came in or after? I glanced at the computer. "Doing some research?"

A playful smirk flashed across her lips. "Not exactly, no," she said with a glance at the screen. "More like... light reading. Of the relaxing variety," she clarified.

Well, there was my answer. She had been aroused before I got there. "Anything you'd be interested in sharing with your old man?" I prodded.

Her left eyebrow arched slightly. "I'm not sure."

"If I could handle it?" I asked. "I'm a big boy, you know."

Now she grinned openly. "I noticed that back in your office," she rejoined.

I blushed, but ignored the statement otherwise. "So... you gonna show me or not?"

Now she shrugged as if to say, "It's your funeral, old man." She turned the laptop around and let me get a good look at the screen. On it were words. Lots and lots of words. Reading from the top of the page, I could see that she was surfing on a website dedicated to literary erotica. As I scanned the words on the page, I could tell that I'd interrupted her in the middle of just when the story was hitting its climax. A few lines of dialogue made it clear that this was a daddy/daughter story and "daddy" was about to breed his daughter.

I could feel my pulse quicken slightly as I read the words and forced myself to stop. When I looked at her, I could tell that she was studying me, trying to gauge my reaction. "So... this is the kind of stuff that turns you on?" I asked gamely.

"Usually, yes. Well, recently, anyway," Helena said. "It's what I gravitate towards, for probably obvious reasons. But I'm an equal-opportunity perv and try reading some of the other sub-genres."

I pointed at the screen and read back the last bit of dialogue aloud. "Fuck me, Daddy. Cum inside me, make me pregnant, make me yours." I looked down at my daughter. "That's pretty extreme, even for erotic literature. Is this what you're hoping will happen between us?" I tried my best not to put any kind inflection behind the question, making it sound as clinical as possible.

Helena looked up at me with big doe eyes. "I'd be lying if I said that it hadn't crossed my mind," she told me.

"Why?" I asked simply.

She looked a little bashful in answering. "Well, the way I figure it, that's what you and my mother probably would've done, if she'd survived. That's where I should have come from, if things went differently. You were robbed of that chance. I mean, isn't that kind of part of why you created me, too, to recapture what was lost?"

"Sweetheart," I said carefully, "I'm already a father. I have you. Don't you think that should be enough for me? And even if that was part of my original plan, haven't I made it pretty clear that things have changed? What have I been doing these last eighteen years if not fatherhood?"

She grimaced just the tiniest fraction and bit her bottom lip before replying. "But have you?" she asked. "I mean, yes, technically you're my father. But... not really, right? You raised me. You taught me. You've provided for me. And I'm grateful for all of those things, of course, but you didn't quite get there by conventional means. Can you honestly tell me that something hasn't been, I dunno, missing for you after all this time? We have a connection that's deeper than anything a father and daughter can possibly have, but it sort of bypassed the normal relationship convention, doesn't it? I feel drawn to you, but not connected to you, not in the way a daughter ought to. Don't you want that for yourself? Don't you want to feel that connection with a real child of your own?"

I contemplated it for a moment. She wasn't wrong, but I took my time in saying as much. "I suppose, in a way, you're right," I answered. "But... is that really a path you want to go down? You're eighteen years old. You've got your entire life ah-"

She cut me off. "Spare me," she said with a roll of the eyes. "I've seen that bit of dialogue a thousand times already, Dad. This dog won't hunt. As far as I'm concerned, I was created to pick up where my mother left off. The next logical step is procreation. Now, as an eighteen-year-old, I can categorically say that getting that part of life out of the way sooner rather than later would be best for both of us. I can do online university without missing a beat. But if we wait until I'm done with school, what then? I'll need a career to make my education worth the time and effort. So four years for college and then another maybe ten years working somewhere... are you sure you want to wait anywhere from fifteen to twenty years to get another shot at fatherhood? Why not just get it over with? With what you've done to our aging processes, we've got an effective eternity together. Let's make the beginning of it as fun as possible."

"Parenthood isn't always that much fun," I told her blandly. Which was the God's honest truth. As much a blessing as Helena was growing up, there were still a few rough patches where I was ready to pull my hair out.

She shrugged, causing her youthful breasts to bounce just slightly. "So I'll have you there to coach me, since you've already been through it with me. Right?" She reached towards me, set a small, delicate hand on my thigh, and smiled up at me teasingly. "I notice that you haven't completely shot down the idea," she added with a gentle squeeze.

And didn't miss the fact that her hand was now mere inches away from my member, which was already half-hard from seeing her nudity and was getting firmer as we discussed the subject at hand. "That's because, on the face of it, I'm not entirely opposed to it," I informed her. "But we're getting way ahead of ourselves, aren't we? We haven't even gotten to third base yet and you're talking about going for a grand slam."

Then she dropped the atomic bomb. "I'm fertile right now, you know."

I closed my eyes tightly in an effort to maintain my self-control. "You're not making things any easier for me."

"I'm not trying to," my daughter quipped with the immediacy of a firearm. "I'm trying to get you worked up. I'm actively trying to get you into bed." Her hand inched closer to my phallus. "I already cook for you. I clean up after you sometimes. I give you a sounding board when you need to talk about things or need advice. I avoid scandals in order to keep your name in good standing. I love you from top to toes. In almost every way that matters, except one, I'm already the wife you've always wanted and should have had." She squeezed my thigh again, this time with the edge of her palm just barely glancing against the tip of my penis. "What's the matter, don't you want me, too?" Now she edged her entire body closer to mine. I could feel the heat of her desire like she was a radiator.

"You have no idea how much," I answered honestly.

She pulled her hand away and waved over her naked body seductively. "Well, Dad. Here I am, all yours for the taking." She thrust her chest out slightly, accentuating the shape of her young breasts. Her nipples were hard and her areolas crinkled with pink desire. My eyes roamed over her body and, when they fell on her eyes, the fire burning behind them was impossible to miss.

I made as if to leave. "I should probably go before I-"

She grabbed my hand. "Don't," she said. "Don't leave me like this. Not now, not when we're so close."

"Are you absolutely sure?" I asked her.

She pulled my hand to her left right breast and placed it atop her warm skin, as clear an answer as one could possibly imagine.

I could feel the tiny hairs on her skin, the pliability of her flesh, the firmness of her youthful, nubile orb, and how her rubbery nipple seemed to get even harder with the contact. I took a sharp intake of breath and involuntarily applied pressure, squeezing her soft tit. I then felt gooseflesh erupt under my palm.

Helena, her hand still atop mine and pressing my palm firmly against her chest, let out a satisfactory groan. "Yessssssss..." she breathed.

I had to chuckle to myself. She looked up at me questioningly, wondering what was suddenly so funny. "Another way the two of you are so damned alike. When there was something she wanted," I explained, "she was every bit as tenacious and relentless as you."

She smiled happily at that, but her eyes were still hooded with lust. "That makes sense," she said huskily. She leaned up and began to kiss my neck. Feeling the warmth of her breath and the soft pressure of her lips drove me almost mad. "Show me," she breathed from just under my ear between one kiss and another.

"Show you what?" I asked as I gently squeezed her breast again.

She placed her lips right next to my ear and whispered, "Show me what all three of us have been missing."

That flipped the switch for me. All of my control, all of my resolve, melted away like ice under the hot sun, leaving behind nothing but the vapor of reason. I pulled back and tore off my shirt in a matter of seconds. As soon as the garment was gone, her soft hands were upon my skin, raking her nails across me as she leaned forward to resume kissing my neck and collar bones. My other hand joined in the assault on her breasts, kneading and plying them with my fingers. Occasionally, I would pull on her engorged nipples, pinching them lightly, twisting them and then palming them.

My daughter cooed under my touch while she continued to shower kisses upon my torso. In the way only a lover could, she rolled herself down back onto the bed with her facing up while pulling me over her so that we could both pleasure each other's torsos simultaneously, our bodies inverted and growing feverish with every scant contact of flesh.

We kissed our chins, our lips, our necks and roaming hands. When my lips first fastened upon one of her delectable nipples, her back arched achingly in response and her hands snaked to my back, raking her nails over my skin while she inhaled sharply. My own hands were gliding softly up and down the sides of her body, from her hips to the top of her rib cage, firmly enough not to tickle. I could hear her breathing become ragged and her heart thump proudly from behind her bosom, driving me into a higher state of passion and adulation. In my mind she was both Helenas, my old lover and my daughter, and the perfect recipient of my unchecked love.

I traced further down her body with my lips, kissing her abdomen, her belly button, tracing the fine hairs that led down to her steamy, redolent sex. I hadn't even gotten there yet, and I could smell her wetness, strong and pungent, memories of that scent coming back to me anew, drawing me like a moth to flame. As I continued my journey across her skin and toward her mound, I felt her hands pushing on my hips to slide my sweat pants off. I kept planting soft, loving kisses all around her sex without actually making contact with it while she worked at getting my own lower half naked.

When my pants and boxer briefs were finally off, I pushed myself up onto my hands and looked downward, past the valley of her slightly heaving breasts. She stared up in wonder at my phallus, her hands just inches away from it. I could feel her warm breath on the tip of my cock while she visually explored it. She kept staring at it in reverent silence.

After watching her do nothing for a moment, I said, "Well?"

"It's big," she breathed.

It wasn't really. I mean, not that big. Bigger than average, but not immense. Many years ago, when I was a young man, I'd measured it at 7 ½ inches. I saw no reason why that should change, so I expect that's as big as it'd ever get. As for thickness, which is where the real money is, I'd rate myself as being "pleasantly plump." No one ever complained about it.

"You worried or scared?" I asked her in genuine concern. "We don't have to-"

She tilted her head up just enough to get eye contact, the tip of my penis almost comically hiding her nose. "No! I'm not scared, Dad!" she said. "I'm just... impressed. Now, get back to what you were doing. I liked it." I obeyed her order and buried my face back into her groin. "Meanwhile," she added, "I think I'm gonna get myself more acquainted with the thing that made me."

"Objection!" I said, my voice muffled by her flesh. Technically, my sperm was used to make her, but it was devoid of any aspect of my unique genetic code. Only enough DNA was left in there to assist with cellular mitosis and developing baseline human traits, but virtually nothing of "me" was in her.

She ignored my objection and wrapped a small hand around my shaft, testing its feel, and began to move it around experimentally. "I've never seen one this close up before..." she said with wonder. Then she tilted her head back up to look down at me. "Is it always hot to the touch like this?"

I returned her look and smiled wolfishly. "Only when my daughter's handling it."

She moved my swollen member back and forth a few times, testing how it moved and felt, before she was finally staring down the business end of it. "I've seen this done tons of times," she said softly, "but this is my first time. Please forgive me if I screw it up."

Before rejoining the splendor between her own thighs, I simply said, "Just remember: no teeth. Beyond that, just follow your instincts. They'll tell you more than you thought you knew. If your only focus is on bringing pleasure, you can hardly do better than that."

With that, I focused on doing exactly that for her. Over the last twenty years, I hadn't been a complete shut-in. I had been with other women, just not in any sort of meaningful way. Dalliances and one night stands, mostly. But I was hardly a horn dog, either. It had been three years since I was last with a woman like this. Some things, fortunately, are hard to forget how to do right. I kissed and licked around her mound, coming into direct contact with her labia only a few times. I wanted to work her up and enjoy the experience.

For her part, Helena decided to pay proper homage to me. She ducked her head down just enough to gently kiss the underside of my shaft, right at the base. "Lover." Then she fastened her lips a bit higher up for another soft kiss. "Husband." A bit higher now. "Father." I picked up on the motif and figured I knew her next move, so I got ready to start the fireworks. I hovered my tongue over her swollen clitoris, licked my lips and, just as she locked her luscious lips around the head of my cock, I sucked her love button between mine and began to flick it gently with my tongue. A few seconds later, she released her lip lock on my cockhead and gasped out, "GOD!"

After that, we both assaulted the genitals before us with wild abandon. She had either done a lot more "studying" than she let on or she was a natural at oral pleasure. Either way, I wasn't one to complain about her efforts, for they were considerable. I gave her my best attention possible, trying things that I knew worked with her mother (and was delighted to learn that were every bit as effective for her, too) and techniques I'd learned later in life. The end result, after several minutes of this, was that both of us were well beyond ready for the next step.

We took a chance to catch our breaths, realign ourselves to cuddle and pet each other and soak in the moment. I held my daughter in my arms, her body warm and soft, her heart beating rapidly with want and excitement. We kissed deeply as lovers for a moment and then I pulled back to look into her eyes with an unvoiced question. She brushed my cheek with one of her delicate hands and smiled at me in consent.

Without saying a word, she rolled onto her back, bringing me with her, and widened her thighs as I sat on my haunches to prepare myself. Looking down at her wet, lovely sex, I had to take a moment to marvel at the view. Her body, in every way and every detail, was as close to perfection as I could imagine. I allowed my gaze to drift upward until our eyes met.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked one, last time. She nodded at me demurely, but her eyes held on to my gaze like a tractor beam, pulling me in.

I forced myself to break eye contact and focus on the point where we would soon be joined. I grabbed hold of my shaft and aimed the head of my throbbing member at her pussy, which was pink and puffy with excitement. Taking a deep breath and holding it, I gently began to push into her. When I was firmly seated and sure that I wouldn't slip out, I looked back up at her face. Her eyes watched my every move carefully, wide and full of wonder, and she softly bit her lower lip as she felt my initial intrusion. I took my time and slowly pushed further and deeper inside her, never letting my eyes wander from her face for any sign of discomfort or pain. By the time I had half of my length inside her, though, she looked anything but uncomfortable. Her eyes seemed to widen more as she became acquainted with the fullness of being coupled so intimately and her mouth dropped open into a delighted little O.

Abruptly, she gasped out, "Jesus, fuck, it's so big!" She craned her neck to look down. "How much more is there?"

I glanced down. "About halfway home, sweetheart," I told her. "And while I'm not one to argue with compliments, you don't have to say that I'm big, honey. I'm just a bit above average and I'm okay with that."

She nodded in understanding and took a few pensive breaths. "This is my first time, Dad. Anything would seem gigantic at this point. Just... keep going, but go slow, please."

"Just let me know if I need to stop let you adjust," I assured her and then leaned down to kiss her.

When our lips parted, she smiled up at me. "And don't forget: I want you to cum inside me. To breed me. I want you to get me pregnant."

"It may not happen the first time, sweetheart," I said cautiously, not wanting to get her hopes up.

She winked at me. "Maybe I know something you don't," she said conspiratorially.

"Maybe you do," I agree and then applied a bit more pressure, pushing my hardness deeper inside her clutching pussy, which gripped me hungrily. Her eyes rolled up back into her head and I withdrew just the tiniest bit and then pushed in again, forcing just a tad more of myself into her body. That seemed to please her greatly, so I repeated the move until, a few strokes in, I was fully inside and our groins came together in completion.

"I can feel you," she whispered. "All of you! Oh God, Dad... this... it's perfect! I wish I could feel like this forever." She reached her hands up to pull me down for a strong, heady kiss. That was when I decided to start thrusting in earnest, which made her gasp out in surprise and bliss.

A few moments of that and she hooked her ankles behind me, to keep me seated while I thrust in and out of her overheated body. While it had indeed been three years since I was last with a woman, I was far from losing control of myself just yet. I wanted her first time to be powerful and special and to last as long as possible. That said, her tightness and enthusiasm were making it very difficult to concentrate. Her hips would sometimes buck and writhe under me, but we found a steady rhythm in due course. Within minutes, she was panting heavily and building up to her first orgasm.